s VERNONIA EAGLE coal miner who becomes a college football hero. The picture comes to the Majestic theatre next Sunday. Louise Dresser, Jason Robards and “Ankles Preferred,” a J. G. Bly- Virginia Browne Faire head the stone production for Fox Films, cast. which comes to the Majestic theatre “The Gay old Bird,” the Warner Saturday, is the silk-hose romance Bros, production which comes to of a cotton-stocking girl. It is pack­ the Majestic theatre on Monday, ed with humor and pathos and based upon a story by Virginia features Madge Bellamy. Lawrence Dale. The story concerns the pre­ Gray plays the man. dicament a young husband finds himself in when his wife disap­ Lloyd Bacon, who directed “Brok­ pears with their twin babies after en Hearts of Hollywood” and “Pri­ a quarrel. vate Izzy Murphy,” has turned out another success for Warner Bros, Duplicating Chinese architecture, in “White Flannels,” a story of a Chinese decorations, and other de- The Majestic flies, mosquitoes, voaéhes tfmofhs, etc. FORNIA STANDARDjOIL COMBANY I State Laundry Company FOR GOOD LAUNDRY WORK We call and deliver TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS—Leave orders with S. Wells, Tailor, Phone MAin 891 PORTLAND all summer ROUND TRIPS ST. PAUL *77.85 CHICAGO *92.55 NEW YORK *153.45 Choice of Fine Trains Yours! NORTH COAST LTD., 9:30 a. m. from Port­ land via S., P. & S., N. P., C., B. & Q., and ORIENTAL LTD., out at 8:00 p. m. via S., P. & S„ G. N., C., B. & Q., both following the famous Columbia River scenic water level route through the Cascades, and with co­ ordinated service east of Chicago. Let Us Help You Plan Your Trip Low Round Trip Fares to Portland for Rose Festival, JUNE, 13-18th. m T aldrïch T“ j . j .~ hoydar Agent Gen. Agt., Portland, Ore. FUEGY, Trav. Psgr. Agt. Astoria, Oregon. nePorflai THE NEW 4 Hot Plate Vaporizer IVill Give You More Miles per Gallon More Power----- Smoother Operation • Less Carbon Easier Starting Less Crankcase Dilution Bring in your Ford today and let us put one on. $9.00 Installation Extra. Crawford Motor Co. ______________________ Thursday, May 26, 1927. tails of creating and exact dupli­ Residence and Post office ad­ i ed mileage periods or even oftener I down is so slight that one can if cate of the mysterious Orient prov­ dress, St. Helens, Oregon. and striving for false economy by I nore it. Oil is cheaper than r< ed one of the strangest tasks of running the oil low or breaking it | pairs. research ever encountered at a stu­ Liberal Use of Oil dio, when the spectacular settings Prolongs Life of Car for “Mr. Wu,” Lon Chaney’s new starring vehicle coming Tuesday and Neglect of the proper use of Wednesday to the Majestic theatre, oil in an automobile materially were created. lessens the resale value of a car, An unusually large cast, every according to Roy D. Clark of the member of which is a well-known Vernonia Service station, who calls screen personality, will be seen in attention to the fact that according “The Denver Dude,” the Universal- to records of automobile engineer­ Jewel starring Hoot Gibson, when ing experts, less than two per cent it opens its engagement of two of the cost of operating an auto­ days at the Majestic theatre, Thur­ mobile goes to lubrication, whereas about 90 per cent of the mechani­ sday and Friday. cal troubles with a car are due to v ■ 1 ■' 1 neglect of the lubrication. FARM MARKET REVIEW Greater comfort and satisfaction Wool—Further improvement in wool trading was registered last are derived by providing fresh, week. More optimism is being shown clean oil and grease to the moving ■ generally. Prices have advanced on parts of the car frequently, ac­ cotton, rayon and silk during re­ cording to Mr. Clark, who adds that the difference in cost between reg­ cent weeks. Livestock—Scarcity and relative­ ular lubrication at the recommend- ly high prices for feeder and stock cattle continued in eastern markets last week, while all killer classes held steady at high prices. Hog prices are considered to have reach­ ed bottom generally with prospects for only slight improvement until demand for provisions results in clearing some of the accumulation of pork products. Increased lamo receipts and sluggish dressed trade ■9> ' with lower prices describe the lamb Lit. market of last week. Butter—Foreign butter markets have strengthened somewhat, This with lower domestic prices has re­ duced the price differential below the amount of the American tariff. The San Francisco market was Next Monday is Memorial Day, steady at 41 cents or b' iter for set aside by wise leaders in or­ 92 score last week, but butter mar­ der that, at least once during kets at Chicago, New York, Phila­ the busy year, we may pause delphia and Boston weakened slight­ ly with heavier receipts. Quality is and make public acknowledge- improving and considerable quan­ mest of our overlasting indebt­ tities are being stored, tending to edness to the men whose sup­ stimulate operations. The deficit In reme sacrifice made it possible storage holdings is being reduced for us to be the free happy and as a result of heavier production prosperous people we are today. on good pastures. Wheat—Some further strength­ Let us then, first of all, pay ening ef the Liverpool rr.arkc them the homage they so richly place last week on unfavorable deserve. Thereafter will be weather conditions for eeeding time for play, for going on the spring wheat in North America a.nl week-end camping trips and for winter wheat in Argentina. an-cc-i.Y Domestic wheat markets also ad­ outings of all kinds. And, for vanced. The wheat market continu­ these trips our stores and mar­ ed firm with demand active on kets will supply the most delic­ the Pacific coast. Winter cereal ious lunch goods and foods of crops in Europe are reported gen­ all kinds, ready to pack with erally in favorable condition. Feed Grains.—Corn planting is the minimum of preparation. much behind throughout nearly the AJ1 stores and markets closed entire corn belt and weather con­ on Decoration Day. ditions unfavorable, causing highest prices on corn last week and other grains to hold firm. Barley prices advanced again last week both in the United States and abroad. The London market for California and American barley moved up 5-8 cents per hundred pounds. Movement of new crop California barley Is get- “Skaggs” brand full From California ting under way. You are, always certain of lia ht food withL f. Crescent - the Double Acting Baking Powder Distribution Wit/iout Wadte Lesi We Forget Friday and Saturday Features INI THE CIRCUIT COURT THE STATE OF OREGON .. FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA JESSIE EDITH CAUGHRON, • Plaintiff. SUMMONS vs FRED CAUGHRON, Defendant. To Fred Caughron, the above named defendant: In th« nam« of th« Stat« of Ore­ gon: You are hereby required to appear and answer th« complaint filed against you in the above en- titled suit on or before Saturday the 2nd day of July, 1927, said date being more than six weeks after the date of the first publi­ cation of his summons herein; and if you fail to appear and answer or otherwise plead to plaintiff’s said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wit, for a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant; requiring defendant to pay all necessary suit money and costa In this proceed­ ing ,and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable and proper: Thia summons is served upon you by publication for bix consecutive weeks in The Vernonia Eagle, in pursuance of an order of Honorable J. A. Eakin, Judge of the Court for Columbia County, Oregon, made and entered on the 18th day of May, 1927. Date of first publication Thurs­ day, May 19, 1927. Date of last publication Thursday, Jun« 30, 1927. ■ DILLARD A DILLARD, Attorneys .| for plaintiff. Pure cane granulat­ ed. The sugar mark­ et is very strong. 10 lbs. packed in heavy sy- lup. 15 oz. tins cream 1 lb. 2 cans 65c Powdered Sugar 2 Figs Cheese Sugar 19c Big “K” Hard wheat 49ib. sk.$1.89 Peaches 45c Blue Rose Head, grown in California, 3 lbs. for . 25c Pineapple Rose City Curve cut Del Monte Brand Melba Halves i n heavy syrup. Hillsdale Broken sliced No. 21/2 cans 3 2 2 Macaroni lbs. 19c cans cans 45c Extraordinary Meat Values Bacon Shortening Loin Back Sugar Cured Snow White Pot Beasts Choice Beef 2 lbs. 29c 4 lbs. 57c Weiners Corey Economy Store Sale Starts May 27 An Error on the posters said the sale was to start May 21. Be on hand tomorrow to take advantage of these great price reductions. 21c