Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 02, 1927, Image 2

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    Thursday. June 2, 1927. _
■■■............ ■
j have
continued to manufacture it
Pioneer* To Meet
Bcst Flowers Are Grown
so long.
From page 1
The Nehalem Valley Pioneers
Under Spray Protection
reach of everyone. We are ail |
“With the new Ford we propose Union, will hold, their annual meet­ 1 To produce the largest number
proud of the Model T Ford to continue in the light-car field ing Saturday, June 11, at the Bir­ of desirable flowers sprays care­
If we are not we could not which we created on the same basis kenfeld school gymnasium, begin- fully and intelligently used are es-
of quantity production we have al­ ning at 10 a. m. Vernonia folk ser
sc« rial
¡.lax in
lu Oregon, aa/a
says wu
Don C.
ways worked, giving high quality, are urged to attend th.s mating M(?u entomolo(tUt of th. <xp4)ri.
low price and constant service. We and renew old acquaintances. ii me nt station, even though insects
began work on this new model
pests of the rose are not especially
several years ago. In fact, the idea Dr. Luxad«,, Ey*>i(ht Sp*ri*lut set ious.
•of a new car has been in my "mind ¿m^llere June 6 and ”7.
Among the most pests of leaf,
much longer than that. But the ^^P^All those who suffer from bud and growing tips of the rose
sale of the Model T continued at headache, or have any vision trou- art? plant lice, or aphis. Lice are
such a pace that there never seem­ bles should see a specialist at once. sm ill soft bodied green or reddish
ed to be an opp< rtunity to get the Dr. Luzader will make his next green insects which cluster on un­
new car started. Even now the visit in Vernonia on Monday and j de surface of leaves, growing tips,
business is so brisk that we are Tuesday, June 6, 7 where he can or the rose canes during early sum­
up against the proposition of keep­ be consulted about eye troubles.1 mer. When in small numbers they
in;* the factory going on one model Please make appointment with Mr.1 are controlled by crushing, or
while we tool up for another. I Kullander the Jeweler to avoid brushing off the plant. When pres-
am glad of this because it will not waiting.
i ent abundantly, nicotine sulfate
necessitate a total shut-down. Only
1 spray or nicotine dust controls them.
a comparatively - few men will be
Police Notes
The rose leaf-hopper Is often
out at a time v. hile their depart­
“Tige” Johnson, F. Coleman and more injurious than plant lice. It
ments are being tooled up for the H. Robbins, arrested for drunkness j* on under surfaces of leaves, a
new product. At one time it looked Saturday night, were fined $30 small light yelowish or yellowish
as if 70,000 men might be laid off each on their plea of guilty be- green- insect. The leaf-hopper is
temporarily, but we have now scal­ fore Judge Reasoner Tuesday.*
I smaller and more active than plant
ed that down to less than 25,000
B. Arneson, arrested by Consta- lice and when mature has white
at a time. The lay off will be brief, Me’ Kelly Monday night charged wings. In heavy infestations leaves
because we need the men and we with being drunk and having liquor turn yellow and became thickly
have no time to waste.
in his
¿3 possession upon a public spotted with whitish dots. Control
“At present I can only say this highway, plead guilty before Justice —------ —---------------- ------ ———■
about the new model—it has speed, of the Peace Hill,
;- and was
„„„ ; fined
l „^I |
Oregon exported $83,532,449 in
Constable i merchandise, during 1926.
style, flexibility and control in traf­ $75 and costs. Deputy
1 .
fic. There is nothing quite like it » i Hutchison took Arneson to the coun- I The man who watches a fire is
in quality and price. The new car ’ty jail at St, Helens early yester­ paying handsomely for the spectac­
le, because the costs are distribut­
will cost more to manufacture, but day morning.
ed to men and industries which
will be more economical to operate.
pay insurance premiums, and ulti- *
There are a number of persons mately to every consumer of goods,
Late Local .News
rhe man with a sub-
To reduce automobile accidents.
under 18 years of age who have
and Mrs. Geo. VanAlstine been disregarding the curfew law a concenfiratecl effort must be
stantial savings ac­
of McMinnville were in Vernonia here of late and this will not be made for adoption of proper safety
on Tuesday of last week looking allowed in the future. If you are legislation and enforcement.
count balance is the
after the remodeling of their house. sent home from a dance hall or
man who appears
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. VanAlstine of other place it is your fault. You
McMinnville called on Mr. and Mrs. must have either a parent or guar- Races Evince Marked
Í hc.iv
each day with a hap­
Wilburn Hall and 1 Mr. and’ Mrs. dian accompany you.
Differences in Blood
Dent on Tuesday of last week.
W. J. Kelly, City Marshal.
Racial relatluuships go u good deal
py smile. He knows
deeper than the facial kind. The rela­
Legion Dance Well Attended
daughter to Mon nouth normal col­
tions of the races are literally u blood
his family is fully
lege where she is enrolled for tile
More than 120 couples attended relationship, for the composition of
present term. Sliss Virginia han the second American Legion dance an American Indian’s blood la not like
protected no matter
a record of. three years In high in the new hall Saturday night. that of a white man or a negro, and
what may happen
1 school without being absent or’ Some dififcqlty was experienced there are even differences between the
tardy, and exempted from , exgmi- j with the floor, due
to its having blood of certain European nations.
! nations for high grades, this has' been oiled too soon before the I If a biologist prepares a serum
from the blood of one animal and In-
¡given her an opening for the schol­ dance. Clarence Nance says it is jects
11 Into the veins of an animal
Freedom from finan-
arship to Reed College which her j now in excellent shape and he as- of a different species,
. the serum is
cial worry enables
immediately precipitated—In other
the hop Saturday night. June 4.
words, thrown out. This Is accom-
Showr.r for Brides-Elect
hi mto do his work
pllshed by things called antibodies
Christian Church
about which nobody knows very
A miscellaneous shower was giv-
While we had a very large st­ much.
better, inviting suc-
in honor of Misses Çlara and
There are four ‘‘serum groups,” and
Wilma Rosa, June bruies-elect, at tendance in the Bible school and
we they have a definite relation to the
the home of their sister, Mrs. Roy church service last Sunday,
various races of men—and monkeys.
Brady, Friday. M iny beautiful pre- have very good reason to look for Chimpanzees have one kind of sub-
—vittuK-mans itHve two, souiu
bihrin& Wy- ing .luuuay.
We are going to try to meet the American monkeys have a kind differ­
! more and daughter, Mrs. John __
i Jer and children, Mrs. Harry Wood­ 175 mark and this means that ent from the chimpanzees, and still
other monkeys have neither. In
ruff, i Mrs. ..John Rosa, Mrs. Dave “Each one counts one.” If you are I northern and central Europe there 1*
Pankratz, Mrs. Mary Ohler, Mrs. absent it may mean 174.
one type of blood, further east quite
The pastor will have charge* of another kind, and still another in In­
D. B. Reasoner, Mrs. McDonald,
Mrs. Frank Allen, Miss Erma
dia. But the various characteristics
Brady and Mrs. Roy Brady and plan to bring a helpful message have an odd way of appearing In mix­
children. Light refreshments were to all. Come and receive a wel- tures—showing that the various races
come and worship with us.
of mankind have been mating with one
another for a long, long time.—Prof.
M. Munro Fox In the Forum.
■ - ____ J______
The sermon subjects of Rev. G.
W. Plumer at the Evangelical
Attacking Europe
church next Sunday will be at 11
Courtland Bleecker, the New
a. m. “The Need of Present Day clubman, said on his return
Pentecost.” At 8 p. m. “The Wages Europe:
of Sin and the Gift of God.”
’ Europe Is changed. It’s the
j Please note that the children’s of the profiteer now. The European
day program will be in the even­ profiteer, when he dees you out of
ing of June 19, and the Sunday sb; <1*11 ars for a bad lobster or eight
' school picnic will be one day in dollars for- a near-sllk necktie, will
tell you he’s losing money,- but lie
Sets-Service- Accessories
I the week following June 19.
won’t expect you to believe him. Why
Athletic Club Disband* for Summer In his pride of wealth he won’t want
Tuesday night the ladies athletic you to believe him.
have our office in our home. Look
"The European profiteer reminds me
I club held an informal party as the
ani. r.nae potes in the same block as I final meeting indoors for a time. somehow of Liza Jane Green.
"Ah sut’ny was Insulted last week.’
| During the summer months they
said Liza Jane. ‘When All paid back
| will conduct hikes, picnics, etc., Miss Lil White dat half-dollar wot Ab
every week. After the usual ex­ ••yed her, she done had de nerve to
! ercises, the class played several bile It. Yah. yah. yah! She’s down
Baticry Charging 75c
snappy games of volley ball follow- wlv lead poisonin’ now.’"
j ed by a variety of other games,
| and when all were tired they sat
Kissing Under Mistletoe
We call for, deliver and charge them for $1.00
l down to a delightful luncheon.
This custom originated among the
During the final business meeting early Scandinavians. It Is supposed
See us for Radio Service
all accounts were ordered paid.
to be associated In some way with
A vote of thanks was voted the the killing of Balder with an arrow
May program committee for the ex­ given to the blind Hoder by Loki, the
cellent program put on at their go] of mischief. Balder wus restored
Vernonia agency for the Savage and Easy
party. The first of the out-door to life and the mistletoe was placed
sessions will be Tuesday next when under the care of Friga, and was never
Washing Machines
the class will meet at the O.-A. again to be «n Instrument of evil. The
office at 1:00 p. m for a hike kiss of love and peace under the mis­
tletoe Is supposed to be an assurance
to Pebble creek.
that It will never again be an In­
Medford reports
12,000 auto strument of mischief. — Pathfinder
tourists already this year.
m azures as used for plant lice York State regarding oil bootleg-
ging or the substitution of lubrtca-
d< btroys them.
The appearance of skeletonized ting oils.
foliage in late May and June is
The New York coarta rtcantly
u. tally an indication of rose slug, sentenced a dealer in oils to ninety
a light green slug-like worm about days in the city jail for substitut­
a third of an inch long, which ion of lubricating oil.
feed* on under surfaces of leaves.
Imprisonment instead of fine* has
It is controlled with araenate of a far greater moral effect, the
lead sprays.
Motor Association points out, and
The hose scale infeats the canes the sentence has had a very bene­
of the plant. It
ficial effect on the New York sit­
cular in shape with small raised uation.
yellowish centers. It attaches Itself
to the bark and obtains its food
Notice to Aato Owner*
by sucking plant juices, Time to
the new motor vehicle
control this type of scale is during
the dormant season of the rose. law* which went into effect May
Nicotine sulfate sprays during grow­ 28, Bridge street in Vernonia be­
ing season will aid in checking its comes a main artery and all motor­
ists approaching from any side
San Jose and cottony scale at­ street are required to come to a
tack the rose. All scale insects are stop before continuing on their
controlled in the dormant season way. All autos coming from the
with lime sulfur solution containing I right have the right-of-way at in­
one part of commercial lime sulfur tersection*.
W. J. Kelly, City Marshal.
to 12 parts of water.
Oil Bootlegging Is
Being Practiced
Auxiliary Meeting Changed.
The American Legion Auxiliary
will meet in the Legion home Mon­
The Oregon State Motor associa­
A large *t-
tion calls attention to the preced­ day night, June 6.
ent recently established in New tendance is requested.
Fenner Radio Shop
By F. 0. Alexander
Building Material
Gravel— ,
Drain and Culvert Til
Sewer Tile and Roofin
Priced Right
Vernonia Trading Co
That’s the Woman of It
YES -A nd You'D
etlbu6H To pnv A my .
attea B' ioaj to T h < st .'