VERNONIA EAGLE THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1927. Lodge Directe Hie dry mash keeps fowls in relation between this and the fact that Ck---- ------------- ;---------- ter flesh and promotes firmer eg« Lann Reminders men now touch their hats to a lady, where­ shells. « Issued every Thursday $2 per year in Advance as they formerly removed their hats en­ Pullets and old hens a e fed Poultry lice are detected from - parately. Otherwise old hers steal tirely with a grand flourish? Customs a e o£;er W. O. W. Vernonia camp N parasites on chickens by hav­ the feed from the pullets. The re­ meets every Monday night at Entered as Second Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the subject to change, although most of them ing three pairs of legs, body divid­ Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the survive in some form or other for cen­ ed into three sections; and their quirements of each are different. thirty at the Grange Hall. Vf Act of March 3, 1879 turies. grayish color, never dark brown or Garibaldi—Oregon Silver Spruce members welcome. red. •mill at Bay City will be reopened The Parasians, reputed to be the most A. F. KOSTER C. C. MARK E. MOE, Editor gallant and courteous of men, are said to Grain scattered too abundantly Myrtle Point—Work begins on C. C. DUSTEN CLERK. be welcoming with a zest a league against on bare yards in Oregon, so that new planing mill and lumberyard. can pick it up without ef- MEMORIAL DAY MEMORIES hand-shaking in process of organizations fowls foit causes chickens to gorge them­ Vernonia Lodge, No. IS to abolish the traditional white house hand selves and much grain is wasted. FREE F. & A. M., meets at Gt. Memorial Day! And oh! the flood of shakings in the Harding and Coolidge Colds show up in poultry by wa­ Hall every Second Two sets of silverware administrations. tery discharge from the nostrils. memories. Fourth Thursday nights. In due time this collects in the given to two parties hold­ Memories of the early observance, when Visitors Welcome ing the two lucky keys. nasal passages and -causes a swell ­ GOOD OLD SUMMER the boys had. saved the Union swept in K. A. McNeill, Secret; ing called roup. These diseases are long processions to the cities of the dead, I mainly due to poor housing or 4 K*y With Every 25c Purchase. What is the best season of the year? weather conditions, states the O. to pay hohors to the comrades who had Take advantge of this unusual ■iurnmer to most people, though the other A. G< extension service. gone on before. chsnce to hold he master key thax seasons, especially spring, have their Cracks in the walls of the poultry Memories of the parades of bygone unlocks the mysterious lock that years, the ever shortening lines of march­ chains. And the older you get, the more house, poor ventilation, overcrowd­ makes you ¿?>e happy possessor of ed quarters, dampness and unsani ­ ers, the ever lengthening lines of mounds you will like summer, the more you will tary conditions are common causes this beautiful chest of Rogers Sil­ I. O. O. F V ei '. nîwia L odge , N o . 2 uh ' t.“ every T uik I hj ' night at 8 marking the resting places of those who head winter. verware. of colds in poultry. »clock, iri Gran«" Hall Spring coi responds to our babyhood. It Much of the mortality of poultry had entered upon the last bivouac. VERNONIA E1LLARDS O. E. Enstrum, N, Memories of the Spanish war, of the s the sprouting season, full of hope, in Oregon is due to improper di­ G. B. Smith, Sec’t( gestion. Birds that look droopy are Maine, of Dewey at Manila, of the rush dreams, uncertainty, danger of frost. Autumn is like the waning years of life, often saved by injecting through to battle in Cuba and in the far-away the mouth one half an ounce of cas­ Philippines. And later, the homecoming >vhen we harvest as we have sown, when tor oil into their crops by means AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIAR ■ve suffer for our negligence and mistakes of the dead to sleep beside or near the of a hose connected to a syringe. and are rewarded for our effort. Most of Mortality is greatly decreased by heroes of the earlier conflict. Meets first and third Mo days of each month Memories of the World war, of the us, when we look backward in the autumn a;tplying this to all droopy fowls. All dead chickens are burned or the Legion Hall. boys who went cheering and singing of life, say: “If I only had my life to live buried deep whese ■ no fowls have Mrs. II. E. McGraw, Preside through the streets on their way to the over again.” access. No dead fowls are ever Mrs. Earl Washburn, Secretary Winter, of course, corresponds to human allowed to lie around the hen house. training camps, keeping step to the heart Imported Rag leath, the hibernating of old growth un ­ quickening “Over There.” Swarm prevention is an import­ Memories of the long, heart-racking sus til new growth is ready to sprout and bud. ant spring problem in honey pro­ KUQS All three of these seasons are prepara­ duction, says H, A. Scullcn, assist­ Vernonia Post pense and the fears after the boys had ant entomologist of the Oregon 119, . American L disembaiked in France, and had gone tory to or the aftermath of summer. And ' experiment station. More ventilat­ «ion. Meets secai ummer is the period of life, of accomp­ ion, larger brood chambers, fewer forward to the battle line. and fourth T«e $1.00 27x54 ♦ Memories of the thrills that swept over lishment, symbolic of the lives we are liv drones, younger queens and the Sdays » each month, pm. H. E. M the land as the cables and wires spread ng. Lucky are you who have survived the destruction of queen cells will dis- G raw, Commaade cc/urage swarming. The beekeeper 24x48 the news of the glorious deeds of our boys rosts of life’s spring-time. Your crop oi can prevent developing queen cells success is started. Toil and weed, for aut­ by thoroughly examining hives ev­ on the crimsoned battlefields. 50c Memories of the heartbreaks as the fate­ umn of life will be upon you before you ery 10 to 14 days. Ventilation is 18x30 Nehalem ful telegrams brought tidings of the death are aware. For results, it’s now or never, obtained by enlarging hive entran­ Regular ces, and younger queens may be of the neighbor’s boy, or of the boy who cation first as introduced when queens older than ADVERTISING AS A SCIENCE was near and dearer. third Wodnesdaj 2 years are present in the hives. Thus it is that as the heroes of the old of each meat! egg yields are obtained for Like all things, advertising has had an a High wars pass away the heroes of the new All visiting sis Un short time by feeding wery con­ Battles fill the vacant places, and pay evolution. A century ago the leading mer- centrated feed materials and drugs and brothers w«i come. homage to the glorious dead who had •Jiants resorted to what is now the classi- but the hen is limited in her future Bessie Tapp, W. M. served their country in its times of peril ied ad and the modern display ad was usefulness. Leona McGraw, Secretary. installed Scratching litter in the poultry We have just inknown. The store which a century ago And even when lasting peace comes to house is examined daily. to see that the world there will he men, and women urchased newspaper advertising in quan- all grain is cleaned up by the a new line of the fam­ VERNONIA GRANGK and children in every community, large 1 ties of a half dozen lines weekly now fowls. If some is left less is fed. ous Kimlark, wood fi- and small to perpetuate ‘observance of contracts for one and two pages apd the Over feeding and not underfeed- Tiie Vernonia Grange meets on th Memorial Day in paying tribute to the landlady advertising for a roomer or » t'ing is the .cause of many poultry ber rugs. Sanitary, dur­ second Saturday of every month a ailments in .Oregon, says the Ore­ 7:30 P. M. Any members of th young lady seeking a lost cat consume? > gon nat’on’s dead. station. Grange living in or near Vernonia able, water proof and nore space in the newspaper of 'today Cull experiment beans aye a satisfactory or visiting in the community, ar than the most thriving merchant of yes­ , poultry feed but are not liked by COMING OUT OF THE MUD fireresisting ; they are cordially invited to attend. fowls in the raw state. Ground or One of the chief benefits the farmer terday. Mrs. Minnie Malmsten, Secretory As in quantity, so has advertising had cooked and mixed into the mash also low priced. Your derives from really good roads is that of are readily eaten. hp’’nys are be­ When pullets grow comts be­ FURNITURE Next to Carkin Cleaning Werks fore they are 5 months old the READ NEWSPAPERS ing p.actual 1">- modem traffic at Here Every Wednesday of mash is reduced or the a minimum of expense, by protecting the The woman who knows her paper from amount COMPANY contents changed, but care is taken old base with wat proof v. earing sur­ the date line to the want ads can pick an that pullets are not stunted in face. Thus farm land is made available argument with her husband about blondes heir growth; ' DR. ELLA WIGHT for use, which would otherwise be isolated becoming extinct, or a candidate’s chances Some codliver oil mixed in with' DR. C. J. WIGHT due to distance from schools and maikets and the result is that she gets all the ar­ CHIROPRACTORS and prohibitive cost of building standard gument she wants without interfering in Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Troubles types of state highway pavements. the least with her domestic happiness. Delayed Menstruation The modern tractor and road machinery Instead of panning one of her husband’s plus the waterproofing qualities of asphalt associates’ wives she can lamb the harpoon are enabling hundreds of communities to into some dame who is dragging her hus­ come out of the mud. band through the divorce courts, or she LESTER SHEELEY can grill the dramatic critic who doesn’t Attorney-at-Law CUSTOMS like a certain show as much as she does. She can voice an opinion about a bit of Vernonia Oregon Most everybody has wondered where news and throw more of a scare into her the customs of sh king hands and lift­ husband than if she tried to crown him Earliest of all Certified Seed DR. W. H. HURLEY ing the hat origin .ed. The question of .vith the goldfish. origin has i probably ‘ been inspired by Women read the papers more carefully DENTISTRY AND X-RAY Potatoes. thoughts of the ________ _ of than men do. At least this is the consensus lie futility and uselessness Evenings by Appointment Office over Brown Furniture Store. both customs. of opinion in newspaper circles, where Vernonia Oregon One theory of the origin of the hand­ i close tab is kept on tne tastes of people _______________ _ _________________ > BURBANK AND WHITE STAR shaking custom is that prehistoric man •ind the things that interest people. proffered his right hand to the passerby M. D. COLE to indicate that he had left his club at It is interesting to come to the forks of home and was bent on some peaceful pur­ a strange road and make a decision on DENTIST suit. The custom has deteriorated to a which way to go. No. 3 Malotte, slightly used cream Separator. $110.00—Cost less significant salutation. I ■ Vernonia Oregon new $145.00. The custom of lifting the hat is supposed The Austrian artist who says American to have originated when knighthood was girls are dolls has never tried to feed on? MARK EVERY GRAVE in flower and armoured knights raised with sawdust. Memorials in Granite and Marble the visor» of their helmets upon passing At Reduced Prices a lady that they might the better see and Expert says women talk too fast over the. I be seen. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS phone, but it is difficult to believe it af-i Blit today one is more apt to hear "tip ter trying to get in touch with some one MRS. M. N. LEWIS & CO. 1 the hat” than “lift the hat.’’ Is there any on a party line. Fourth and MAin St Hillsboro. ìlmtmtm Euglr 1, Special Planting Time Is Here at Last Vernonia Trading Co ;