Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, May 26, 1927, Image 1

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    Entered at Vernonia, Oregon,
Postoffioe us Second-Class Matter.
Many Attend
Oregon Looks Better
Than Any Other State
(By A. D. Moe)
We arrived home Sunday after
a trip of four months, traveling
10,000 miles by auto and passing
through 20 states. After all the
places we have seen, Oregon looks
the best to us.
Last Wednesday morning we left
Cheyenne. Tuesday afternoon cars
were coming through from the west,
and roads were . reported passable
so we started out. The drifts of
snow on the highway had been
opened up and we got through all
right with chains. Quite a few miles
At west the roads were better, and
we soon were able to discard the
High School Exercises. Rev. G.
chains. The blizzard did not reach
beyond Rawlins, but rain ex-
W. Plumer at Grade School.
tended into Idaho.
About 40 miles west of Chey-
A record crowd attended the high enne we passed the summit, an
school commencement exercises at elevation of 8835 feet, the highest
the Evangelical church Friday night, point on the Lincoln highway and
when Prof. N. H. Cornish of O. A. a few miles west of the summit
C. delivered the principal address. a sign marks the continental divide,
Students and townspeople alike ex­ where the water east drains into
pressed pleasure at hearing his the Mississippi river and west into
the Pacific ocean. There was but
The high school graduating class little snow in this neighborhood
was comprised of the following along the road, but the high moun­
students: Kenneth Whitsell, Lewis tains all around were white. The
Louden, William Hill, Theresa Tack- elevation all through Wyoming on
ett, Percy Bergerson, Russell Mills, the Lincoln highway pach side of
Annie Laurie Laird, Gladys Krin- the summit is around 6000 to 7Q00
ick, Anna Rea Webster, Loretta feet, but there are no bad grades
Johnson, Norman Pettijohn, Dud- on the road, the elevation going
ley Spencer, Amy Hughes, Mar­ up or down so gradually ns not
garet Shipley, Marshall Malmsten, to be noticed.
We spent the next night at Wam­
Sheila Wiliams, Ruth Holaday, Lew­
is Laramore, Norman Engen, Ralph sutter, where a number of wells
Reithner, Harry Hixon. Louise Sch- 2,000 feet are operated by a large
midlen, Wilburn Charlesworth, Glen power plant, furnishing water for
Hawkins, Richard Peterson, Lillian the railroad and selling it to resi­
Lilly, Wayne Wall and John Wardle. dents of the town.
The next day we passed through
Rev. G. W. Plumer of the Evan­
gelical church delivered the com­ the oil district, with a large refin­
mencement address at the eighth ery at Parco. We expected to
grade exercises held in the high find gas cheaper at this place. It
school Thursday night. Mrs. Paul had been mostly 20 cents from
Wiggens of St. Helens sang a solo. Wisconsin to Cheyenne, but was 26
The folowing 45 students suc- at the refinery town, and up to
cessfully passed the recent eighth 29 cents farther west, and did not
grade state examinations: Gloyd get lower than 24 cents all the
Adams, Fredie Alexander, Viola way home.
We left the Lincoln highway at
Barnett, Kenneth Bell, Junior Ben-
nett, Elida Berg, Ford Berg, Josie Granger, Wyo., and took the Old
Erma Oregon Trail from there home go­
Brady, Grace Condit, Bruce Cum- ing through Kemmerer and Soda
mings, Maybelle Drorbaugh, Clif- springs to Pocatello, following the
ford Fiala, Gladys Flanary, Goldie Union Pacific all thé way. The mud
Flanary, Gladys Garner, Vera Good­ had dried up and the roads were
in, Robert Holcomb, Lucy Hopson, good all the way, except for a
Helen Imbeck, Earl Knowles, Helen short stretch over a mountain pass
Lamoreaux, Ruth Lee, Arthur Lil­ in Idaho. The elevation was low­
lig, Goldie Lindberg, Jack Marshall, er in Idaho and we began to see
Larry Marshall, George Oberst, trees leaving out, and it was a
Marvin Porterfield, Verna Ray, pretty drive as we worked out
Rocky mountains.
Robert Riley, Flora Roles, Everett through the
Rundell, Ila Sesseman, Allie Sim­ There are some very pretty valleys
mons, Florence Stubbs, Minerva between the ranges, with irrigation
Thompson, Virgie Urie, Georgia along the streams. A large dam at
Van Doren, Eldon Walker, William American Falls furnishes irrigation
Wlashburn, Fay Webster, Veda Web­ for a large area, and also at Twin
ster and Luella Williams. Gordon Falls. General farming, but mostly
Smith and Jewel Lloyd passed the alfalfa and dairying, is carried on.
eighth grade examinations in Jan- As we neared Boise we began to
uary. Four who failed the last see small orchids with trees loaded
examinations will take them again with bloom. The principal apple
section is around Payette and Weis-
in June.
cr. From the looks of the bloom
they will have a heavy crop thia
C. Meyer Heads Old
Seattle Livestock
Crossing the Snake river at Pay-
Concern as President
ette we were again in Oregon, with
C. Meyer, who severed his con- an oiled road as good as pavement
nections with the Bank of Verno- all the way home, It was a warm
nla some months ago, is again day, the first summer weather this
president of the Seattle Packing spring, Trees were all leaved out
company, which position he held and the : Blue mountains showing up
before coming to Vernonia. The in the distance were green with
company is a wholesale dealer in grassy slopes, but some of the
Mr. Meyer, as both ranges bare and rocky. We foljow-
president and general manager, ed the Snake river to Huntington
will travel between Seattle, Port­ and then set our timepieces back
land, Spokane and other cities buy­ another hour.
ing for the company.
Mr. Meyer left for Seattle Sun­ through the mountains with easy
day, ar.d his headquarters will be grades until it makes the final climb
in the Frye hotel there, he stated. to the summit near Meacham, an
His family will remain in Vernonia. elevation over 4300 feet, then drops
down on a continuous fall for
Senator J»me> Reed Visits.
about 25 miles to Pendleton.
United States Senator James A.
Many California cars were on
Reed, who has figured prominently
the road going east. The Lincoln
the past six months in a number of f
highway has been blocked with
law cases of national importance,
snow in the Sierras west of Salt
including the Sapiro-Ford libel suit,
Lake, and while it Is now open,
was here Tuesday with Chas. E.
many are still coming by way of
Keith to view the Oregon-American
Portland, then taking the Old Ore-
gon Trail to Granger, where it
Senator Reed was formerly a
connects with the Lincoln high-
member of the firm that were the
legal advisors of the company at
Roads are better in Idaho than
Kansas City.
in Wyoming or Nebraska. We found
the Old Oregon Trail completed
C. E. Visits in St. Helens.
Twenty-four members of the lo- with a fine macadam road, except
cal Christian Endeavor society left a short stretch near the southeas­
here at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon tern part of the state. In fair
and drove to St. Helens, where weather the road is excellent from
they stopped for lunch in the Cole­ the coast to the paved roads near
man auto park. They participated Chicago, but when it rains one
in the meeting of the Christian has the choice of going through
Endeavor at the Congregational the dirt roads in the mud or wait­
church and later attended the high ing until they dry up. From the
school baccalaureate services there. western boundary of Wyoming, and
They expect to take similar trips a few miles in Idaho, to Dea Moines,
Please turn to page 2
to other towns this summer.
Books Are Carried Home
Railway Safety Essay
Legion Auxiliary
Churches To Hold
Contest Closes June 1
Secretary of Commerce Herbert
To Have Poppy Sale
Hoover has agreed to act as head
a special committee which will
Friday and Saturday
Services Sunday of select
the winners in the contest
now being conducted by the Am­
Memorial Day
To BeJJbserved
erican Railway association among
school and college students for the
best essays on the subject of how
of Disabled Vets to be Observed.
to prevent grade crossing accidents
The ladies of the Vernonia unit I The local Christian and Evan­ according to an announcement
of the American Legion Auxiliary I gelical churches will hold union made Tuesday by the American
will sell the little red poppies Fri- ( Memorial services Sunday ia the Railway committee through the
day and Saturday, which has be-1 Evangelical church at
11 a. m. western railways’ committee on
come an annual custom in the Rev. D. A. Smith of Portland will public relations.
United States, for the benefit of I preach the sermon,
The other members are Thomas
disabled veterans of the World war. | The new pastor of the Evangeli- P. Henry, president of the Am­
President Coolidge says, “The an-1 cai church, Rev. G. W. Plumer, erican Automobile association, and Relief Corps Will Banquet ex-Ser-
nual sale of poppies has a double had charge of the services last Walter G. King, president of the
vice Men and Immediate Fam­
significance. It perpetuates and em- j Sunday,
national safety council.
phaizes a particularly fine symbol- i In the evening of
ilies at Noon Monday.
May 29 the » Three cash prizes of *250 each
ism, calling to mind the supreme1 pastor will use as his
subject, “Joy will be awarded, one for the best
sacrifice of those who died in the | in Our Salvation.”
The Sunday essay by a grammar school stu­
The Womens Relief corps, the
service of our country. Such sym­
school will hold their annual Chil- dent, another for the best essay American Legion Auxiliary and
bolism cannot but have its effect | dren’s day program tonight. They by a high school student and an
in inspiring us to the sacrifices will have a Sunday school picnic other for the best essay by a col­ the American Legion are cooper­
ating thiB year to observe Memor­
demanded of all good citizens in: next week. It is planned to take lege student.
al day Monday with fitting cere­
peace times. Futhermore, those who I up the Sunday school lesson for
The essay contest began on April monies. State Commander Arthur
buy these poppies do something the following Sunday at the Wed­
1 and will terminate June 1. The A. Murphy of the American Le-
very real to help the disabled vet-1 nesday evening prayer meetings.
erans who in making them are! Rev. G. W. Plumer was born in essays entered in the contest rion, department of Oregon, and
able to contribute to their own1 Holland and at nine years of age should be in the hands of J. C. the Civil war veteran, Judson
Cavinton, secretary of the safety Weed, will be the guests of honor
came to the United States. He was
“I would commend this move- converted ¡n Rooks county, Kan- lection of the American Railway on that day.
ment heartily, and my hope 1S for sas, when 12 years old, and began association at 30 Vesey street. New
It is planned to have a parade
York city, by not later than June
its continued success.’’
to preach at the age of 16 in 10. Shortly after that date the /start from the Washington school
it 10 a.m. Monday which will be
The Message of the Poppy
northwestern Iowa.
secretary of commerce and the
Rev. Plumer began his first pas­ other members of the committee made up of veterans, local organ­
Buy Me- —I stand for service. I
enabled one cent to be earned torate at Blooming Prairie, Minn., will meet in Washington for the izations, the school children and
by a disheartened service man in when 18 years of age, and has purpose of reviewing the essays gold star mothers to go to the
cemetery for the decoration of
the hospital who needed it, and not been without a pastoral charge ind selecting the winners.
all you pay for me goes for ser- since. He was a pastor in Iowa awards will be based on the best the graves. Flowers will also be
vice for those for whom the war for nine and one-half years. Among ssays containing the most out­ strewn on the waters of Rock
the fields •erved were Anita and standing, readily available sugges- creek in memory of the unknown
is not yet over. BUY ME!
WEAR ME—I represent the sac- Red Oak. From Red Oak ho was : Cion for preventing highway grade dead.
After the ceremony at the cem­
rificial blood of the men who fell appointed to the First English Tossing accidents.
in Flanders Field. I am a Memorial church of Portland in 1900,
are being made whereby the au­ etery, the Women'» Relief corps
to all who died in service. In rev­
He has been pastor of Chemeketa thors of the three winning essays will serve a banquet to all war
erence and understanding, WEAR Street church, Salem; First church, will be given a trip to Washington veterans and their immediate fam­
Albany; First church, Everett, where the cash prizes will be dis­ ilies in the Evangelical church,
when there will be addresses by
Wash; First church, Seattle, Waah; tributed.
Arthur Murphy and Judson Weed.
Initiated Into Fraternity
Whichita church, Portland. He was
In connection with the essay
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ general missionary of the church contest and in addition to the Following this the new Legion
vallis, May 23.—Robert Hoffman of for Oregon, Washington and Idaho methods already in force to pro­ home will be dedicated by the state
Vernonia, sophomore in chemical for a number of years, and was vide greater safety at grade cross commander of the American Le­
engineering, has been Initiated into conference evangelist for two years. •ngs, as well as to increase inter­ gion.
M. E. Carkin, in charge of the
Kapna Kappa Psi, honorary band At the present time he ia secretary­ est on the part of both the rail­
fraternity. Election to this frater­ treasurer of all the conference ben- roads and the public in the ne­ Legion Memorial day exercises,
nity is based upon personality, evolences.
cessity for continued care being :ias appointed Bert Hawkins officer
scholarship and musical attainment.
Rev. Plnmer was in Vernonia exercised at highway grade cross­ of the day. Post Commander Mc­
Four new members were taken in at twice for camp meetings. The last ings, the railroads this year will Graw will preside at the various
this time.
time that he visited here was to conduct an intensive campaign in functions.
Hoffman is a member of the hold a quarterly meeting when the an effort to reduce the number of
chemical engineering society, an roads were so bad that he had to Juch accidents. The railroads are Grade School Operetta
organization on the campus to fur­ come on horse back from Houlton. prompted in this move by the fact
Pleases Large Audience
ther social relations among students He reports that he is greatly pleas­ that last year 5921 highway grade
in chemical engineering. He is also ed with the outlook in Vernonia -reccing accident* occurred, in
Miss Kathleen Mitchell’s operet­
a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon, and is here for work.
which 2492 persons were killed ta held at the high school audi­
social fraternity.
and 6991 were injured. In 1925, torium Wednesday evening May 18,
J. A. McCall Die«
H. C. Rones, optometrist of As­
James A. McCall of Vernonia there were 5479 accidents in which was enjoyed by about three hun­
toria, was a Vernonia visitor Mon­ died at the St. Vinecenta hospital 2206 persons were killed and 6555 dred parents and friends. Miss Mit­
chell, as music supervisor of the
day. He will make regular month­ in Portland, May 19. Mr. McCall were injured.
ly visits here in the future, he has been a resident of Vernonia
With more than 22,000,000 tu­ grade school, had taught most of
states and will receive patients m ! for four years. His son and daught- tomobiles now ia use and the num­ the songs used in “The Posey Bed,”
the office of Dr. M. D. Cole. Hisj er, Claude McCall and Mrs. Erie ber constantly increasing, the haz- in regular classroom singing. Mrs.
first visit will be on June 13.
M. Knapp of Vernonia, reside.
ard from such accidents is annually Jean Yeo played the piano accom­
becoming greater and it is only paniment. All of the chillren were
through the cooperation of the pub- beautifully costumed in dresses re­
tic and the railroads that a reduc- presenting flowers, bird, king, queen
tion in such accidents oan be or play dresses. The part of the
brought about, especially la view queen was filled by Joy Bush who
of the fact that the elimination of pleased the audience with two so­
highway grade crossing« is both los. The king was Ruth Page Sim­
physically and financially impos­ mons. Others taking part was«:
Hazel Chapman, Doris Phelps, Eve­
lyn Shipley, Leona Fetsch, Paulin«
Dial, Hazel Ross, Annabel Heath,
Mary McDonald, Gertrude McDon­
Oregoa Agricultural College, Cor-
ald, Genevieve Garner, Mildred Gar­
valis, May 26—Alvin L. Parker,
son of Albert Parker of Vernonia, ner, Helen Anderson, Alice Bennett,
Oregon, in one of nearly 600 Dorothy June Wolff, Eleanor Fiala,
Roberta Williams, Sara McGee, Mary
candidates for graduation in June.
Mr. Parker io a graduate of Ver­ Ann Childs, Dorothy Black, Ruby
nonia high school. He is majoring Palmer, Leona New, Bernice Ellis,
in technical forestry. Though ho Betty Cameron, Mildred Rogen,
Mignon Depue and Betty Bennett
has earned all hie expenses while
in college, ho is secretary and treas­
Prohibition Agent R«l«sa«d
urer ef the Hesperian elub and
Wilson, alleged stool pigeon
has earned the rank of seeond lieu­
tenant reserve engineer In the R. for Federal prohibition offican,
O. T. C. Mr. Parker haa had two who was arrested on charges of
yean of practical experience In possession of liquor and being
drunk, and who had served 10 day«
the United States forest service.
in the city jail after his plea of
Casters Star Daaca.
guilty, was released Tuesday when
Sheriff Rea W. Craven of Dallas,
An Eastern Star dance will be a relative, paid *155, the remainder
held on Friday, June 3, at the of his fine, to the court.
American Legion hall.
All Ma
1 ­
Much attention was drawn to th«
sons and Stars are cordially in- case when federal officers appear­
vited to attend. Admission will I be ed here and attempted to have him
released from the possession charge
Any Mason or Star desiring to and fine of *150, saying that ha
bring friends may do so by ob- had a right to have possession of
taining a card of identification at tbe liquor. Since two officers had
Mac's Pharmacy or from Mrs. ’come here before his trial and had
Katie McNeill.
not advised him to plead not guilty
State will spend *88,000 in oil to the charge, his plea of guilty
ing 120 miles highway in Klamath left no other recourse to Judge
Reasoner than to treat his case th«
Multnomah county adopts black­ same as any private citizen, and
top paving on link of Mount Hood it is thought by some that he may
take action against the prohibition
loop road.
department for not giving him bat­
Forest Grove—Two electric re­ ter protection.
circulating prune driers being built
Astoria—Roads gTaded and sur­
Our wish to those who have given their all, prompts us,
Government will assist in colon­ faced to Camp Clatsop, national
on Memorial Day, to bow our heads in reverent memory. izing 80,000-acre Owyhee project. guard camp.
Annual Custom of Spelling Poppies
Before Memorial Day for Benefit
New Pastor,
Was Born
Rev. G. W. Plainer,
in Holland-, He Be-
fan To Preach at tbe Age ef 16.
?o'e To ! emetery at 10
o’clock Mcnday Morning.
State Legion Head Hire