•Few Farmers in United States Shell Oil Company Builds Modern Plant Annual Excursion to Vurnania All-Stars Experiment Station Win Baseball Game Is Set For June 25 Sunday by Score 8-4 Income Tax Needed To Pay State Obligations Anniial School Elections Soon Construction is practically fin­ By Tho*. B. Kay, State Treasurer ished here on the new Shell Oil I did not favor the income tax company storage plant, which is measure* proposed for adoption at located just aouth of the Vernonia the general election in 1926 be­ Trading company. The buildings are cause I considered them unfair and covered with sheet iron and give discriminatory. I was further op­ a very neat and attractive appear­ John Jacob Astor Statioa at As­ Oragon-Anierican Giant* Defeated posed to them then for the reason ance. toria Conducting Experiments In Fast Game With Newly Or­ that I thought the adoption by the One building will be used for state of Oregon of an income tax Adapted to Oregon Coast Dist. ganised Tow Team. the office and warehouse for small law of the tenor of the two mea­ The annual farmer* excursion to A large crowd attended the first sures voted upon would be deteri- cans of oil and supplies. The gar­ the John Jacob Astor experiment game played by the newly organiz ­ age has a capacity of two trucks, mental to the interests of the state and the cement floor in the gar­ station, near Astoria, will be held ed Vernonia All-Stars, when they at large in that, if they had been were vistorious over the Oregon- adopted, Oregon would have been age is sloping, for convenience in Saturday, June 25, this year. The large gaso­ These excursions to the experi- American Giants Sunday on the the only western state with an Recommenda Favorable Vote On washing trucks. line tank, which now contains an vment station have been quite help­ local ground* by the score of 8 income tax law. The adoption of '* '-State Incoen« Tax June 28; aleo average of 10,000 gallons, la cap­ ful, especially to those living in to 4. Few errors marred the hot­ either of the measure* submitted H. M. Condit is Retiring Director the western part of Columbia coun­ ly contested game. able of holding 30,000 gallons. at that time in my opinion would of High School Board; O. S. Consolidaticn of Government The All-Stars, who are scheduled have a de'terrent effect upon the W. H. Lee, who has been driving ty, as the experiments carried on Poynter of District 47. the local shell truck for soma time, at this station are adapted to con­ to play a game at St. Helen* this .establishment of new manufactur­ That which benefits agriculture states that the personnel of the dition* in the coast district of Ore­ Sunday, have written a number of ing and industrial enterprise* with­ contributes in a large measure to station has not been definitely an­ gon and thia includes a considera­ team* to arrange conteat* through in the state. Two school elections have been the summer. The manager state* the well being of the world in gen­ nounced yet, but two men will be ble part of thia county. Notwithstanding this fact I now called for this month by the direc­ At the experiment station at this that from present indications, the believe that the present income tax tors of Union High school district eral. If agriculture ceases to be employed here for the present, and prosperous, the world will suffer. it is likely that a third will be time there will be an opportunity local team will play in Vernonia law to be submitted to popular No. 1 and school district 47 to to inspect the experiment* that are about half of the Sundays this vote on June 28 next should be be held June 27 and 30, respective­ Marketing, credit, transportation, added in the near future. taxation and production, all are The gasoline pump at the sui­ being carried on in connection with Summer, and if local folk* turn approved. The condition of the ly. One director and a clerk are to factors in the agricultural problem, tion has several uses. It can pump forage crops, which include the out as well for the remaining finances of the state of Oregon at be elected for district 47, and one but with the farmer well organized from the tank car to the large various pasture and hay mixtures, game* as they did for the first the present time calls for emer­ director for the high school uis- to protect his industry, he would tank or vice versa. It can also soiling crops and root crops. There one there will be no difficulty in gency relief and warrants the en­ trict. not now be carrying an unjust pump from the tank to the truck will be an opportunity to see the keeping the team intact. St. Hel­ actment of a reasonable law to O. S. Poynter, chairman of school share of the tax and transporta­ in case the gasoline is so low that Ladino clover, which has proved en* will play a return game here provide necessary revenue for state district 47, is the retiring member quite successful as a pasture crop July 10. tion burden, and would be enabled gravity pressure is insufficient. purpose*. I consider the terms and of that board. He stated a few on the tide-lands, and other forage The lineup: to dispose of his products at provisions of the proposed income 0.-•A. Giants, 4 tax law fair and reasonable. While months ago that he would no; con­ prices that would net him a profit. Vernonia-Miat Mail Route plants which have proved of value. All-Star*, 8 are a number of soiling crops Laird SB Mackel the objection that Oregon would be sider re-election to the board, but ‘ Government reports show that Changed to Daily Service There being grown, including several var­ Nance 2nd Scott the only western state with an in- he may have been prevailed upon only 28 per cent of the population by friends who wish to see the ieties of vetch, field peas and Jap ­ McGregor Johnson of the United States is now on 3rd cume tax law would still exist if The Vernonia post office was Kotula the farm, whereas 50 years ago the notified Monday that the Vernonia- anese barnyard millet. N. Machem the present measure is approved by same directors stay in office, to P 1st Randolf the people, the proposed law is re-consider his objections to being rural population embraced 85 per Mist star route, which haa been There will also be an opportun­ Drorbaugh If Bradley nevertheless much more equitable a school director of this district. cent. The unprosperous condition a three-times-a-week route, will ity to inspect the various root Hollyfield II. M. Condit, who is the retir­ of agriculture and the vacating of after June 20 be a six-times-a-week crops, which are being grown, in­ Linn cf Frinkee in its provision* than was the pre­ a G. Machem vious law in operation in Oregon or ing member of union high school much land has caused a slump in route. All patrons living along this cluding a number of varieties of Gravens rf Voila those voted upon at the November district No. 1, has been ranter farm values estimated from 15 to route are advised by the postmaster mangels, rutabagas, turnips and Taylor Smith election. The. exigency of the non-committal as to whether »lie • 20 billion dollars. Add to this the that they may take advantage of carrots. There will also be an op­ P estimated lose of 10 billions in farm box delivery by providing regulation portunity to inspect the station Summary: Strikeouts, O.-A. 8, present situation render* impera­ would accept re-election to the of­ products, we find that agriculture boxes. herd, which is being handled ac­ All-Stars, 10; wild pitches, O.-A. tive the passage of laws which will fice for another term. Many are of the opinion that is would be a since the Wbrld war, has sustain­ The daily mail service to Mist cording to the best farm practices 1; hit by pitched balls, O.-A. 2; provide the fund* with which to ed a loss greater than the total is the culmination of efforts in that and especially for the maintaining double play, Linn to Nance, All- pay state obligations based upon good policy to keep the present debt of foreign nations to the Unit- direction instituted by the Chamber of the high production of tlio herd Stars; base* on balls. All-Stars, 3; legislative appropriations in excess membership of the board intacc for some time, and it is expected that ed States. of current revenue. during the drier part of the season. two-base hits, Nance and Scott. of Commerce last winter. Mr. Condit will be nominated to The income tax law together Government reports also show The plan of the excursion will Elliott and Brusard were um­ succeed himself. with the companion measure pro ­ Williams-Bateman. ■' that distribution and transporta- be to leave Columbia county early pire*. Much satisfaction has been ex­ viding for an amendment to the Sbn take 70 per cent of the con- The wedding of Shelia D. Wil­ Saturday morning, June 26, and constitution authorising a property pressed for the work of the pres­ * sumer’s dollar, leaving an average liams, 18, and Orel T. Bateman, assemble in front of the Astoria Shingle Market Shows '»x levy in December 1928, of ent school boards, but with remun­ of only 30 per cent for the pro­ 23, was solemnized yesterday af­ hotel at 10 o'clock, at which time Sudden Improvement 98,(00,000 plus six per cent there­ eration nil and responsibilities ducer. The farmer then pays a ternoon at the home of the bride’s the excursion will leave promptly major portion of his 30 per cent father, Robert William*. The cer­ for the station, which la located With wholesale prices of shingles of lew estimated receipt* from In­ many it is often difficult to elect to the tax collector and money emony was performed by Justice of about 4 mile* south west of As­ remaining practically stationary for come tuxes during the year 1929, capable citizens to such an office. “leader. toria. Bring your basket lunch with the past eight months, a sudden and authorising for ensuing years At such a time, retiring directors the Peace P. Hill at 2 p in. Farm Relief Mrs. Bateman was a graduate of you, which you can eat in the grove' rise was experienced recently when a successive increase at the rate often say, “We have done our the Johnston & McGraw Shingle of six per cent, less estimated share, it is others’ turn now. ” . A« a relief to agriculture the the 1927 ilasa of Vernonia high at the station. All those expecting to go are company sold two cars, wholesale, receipts from income taxes, would McNary-Haugen bill has been be­ school. Mr. Bateman is assistant fore congress for several sessions, postmaster of the local post offiee. requested to advise the county at 30-cent advance in price, for provide tlio necessary revenue*. Enforcement Officers These measures, if approved, would Stage Liquor Raid Here and was finally passed by both They left immediately after the agent’s office as soon as possible, perfects. H. E. McGraw stated that he1 serve the further purpose of reliev­ the house and senate at the 69th ceremony to drive to Covington, so that an estimate can be made Alleged liquor law violators and session, but was voted by Presi­ Okla., where Mr. Bateman’s par­ of the number that will accompany believes this is the first indication ing to a considerable extent the ,tax burden on real property. The the entire town of Vernonia were the excursion. dent Coolidge on the grounds that ents reside. of a decided improvement in both burden, in fact, would be shifted to given a surprise Monday night J'it ware class legislation and was C. L. Bateman, brother of the the shingle and lumber market for income* received by persons who when a group of 15 enforcement A. L. Fenner Opens -; unconstitutional. groom, was best man, and Mrs. Lo­ the near future. He stated that I had hoped that the president lita Bateman, matron of honor. On­ Central Garage Here before long he hopes to add an at present are paying little if any officers visited the city, * l'aided 'Of th* expense of state govern­ three places and made eight ar­ < t would sign this bill and allow it to ly relatives and close friends were ■> A. L. Fenner, who formerly con­ extra shift at the shingle mill here. ment. rests. Simultaneous attacks were ' > be.oeme a law—unless decided un- present. They are expected back ducted the Fenner Radio in Ver­ It should be distinctly borne In made upon the Commodore hotel, • constitucional by the United States from their honeymoon in about 30 nonia, opened the Central garage Now Up-to-date Map of * mind, however, that unless both the New Willard hotel and Sam’s ■ supreme court. Not that I th >ugh* days. Saturday at its former location on ___ Western’U. S. Issued the income tax act and the meas­ pool hall. Floyd H. Lindberg and ■ it. a oure-all for farm problems, Bridge street. He plane to rent ure providing for reestablishing th* Samuel G. Newton, each of whom , but because it would have proven Lulu Bennett Haa Narrow The Oregon State Motor associa­ property tax base are both concur­ is held under bail of (1000, were storage space, sell gas and oil ' his intentions were good, and if Escape in Car Accident and give service in battery work tion haa just issued for distribu­ rently adopted the financial condi­ arrested at (he pool hall. ( the law did not bring rhe relief the tion the most up-to-date nap of tion of th* state of Oregon will Lulu Bennett, small daughter of for the present. At the Commodore hotel, where supporters of it hoped, it could Mr. Fenner state* that he may the western United State* for th* remain aa at present and th* state the agents broke down the front ' later be amended and made ef- A. Bennett of Vernonia, bad a usa of the automobiliat that has fective, but as long as there is narrow escape from passible fatal take the agency for an automobile yet been produced. This map is will be required to borrow from and rear doors to gain entrance, later, in which case he will have outside sources in order to pay Viol* Chambers, Baid to be the . Be law there is nothing to amend. injury Saturday evening, whan bn prepared with the . idea of allow­ proprietress, M. Willoughby, Geo. The tariff laws have been amended crossing Bridge street from the a display room constructed in the ing the recreational centers of the current expense*. building for exhibition and demon­ In my opinion these measures Snipe and Edith O’Connell, were many timos at the behest of mans- Majestic theatre io her father’s western United State* and is issued stration purposes. constitute th* only present solution, taken into custody. The propriet­ faeturers to meet changing con- store she was struck by an auto­ under the sub-title “The Play­ to the financial problem with which ress is under bail of $1500, Snipe, : ditiona. Could not a farm relief mobile driven by M. Murray and Nestucca River Should ground of America.” the state is confronted and for $1000, and the others, $750 each. :■ bill also be amended if it did not dragged for a short distance before The map shows eleven states and Be Kept Closed For A that reason I give them my support. Mabel Ryckman, held under bail the car could be stopped.* afford th« relief asked for? Time To Net Fishing two provinces in Canada and la so of $1000, and Baubette La Rue, While near the center of the With a net of nearly a million It prepared aa to show ell mein trav­ Incom« Tax Or A Higher whose bail was set at $750, were .. people from the farms last year street a friend called to the girl, To the Editor; eled highways. These highway* are Property Tax For State arrested at the New Willard hotel. can we wonder that those left are whereupon she stopped and turned The Oregon State Sportsmen’s in turn marked to *how the var- around, failing to notice the ap­ of Oregon Expenditures? A small amount of moonshine cl demanding that some Belief be af­ proaching car. She was struck by association is composed of affilia­ iou* type* of »urface*. whisky and beer was seized. forded before they, too, are forced ted dubs whose membership com­ Which shall it bs, income tax All national parka ar shown and The eight arrested were brought to give up their hornea and sacri­ the front bumper, which she caught prises men in all walks of life, -1 the various roads carry the United or a higher property tax on your to Portland early Tuesday morning with her hands, and was dragged fice the cavings of a lifetime? who have a keen interest in con­ States markings as given by the homes, farm* and all other asses­ for a short way before letting go. and lodged in the federal ward of Traasportation serving snd protecting one of the sable property, whether It brings the Multnomah county jail. Transportation of farm products The automobile wae soon stopped state’s most important assets, the federal bureau of roads.' River* and s net income or not? mountain ranges are shown and Sa one factor in the problem of ag- and the little girl was picked up pleasures of outdoor life. 'r Attend Pioneer Meeting Home owners, farmer* and pro­ the map shows everything an auto­ from near the center and behind l ticulture that often spells the dif­ The 1927 legislature, after a mobiliat needs to prepare a rout­ perty tax-payer* will have a chance Rev. G. W. Plumer of the Evan­ ♦ the front wheels, quite generally ference between profit or loes. thorough investigation and hearing to decide for themselves at the gelical church of Vernonia was the Farm products are nearly all heavy bruised but with no bones broken. all arguments presented, psssed a ing in anyone of the states. coming election whether we shall principal speaker at the annual The aicident was described by The new Fraser River highway with a relatively low value, and bill closing the Neetucca river to have an income tax to stop the meeting* of the Nehalem Valley bystanders as probably unavoidable, is shown and as this is the first with railroad schedules based as net fishing. Ths small group of net yearly increase of property tax lev­ Pioneer association, "held at Birken- they are on weights with little Mr. Bennett stated that he was fishermen—about fifty-three 1 n Canadian highway to cross the ies for state expenditure*. feld Saturday. Among those who extremely grateful that it was not Rockies, this feature alone has or no attention given to the value number, who were affected by this The Morning Oregonian and attended from Vernonia ware Jud­ of the commodity, it places an un­ worse. law invoked the referendum on caused a great many requests front other* succeeded in leading tho son Weed, Alvin Parker anil Mrs. due portion of transportation char­ the measure and same will be other states for the map. voters to repeal th* income tax Sarah Spencer. J. M Clark 73 Suaday To show the thorougnuess with before the people had learned what gee on farm p* odsets. Th* business mesting was held A birthday party wae held at submitted to the voter* of the which the map was prepared, the the income tax would do In re­ in the morning, beginning at 19 As an example: The carload the home of J. M. Clark of Ver­ state fer their approval or rejec­ motor association sent to each duction of state property tax levy. a. m. After a picnic dinner at freight rate on apples from Ore­ nonia Sunday on the occasion of tion at the special election to be state and province a blue print gon to New York is about 80 cents The same bunch with added rein­ noon, the program was held. Tne his 73rd birthday. Those present held June 28, 1927. The ballot a box, and in order to secure cost were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phillips, number is 322 for closing the of the map after it was finished, forcement tried to put over the meeting adjourned at 4 p. m. asking that the various highway infamous Dennis resolution prohib­ of production to the producer they Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Clarke, Mr. stream and 323 against closing. Rev. Plumer at Chamber Meet must sell for at least <2.00 per and Mrs. E. R. Clarke, Mr. and For many years the Nestucca departments inspect the map ana iting th* levy of on income tax Rev. G. W. Plumer was the prin­ box. At this price the transporta­ make correction*. After these cor­ for fifteen years but were over­ Mrs. Frank Sexton of Corvallis, Lil­ river has been a favorite stream tion charge is two-I if th* the value rected blue print* were returned whelmingly defeated at the last cipal speaker at the regular meet­ lian Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Warren, for hundreds of families, especially of the product. there came a number of compli­ election; regardleaa of the large ing held by the Chamber of Com­ in the western part of the state. visiting from Corvallis. merce Thursday noon at the Hos- mentary letters asking far copies slush fand by the tax exempt Now, let us take a man lfactvred The grandchildren were Roy, The good resulting from this valu­ shoe cafe. He stressed the need of of th* map after its completion article of light weight and rela­ able recreational opportunity 1* in ­ By this time the people had Dorothy and Vida Clark and the and commenting upon the thorough­ learned what the income tax had more moral support of the local tively high value, say an $8.05 calculable. great grandchild, Lysle Clark. pair of shoes, in cariota, the freight Investigation discloses that the ness of its preparation. done in regard to reduction of churches by the Vernonia business X>n a pair of shoos would lit only A red side trout was caught in use of net* by commercial fisher­ The map la a product of the state tax levy on propeaty; there­ men. The next meeting of the chamber will be held Thursday, a few cents, as the weight is Rock creek Tuesday by W. C. Eich­ men in the Nestucca river tends map department of the Oregon fore they refuted to be mislead. , small. The value, however, is high, man, local pioneer, which measured toward ultimate extermination of State Motor aaeor lotion and will The Income tax would have pass­ June 23. and the shoes cocli easier pay the close to 20 inches in length. Mr. salmon and steelhead treat in this be followed by a aerie* of new ed at the last election if than Burford Wilkerson has returned 80 cent freight charge than the Eichman states that it is a new stream. These barriers make it al- strip maps, the information for bad been only one income tax from Pacific university at Forest Please turn to page 2 variety of fish for these waters. Please turn to page 2. which ia now baing prepared. Please turn to page 8 Grove fo7 the summer vacation. . Geo. A. Palmiter Makes Annual Report at State Grange One Director ta be Elected For Each Board Favors Farm Legislation Eleclions on June 20,27