Thursday, June 2, 1927 VERNONIA EAGLE, The mill had a new whistle brought from the company's old mill at Carson, La. The willing workers met wit.i Mrs. C. Dusten at the Christian Mrs. Florence McDonald is re­ church yesterday. Little Margaret Anderson is ported to be quite ill. M. A. Oakes is back in Vernonia home from the hospital and im­ proving rapidly. from a visit to Mosier, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson attend­ How _ good news does spread! General Gasoline is still the best. ed the auto races at Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. V. Green motored Sunday. Mrs. Edith Brinkerhoff of Seat­ to Centralia Sunday. W. Brimmer is on the sick list. tle visited with friends here this E. Bell visited his daughter at week. Paro.base Motor oil—100% pure Eugene, Sunday. Dr. Mary Cole of Eugene is paraffine base. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lloyd and visiting friends here. The Missionary society meet with family are leaving for Hood River this week. Mrs. W. W. Wolff Wednesday. Mrs. M. E. Carkin of Camas, Parabase Motor oil—100% pur? Wash., was a Vernonia visitor Me- paraffine base. Seems to us as though there morial day. Mrs. F. A. McEarron and son are should be another batch of birth- Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Felsman and moving to Vernor ia from her place family will leave today for their between here and Mist. new home in Idaho. I Ice will keep your vegetables Mr. and Mrs. H. o. Dlssmore cool this summer. Phone Davidson's tf spent Memorial day in McMinn- Ice & Creamery Co.—adv. Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Cole are leav­ ville. iiow good news does spread! ing this week for a few weeks Genera Gasoline is •till the best. visit with relatives at Moscow, Ida- Reithner s With the first warm days of summer your thoughts turn to dainty summer apparel and a vacation. piece goods CLOTHING Haberdashery Mats ready-to-wear That Men Will Want For Sumner Our complete stock, ranging in prico from the more moderate to the higher prices, affords am­ ple variety to fit the pocket book and the dress tastes of every man and boy. new pajamas. HATS TIES FOOTWEAR SUITS SHIRTS UNDERWEAR At any rate when yours arrives These are summery days—let us assortment of pies, cakes, rolls, S. G. Ratcliffe started Mr. and let us make the cake and then you hope that they are here to stay cookies, etc. Also Mother’s bread and you can be assured that what­ Mrs. E. E. Graham on their trip can celebrate it fittingly. Vernonia and if they are you, Mrs. House- ever you buy you will receive a by motoring them to Portland Sun­ Bakery.—adv. wil e, will want to be out-of-doors quality product. Let us supply you day. H. M. Barr, an instructor in the a lot to make up in some measure with all your bakery goods and Mrs. G. W. Plumer left Thurs­ Irvington school of Portland, ac­ day morning for Ostrander, Wash., companied by Mrs. E. A. Anderson for the many days you have had we give you always not only qual­ to visit at the homes of her two and her daughter Beatrice, were to stay in during the last few ity, but service and cleanliness. Ver­ weeks of disagreeable weather. sons and their families. visitors of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. When you are out enjoying your­ nonia Bakery.—adv. The girl reserve class of the Anderson on Monday. self you need not worry about There is one freight car for Christian church gave their teach­ Dr. Ella Wight returned Tues­ rushing home to bake for the fam­ every 45 persons in the United er a handkerchief shower at her home May 26. She left for Boise, day after enjoying the graduation ily. Here you will find a large States. Idaho. r exercises of Hillsboro high school, Good, clear ice now being made at which their daughter Miss Vir­ ginia Wight received her diploma. in Vernonia. Phone Davidson’s Ice Piles and Tonsils can be remov­ & Creamery Co.—adv. tf SPECIAL NOTICE—We wish to ed by Electria Dehydration. No inform our many customers and cutting, bleeding, or loss of time. I friends and the public in general Ne v process. Dr. M. M. Mackey, VERNONIA’S PROGRESSIVE STORE that they will no longer be able 209 Panama Bldg., Portland, Ore- j gon. 424 ’ LEADERS OF STYLE AND QUALITY to purchase Mother’s bread of any You know how hungry you get kind Yt Skagga Safeway store. Skaggs now sell exclusively bread when you go on that picnic or shipped to them from their own fishing trip. You need a lot of bakery in Portland. You can ob­ sandwiches to appease that appetite tain Mother’s bread from all other and for delicious sandwiches that stores or from our bakery which will retain their freshness for a is directly across the street from long time, use Mother’s bread in' the sandwich loaf size or our sweet Skaggs. Vernonia Bakery.—adv. I Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Graham left buns are equally as good, Vernon- We ask that before you decide on your sum­ Sunday for Mississippi to visit ia Bakery.—adv. mer wardrobe you will call and let us show you friends and relation. They expect Last' Thursday evening a number the latest in— to stay about two months and then of members and friends of the return to Vernonia. Evangelical church gave Rev. and Wm. ....... Fiala will leave Vernonia Mrs. G. W. Plumer a reception. I today to seek a new location. His ! i They all reported a very enjoyable also in family are still here and expect time. Light refreshments were serv- to move later. He was formerly em- ed. ' ployed at the Crawford Motor com- [ H c Rone„ optOmetrist and] It will be a pleasure to assist you in making pany garage. I eye gpeiiaijjt, wj]i i,e in Vernonia I your selection. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hartzog and Monday, June 13> and will make; You will do doubt want a few pairs of— .laughter recently arrived here from j re?u]ar visita thereafter. Louisiana and are living In the Ha wiu receive patientg at the I Felsman home in the Riverview die- offibe of Dr M D Cole Have j We are showing beautiful new shades of nile, tr*ct' I your eyes examined. 432 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. White J , maize, orchid, tea rose and blue at $4.50-$5 up. . - . . w. _ . Dr. Ella Wight on her weekend and family are leaving Vernonia I ..... today to visit Mrs. White’s sister | visit to Hillsboro and Portland took in the last dance of the gamma 1 near Hillsboro. chapter of the Sigma Phi Kappa | There has been a change in­ Very heavy quality of rayon at reasonable prices, augerated in the mill program, fraternity of which she has been' Sealpax undies, guaranteed to give satisfaction. Hereafter the day and night crew a member for years. Whether you order bread from will change places every 60 days, After this week’s shut down for ybur grocer or buy it personally' I m 1< for Mother’s Bread and accept ' repairs. That you will delight in wearing, styles, the very Mother'. other. In Mother ’s Bread vo,, you C. McDonald, Mrs. J. A, Me , no other. latest in pearl gray, rose blush, blonds, black Donald and Mrs. W. McDonald get all that anyone could put into visited Sunday with Mrs. C. Mc- a loaf of bread to make It good. patent and many others priced from $4-25 te. Donald and Walter McDonald, who The finest spring hard wheat flour $9.00. We also carry a large line of arch shoe*. that money can buy, and all other are in the St. Vincents hospital. Let Reithner’s assist you in being well dressed. Walter McDonald had to have an- ingredients are equally as good. adv. Our Scotch double loaves are ‘ ......... -— I’ other piece taken off his leg where gaining in popularity daily and it was amputated before. Mail orders filled same day received. Misses Eve and Lottie Carter of there . is a reason. Just try them Phone 801 Vernonia, Oregon Seattle, Wash., visited over the and you will know why. Vernonia week end with their grandparents, Bakery.—ady. Mr. and Mrs. A. Tisdale, days coming along here pretty soon. A few weeks ago we made a birth­ day cake almost every day, but birthdays seem to have run out ho. Sealpax underwear New shipment of summer apparel has just arrived PEOPLES STORE ru ÿ’SSMZKlMSHSKEKXKS: 2ZHXMZg Mil -- ---------------- «inaiati___ Hoffman Hard ware Co. rSPECIAl. SALE Shoes Classified Advertising Miller Mercantile Company FOR SALE SIX-WEEKS-OLD PIGS for sale, June 9. Mrs. A. B. Counts. 423 H X H H uy now—only a few sets of each—No more at these prices when these are sold 3 P-ere Cutlerv c t 25c 85c h Butcher Knife 3T Slicer ............ H Z - $1.75 3 Piece Kitchen Set Large Butcher Knife ... M Kitchen Fork ............... 3! Medium Butcher Knife N H X H H W N •: $ FOR SALE—4-room house. Make payments like rent. Will accept a car as part payment. Square Deal Garage. 35tf 2 Piece Slag Horn Handle Carving; Set $2.00 $ WORTH $2.00 OR MORE—OUR PRICE— See Hoffman About It H n What a Joy to Jump in with a good all woll swimming suit that really fits—Ladies and Men’s sizes—$6.00.—Royal Court all wool suit*.—Cadet size, ,$3.00, Ladies and Men’s, $4.50. Web-foot swimming suits.—all wool Cadet sizes. $3. Ladies and Mens $4.50 FOR RENTr—2 room house. 542 3rd street. 431* FOR RENT OR SALE—Unfurnish­ ed 4-room, modern house, 658 Third street. E. S. Cleveland. 422* FOR RENT OR SALE—4-room fur­ nished house, one block from Bridge street. E. S. Cleveland. 422* “IT PAYS” The Suit That changed Bathing to Swimming FOR RENT ALL THREE FOR— ! t CORVALLIS HILLSBORO MeMiNNVILLB MONMOUTH NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Suc­ cessful boarding house of 12 rooms. Old established business. Can be kept full all the time. Excellent location. Will take 4 or 5-room house as part payment. Selling on account of ill health. Apply of Mrs. Webster at 641 First street, Ver­ nonia, Ore. tf404* FOR RENT—Light housekeeping rooms. Also large, airy bedroom, rs. Black. 422 H H $1.00 50c PURE BRED white leghorn setting eggs for sale, $1 a setting. Also 3-months-old pedigreed police pups, $25 each. Lod McDonald, phone 5151, Vernonia. 414* FOR SALE—Two houses, one 4- room and one 2-room, along rail­ road track below Rose ave. in Ver­ nonia. Address H. L. Westerman, Yamhill, Oregon. 398* Stainless steel—ALL THREE FOR— X Si H STORES AT •TCRES AT Ladies Bathing Cap* Straw Hat Weather is Here Sailors—With Snap and Style, $2.50. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED — Position in private home or anywhere, for ■ uni ng or taking care of children, Inquire at Eagle office, or write Mrs. B. E. Edwards, Vernonia, Ore. 36tf STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted. Mothers with children preferred. Write C. A. Morgan, bog 334, Bux­ ton, Oregon. tf WE CAN FIT YOU •j FOUND—At Legion hall after dance Saturday night, one um­ brella and pair of ladies overshoes. Call at the Eagle office. WORK WANTED—By woman day or hour, any kind. Inquire at Eagle office. 432* 15c, 25c, 35c, 65c. “rr- •11. Panamas—Light and Cool, $3.00-$3.50 a s* Gordon Hats » » Every Day Bargain Day * Millers Way Ì? VERNONIA'S LEADING STORE Butterick Patterns