» Thursday, May 12, 1927 VERNONIA EAGLE ¡Jhr llrniuuia Eaglr Issued every Thursday $2 per year in Advance deed they are through—through with hope and through with ambition and through with advancement—unless they now com­ mence. THE LESSON OF TREE lent (Continued from last week.) About the cabin and in the sha­ dow of the old stumps were a myriad of young Douglas fir trees STRAW HAT TIME from 30 to 60 feet in height. Their delicate green branches pointed up­ promising that some day they MARK E. MOE, Editor One may now inquire without being ward, too would be far above the ground. premature, what kind of a straw hat his “Who planted these hundreds of neighbor will wear this year. But the ques­ trees in the clearing?” she asked ON BEING A HOME-TOWN BOOSTER tion will not provoke a discussion of the wonderingly, thinking of her toil­ new sping styles in straws and their re­ some tree planting as a little birl. lative merits and popularity. Invariably “We do not plant many trees This paper believes in Vernonia and such an interrogation will bring one of out here,” answered the old man Vernonia’s future. It believes that Ver­ two answers, either “a new one” or “last of the cabin. “Mother Nature ’tends to that for us. We cut our big nonia is destined to be a much greater year’s.’ trees, some of them have stood for city than it is today. It believes that the hundreds of years, since before The straw hat has developed among great majority of people living in Ver­ the members’of the stronger sex a strange white men came. I do not mind nonia have an abiding faith in the city’s cutting them when I think of the future and in tiie Vernonia of today. It inconsistency. Men may venture forth in ■nany comfortable homes they build is faith that has made Vernonia and it is a refurbished last-year’s model but the all over America. this same faith that is going to continue most unconventional, whether the owner “I cleared this land 30 years of a new or resurrected grass kelly dare ago to make my home,” he con­ to make Vernonia a greater city. not treat with disdain the calendar limits “I built the cabin from the No one need talk of “putting Vernonia fashion has erected around the straw hat tinued. biggest tree of all and we lived on the map.” For, all the world knows, season. To appear in public wearing a here five years. Then we had to Vernonia is already on the map; it has straw hat before the season opens and go back to the city. The little a conspicious place there for many years. after its fall closing is to invite suspicions trees had already begun to carp»t the clearing with green. I returned And it is going to remain there—forever. of eccentricity or rusticity. Only country this summer to find they had grown Vernonia is already a great place in squires and retired judges can violate into the young forest you see here.” “You did not need to plant the which to live. If one were to look all this fashion decree with impunity. trees,” repeated the girl. "That aiound the world, none better could be It may be true that men observe the very wonderful to me. But found. When evarything is considered, no rules and edicts of fashion less strictly seems who watered them and took care one honestly can say that any other town than women, but the women could not of your young forest all these is a better place than Vernonia. observe any one of their multiplicity of years?” For that reason, if you have any money vogues and modes more rigidly than man “The fogs and rain of winter the soil soaked with moisture, to invest, invest it in Vernonia. It is safer conforms to the calendar limits on the kept the summer days brought sunshine. at home than it is any place else. Keep season for wearing straw hats. Mother Nature ’tends to growing out of the clutches of the oily-tounged our trees as well as planting them. stock salesman who comes from a distance She does a good job of it. T'ne foresters tell me there is no place and wants your money to invest in an en- THE VERNONIA-HARMON FIELD in America where trees grow so tei prise, the merit of which you know as they do on this west coast.” Receipt of the marker for the Vernonia- fast “Nor nothing save what is told you by the man as large,” echoed the girl. or men seeking to “separate you from Harmon field, which is locally known as “Why, your young forest is bigger the city park, recalls to mind the often- than our old forests back home.” your coin.” The old man smiled. “I remember If you have any money to invest, think expressed need of making improvements vour land grows fine, tall corn it over—and then invest in Vernonia. Ev­ 'here for the benefit of the most part and and oats. The broad leaves of the and folks in general. ery resident of Vernonia ought to be a corn used to seem as far above my booster for Vernonia and Vernonia enter­ The suggestion has been made that the head when I was a small boy as prises. Owing Vernonia real estate will mayor declare a holiday at some time this these trees do now. The hot nights the black soil back there are go a long way toward making all citizens summer, when donation labor by the and mighty for growing and npen- a booster for the home town. Build or townspeople would clean up the field, ing corn fine even if they arn’t much level the bumps, fill in the gullies, plant buy a home—and grow with Vernonia, good for growing tall trees. and enjoy to the full all the benefits of shrubs, build a swimming hole, construct “We can’t grow corn like yours dressing rooms, and perhaps even tennis on our steep, rocky slopes or down being a Vernonia home owner. courts, for the benefit of young and old in cool, dark canyons. But we ,can grow trees. The winds, full alike. THE REAL COMMENCEMENT of moisture from the ocean, the With but a small sum upon which to heavy winter rainfall, the even The seniors are graduating. From the draw for expenditures, the improvements climate, the soil made by grinding1 domentary schools, from the high schools, ments this year must take the form of glaciers of centuries ago, these are as good for tree growing from the < and universities they labor. In that we shall be able to claim the things as is the climate of your old state a>e b'-’iig ushered forth to new fields of help promised by the Harmon foundation, for corn growing. activity, new experiences, new problems. which takes the form of equipment for “Nature made this country Some of them are through with school. playgrounds. The improvements must be for tree growing, it seems to For them this is a real commencement of made before May 1 of each year for a From these rocky peaks in you see them ehere on park to benefit thereby, thus Vernonia Cascades, the battles of life. the skyline, to the foothills facing But though some are through with school is eliminated for this fear, since nothing the blue Pacific, trees, the tallest none is through with study. Though some has been done in the past year. But this trees in America are the greatest are through with scholastic preparation, summer is the most reasonable time for crop we can grow.’ nonn is through with that continual, sus­ the work to be done, and next year the The little girl, now grown to womanhood, saw that what the old tained application which is the accumula­ playground equipment will be available. settler said was true. She remem­ tive preparation of all who are fired with The Harmon foundation will do nothing bered the slow growth of the little the ambition and zeal of which success until the citizens themselves take the in­ elm tree and marveled anew at itiative. is born. the wonderful work of Mother Na­ ture in this country of big trees Whatever the field of action to which and widespread forests. the Graduates now seek entrance, they Entered as Second Class Matter, AugUBt 4, 1922 at the Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 Bv the time all the states get their good roads programs finished the world will be riding in airpanes. Subscription ,)rdcr Blank VERNONIA EACI.E I'/lch >seil is (SL.’.:I:>) I It>) t'orv. hidl please enter one i ear's (tu« subscript ion tor The \ emoni t I'a^le to i/o to the lolloxvin/r nihlrers: N ma L odge , No. 246, O. E. Enstrum. N.G. G. B. Smith, Sec’t’y. =7 To Your AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Meets 2nd and 4th Wed- Credit nesdays at the Grange hall. Mrs. II. E. McGraw, President Mrs. Earl Washburn, Secretary. Vernonia Po.t 119, American Le* gion. Meets second C f. • XX- » < rrrrrm and fourth Tues, days each month, 8 p.m. H. _ E. ____ Me. Graw, Commander. Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular cominnni- cation first and third Wednesdays of each month. All visiting sisters and brothers wel­ come. Bessie Tapp, W. M. Leona McGraw, Secretary. When you stop at the receiv­ ing window of this bank and pass in a part of your earn- the a- mount is cred- ited to your ac- count, starting to earn money for you from the day you place it in our care. VERNONIA GRANGE The Vernonia Grange meets on th second Saturday of every month a 7:30 P. M. Any members of th Grange living in or near Vernenia or visiting in the community, ar cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Minnie Malmsten, Secretary MOUNTAIN HEAR T REBECCA LODGE No. 243. I.O.O.F Meets every second and Fourth Thursdays in Grange Hall—Vernonia Visitors always welcome Mrs. Edna Kilby, N. G. MRS. IRENE SPENCER. Sec’y R. I. HALL, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 891—Residence 2S4 Vernonia, Oregon BANK OF J. MASON DILLARD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW VERNONIA to Carkin Cleaning Works Here Every Wednesday Next young tender shoots and tips of the more mature stalks are excel- DR. ELLA WIGHT DR. C. J. WIGHT CHIROPRACTORS Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Troubles Planting; Time F; hion note .-ays a woman should have a hat to match every costume. Still, she would never have anything fit to wear. Earliest of all Certified Seed That bulletin of the department of ag-i riculture which read “The cat crop ranks, third in importance” would not have been so far from the truth had the last two words been omitted. Even the printer should have known the difference be­ I tween oats and cats. Lodge Directory Oregon has 225,000 horses, 4,-| meets every Tuit