i Entered at Vernonia, Oregon, Postoffioe as Second-Class Matter. Pioneers To Have Reunion i Lon¿-Iime Residents ot This Section to Meet Saturday VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1927 Reithners To Leave To­ morrow on Extended trip Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reithner and son Ralpb will leave tomorrow on an extended trip, which will last about two months, according to Mr. Reithner. They will travel by train, going to California first, where they will stop in San Fran ■ cisco, Lus Angeles and San ioiego. 'they plan to take a short trip in­ to Mexico and then cut across the southern part of the United States to El Paso, Texas. Paso they will go to From El 1 Chicago, New York, Cleveland and then to Huron, Ohio, where they formerly lived for some time. Mr. Reithner states that their plans are nut definite us to Stopp and schedules, Ralph Reithner was a recent graduate from the Verno­ nia union high school. He plans to write letters to the Eagle from time to time giving descriptions of the various places they visit for the benefit of local readers. Miss Louise M. Kepim will man­ age Reithner’s store during the ab­ sence of Mr. Reithner, Vernonia Girls Become Brides in Double Wedding Team Reorganized; Will Play Sunday » Statement is Mad« That The Team Caravan Will Start From Imperial Will Play Thi* Summer Withost Hotel in Portland nt 9:30 This Solicitation of Contributions. Morning; Sea Columbia Herds. Vernonia baseball enthusiasts have stirred up enough interest among local players to again, or- ganize team, which will play the first game of the season Sun­ day against the Oregon-American Giants. The new team will be Are Invited To At- AU Fio! known as the Vernonia All-Stars. tend Annuel Get-together To It was particularly stressed Lewis Laird, manager, that Renew Old Acquaintance,. t team thi* year would ask po do- nations from local I merchants aiid others to pay the players, They The annual pioneers reunion for will rely upon gate receipt« alone this section of Oregon is scheduled for remuneration. for -Saturday, June 11, and will Hearty cooperation of local base- foe held in the gymnasium of the ball fans is asked here for Sun- Biykenfeld school, Festivities will day, when the game between Ver- start at 10 o’clock in the mum ing. popip teams will be played on the Folks* Will remain for dinner and a program in the afternoon. local diam°n4i D. W. Freeman says, “A public Dr. Lara way Take» It is expected that the lineup invitation is extended and we trust Special Training Sunday will be composed of Mc- that a social good time will be Gregor, Kotula, Nance, Drorbaugh, Word has been received from Taylor, Hollyfield, Thomas, Graven had, which will serve to perpetu­ ate the memory of the old pion­ Andalusiak, Ala., that Dr. T. W. and Smith. eers who opened up the dismal Laraway, formerly city health of­ wilderness and made it habitable ficer of Vernonia, is taking Dr. A. E. Keller’s place as health of­ Final Examinations For to an appreciative posterity.” ficer of Covington county during Eighth Grade Start Today Many members of the original Dr. Keller’s absence of a few days. association have passed away, but The final examinations for the Dr. and Mrs. Laraway have baen eighth grade will be held today it is estimated that about 80 sur­ vive, and efforts are being made at Montgomery, Ala., since May 1 and tomorrow in thf yarioiu dis­ to have many of these as possible where Dr, Laraway has been work­ tricts of the county, with the pro­ ing with the International Health gram as follows: attend this meeting. board under the Rockefeller foun­ Thursday morning: Arithmetic dation. They left Portland April Grade School Teachers 16 on the Admiral Schley, stopping writing, Oregon history, Selected For Next Year at San Francisco one day, and Los Thursday afternoon: History Spelling, agriculture. The school board of district 47 Angeles three days, to visit frlendB Friday morning: Physiology, Ian and see the state. They went to has announced that although a few guago. of the teachers' have not yet signed New Orleans via Southern Pacific Friday afternoon: Geography, civ contracts for next year, they be­ and stopped for a short visit, reach- il government, reading. lieve the personnel will include the ing Montgomery May 1. About July 1 they expect to following instructors: Principal 0. A. Anderson, Mrs. return to Oregon by boat, com­ College Poultry Farm Elsa Knowles, Mrs. Alta Nell, Ed­ ing through the Panama canal, «nd Gives Hatchery Figures win Condit, Mrs. Mabie Graves, will probably be located at Reie- burg in county health work. Hatching result« obtained, in the Miss Alice Eaton, Mrs. Mabel Nic­ hol, Mrs. Helen Austin, Miss Len- Surprise Party on Anniversary. 1927 «eason, by the poultry de­ prs Kizer, Mrs. Ethel Ray, Miss A surprise party was held In partment of the Oregon agrlcul- Pearl Krause, Miss Gladys Jory, honor of Mr. and Mrs. RobL Spen­ tural college at the experimental Mrs. Pearl Wilkerson, Miss Bessie cer on the occasion of their 15th farm are as follows: McDonald, Miss Ruth Taylor and wedding anniversary Sunday by From 2529 barred Plymouth rock Miss Beatrice Anderson. The last relatives and friends, A pot luck eggs incubated 1374 good chicks three will be new instructors. dinner was served under the beau- were obtained, or 58.2 par cent tiful maple trees at the Spencer of all eggs set. Fertility was 87.7 per cent, dead germs 8.1, cripples j Headlight 1* Dangerous farm. 1.2, dead in the shell 14.2. the couple were In the afternoon “The most dangerous situation From 2281 white leghorn eggs facing the motorist today is the re-married in a most pleasing man­ glaring headlight and spotlight" ner by Reverend Plumer of the incubated 1478 good chicks were ob­ said A. E. Shearer of the Oregon Evangelical church. Those present tained or 66.2 per cent of all oggs State Motor association. “Visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lindsay set. Fertility was 91.8 per cent, from all coast states comment up­ and family, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield dead germs 8.1, cripple 1.2, dead on the dangerous condition attend­ Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. P. in the shell 15.8. O. Mellinger and family, Mr. and These figures do not in any ing night driving in Oregon. “The last two sessions of the Mrs. E. S. Thompson and family, sense constitute a record, says F. legislature have attempted to cor- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Reese and fam­ L. Knowlton, poultry husbandman rect this evil and the second ef- ily, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Webb and at th« college farm, but they are fort became a law only a few family, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Mowe considered satisfactory for pedigree and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. hatching. days ago. Every chick was individually pedi­ “’Hiere was a decided difference Cameron and family, Mr. and Mrs. pf opinion as to the advisability R. C. Stanton and family, Mr. and greed and many interested family and efficiency of the law as passed Mrs. C. S. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. and individual characters were re­ by the 1925 session and as a con­ W. A. Hodge, Mrs. Ella OConnor, vealed. From a pen of barred rocks sequence it was not enforced and Mrs. L. Rogers, Mrs. Gladys Mor­ of two old hens and 13 of their motorists disregarded it. The law ton, Mrs. M. J. John, Mrs. A. R. 2-year-old daughters 282 eggs were as passed by the last legislature Stanton, Mrs. Treharne, Miss Em­ incubated and 322 good ehicks hat is one on which all authorities erald John, Mrs. Sarah Spencer, ched, or 78.7 per cent. This re­ and sult, Mr. Knowlton believes indi­ agreed and it is highly desirable Rev. G. W. Plumer, and Mr. cate« that the two old hens, which that this law be enforced by all Mrs. A- M. Stratton. showed good hatchability previously law enforcement agencies. Mri and Mrs. A. D. Moe of “Night driving in Oregon has Hood River, who have recently re- have passed that charaeter on to been given a bad name in neigh- turned from a 10,000-mile auto­ their daughters, as it was hoped boring states but if the present mobile tour of the United States, they would. From five white leghorns and law is enforced, this condition in which one month was spent In should rapidly be remedied. Florida, were accompained by their eight barred rocks a 100 per cent son R. W. Moe of Hood River hatch was obtained. From 14 white Mr,. Watt,’ Mother Pa„e, and John Humfeld Jr. of Parkdale leghorns and 11 barred rocks a on a week-end visit with their son 90 per cent or better hatch was Mrs. C. R. Watts was called to Mark E. Moe, and Mrs. Moe. Mr. obtained from all eggs act. McMinnville last Friday on ac- Humfeld is a brother of Mrs. Moe. All of the chicks hatched were produced in the poultry depart­ count of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. H. K. Nissen who I R. M. Aldrich left yesterday for ment’s main breeding experiment, *“ Fiov arrival. arrival ’ ’ Spokane, Wash., to itiunJ passed away soon after her sttend a a meet- to increase the profitable laying Mrs. Nissen was a mother to Wil- ing of the Pacific Northwest Advis- age of the hen to four or more liain and Christina Nissen who are ’ ory board, which is composed of years. To attain this rigid culling well known in this community. The railroad representatives and ship­ of the flock is practiced for egg people of Vernonia extend their pers. At their meeting today they record as well as hatchibiiity and sympathy to these families who will discuss shipping problems. Mr. weight of the eggs, and the weight have losf such a devoted and Aldrich stated that this is the firsí and broodiness of the fowl. All Christian mother. of these meetings he has been able breeding hens. whose eggs did not hatch 50 per cent of all eggs set to attend. , during the season have been culled. Rpbinson Sell* Nepripsper. A Correction. The chicks that did hatch from In an announcement of a mar- these birds are also to be culled Ashland, Ore., May 27.—Paul Robinson has sold the Ashland Am­ riage in last week's Eagle the out because the department does Evelyn not desire to continue blood of were incorrect. erican to C. J. Reed. Mr. Robinson names was formerly editor of the Verno­ Dübendorf became the bride of hens whose eggs will not give nia Eagle. He takes possession Leland Thompson. at least a 50 per cent hatch. immediately. Mr. Robinson will Teddy Leavitt, his wife and chil­ enter the-newspaper business else­ dren and his father «nd mother where soon. Mr. Reed intends to surprised the congregation at the Josephine Corey, daughter of make extensive improvement* in Christian church Sunday by ap­ Mr. and Mrs. A. Corey, and Joe the paper. pearing just as the services were Elias, who has lived in Vernonia begun. Rev. O. L. Curtis would a short time, surprised their many Ober* t-Hof f man. Mies Pauline Obenrt and Henry not allow him to be a spectator but friends here thia week by announc­ Hoffman were married at Vancou­ prevailed upon him to deliver the ing that they were married in Van­ couver, Wash., Saturday. address. ver, Wash., June 7. Birkenfeld Is Designated VOLUME 5, NO. 44. s Guernsey breeders and enthusi­ asts of Columbia county have been specially invited to join with the Guernsey breeders of Clatsop coun­ ty in the “Guernsey Gaieties” the three-day tour in the lower Col­ umbia section on June 9, 10, 11. Columbia county breeders will join the tour as it passes through Columbia county, the morning ■ of June 9. The caravap will leave the Imperial hotel at 9:30 In the morn­ ing. Lunch will be served at the T. J. Graham farm near Marsh- land at 1 o'clock. The caravan will arrive in As­ toria in time to enjoy a salmon feed given by the Astoria Cham- her of Commerce at 7: o’clock. The second day will be spent visiting th* Guernsey herd* in Clat­ sop county. It will hegln with a visit to the John Jacob Astor ex­ periment station and end with a clam bake at Seaside. Noon lun­ cheon will be served by the wives of Clatsop county dairymen at the Natal grange on the Lewis and Clark road. The third day will be spent on a trip across the Columbia river to visit the Guernsey herds of Pacific comity, Washington. At nooh the caravan will be the guests of A. L- Gile of Chinook. Charles S. Keith is Against Income Tax On June 5, at the home of the brides’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rosa of Schofield, occurred the marriage of James W. Fest to Miss lara W. Rosa and B. W. Barton to Miss Wilma S. Rosa. The ceremo­ ny w was performed by Rev. R. M. Hood at 2 p.m. The bridesmaids were Mieses Erma Brady and Nel­ lie McNew, and the groomsmen were Carl Thompson and M. Ski- ane. The house was beautifully deco­ rated with sweet peas and roses and the brides carried bouquets of rose buds. After the ceremony a delightful luncheon was served, af­ ter which the young couple* de­ parted to their future home*. Mr. and Mrs. Barton will make their home at Norton, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Fest will reside at Vernonia. The many friend* of both couples joined in wishing them many happy and prosperous years. Those who attended the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brady, Mr. and Mrs. Kqewt Haney, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Whitaker and son, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miskininus, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Aglesby, Mr. and Mrs. Brady and childrem, Mr. and J. R. McNew and children, and Mrs. Wm. L. Duren and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bor­ ton and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wyn- core. Misses Erma Brady, Nellie McNew, Gertrude Whitaker, Leone Boggis, Hattie Sandy, Katherine MiskiminB, Katherine Wyncore, Ma­ rie Jabluuski and Lillian Waddle. Mrs. Chai. Sandy, Mrs. Geo. H. Duren, J. Cramer. D. Miskimins, H. Miakimlns, M. Skene, C. A. Thompson, Earl C. Oglesby, Frank Sandy, Carlos Wymore, J. Graham, A. R. Cramar, J. Fest, P. Fest end C. Fest. Folowing is an extract from a letter to the Oregon Voter from Charles S. Keith, President of Cen­ Evangelists Start Series tral Coal & Coke Co., of Kansas of Bible Lectures Here City, the company which built and J. K. Fish, evangelist, will be is operating the huge mill at Ver­ nonia. In his letter Mr. Keith says: assisted by R. M. Gardner, song leader and boy preacher, in a ’*W« were the early stages series of Bible lectures here, which of developing our investment in started yesterday. A large tent has Oregon In 1923 when we were told been erected at the corner of that the state legislature bad adopt­ First and Maple streets, next to ed an income tax. We were assur­ where meetings the Legion hall, — rr . — r—-*• ------------- ed that public opinion was so favor­ will be held every evening for able to industrial development that the next six weeks. the bill would be rejected at the polls, and went ahead with our Phelps Buys Nehalem Hotel. development, but the people rati­ H. G. Phelps, who has been op­ fied the measure at a special elec­ crating the Vernonia hotel for tile tion by a small majority of a, past year, purchased the Nehalem small vote. This discouraged us, hotel thia week from Mrs. Ryan but we were in so deep we could iind will run a dining room there not withdraw, although we regretted in connection with the added hotel we had not bought timber outside apace. of a state resorting to the policy Mr. Phelps states that the din- of laying a local tax on incomes Ing room in the Vernonia hotel in addition to the federal tax. How­ had become too small to handle ever, partly aa a result of our ths patronage, and with the added discouragement we are told, a re­ facilities he now expects to ac­ peal bill was initiated, and the commodate those desiring to eat people of the state, at a general at either place. election when a full vote turned out, rejected the tax. We felt Mount Hood Loop Open Friday The Oregon State Motor associa­ this was to be regarded as a Teal expression of matured public opin­ tion advises that the Mount Hood ion, and by that vote we were loop road will be open about June encouraged to make further invest­ 10. The highway department have ments in Oregon. Our opinion had a rotary plow at work for seemed to be confirmed by the the past week and ths road is now general election two years later, clean almost to White Rim. The that of November, 1926, when two above date was set by the high- income tax bills were rejected by way department as the probable the people by substantial majori­ date on which this road will be ties, thia adverse vote carrying with completed. it the defeat of the state officer whose chief issue was champion­ ger is into a Washington corpora­ ship of the income tax. Imagine tion with its headquarters offices our surprise when we were inform­ in Washington, or into an Oregon ed that the new administration and corporation with its headquarters new legislature reversed these ex­ in Oregon. It might be regarded pressions ef the people of the state by the people of Oregon as msking and enacted another state income some difference to them, not only in procuring for their own state tax law. • the residence of the officials and "It is not our proper function clerical help of a headquarters of­ as outsiders to assume to influence fice, but in the prestige of having an Oregon election. It may be re­ such an important headquarters lo­ garded as our duty, as outsiders cated within their state. It is only who already have been tempted fair to the people of Oregon to into making large investments in direct their attention to the fact Oregon and perhaps might be ex­ and to the effect of an income tax pected to make further investments, in thia state proving a factor in to direct the attention of the diverting the lumber merger head­ thoughtful people of Oregon to the quarters from the state. A. state fact that as outsiders we would income tax is an added charge which have hesitated a long time before would have to be carried in this making our original investment had state and would not have to be we suspected the danger of this carried in any other Pacific Coast state resorting to this method of state. taxation. The fact that a state has "It may be argued that an in­ an income tax easily might be the come tax will reduce property tax. determination factor in diverting • Our experience and observation is project like our own, and diverting it is only an added burden.” further expansion, away from the When you serve raisins with a state. “In the pending lumber merger, dry cereal for breakfast, use *he the fact of income tax in Oregon seedless raisins. Wash them and of necessity must be taken into put them in Che oven a few min­ consideration. It might result in utes to dry off and soften. Crisp defeating . our aim. It probably ths cereal in the oven and let makes little difference to the in­ each person add the raisins as he dustry as a whole whether the mer- I wishes to his dish of cereal. O*iier Claims $2 Hate on Each Aaarlment is Excessive Grist of Monthly Bills and Hear­ ing Complaints Fills Two-Hour Session of City Council A I heated argument between the city attorney and an apartment house ■ owner of the new water ordinance recently passed by tbe city council requiring each apart­ ment in an apartment house to pay the minimum rate for water the same as any residence ended by nothing being done except the warning that the water superin- tendent would turn off the wa­ ter in any case where it is not paid in accordance with the pro- visions of the ordinance. Where the owner of an apart- ment house does not have separate water connections for each apai t- ment, then the total bill for the outlet must be paid by one per- son. The owner claimed that an apartment house did not use water in the same proportions that the average private residence did. He contended further that an apart­ ment house should be on a com­ mercial rate the same as a hotel. Figures introduced by the water clerk, however, showed that an apartment house docs average about the same as a private «st­ dense for each apartment, and that a hotel falls far below that amount per room. The owner threatened a law suit to force the city to change the ordinance. The city attorney stat- ed that such action was welcome, and he was backed up by the city council who stated that if the ordinance could be improved they would be glad to do so. Dr. R. I. Hall reported that he had examined the city dump ground, and that refuse was being deposited on private property. He stated that it is possible to con­ struct a roadway into the dump at a small cost, so that persons dum­ ping trash there could deposit it in the proper place. Dr. Hall also asked permission to build a two-room addition to the building he is occupying, which would be of frame structure. He stated that he had bought the lot formerly owned by Mr. Sessman and wished to enlarge his quarters. The council refused to allow the addition, on the ground that it Is contrary to a city ordinance. Dr. Hail later asked if it would be permissible to move the present ■mall structure on the lot to the rear and construct a fireproof build­ ing in front. He was given permiss­ ion to do this. The usual monthly bills were discussed and ^approved by the council. The next meeting of the council will be held Monday, June 20. The first meeting in July fall­ ing on a holiday, the session will be held July 5. Teachers* Examinations Being Held in St Helens The state teachers’ examinations, which started yesterday morning in St. Helens, will continue the rest of the week as follows: Thursday forenoon : Arithmetic, history of education, physiology, methods in geography, mechanical drawing, domestic art, course of study for domestic art. Thursday afternoon: Grammar, geography, stenography, Amerif >n literature, physics, typewriting, me- thods in language, thesis for pro- mary certificate. Friday forenoon: Theory and practice, orthography, physical gio- graphy, English literature, chemis­ try. Friday afternoon: School law, geology, algebra, civil government Geometry, Saturday forenoon: botany. Saturday afternoon: generai his- tory, bookkeeping. Mrs. Julia McNutt and son of Forest Grove, Mrs. Rosa Keasey and son and daughter of Roseburg, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hemman and family of Portland visited relatives in Vernonia last Sunday.