Thursday, May 5, 1927._ VERNONIA EAG1X- Mrs. Margaret Anderson of Kan­ sas City is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Anderson. Mrs. Muriel Bell arrived home from the University of Oregon at Eugene, because of illness. Mrs. A. L. Bowman is spending Mrs. E. A. Green, Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. J. Greenman were Port­ a few days in Portland. Mrs. M. D. Cole visited with her land visitors last week. parents in Scappoose Friday. Mrs. L. Cates who has bedn / HOFFMAN HDWE. CO Wire Woven Cloth S ■.«»II ■ I... • i seriously ill in a Portland hospital, K. La Rocque was elected cor­ What I Have Gained I Let’s go to church folks! — is reported improving. respondent of the local voiture of 'By Leea Enos) The ladies of the athletic club 40 et 8 at the meeting Tuesday One night when I attended one hold their last party of the season night, to succeed Lee Schwab, who had resigned. The voiture donated of the meetings at the new Christ- on Mayl7. I E. Bittie is back to work again $5 to the Red Cross for relief ian church recently, brother Leavitt said something about “ love and after having his foot crushed at work in the Mississippi valley. liberty,” and those two words struck the mill some time ago. When you want Buns for the Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Amy Hughes week-end fishing trip or picnic be the cords in my he,art strings, and INSURED CARRIER Mrs. A. Black and Mrs. Pasto mo­ sure and order them ahead of time my being was filled with music, love and strength. I tored to Portland Wednesday. and avoid dissapointment. And you Vernonia Office I knew then that he was preach- The Berian class will have their will find here many other good At the Brazing Works on Ross monthly party at Dayness Ruse things besides Buns to take on ing the message that we are wait- Avenue. Saturday night. the trip. Vernonia Bakery.—adv. ing to hear. Phone MAin 343 Mr. McNutt recently bought a I say “we” because every heart . County road supervisor, Berger- four-door Ford sedan from the son and City Road Commissioner, responds to “love and liberty,” and ( Portland Office Crawford Motor Co. Auto Freight Terminal Pringle have united forces to Im­ are we not in bondage as long Mrs. Thos. Pettijohn recently prove the street farthest west as we walk in sin? E. Water and Yamhill Streeti bought a new two-door Ford sedan of town. Part of which is in the May it be that which the world ¿Ast 8226 Office No. 11 from the Crawford Motor Co. DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR city limits and part outside. They is looking for today? ..1 When you buy bread be sure have the work about half done. and ask for "Mother’s.” It is a Mrs. Bertha Meyer and daughter quality loaf and no better loaf of bread can be bought anywhere, adv. May Meyer returned Monday from Dudley Spencer has purchased a a 10-day trip to Idaho. In crossing new Ford coupe from the Crawtoru' the Blue mountains they encounter­ ed a severe snow storm. Roads Motor Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roberts and were a little wet this early for Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Clark lefc comfortable traveling, they stated. We are now established in larger quar­ If you need more than the small Monday for Los Angeles, Calif. We are now making all of our pound loaf ask for Mother’s Bread ters in the building formerly occupied by pies in a 25c size. We also have in the sandwich loaf size. It is the Fenner Radio. the small pies at 10c. We have a square loaf which makes it ideal If you would like the very latest in Hat about fourteen kinds of pies fresh for sandwiches and it is equally each day.—Vernonia Bakery.—adv. good for the table. Learn to say Styles, you will do well to come here to when you "speak ofi The W. C. T. U, will meet at “Mother’s i” 1 inspect our offerings. Each hat is distinc­ bread and be assured of the best. 1 the home of Mrs. J. D. Reese Tues, tive in styling. —adv. day at 2:30 p. m. All friends and members are cordially invited. t Infant Dies. •Evangelist Teddy Leavitt baptis­ Carl William, infant son of Mr. I ed more than 60 in the river Thurs­ day a total of 107 during his stay and Mrs. C. L. Gibson, was born April 26, died April 29. The fun-1 here. Wm. Folger, M. E. Carkin and H. eral was held Sunday. E. McGraw attended a meeting of Portland post, American Legion, Monday night. When you read this ad you will just have time to place your or­ der for that special cake for your mother to show your appreciation of her on Mother’s Day. May 8. Don’t delay, do it now. Vernonia Bakery.—adv. Dr. Ella Wight wishes to corract Also Stationery and Greeting Card* the erroneous report that she is leaving town, as she maintains of­ Choice Sweets, in a score of wonderful flavors, fice hours as usual.—adv. packed in charming boxes, is our offer of extra Rev. W. E. Jones of Newberg good Candy for Mother’s Day. filled the pulpit at the Christian church Sunday for Rev. Curtis, who Remember Mother. could not be present. Rev. Curtis will be here again next Sunday. PORTLAND - VERNONIA Truck Line ► We Have Moved MODEL MILLINERY All width* from IS in. wide to 42 in. wide. Our prices are now the LOWEST we ever sold wire cloth. Mail order catalogues advertise the “Lowest Prices in America’’ on wire cloth. Compare Our Prices AND YOU WILL FIND YOU SAVE TIME AND MONEY right here. We carry the DULL FINISH SPECIAL DOUBLE PROCESS GALVANIZED CLOTH. Also the CELO GLASS CLOTH, very durable, will outlast the common treated cloth. Fine for hot beds, chicken houses, etc. Screen Doors with spring hinges, hook and door pull CO tc 2-8x6-8 size, all for .............................. See Hoffman About It “IT PAYS CANDY. For Mothers Day MAC’S PHARMACY Classified Advertising FOR SALE FOR SALE—80 acres, 30 acres in cultivation, $200(1 worth of big timber, 2 good houses, barn, gar- age. One acre good fruit orchard that will net $500 to<$1200 a year. One mile from Mist. Price $4500, half down, rest on time. Phone or write Joe Techmanek, Mist, Ore- gon. 384* Miller Mercantile Company '’TORES AT STORES AT 1 MILLERS L CJ NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA EVERYTHING EGGS for hatching, from selected pure bred R. I. Red hens, $1.00 for 15. Mrs. F. B. Godwin, 1*4 miles out on paved highway. 393* Ilei timers The Store That Leads in Style and Quality Just received a special shipment of LADIES COATS direct from New York. This lot of coats con­ sists of Sport Plaids, Twillblooms and black sat­ ins, sizes 16 to 48. Every coat a real value, priced from $8 to $15. Real Indian Head Suiting Each piece absolutely guaranteed; your money back if colors fade. A most satisfactory ma­ terial for ladies’ and childrens’ suits, dresses and uniforms. Our riecial price, 40c per yad KOLLIXS RUN-STOP Hosiery You are sure to be satisfied if you wear Rollins Hosiery. We have just added a new silk-to-hem, ser­ vice-weight hose in 15 colors at $1.00 per pair. Sheerest Chiffons and service weight at $1.50 to $2.00 per pair. Give Hosiery on , “Mother’s Day” Headquarter* for Ladie** and Children** Shoe* Mail orders filled promptly. Phone 801 Vernonia, Oregon JI ! INCORPORATED FOR SALE—Two houses, one 4- room and one 2-room, along rail­ road track below Rose ave. in Ver­ nonia. Address H. L. Westerman, Yamhill, Oregon. 398* FOR SALE—Canary birds, yellow and green, singers, $.'! each. Al­ so dahlia and gladioli bulbs. Mrs. Minnie Krinick, 224 North St. 374* PIANO FOR SALE—In Vernonia vicinity. Highest grade, a bar­ gain. Pay $10 a month. For parti­ culars address Western Piano Bro­ kerage Co. 413 North Boren ave. Seattle, Wash. 374 PURE BRED white leghorn setting eggs for sale, $1 a setting. Also 3-months-old pedigreed police pups, $25 each. Lod McDonald, Phone 5151, Vernonia. 382* FOR SALE—4-roorn house. Make payments like rent. Will accept a car as part payment. Square Deal Garage. 35tf CORVALLIS HILLSBORO M c M innville MONMOUTH TO WEAR HEN you are looking for a place to buy dependable eatables, we invite you to this store, where you can get standard merchandise plus courteous service. W WE DELIVER FREE M.J.B. Coffee, 2 lb* $1.15 4 Catsup, gallon 75c 45c Cream Cheese, lb 30c 50c Blue Hill Cheese, package 15c Pure Extract Honey 60c English Walnuts, lb 30c M.J.B. Jr. Coffee Memorie Coffee j. WANTED — Position in private home or anywhere, for nursing or taking care of children. Inquire at Eagle office, or write Mr3. E. E. Edwards, Vernonia, Ore. 36tf Comb Honey, 2 lbs 45c Fresh Eggs, dozen 25c Oest’s Jelly 10c Miller’s Butter, pound 45c Maple and Cane Syrup % gal $1.00 Cigarettes, 2 package* 25c WANT TO RENT—Modern, good- sized house. Inquire at The Eagle. tf Marshmallow Syrup, */2 gal. .. 60c Smoking Tobacco, 2 pkg*. 25c Corn, No. 2 can, 2 for 25c Fresh Potato Chip* 10c Pea», No. 2 can, 2 for 25c Salmon 20c MISCELLANEOUS LOST—A vest pocket sized East­ man kodak Sunday between Shee- ley’s grove and Vernonia. Finder please return to La Velle Gosa, Box 192, c|o J. A. McDonald. Re­ ward. 382 WANTED — Poeitiort in Private home for housework, part time each week. Inquire at Eagle of­ fice. 392* LOST—A Waterman gold band fountain pen on the downtown streets about 6:30 p.m. Saturday, April 30. Finder please return to Miss Alice Eaton, Washington school. Reward. 391 4 Tomatoes, No. 2«/t can, 2 for... 25c Winesap Apples, box Cove Oysters, can 15c Oranges, doz. Jello, 3 package* 25c Little Buster Pop Corn We Deliver VERNONIA'S LEADING STORE ♦ $1.85 30c, 40c, 55c 15c We Deliver »