Entered at« Vernonia. Oregon, Postoffioe a» Second-Clans Matter, VERNONIA. OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1927. ■A First Ice Made | OnSaturday Davidson's Ice & Creamery Co. How Functioning - XÌ . fc -, ! I . • New, Modern Equipment The New Plant Will Start Pasteur­ ising Milk in About Three Weeks and Will Make Deliveries Six tons of ice were produced in Vérnónia Saturday for the firit time by Davidson’s Ice & Creamery company, the plant of which is still under construction. Daily deliveries are now being made, and will be systematized very soon, according to O. B. Davidson. Although no dairymen have sign­ ed up with this concern for the pastuerization and delivery of their milk, it is thought that they will coon do so, as the present cost iof delivering milk all over the city by the various dairymen is prohibi­ tive. Every milk wagon crosses the paths of every other milk wagon many times each day in the dis­ tribution of this product. It has been pointed out by many that they will receive as much for their commodity as by the present meth­ od, and will save the delivery ex­ pense. The ice and creamery will or­ ganize ' a regular delivery that will bring the milk to the consumers' door regularly. New equipment has been installed that insures clear ice, ■ays Mr. Davidson, and the pasteur­ ization of milk will make it less of a perishable commodity. He told of a test conducted at O. A. C. upon a number of persons who claimed they could tell the differ­ ence id taste between ordinary milk ■nd that that had been pasteuriz­ ed. It was proved beyond question that no one could tell the dif­ ference with any degree of cer- Introducing New Feature Cactus Flat Catamount With this issue the Cactus Flat Catamount makes its appearance. It is a syndicated comic service telling of the news of the frontier towns of hypothetical Cactus Flat. To Vernonia folks the Eagle takes pleasure in presenting the follow­ ing esteemed citizens of Cactus Flat: Introduce your readers to the people of Cactus Flat, Rattlesnake Ike, bootlegger and bold had man of the rolling wastes; Bearcat Boone, barber and horseshoes; Miss Creme de Menthe, society belle; Wampus Pete, the Silver Penned Poet of the Sierras; Lawyer Lilikell, the Plumed Knight of the Wild and Open; Mescal Bill, trapper and backwoods philosopher; Hog-Eye Haines, prominent citizen; Centi­ pede Clark, who hits the high places and paints the town a titian hue; Ebenezer Squills, who farms by jerks and starts; Constable Twist Newton, who upholds law and order if the party doesn't get too rough; Archimedes Puck, artist and sculp­ tor, who does anything from white­ washing fences and blasting roads to painting the portraits and carv­ ing the busts of personages; Prof. Flyleaf Adkins, .who can tender foolish advice with grave dignity and the noble bearing of a hero; Miss Goldie Boone, the foothills flapper, and other personages of local importance. Then we have the village Band, the Chamber of Converse, the Fire Department, the Golf Club, and the several civic organizations which will be always ready to add a touch of humor to everyday life. Vuinonia Churches Many Sattlers Are Hold Union Memorial Coming to Oregon Services on Sunday In The Near Future Women’s Relief Corps and Judson Dairymen From Many Parts of the Weed Present at Services Held Country Are Interested in Locat­ in Evangelical Church on Sunday. ing in This Part of the State. Members of the Christian and Evangelical churches of Vernonia held a union Memorial service in the Evangelical church Sunday morning, when the Women’s Re­ lief Corps and Judson Weed, to represent the Grand Army of the Republic, were present. Rev. A. D. Smith of Portland delivered the sermon. Rev. Smith, whose father had been a Confederate soldier, and whose father’s brother had been a Union soldier, spoke on the beauti­ ful sentiment with which former enemies had now become united as friends and how descendants of men of these former armies had fought side by side for one cause in the recent World war. Rev. Smith is a veteran of the Spanish- American war, and although he denounced war as being worse than foolish, he maintained that the con­ flict in which this country engaged again recently Waa justified for the cause defended, The choirs of the two ehurohes joined in singing two anthems for the service, Portland,-—Special, From Maine to Montana, wealthy farmers are looking to Oregon. Within th* past week, W. G. Ide, Manager of the land settlement department of the Portland and Oregon State Cham­ bers of Commerce, has received let­ ters from men in many states bear­ ing the same import, “We have sold our property here and are coming to Oregon.” H. H. Houston of Penobscott county, Maine, is interested in dairying and poultry farming, bring­ ing at least *5000 or *6000 for purchase of a suitable farm home. Definite arrangements have been made by C. A. Sproul of Kansas, to arrive in Portland the last wiek of July. Mr. Sproul anticipates specialising in poultry farming and expects to invest between *50C0 and *6000 in this industry. General and wheat farming in­ terests H. Kgrdin of Kingfisher county, Oklahoma, wfeo will seek a farn varying from 80 to 640 acres and spend accordingly between *4000 to *10,000. Marius Rolsdorph has sold his interests in Montana, planning to arrive in Oregon by September with available capltol of *12,000, Poul­ try and dairying in the Willamette valley have attracted Mr. Rolsdorph. The fame of Oregon Is not con­ fined to farming possibilities, how­ ever. The growing flax industry is known in Germany whence comes a letter from an expert flaxmaster who desires to establish himself in the flax work in Oregon's mills. Twenty or thirty skilled women flax “swingers" who have worked under this man, Martin Liemanck by name, will gladly come to the Willamette valley also to find places „— .... • -V. Pacific northwest. Daily coreapondence of the de pnrtment continues to increase with the numbers of letters from worth­ while prospective settlers engaged in arranging their affaira to pur chase homes in Oregon. An iaereaa« ingly large percentage of those writing to the department are peo­ ple of means with a serious in­ terest in finding in Oregon a com­ fortable place to live. --------- - ■ ■ - VOLUME 5, NUMBER 43 Ride* For Walker* From I Corvallis Here Were Few Charles Hoffman Jr., Randall St. Clair and Harold Olsen, Vernonia boys who are attending the Ore­ gon Agricultural colege, left with the intention of spending the week end in Vernonia. They caught a ride by car to Salem; and from there they walk­ ed to Portland, where they were stopped by a policeman who ques­ tioned them for being on the streets at that time of the night, asking them why they did not take a stage. They replied that they were “financially unable” to do so, and later stated that had it not been lor O. A. C. emblems on the slickers which they wore to prove they were college students, they might have been detained in the city bastile at Portland for some time, i. On the road to Vernonia they were again fortunate in getting a ride and reached here at 7 a. m. Sunday morning. Robert Hoffman, who had started with a new pair of shoes, had completely worn a hole through one shoe. After rest­ ing up, the boys left Monday morn­ ing for Corvallis, determined not to hire a Btage any of the way. Memorial Day Isjbserved State legion i.ead Muipty and Judson Weed Honor Huesis Legion Homs is CudicaM Vernonia Fortunate in Having G< od Weather for Day to Pay Re­ spects to Deceased War Vet's Memorial day was fittingly ob­ served in Vernonia Monday and the large crowd that attended the various functions were duly gram­ ful for the delightful weather that prevailed. Arthur A. Murphy, siate commander of the American Legion, and Judson Weed, Vernonia’s only surviving Civil war veteran, were honor guests of the city on that day. ■ The parade started at 10:30 n.ra. from the Washington school, which was led by Mr. Murphy and Mr. Weed and followed by members of the American Legion, the Worn o s Relief Corps, Boy Scouts anil iho Out-of-Town Motorist* Twenty-five pupils of the Wash­ school children. They marched to ington and Lincoln grade schools the corner of Bridge and Second Are Rapidly Increasing were neither absent nor tardy dur­ streets and then turned ami march­ An increasing number of out-of- ing the school year 1026-1927. ed back to the bridge over Rock town visitors are finding their way T*iia is a remarkable record con­ creek, where the Women’s Roll-f into Oregon, according to informa­ sidering the prevalence of conta­ Corps held services for the un­ tion furnished by the Oregon State gions diseases this year according known dead. Those participating in Motor association. to Principal O. A. Anderson. Each the parade then sprinkled flowers A. E. Shearer, manager of thj pupil with a perfect attendance on the stream. touring bureau, reports that Calif­ '¡I’.i* march qintinuedi to the record received a certificate of ornia cars predominate but tlu.t award issued by the state department cemetaiy, where services were held cars from other states are finding of education and signed by the over soldiers’ graves, and partici­ their way through the melting Detroit, May 25—Early produc­ snows of the east and north. “The state superintendent of public in­ pated in by the Women’s Relief tion of a new Ford car superior motor association,” said Mr. Shear­ struction, the county school sup­ Corps, the G. A. R. and the Ameri­ in design and performance to any er, “is a clearing house for all erintendent, and the pupil’s teacher can Legion. After the decoration available in the low-priced, light- visitors, as the tourist finds it to The names of the pupils receiving if the graves at the cemetery, a banquet was held in the social ler field, woo announced today by ms advantage to inake a friendly ?>W0P, l8rmulJ>f .A.. .Evangelical church the Ford Motor company. call on his club headquarters up­ Pauline Dial, Leia Beveridge, Rob­ families, and served by the Ameri­ Henry Ford, designer of the car, on his arrival in a strange town. ert Cline, Wilma Gallear, Margaret can Legion Auxiliary and the Wo­ and Edsel Ford, president of the The reciprocal agreement between McDonald, De Loss Powell, Alvin men’s Relief Corps. Company, both stated that within motor clubs affiliated with the Pruitt, Cleve Reese, Charles Mc­ the next few weeks they will give American automobile association, al­ JudBon Weed spoke at the ban- Nutt, Cleo Hall, I,* Roy Cook, iuet on some of his experiences in a complete description of the new lows the visitor in our state to se­ tainity; Ruth Lee, Georgia Van Doren, Ev­ the Civil war and the reactions model. cure the same privileges from our erett Rundell, Budd Cook, San ifterwards. State Legion Comman­ The famous Model T Ford, which club as he would from the club in Demand Governs Quality McGee, Alice Watts, Kenneth Lewis, der Murphy of Portland then de­ still leads the automobile industry his home state. Michael Emmons, Carl Taylor, and livered an address on the aims anil Of Butter Now Produced after twenty years of manufacture, “Members of the association on Bonnie Jean Thompson. purposes of the American Legion (From O.A.C. Experiment Station) will continue to be a substantial the other hand, are granted the -Many of the grade school pupils and explained why these had been If Oregoa consumers were to de­ factor in Ford production, in view same services and privileges in ev­ attended the county eighth grade brought about. He pointed out mand sweet cream butter the prob­ of the fact that about ten million ery state in the union and this re­ graduation exercise* in St. Helens lem of providing good butter would cars of this model are still in use ciprocal agreement has bounu the Selection and Care of Shoe* Saturday. Prizes in the paratie were many reasons why the American Legion is not in favor of war, and will require replacement parts motoring tourists into a coopera­ Subject Of New Bulletin bo solved, say the experiment won by th* city schools of St. Hel­ yet advocates preparedness. ion spécialista. The price would and service. tive group, each determined to see Leather shoes have received much ens, th* third and fourth grade “The Model T Ford ear was a that the visiting club member is After the banquet the crowd then be based on the product that rooms of Quincy, and the rural adjourned to the new American was in the greatest demand, and pioneer,” said Henry Ford today. given every service possible so that attention from the scientists in th* school at Gobi*. Th* Vernonia United States department of agrt- Legion home of Vernonia post. At creameries would be forced to de­ “There was no conscious public he in turn will receive the same culure who are engaged in a study group ate dinner at the Congrega­ the new' flag pole in front of the mand sweet cream deliveries, * a need of motor cars when we first courteousy when travelling. ■of leather and its uses. In study- tional church. Three churches were building, Mrs. Sarah A. Spencer, real poirtt, since milk and its pro­ made it. There were few good B. M. Power of San Francisco, roads. This car blazed the way for California is oiit to see the north­ ■ing the suitability of different used to seat the enormous crowd. speaking for the Women’s Relief ducts are quite perishable. Th* following pupils attended the Corps, presented a large American Oregon grain farmers have the motor industry and started the west country and no matter what leathers for footwear considerable axerciaaa: has been learned about the select ­ movement for good roads every flag to the Legion. Post Comman­ thrown a lot of inferior varieties handicap, Mr. Power is bound to Georgia Van Dor«n, Helen Im- der H. E. McGraw accepted the ion of shoes and the car* of foot­ into the discard, says the experi­ where. It is still the pioneer car accomplish his mission. wear so that it will give the max­ beck, Helen Stockbridge, Luella flag in name of the Legion and ment station, and standardization in many parts of the world which Mr. Power dropped into the Port­ Williams, Maybclle Drorbaugh, Son­ ordered it displayed on the new has progressed wonderfully in the are just beginning to be motorized. land ofifee of the Oregon State imum service. With this information oma Blair, Flora Roles, Grace Con- the department has issued Farmers ’ But conditions in this country have last few years. Some of the variet­ Motor association yesterday and Bulletin No. 1523-F, Leather Shots: dit, Goldie Lindberg, Elida Berg, 'pole. The dedication of the hall was ies at' one time fairly important so greatly changed that further re­ told a story of the way nature Alli* Simmons, Gladys Garner, the last ceremony of the day. Mr. are ndw declared to be as extinct finement in motor car construction had conspired to prevent him from Selection and Care. Fredie Lee Alexander, Vera Goodin, Murphy again made a short Bpeech, An interesting discussion is pre ­ as the dodo, not even specimens is now desirable and our new model seeing the things he had planned sented on the different types ef Virgke Urie, Maxine Blair, Robert telling of a war-time experience being available. It would be a good is a recognition of this. on his itinerary. shoes and their construction. The Riley, Larry Marshall, Everett Run­ of his in no-man’s land. Mr. Weed “Besides the Model T itself, an­ profitable on certain Oregon soils On May 4, Mr. Power was in dell, Marvin Porterfield, Eldon ■nd crops, the experiment station other revolutionary element which ColeElum on the east side of the principal types of sewed shoes are Walker, Tord Berg, Clifford Fiala, expressed great satisfaction that there were organizations existing declares, to improve both quality the Ford Motor company introduc­ mountains and his reservation call­ 'known as “Welted, McKay," or Arthur Lillig, Gordon Smith. which would attend to the proper ■nd yield. Profitable returns call ed twenty years ago was the idea ed for Hm to sail from Seattle for “turned,” occording to th* method observance of Memorial day for­ for thorough drainage, proper til­ of service. Some of the early man­ Alaska on the 5. He battled his of attaching the sole* to the up­ Vernonia Boy* Receive lage. adequate supply Of organic ufacturers proceeded on the theory way over Snoqualmie Pass "through pers. Those that ar* put together ever. O. A. C. Ba nd Awards by wood or metal fasteners ate M. E. Carkin, district committee- mattar, usa of lime in humid sec­ that once they had induced a man about twenty feet of snow” as he "nailed,” or tions and correction of alkalinity to buy a car they had him at their expressed it, and caught his boat called ' "pegged,” Oregon Agricultural collage, Cor­ man of the American Legion, ar­ “standard-screw” shoes. mercy; they charged him the high­ with an hour to spare. vallis, May >1.—Robert Hoffman, ranged the various services aqd in arid regions. The service to which a sho* is sophomore in engineering; Charles programs for the day. Rev. G. W. In putting on supers for extract­ est possible price for necessary re­ He has just returned from his to be put is an important factor ed honey the Oregon beekeeper us­ placements. Our company adopted Alaskan trip and his itinerary calls Hoffman, freshman in engineering; Plumer of the Evangelical church ually ‘experiences but little diffi­ the opposite theory. We believed for him to see Crater Lake on his in selecting footwear. Particular at­ and Elmer Ola*n, freshman In vo­ pronounced invocation at the sev­ culty in getting the bees started in that when a man bought one of way south and this he plans to tention is given in this bulletin to cational education, of Vernonia have eral services. them, ' particularly if the supers our cars we should keep it running do in spite of the snow. He mo­ a description of the different kind* been named eligible for sweaters Must Install Meter* For have drawn combs in them. It is for him as we could and at the tored over the Columbia River high­ of leathers used in shoes and their and amblems for their work in ths Sprinkling, Is Waning R. O. T. C. band this year. They ■ common .practice among some lowest upkeep cost. That was the way during his stay in Portland delative value. "Probably due to the continued To be comfortable, safe, durable, were among 36 students named for beekeepers to place the brood nest . oriein of Ford service. ■nd would have gone around the rain,” said Mrs. E. H. Washburn, which contains the largest amount I “The Model T was one of the Mount Hood loop had time and and attractive, shoes for everyday ■wards at the annual band banquet city water clerk, “local folks have wear must conform to the natufal of brood on the lower story next largest factors in creating the con­ snow permitted. “I would have this year. been slow to ask for the installa­ That the R. O. T. C. band this to the bottom board, then the em­ ditions which now make the new walked around anyway” said Mr. shape of the feet and protect tion of water meters so they may sftys the department. They them, model ford possible. The world­ year is the best in it’s history was pty super, and then on top of that Power, "had time permitted. I had sprinkle their lawns. At pr> sent the hive body containing the least wide influence of the Ford car in to choose, however, between Crater must also provide a firm founda- the opinion expressed by speakers 13 meters have been installed at ■mount ef brood. The queen, if the building of good roads and in Lake and the Mount Hood loop as thing if a few more were as com­ at the banquet Willingness of the residences and we have orders for possible should be in the lower story. teaching the people the use and I have time for only one of those pletely eliminated. band members to cooperate has had The proper care of footwear, much io do with the success in the 20 more, but with warm weather The cherry fruit fly that makes value of mechanical power is con­ tripe and having heard so much of coupled with its intelligent selec­ opinion of Colonel George W. Moses coming on, there will very likely the cherries maggoty in parts of ceded. Nowadays everybody runs Crater Lake, I will drive as far as be a rush in the near future.” Oregon may be expected to em­ some kind of motor power but I can and hike the rest of the way tion, means a reduction of from professor of military science and Mrs. Washbum pointed out that erge with the next continued warm twenty years ago only the adven­ to the lake as I must see it on one-quarter to one-half in shoe tactics. ■ it is now necessary to apply for a bills and at the same time keeps turous few could be induced to AU thre* men will receive these weather epell, and unless promptly this trip.” the feet neatly and serviceably ■wards for the first tim*. The band meter to use water for other than poisoned ‘ will put eggs into so try an automobile. It had a harder shod. Good care includes proiipt will be on* of th* main features domestic purposes, which is clearly Debendorf-Tfeempeea many cherries that when the mag­ time winning public confidence than Evelyn Thompson, 18, became the repair. It is never true economy of th* military tournament here defined in an ordinance recently gots grow up they may pretty the airplane has now. The Model bride of Leland Dübendorf, 20, to wear down-at-the-heel, dilapidat­ Jun* 4, in which more than 1000 passed by the city council. A small T was a great educator in this nearly walk the fruit out of the deposit is required, which will be Tuesday afternoon at the Evangeli­ ed shoes. Such shoes neither pro­ cadets will take part. boxes. The control spray is lead respect. It had stamina and power. paid back to the user after one arsenate a half pound, molasses, It was the car that ran before cal parsonage. The ceremony was tect the feet nor properly support St Helens — Steamer Ipswich year. With a maximum of 3000 gal­ not honey, 2 quarts, water 10 gal­ there were good roads to run on. performed by Rev. G. W. Plumer. the body. What might be saved in takes cargo of 4,700,008 feet lum­ lons per month for *2, it Is be­ lons. It is put on very lightly, It broke down the barriers of dis­ Mr. Thompson's mother, Mrs. II. leather may be paid eventually to lieved that the expense of Irriga­ ber. foot specialists and doctors. If the K. Thompson, was present. Both tance in rural sections, brought about the time Royal Anns begin ting will be less to many con­ Astoria — Portland firm will build necessary bit of repairing is put young people, who are well known to show good color, followed by two people of these sections closer to­ new Southern Pacific Railroad Sta­ sumers than last year, when sprink­ other like applications a week to gether and placed education within In Vernonia, will continue to make off the sho* may bo badly worn ling permits cost *3 per month. tion. Please turn to page 6 ' their home here. Please turn to page 2. 10 days apart. New Ford Announced For Early^Produciion 25 Grade School Pupils Have PerhdAtlendaoce