VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, June 2, 1927. PRAYER:—Thou knowest, Lord, I that the tongue can no man tame. VOLUME 1 LAURENCE LOCKNEY, Editor NUMBER 1 Bring our thoughts in accord with thine, and our tongues will speak FLOODS STILL RAGE IN CACTUS FLATIANS REVEL MISS CREME DE MENTHE only wisdom. IN COOLING POTIONS DEVIL’S DEN COUNTRY ENTERTAINS LAVISHIL How are the steps of a good man Gimlock Jones, of the Devil’s Den Miss Creme de Menthe, one of A monstrous and gigantic cake of directed? io«, weighing one hundred pounds country, was in Cactus Flat Monday our budding society bells, entertain­ Answer, read—Psalm 37:23, 24. fahrenheit, was received jointly by after a barley sack to stop up a ed the members of the Cactus Flat the Mett Market and' the Palace of hole in the levee which he said Bridge Club Tuesday afternoon, at Forest Grove—Western Oregon Bans Saturday night. It was hack- threatened to let the flood break which time it was explained to ed in twain with Horsehide Hop­ through and swamp the residential several new members of the club Packing corporation will raise $15,- kins’ crosscut saw and delivered Im­ district of that famed metropolis. that trumps were used solely' for 000 building fund. partially to the two respective pur­ Gimlock said the ditches are full one to trump one’s partner’s ace. chasers. The cake of ice came by to the brim and if the water keeps An elaborated luncheon was served SUMMONS train »nd was met at the station by rushing down from the mountains between hands. Spring flowers and In th* Circuit Court for the State the gophers and bullfrogs will have greasewood fern adorned the lunch­ a coraon’’ of Enthusiastic citizens. of Oregon for the County ot eon tables and a goblet of foam­ The 50 pound chunk which was to take to higher ground. Columbia ing root beer was anchored at each Katarzyna Jablonski, taken to the meat market was put SOCIAL NEWS plate. After the dainty luncheon in the big dry goods box which is Plaintiff, Rattlesnake Ike has just finished used as a refrigerating plant, and making a new batch of imported had been devoured the club mem­ vs bers adjourned to the back porch several hunks of freshly killed cow Scotch whiskey, which will be placed Adam Jablonski, to continue the play, but the card were wedged in with it. Defendant, on the market just as soon as he game was abandoned with any fur­ To Adam Jablonski, above named■ The manager of the Palace of can get the bottles labeled. ther action, as they had forgotten defendant: Beans took his half of the ice and whose deal it was. LOCAL NEWS In the name of the State of Ore­ put it in his huge ice chest, which Horsehide Hopkins, who built a NOTED ORATOR WILL ORATE gon, you are hereby required to1 he had made out of the derrick capacious one-room log cabin on Prof. Flyleaf Adkins, principal appear and answer the complaint when the oil company went broke, :and an Sunday the soda fountain in his lot nine years ago, is going of the Cactus Flat high school, is filed against you in the above suit the Palace of Beans was running to chink up the cracks in same preparing to deliver an address to on or before six weeks from the the senior girls on “The Three date of the first publication of full blast. This is the first time when he gets time. Hog Eye Haines, who is farming R’s—Robin,’ Ridin’ and Rouge.” this summons, to wit, six weeks the soda fountain ' has: been In op­ from June 2, 1927, and if you fail eration for two years, on account a large plot of ground in his back EB. SQUILLS WILL to so appear and answer said com­ of its being too hot in summer to yard, says that his cucumber vines GROW CORN MAYBE plaint, for want thereof the plain­ have' codd drinks without ice, and are being attacked by green aphis, Ebenezer Squills, who is farming tiff will apply to the court for the in the winter time when ice is black nphis, brown aphis, pink ap­ this year on the bonnle banks of relief demanded in plaintiff’s com plentiful there is an alarming pau­ his, pink aphis and range cattle. Ebenezer Squills lost a valuable Mud Creek, near the growing me­ plaint to wit: city of demand for cold drinks. The For a decree of absolute divorce manager of the Palace of Beans cow the other day by bloat, and tropolis of .Whiskey slide, reports also laid in a supply of straws he has been going around since that the young com on his place dissolving the bonds of matrimony and 'a rushing business was carired with a sad look on his face like a is now almost as high as the weeds heretofore existing between plaintiff on all day Sunday. Several of our man who has just finished reading and at the present writing the and defendent, awarding plaintiff leading citizens tanked up to capa­ the funny section of a Sunday two bumper crops are having quite all of the real property owned by a battle for supremacy. Mr. Squills plaintiff and defendant in Wash­ city on the cool and refreshing soda newspaper. Centipede Clark was in an auto­ who has made quite a scientific ington county, Oregon, for the sum water and it was a gala day for pur thriving metropolis. mobile smashup at the crossroads study of agricultural farming says of Nine-Hundred and Seventy-five near Cactus Flat last Saturday that the land in the Mud Creek dollars, and for such other and night. He was unhurt except for country is not adaptable to both further relief as to the court may BAND WILL MEET Weeds and coni at one and the seem meet and equitable. The Cactus Flat Silver Cornet the loss of an eye and few ribs same time, and that usually it is This summons is served upon you broken. Band will hold a rehearsel Wed­ Miss Roseola Hicks, who has been nip and tuck between the weeds of by publication for six consecutive nesday night in the poker room the growing season, but that fin­ weeks in the Vernonia Eagle, in over the Lightening Livery Stable, selected to play the part of Eve ally the weeds win the battle by pursuant of an order of Hon. John in a pagent called ((The Dawn of Director Fred Price states that a reason of their hardy growing qual­ Philip, Judge of the County Court, full and complete turnout » re- Creation,” was seen persuing a fig ifies and their hearty resistance- to of Columbia County, Oregon, made quested, as he has a couple of new tree Monday morning. and entered on the 31st day of Centipede Clark was arrested alien plants. tunes which he learned to whistle It takes more moisture, he says, May, 1927, in the absence of Cir­ Tuesday on a charge of reckless from the radio in the county seat to grow com than it does to grow cuit .Judge of said county. and ha wants to teach them to the driving. He will resume his civilian weeds, and weeds also need less Date of first publication Juns band to be psed in summer concerts. duties in thirty days. Constable Twist Newton left Fri­ cultivation than corn. Corn, how­ 2nd, 1927. Date of last publication Aba Tyler has succeeded in dig- day morning to take up the trial of ever, states Mr. Squills, is of nio.< 14th day of July, 1927. gingi the bird’s nest out of the the bandit who held up the filling value on the markets of the world Lester Sheeley, bell of bis baritone, which he left station Wednesday night. He was and brings a higher commercial Attorney for Plaintiff, hanging up in the barn for several accompained by a swayed-off shot- price. The corn has bpth proteams Residency and postoffice address, and galleries, says Mr. Squills, Vernonia, Oregon, months, and he expresses his in- gun. whose spn has stqdied chemistry tention Of being on hand with a The big cactus plant in Fatty for a couple of week» in high full complement of wind. Hooper’s back yard had one of its Harry .Mooney, Cactus Flat's bass spines bent whe'n Fatty backed his school, while the weeds are ab- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON drum virtuoso, has had the drum­ truck into it, and Fatty called in solutely devoid of these two es­ FOR THE COUNTY OF head repaired where the horse step- the chiropractor from the county sential essentials. The weeds run COLUMBIA mostly to saliferous solubles, says ped thrtugh it. Harry says that seat to get it fixed. Mr. Squills, which have no food It sound* as well as ever, only the JESSIE EDITH CAUGHRON, Archimedes Puck, who studied vibrstjon of the patch on it gives portrait painting iri Boston, has lan- value for either man or other Plaintiff. jt a .distinct jazzy flavor, and he ded the contract to whitewash Fatty beast. SUMMONS Mr. Squills says that it is al- 1* afWid he won’t be able to play Hooper’s barn. vs it ito ehnrctl any more. Prof. Flyleaf Adkins requests us: most imposible to produce a good FRED CAUGHRON, crop of com in* the weed belt, and Defendant. Tpb« Wiler busted the bass to announce that there will be no To Fred Caughron, the above string on his boss fiddle and he further night classes at the High . that if it didn’t take so much man­ ual labor and hard work he would named defendant: says ha can’t play again until he School qntjl the horseshoe pitching1 I take a hoe and chop some of the In the name of the Stata of Ore­ gets a new string from the county season is over, ! weeds down, gon: You are hereby required to seat, as the piece of clotheline Rattlesnake Ike make a flying he tried to substitute for a string trip to the county seat Monday Scotty MacPherson has had a appear and answer the complaint is d little flat in tone and Is not In charge of Constable Twist New­ partition put in his gasoline tank filed against you in the above en- a Mt soulful. ton, so it will take jess gas to fill it. titled suit on or before Saturday the 2nd day of July, 1927, said CARE OF SHOES Fuither suggestions as to the France production of the famous date being more than six weeks care of shoes include attention to Jules Verne melodrama "Michael after the data of the first publi­ (From page 1) cleaning and renovating, drying, Strogoff,” which comes to the Maj­ cation of his summons herein, and that; it no longer is worth mend­ oiling and greasing, and waterproof­ estic theatre Tuesday and Wednes­ if you fail to appear and answer ing’. and from $2 to $5 will be ing. Several formulas for water­ day, presents a striking contrast to or otherwise plead to plaintiff’s lost-«by neglect. proofing are given in the bulletin. the civilized magnificence of the said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the A copy of the bulletin may be Imperial Palace at Moscow of Alex­ court for the relief prayed for In ander II, Czar of all Russia in obtained, as long as the supply lasts her complaint, to-wit, for a decree by writing to the United States 1850, which is also a feature of the forever dissolving the bonds of Fastidious department of agriculture, Washing­ huge spectacular photodrama. In matrimony now existing between those days Ozar and Kahn were ton, D. C. plaintiff and defendant; requiring absolute rulers. Their word was law defendant to pay all necessary suit for life or death. The Ozar had money and costs in this proceed­ fifty-three titles including such awe-inspiring ones as "Emperor and ing ,and for such other and further relief as' to the Court may seem Autocrat of all the Russiaa,” "Czar” equitable and proper: He was a tiger of the sea. Slow "Prince," "Lord and Sovereign This summons is served upon you to anger, but a fury when once Prince," "Seignior,” "Governor of by publication for kix consecutive the Hyperborean Regions, ” “ Heir started. See Milton Sills in "Ths weeks in Ths Vernonia Eagle, in Sea Tiger,” at the Majestic theatre of Norway,” “Duke of Schleswig- pursuance of an order of Honorable this week. It is a First National Holstein,” and as officially stated J. A. Eakin, Judge of the Court “many others.” The Grand Kahn picture and it is a corker. by comparison was a petty ruler, for Columbia County, Oregon, made and entered on the 18th day of May, Dorothy Gish stars in "London,” But his power was equally abso- 1927. a Paramount importation to be seen lute, and the trouble his Tartar Date of first publication Thurs­ on Sunday at the Majestic theatre. hordes caused the army of the day, May 19, 1927. Date of last Czar was sufficient to make the The story is an original for the publication Thursday, June 80, 1927. screen by Thomas Burke, author journey of Michael Strogoff through DILLARD & DILLARD, Attorneys These HATS that of “Limehouse Nights.” Herbert his hostile territory one of the for plaintiff. the «mart miss will Wjlcox directed. It is said that the greatest adventures of fiction. Residence and Post office ad­ eagerly w ant, since film is of exceptional interest be­ A daring act or heroism—and dress, St. Helens, Oregon. they ; present a most cause of the authentic London back- the more daring because In spite charming array of the I grounds seen during the story's ac­ of the clicking cameras that re­ corded it, it was real—was per­ tion. newest styles at price* formed by Ken Maynard, cowboy much less than usual. The gorgeous splendor of the star, during the screening of semi-barbaric court of the Grand “Somewhere in Sonora,” his latest Model Millinery Kahn of Tartary shown In full First National production made by color in the Universal-Film Charles R. Rogers, which comes to the Majestic theatre here next week. THE CACTUS FLAT CATAMOUNT THE NEW Hot Plate Vaporizer 11 ill Cive You More Miles per Gallon More Power------ Smoother Operation Less Carbon- Easier Starting Less Crankcase Dilution Bring in your Ford today and let us put one on $9.00 Installation Extra. Crawford Motor Co PORTLAND and good all summer ROUND TRIPS ST. PAUL .............. $77.85 CHICAGO $92.55 NEW YORK . . $153.45 Other peintM in proportion Choice of Fine Trains Yours! NORTH COAST LTD., 9:30 a. m. from Port­ land via S., P. & S., N. P., C., B. & Q., and ORIENTAL LTD., out at 8:00 p. m. via S., P. & S., G. N., C., B. & Q., both following the famous Columbia River scenic water level route through the Cascades, and with co­ ordinated service east of Chicago. Let Us Help You Plan Your Trip • Low Round Trip Fare» to Portland for Rote Festival, JUNE, 13-18th. ~ALDRICH J. J. HOYDAR Agent Gen. Agt., Portland, Ore. FUEGY, Teav. Astoria, Oregon. PORTLAND ORONITE "Kills 'em dead" fl ies.mosqu it oes,roaches,moths STANDARD Oil COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA FLY SPRAY HATS The Majestic G ilby M otor C o OAKLAND, PONTIAC, CHEVROLET, STUDE BAKER. Goodyear Tires FREE—TROUSERS During the month of June we will give an extra pair of trouser* free with each suit order, and six months free pressing. State Laundry Company FOR GOOD LAUNDRY WORK We call and deliver TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS—Leave orders with S. Wells, Tailor, Phone MAin 891 BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER If *dl boat dUfr cMIAm IMM- rtx« « RAIt m I cc /Z m tach caaah. It