VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, May 26, 1927, ZMXHZHZHZHZMZHZHZHZHZHZHZH Hoffman Hard- ware Co. 171 SPECIAL H. Veal is building a five-room Roy Clark’s little son Lyle Al­ house for Dan Stiner on A street. bert Clark and his mother are A new gasoline pump has re- here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. cently been installed at the Thomas J. M. Clark, the baby’s great-grand­ parents. They expect to return to garage. Grants Pass soon. E. E. Yeo was called to Victoria, The Willing Workers gave B. c., : Saturday by the sudden ill- farewell party at the Christian ness of his father. church for Mrs. Wooley and Mrs. L. G. Davis, who are leaving town. Judge D. B. Reasoner returned Sunday from a visit of one week Both ladies were presented with silver salt and pepper shakers. with his son in Gold Hill. SPECIAL NOTICE—We wish Born : To Mr. and Mrs. L. H. inform our many customers Kellar, May 16, a girl. Her name friends and the public in general is Mary Elizabeth. that they will no longer be able purchase Mother’s bread of any I Fred Brewer recently bought a big-six Studebaker from the Gilby kind at Skaggs Safeway store, j Skaggs now sell exclusively bread Motor company. $1.00 Values 3 H X H H Buy now—only a few sets of each—Ho more at these prices when these are sold 3 Piece Cutlery 25c 85c Paring Knife .. Butcher Knife Slicer ¡wh'eh he has not seen for twenty- shipped to them from their own fovr years. bakery in Portland. You can ob­ tain Mother’s bread from all other The second American Legion stores or from our bakery which dance in the new Legion home will is directly across the street from be held Saturday night, with the Skaggs. Vernonia Bakery.—adv. Good music will be furnished by sai le orchestra as at the first dance. A large crowd is anticipat­ out-of-town orchestra. ed by local legionnaires. Riverview R. Space received a scalp wound Piles and Tonsils can be remov ­ in an accident at the mill recently. ed by Electria Dehydration. No Mrs. John Ester, who has been Mr. and Mrs. O. Davidson were cu ting, bleeding, or loss of time. quiet ill, is slowly improving. New process. Dr. M. M. Mackey, Portland visitor» Sunday. Havking Fielberg, who has been 20'J Panama Bldg., Portland, Ore­ here with his brother Heming for Mrs. Browning entertained on gon. 424 the past six months, left for his Tuesday for Mrs. W. Garner. • Margaret, little daughter of Mr. home in Carrada last Wednesday. Herman Jacobs returned to his Mr. and Mrs. Wooley are mov- and Mrs. C. L. Anderson, accidently ing to Idaho this week. dri nk some vapo-cesoline last Fri- home at Zella, Wash., last Satur­ weeks | day and has been very ill in St. day after a stay of Mrs. Clyde McDonald is home Vincent’s hospital, Portland, but is from St. Vincent’s hospital. now improving. $ $1 75 Stainless steel—A.LL THREE FOR— Dudley Nickson of Keasey has , bought a new Studebaker from the 1 Gilby Motor company. 3 Piece Kitchen Set Charlotte Covington was brought home from Portland Sunday much improved in health. $1.00 Large Butcher Knife . Kitchen Fork .............. Medium Butcher Knife $ The Study club will observe guest day at the meeting at the home of Mrs. W. W. Wolff this afiernoon. The Willing Workers meet with Mrs. C. C. Dusten June 1 at the ; Christian church. 2 Pkce Sta«; Horn Handle Carving Set WORTH $200 PRICE— OR J. M. Clark is building a small , house across from his residence on Rose avenue. MORE—OUR ’XjroToR G ilby M otor C o . OAKLAND, PONTIAC, CHEVROLET, STUDE BAKER % Goodyear fires PAINT will protect and preserve every part of a building that is exposed to the weather. It also will add dollars to its value by improv- ing its appearance. Mrs. Margaret Grady is spending the week in Portland with her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Anderson. ALL THREE FOR— /*^ ood here with his uncle, John Estes. Mr. Jacobs came to stay but failed to find a permanent position and de­ cided to return to Zella. Mr. and Mrs. Durnham of Clat- skanie visited with their da ugh ter Sunday. Mrs. Crawford visited at the home of Mrs. Nannie B. Hall Mon- day. Mrs. Rhoda Hall of this place spent the week end with her niece Mrs. Alfred Bays of west Vernon­ ia. Miss Jennie Schooley of Natal visited the Estes home Sunday Mrs. J. Burtraw is at the home of her brother B. Robbins while she is taking medical treatment. SOLD BY MELLINGER HARDWARE Miss Thelma Olsen, who is now attending the Oregon Agricultural college, was in Vernonia the "past week end visiting friends. Mrs. E. 3. Thompson was re­ cently given a new Pontiac coach by her husband who is salesman for the Gilby Motor company. Se 3 Hoffman About It A farewell party was given for Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Davis Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IL Veal. IT PAYS” Adolph Nelson of Treharne, left Portland Sunday evening. He left for Europe where he will spend three months with his folks Miller Mercantile Company STORES AT TCRES AT CORVALLIS HILLSBORO NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA M c M innville MONMOUTH Classified Advertising FOR SALE Rei th tiers FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE cessful boarding house rooms. Old established business. Can be kept full all the time. Excellent location. Will take 4 or 5-room house as part payment. Selling on account of ill health. Apply of Mrs. Webster at 641 First street, Ver­ nonia, Ore. tf404* A New Shipment of TAXI SKlkfS Will Arrive Soon JUS I ARRIVED FOR SALE—Two houses, one 4- room and one 2-room, along rail­ road track below Rose ave. in Ver­ nonia. Address H. L. Westerman, Yamhill, Oregon. 398* Boys and Girls Hats. A Very Good Assortment. NEW SHOES FOR SALE—4-room house. Make payments like rent. Will accept a car as part payment. Square Deal Garage. 35tf Sizes, Triple A fo Triple E. Priced from $3.50 to $9. Ladies and Chi ’ren’s Silk Underwear in All Sizes and Colors. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Light housekeeping rooms. Also large, airy bedroom. Mrs. Black. 422 New Merchandise at Rei timer’s Everyday SERVICE the basis of making lasting friendship. And it’» new friends this store wants to make every day, and keep them by rendering them every possible service and selling QUALITY MERCHANDISE. Mail orders filled same day received. Vernonia, Oregon l’hone SOI » When you order Groceries from us to be at your home in time for dinner, you can forget about them, we see to it that just what you ordered is there right whes you want it.—Phone MAin 183 for this satisfac­ tory Grocery Service. PURE BRED white leghorn settlhg eggs for sale, $1 a setting. Also 3-months-old pedigreed police pups, $25 each. Lod McDonald, phone 5151, Vernonia. 414* VERNONIA’S PROGRESSIVE STORE rri nrpc fl^Y! r. AND QUALITY 13 Right on the Minute SIX-WEEKS-OLD PIGS for sale, June 9. Mrs. A. B. Counts. 423 11 FOR RENT OR SALE—Unfurnish­ ed 4-room, modern house, 658 Third street. E. S. Cleveland. 422* FOR RENT OR SALE—4-room fur­ nished house, one block from Bridge street. E. S. Cleveland. 422* MISCELLANEOUS WANTED —“ Position in private home or anywhere, for nursing or taking care of children. Inq.tlre at Eagle office, or write Mrs. E. K. Edwards, Vernonia, Ore. 36tf STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted. Mothers with children preferred. Write C. A. Montan, box 334, Bux­ ton, Oregon. tf Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Butter and Eggs at Lowest Prices (AT MILLER’S) Save Money, Buy Sugar, Flour, Milk Rice, Coffee Tomatoes, Corn —(AT MILLER’S) Priced to Sell Compare These Prices Ladies Spring Coats One-half Price. Mens Blue and Gray Work Shirts 50c Ladies Silk Crepe Dresses */2 Price. Mens Heavy Bib Overalls $1.15. Ladies Spring Hats 33 1-3 % Dis- count. Mens 14 oz. Red Wrist Gloves 2 Pair 25c Ladies Strap Pumps and Oxfords $2.98 Mens Athletic Union Suits 75c. Ladies Fiber Silk Hose 50c Mens Fancy Dress Sox 50c SHOP AT MILLER S LOWEST PRICES AT MILLER’S Gordon Hats Mens Hickory Shirts $1.00 Every Day Bargain Day Millers Way VERNONIA'S LEADING STORE Butterick Patterns I