Thursday, May_19, 1927. VERNONIA EAGLE Oakland Landau Win» Prait.» From page 1 were only of the kind that any driver could make for himself,” said R. Hornbeck, manager of the Gilby Motor company, the local dealer. “Their total cost was $48.28 and the labor bill for replacing them $26.75, or $75.03 over all. The car averaged 34.09 miles to the gallon of gasoline and was driven at an average speed of 25.19 miles an hour. This means when a man buys a car today he should get ten years’ normal use out of it, that the industry is stabilized. Oregon American 'atout ly last summer’s dry spell U wen Moore have the romantic I Rajn Soaked Roads a 1 the cold snap of last winter. leads in this Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Impede Motoris.s With considerable peach blight pre­ picture, while Marc MacDermott, From page 1 sent the need for spraying with Gertrude Astor, Rockliff Fellowek, | ...... to. we may stay here until the mad berdeaux 4-4-50 before fall rains Douglas Gilmore and others are I " bible THOUGHT AND PRAYER dries up. start is apparent. This will avert featured. If parents util have their children meme- The road through Iowa . W.13 rtn- I repetition of the damage caused last “The Rambling Ranger” is . the rire a Bible ¡electton each weelt. It will piuM erally good with more or • leas p:.v- ¡ winter. ti.le of Jack Hoxie's next starring a priceless heritage to them in after years. ing from Albert Lea, 1 Minn., , to As soon as gooseberries are har­ vehicle to play at this theatre Mon­ MERCY ASSURED:— He that Sioux City, la., and we were for­ vested the bushs are sprayed with tunate in reaching pavement before berdeaux 4-4-50 to preVent leaf­ day. As the title implies it is one of covereth his sins shall not prosper; the rain fell. Southern Iowa has spot or anthracnose, says H. P. Hoxie’s fastest, fighting-est red hut whoso confesseth and forsaketh nothing but dirt roads, not even Bs.rss, Oregon experiment station blood-est, whirlwind-est and dush- them shall have mercy. Proverbs isg-est. 28: 13. gravelled, and when it rains they pathologist. are alomst impassable, There are Seldom' does a photoplay receive PRAYER:—Our loving Father, no good roads west of Des Moines such an enthusiastic send-off as we thank Thee that in Christ Jesus Arrested for Liquor Po»»e»»lon. leading to Omaha and in bad wea­ Chas. Staples was arrested by that which was accorded Johnny our Lord, when we confess our sins ther travelers from the east have Marshals Kelly and Hutchinson af­ Hines’ latest First National picture, Thou art faithful and just to for­ to go north through Sioux City, ter a raid on his room at 749 “All Aboard,” which comes to the give us our sins, and to cleanse us then south through Nebraska to Bridge street Saturday. . They _ , Maje»tic theatre Tuesday and Wed- from all unrighteousness. _ As soon as the comedy Omaha or around by Kansas City. found a 15-gallon can of beer, be- i---- ni>st 1-.. lay. How were the wise men of the East We crossed the Missouri river sides two bottles conaining moon­ ■ r - ichcd its completion the try-out directed to the birthplace of $25 | i'.'iod arrived and the picture was at Sioux City, and found the shine. The judge fined him Jesus? stream over its banks like all the and 10 days in jail. His jail term “‘-wiewed in various outlying thea- Answer, read—Psalm 51:1, 3. rivers in the middle west. There was suspended on condition that tl