VERNONIA EAGLE ing automobile to the back of what was supposedly a runaway NUMBER 2 horse. Collier performed the stunt successfully to the entire satisfac­ which was long tion of everyone, with the possible exception of tne horse. THE CACTUS FLAT CATAMOUNT VOLUME 1 Thursday, June 9, 1927, thrilling episodes contained in Her­ ANDREW CONSTABLE bert Brenon's current Paramount Andrew Constable, who was kill­ production, God Gave Me Twenty Cents,” which comes to the Maj­ ed May 28 at the Inman-Poulsen logging camp when struck by a estic on Thursday and Friday. falling snag, was buried May 31 in Skamokawa, Wash, He was 53 Parabase Motor oil — 100% pure She entered the florist’s shop 1 years of age. with her two newly found dimes, paraffine base.—adv. gave them to him, took a rose A catching coop is of use on A can or barrel large enough and started out. Half-way down the poultry farm when fowls the street, she heard shouting dir- to hold a weeks supply of grain treated for lice, vaccinated pre for ectly behind her. Lookin,; back, in each poultry pen saves time chickenpox, or when ________ culled grad­ she could see the florist motioning and labor. A slanting top prevents ed or moved. It saves labor vz:th and gesticulating. At the same the fowls from roosting on It. less danger of injuring the fowls. time, a policeman started running toward her, gun in hand. Panic- stricken, the girl flew to the first THE NEW haven she saw, the protective sha­ dow of neighboring warehouse. She gave way. She heard shots being fired, felt herself falling and— That's just one of the many LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor Civic Pride j up the steps like an infuriated Gillmore’s dog, Some of the big town papersi tiger and stamped the fire out with past overdue. have been bragging so much about his feet. Golf Course in Full Blast their civic pride that it is time for Local News Bearcat Boone, president, pro- this fearless journal to fling their llorsehide Hopkins returned from boasts back irtto- their very teeth, San Francisco Tuesday with a load 1 moter and genera] manager of the I Cactus Flat golf course, reports No town has more civic pride of hooch for the local markets. that the course has been whipped than Cactus Flat. The loyal citizens Ebenezer Squills, who has just into shape for the tournament in of Cactus Flat have more civic pride to the square inch than the returned from a business trip to > which Squaw Valley will cross citizens of any city, town, hamlet, Los Angeles, reports that a woman mashies with Cactus Flat for the gimlet, or whatnot in this or any killed her husband in that charm­ unfledged championship of the Salt ing frontier village a -few days ago Grass Belt. other country. him over the ’ head * The course is laid out over a For three years past a group of v by ‘ lamming -• our loyal and tax-fearing citizens with an axe. There was some talk graceful incline, which slopes up the gentle ridge of Wild Hoss havfc - met occasionally on the post­ of having her arrested. Mescal Bill of Roaring River was Mountain and glides sedately in­ office steps and discussed ways and means of chopping the weeds in Cactus Flat Tuesday. He was to the western portion of Hog-eye off of the main street to beautify accompained by his wife and Jog. Haines' cow pasture. Bearcat says the course is equip­ the town, Of course, nothing ha;- Pugnose Raley, who has been been done yet, but it shows civic acting in the capacity of bouncer ped with all of the up-to-date ac- | TO HOLDERS OF pride just the saqie when we meet for a San Francisco roadhouse, cessories, including bunkers and en m'sse and talk it over. It has been chosen to coach the Cac­ tees, but they will be a bit short showi’ that we are willing to* get tus Flat high school football squad on greens until Hog-Eye’s wild mustard bursts into bloom, Also together in a free and unlimited next fall. EXCHANGE OFFERING OF NEW discussion of civic needs. Lon Duncan was arraigned be- there is an alarming paucity of TREASURY BONDS We have any number of loyal fore Justice of the Peace Wheel- hazards as this fearless journal citizens whose names are lesion, right Monday. He was charged with goes to press. The only hazard they have at the present jotting is a who can harangue for an hour on synthetic gin. Notice i* riven of a new offering of UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS, ninety-foot well near the seventh dated something they want the other l'el June 15, 1927, and bearing interest Mrs. Mescal Bill has completed per low to do, and if that is not the and annex to her chicken house, hole, which is a dry well on ac­ from that date at the rate of cent. The bonds will mature in twenty acme of civic pride, we take off capable of housing four hens and count of there being no water years, but may be called for redemption after sixteen years. in it, and which the intrepid greens our hat to what is. a rooster. Second Liberty Loen bonds will be ac- committee took the top off of in eepted in exchange at par. Accrued i.i- Battling Delano of Whiskey Slide order to provide a suitable hazard. tercet on the Second Liberty bonds of­ fire Hole Busts in Twain fered for exchange will be paid as of and Knockout Richards of Cactus Bearcat says the matter of haz­ June IB, 1927. The members Of the Cactus Flat Flat will come together Saturday Second Liberty Loan bonds have been ards has been given considerable Volunteer Fire Department were called for payment on November 15, 1927, night at the Elite Grill in an egg­ thought by the members of the and will cease to bear interest on that filled with chragin and heart an­ eating contest. Holders of such bonds who desire club and that discussion has waxed date. to take advantage of the exchange offer guish Friday night at the fire in The readers of the Catamount rife on occasions, but the only should consult their bank or trust com­ building. The intrepid fire fighters will be glad to learn that Sousa's pany at once. The exchange privilege will be available for a limited period pr+|y> ing Livery Stable, which was start­ band is featuring a piece of music thing that has been agreed upon and may expire about June 15th. is to stretch Borne barbed wire in ed when some miscreant, whose Further information may be obtained hat our esteemed townsman, Mes­ from banks or trust oompaniee. or from name is suspected by the police, cal Bill, has been fiddling for a the tall grass for tbe players to any Federal Reserve Bank. trip over. This stroke of genius dropped a lighted cigarette In a number of years. A. W. MELLON. was thought of by Lawyer Liall, pile of shavings where a number Cliff Gilmore returned . from San Secretary of the Treasury. of our prominent citizens had been Francisco Sunday, where he spent and the treacherous barbs will Washington, May 31, 1927. put into play on the morning whittling industriously for several | Saturday night and three months’ fore the meet. gained con- hours. The fire had wages. siderable headway and had already Social News Templeton Twiggs, of the Devil’s consumed the greater part of the i >en country, played four aces two Centipede Clark requests us pile of shavings when the five de- ’lands in succession in the poker state that on account of an partment arrived and tuned the ame over the Lightening Livery expired sentence of 30 days, he water full blast on the stricken Stable last Saturday night. The will not be able to lead the grand building. The •nirepid fire fighters deceased was a respected member inarch at the big ball at Whiskey had no more than got the water of his community. Slide Saturday night. The reud< to squirting good when a rotten Hog-cye Haines says that the of the Catamount will sympaihk place in the hose was split asunder new corn on his place is almost with Mr. Clark in his dilemma. by the mighty impact of water taking his weeds. When Th. Honeysuckle ,Twin<, against its bare sides, tendering Centipede Clark has announced (By Wampus Pete, the Silver Pen-; the hose unfit for further use. that he will enter his celebrated ned Poet of the Sierras) When the hose burst a mighty hooch hound in the dog show at When the honeysuckle twines itself silence prevailed for an instant, Dinbua next fall. around a hickory stump, for the Lightening Livery Stable And the pale moonbeams gleam Seemed doomed. The oj«l landmark Rakes Hills for Bandit down upon the verdant plain, stood grim and gray and gaunt Search for a gunman who dur­ and appeared to send out a mute ing the past month has twice It is then I’ll take my ducky-darl­ ing sugar-lump, appeal for help. The situation was threatened the lives of pedestrains And I’ll kisa her upturned lips desperate. For the first time since on the road which runs up Wild- the organization of the depart­ eat Canyon, was started yesterday just once again. Chora. ment the gallant and intrepid fire­ by Constable Twist Newton and When the honeysuckle twines, men were thwarted. However, the his intrepid posse of brave deput- In the golden punkin vines. magnificent and imposing structure ies. When it was reported to Twist was saved by the -heroic action that the gunman was seen a few Then I’ll take my peachy-weachy sugar lump; of one man, Prof. Flyleaf Adkins, miles further up the road, our While the lone old owl goes who, taking the bit in his teeth; intrepid constable hurried back to ‘‘Hoot!" I will kiss her on the and his life in his hands, sprang town to collect the license on Cliff Pure Cane snoot, When the honeysuckle twines itself around a hickory stump. SECOND LIBERTY LOAN BONDS Hot Plate Vaporizer W ill Give You More Miles per Gallon More Power----- Smoother Operation Less Carbon Easier Starting Less Crankcase Dilution Bring in your Ford today and let us put one $9.00 Installation Extra. Crawford Motor Co I Distribution ‘Without Waste Savings Effective June 10 to 13, Inclusive Sugar hOronite LY SPRAY flies-mosquitoes, roaches &,moths.etc. OIL COMRANY OF CALIFORNIA G ilby M otor C o . « OAKLAND, PONTIAC, CHEVROLET, STUDE • ... BAKER Goodyear Tires 15lbs $1.00 The Majestic Screen innovation has arrived. A movie director has been found after a search which puts Diogenes' famous man-hunt to shame, who does not insist that all the extras in his carbaret scenes be attired faultlessly in evening clothes. The director is Melville Brown, “ and the picture ¡ b “Taxi! Taxi!” which comes to the Majestic thea­ tre Saturday. "Costuming” African natives or others in photoplays of African lo­ cale is not as complicated as an historic romance, according to Ger­ ald Grove, technical director of Sam E. Rork's photoplay “The No­ torious Lady” with Lewis Stone, Barbara Bedford and Ann Rork featured. The production comes to the Majestic here Sunday. William Collier, Jr. lays no great claim to being an athlete, but he performed a feat of which any pro­ fessional stunt man might have been proud during the filming of First National’s "The Sunset Derby” the current feature attraction at the Majestic theatre Monday. The stunt consisted of leaping ■ from the running board of a mov- 100 it»$6.39 Coffee Skaggs white lb. 1 3 Brcoms wrap Monarch light, good quality— 45c $1.33 lbs. 1 6 Big K Genuine hard wheat— 49'b *$1.89 Shrimp American Beauty Brand, excellent quality, 5 oz .tins— 4 for Pastry Lilly White Malt Syrup “Blue Ribbon 49c 1 can 85c Butter 49'b *$1.79 Safeway Label 2 Pork and Beans lbs for Fancy Blue Rose 83c 10 lbs Wesson Oil Campbells l“rge cans tins 5 18c boxes 49c Snowdrift 4 lb. tin 98c 81b. tin $1.95 batches Flour for Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 25c quart size 1 45c can 69c 45c Market Features FREE—TROUSERS Hams Small Eastern, Sugar Cured Half or Whole During the month of June we will give an extra pair of trousers free with each suit order, and six month* free pressing. Cleaning, Pressing and Repair---------------------- Reasonable Prices VERNONIA CLEANERS & TAILORS Bridge street, next to Lincoln Candy Kitchen Phone 391 S. Wells Picnic Hams 4 to 8 lbs. 2 4 lbs. 65c lbs. Pot Roasts Young Beef