VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, May 5, 1927 Mist-Vernonia The Timber Line What a splendid nurse sh« is sure to be. By Loretta Johnson We came from Natal, Mist, and Dark-eyed Mary arrives with patter, the Burn. Not very large but she suraly aaa Being Affairs of Vernonia Schools and Published Each Week in the Eagle You can't find a finer bunch wher­ chatter. ever you turn. Milly next joins us at th« usual We aim at high class work, and go into the unexplored, but as I place. Our Last Thoughts good self control, look back I will always remember Don ’t tease her boys, she may For Our School— the kind and thoughtful guidance I And you know Bill kicked it when slap your face. Seniors that I have received here.—Gladys iI you see the ball roll. Krinjck. I wish to express my apprecia- Myrtle, Ray and Walter come Out comes Floyd, like a pocket edition, I will try to express in words, Vernonia tion to the faculty of down from the burn, The smallest student, but full of High school for the help and pat- my appreciation of the benefits Then to get some others. down erudition. ience it has shown me in the past which I have received from the river you must turn, Spraying is very esstntial to an Rainier carried away most of nine months. It’s guiding hand has teachers and fellow students of First Ida, tall and slender with Ruth is fitting herself for an office life, the honors and all of the cup in helped me to see life in a broader the Vernonia high school. I have orchard, because it keeps down the her fluffy hair appears, been taught to progress as the diseases and makes the fruit more the county track meet held here lense.—Wayne Wall. She may decide later to be her Then Dorothy of the golden hair Vernonia High, although I am school progresses and I have learn­ profitable. The codling moth is Saturday, with Vernonia taking boss’s wife. leaves the bridge as horn she ed lessons which will be of great one of the most injurious insects leaving you, I shall take with me second place. The scores were: hears. Grace is aloof, and has little to Rainier 78, Vernonia 35, Clats­ memories of pleasant days spent value to me in later life. I wish of this locality. It can be pre­ to leave behind me the idea that vented by the use of a poison spray Next comes Charles, our young •ay, kanie 8, St. Helens 1. Wagner of in studious effort, I wish to ex- The But adds to her “story," while electrician, Rainier was high point man with press my gratitude to the faculty one can secure benefits from the such as arsenate of lead. others gab away. ! may be 18 points, having won three firsts for the aid it has given me and V. H. S., if he will but receive moths appear in the early spring To construct Super-radios and the females lay their eggs on his mission. Last comes Richard whom we all The summary for the patience it has shown me. them.—Harry Hixon. and one second, Life is empty without intellectual the leaves of the tree and some­ Donald comes from the garage, call “Pete.” I am glad that I had the chance follows: already to start, He is a senior and his head pre- 100 yard dash—Hawkins V first, to go through my high school days stimulation. From V. H. S. we have times on the young fruit. After cedes his feet. Bennett V second, Clement R 3rd. in Vernonia high with one of the gained a well-rounded development the eggs hatch the young larvae If he can’t build cars, he can take them apart. finest student bodies any school of mind and character, without feeds for a short time on the fo- Time 11 seconds. The list of our students is now 220 yard dash—Sundberg C 1st, has ever had.—Annie Laurie Laird. which, the finer things in life could liage and then make their way Then Lewis complete, and Elizabeth arrive Vernonia high has truly been our not be fully understood and ap­ to the nearest apple and bore into Clement R 2nd, Hawkins and Ben­ in their Ford, So the bus takes all Vernonia ones preciated. — Dudley Spencer. the blossom end. They feed about mother in every sense of the word. nett V 3rd. Time 24.3 seconds. along the street. In a short time we shall be the core of the apple until they Which they quickly park 440 yard dash—Bennett V 1st, For she has guided us, trained us, and the school bus board. We surely are glad that no farther school, are full grown leaving old Vernonia high or about the first Mills V 2nd, F. Thompson R 3rd. disciplined us, loved us. We now it goes, Anna Aamodt, on time, is sure go from her protecting wing, with and I can truthfully say. that I of June. Time 56 seconds. to appear, For the last ones in, must stand have > help learned much to me in a better knowledge of how to as ­ It is in the last stage that the 1st, R 880 yard dash—Wagner on our toeB. She is an honor student most Mills V 2nd, Willis R 3rd. Time sume the duties and responsibilities life’s great struggle and made damage to the fruit is done. The every year. many never-to-be-forgotten friends. apples are not saleable is they of life, with a greater desire to 2 minutes 12 seconds. Sophomore Play Tomorrow Louis Louuen. contain any worms. Laws are be- Meanwhile Bill, a senior, has come Mile—Wagner R lst, Gulker R serve others, and with a cnerished As I am about to leave the Ver- memory of our high school u aw ­ ing passed that all the fruit has 4 minutes Time , down from the hill, 2nd, Hixon V 3rd. “Sunshine,” the sophomore play. nonia high school, I recall with to be inspected before sold. In And added his weight, the bus to ing.—Loretta Johnson. 58.2 seconds. I will be shown in the high school Rainier We are leaving the dear old Ver­ pleasure and satisfaction the in- this way the people who own or­ help fill. Relay—Vernonia 1st, 2nd, St. Helens 3rd. Time 1 min­ nonia high which meant so much estimable guidance that I have re- chards are spraying them; thus Alberta comes hurriedly out of the I ■ auditorium May 6. Much time has j been spent by members of the to us, the school where we have ceived from the teachers; the ex- controlling the spread of the in­ store, ute 44 seconds. High jump—Wagner R 1st, Ben­ obtained what knowledge we nave, cellent times, and the never to be sect. Quiet and small; why doesn’t she second-yc|:r class in preparation nett and Malmsten V second. Height We have spent four happy years forgotten friends made.—Percy Ber­ grow more? for this production, and it Is re- high your banner in our work and 5 feet 4 inches. of our young lives here receiving ge rson. ported to be an interesting and Broad jump—Clement R 1st, pleasures and benefits never to be To the students of Vernonia high in our games. Now we leave these Loretta comes next. She’s a sen­ entertaining show. ior you know. lower classmen in your care; may Wagner R 2nd, Sundberg C 3rd. forgotten, We love Vernonia high school let this be your aim: Strive for all it has done for us, and we for a definite goal in life, build hey cherish you as we have and And says that next year to “Cor- Distance 19.1 feet. Miss Mitchell, . a teacher tn th» ..... ” .... ...... B „. --------- - nell she shall go. Pole vault—Russell and M. John- hope that whoever attends it will your castles in the air, be deter­ paint on the map of success the Calm, steady and purposeful Ellen Washington school, spent th« week cherished name of V. H. S. — Ther ­ son R 1st, Sundberg C 3rd. Height love it as we do.—Lillian Lilly, mined and steady, show your abil­ we see, end in Portland with friends. As we are about to leave the ity by your determination to win, esa Tackett. 9 fet 6 inches. Shot put—Attig R 1st, Laramore Alma Mater, we feel it is our duty and you will be sucessful.—Ken- As our High School doors fling open wide, ■V 2nd, Malmsten V 3rd. Distance to say one last kind word. neth Whitsell. 38 feet 10 inches. Although these days have been I sincerely regret that I can And turn me on the great outside; Discus—Attig R 1st, Engebret- full to the brim with work, they not have more years to go to this I stop before the open door, sen R 2nd, Howard S 3rd. Distance have filled our cup of happiness dear school which has proven it- And shout its praise forevermore. 99.9 feet. full to overflowing. For this last self efficient in every way.—Wil- I love my High School and for it Javelin—Cole R 1st, Miller S we owe a deep debt of gratitude liam Hill. I I stand, 2nd, Bennett V 3rd. Distance 140 to our faculty, because they have For four years we have toiled To shout its praise through all fest. ' il been our helping hand and guiding with our studies gaining knowledge for the land, 120 yard high hurdles—Russell star in time of need. T'nouph some­ and wisdom in preparation for our It my youth it sheltered me R 1st, Hodges V 2nd, Whitsel V times we were chastized rather life’s work. The Vernonia high And now I stand to shout it’s free. 3rd. Time 19 seconds. severely we probably deserved it, school has enabled us to meet the —Glen Hawkins 120 .yard low hurdles—Russell so once more I express our love battles of life squarely. To V. H. As we leave high school, we Don’t fail your Mother on May 8, when all th« R first, Clement R 2nd, White C for V. II. S.—Norman Engen. S. we bid adieu and go on our leave behind for our followers ln- 3rd. Time 14.4 seconds. Hodges Each student owes to h!s school way.—Lewis Laramore. nation pays tribute. valuable instruction we have re- of Vernonia, who won first, was what may be censidered the foun The days I have spent in Ver­ ceived, and invaluable experiences, It is easy: disqualified for failing to attempt dation for a future. What “chance” nonia high school will remain in­ memories we will always bear with to jump the last hurdle. has the man or women who has delible in my memory. Days of us. However, we should remember Come to The Cozy, choose the kind of In the relav race Hawkins over- not entered such schools os “Old pleasure, days of priceless value what Gibbon said, “Every man gets candy you want Mother to have, and an cam« 20 foot lead to win the V, H. S.” against those who have to my vocation. Since I am now two educations, one which he re­ appropriate message. A code telegram will race for Vernonia by a good mar- completed the training fo_- citizen­ leaving you, I wish to express my ceives from others and the more be sent to the dealer in any town and the gin. ship given by such high schorls? sincere appreciation for the many important one, the one which he message and same kind of candy will be Press on toward the goal of life benefits I have received while I gives himself.”—Ruth Holaday. Results of the broadjump and with eagerness and respect for posi­ have been one of your members. delivered as ordered. high hurdles in the interclass meet: tion.—Wilburn Charlesworth. Large crew working on new Ralph Reithner. broad jump, Malmsten S 1st, Hodg­ Order Early To Insure Timely Delivery. Our High School, our beloved Knights of Pythias hall at St. Hel- Lower classmen: Work hard es J 2nd, Heiber F 3rd. High hur­ be good while you are in Alma Mater, we leave you with ens. dies, Whitsel S lât, Hodges J 2nd, school so that when your Nineteen men plant 140.000 seed­ regret. For four years you have Parker J 3rd. been our home where we have work­ ling Douglas fir trees in one day, comes to graduate you will be "Two outdoor tennis courts have to say: “I have done my best, ed together and have tried to lift at U. S. Wind River station. been completed and both were be- I feel that I am a credit to ing used regularly until the rain school. I know that I am fully started. A tennis meeting will be pared to face either college held in the near future and the work.”—John Wardle. dues decided on. The years that I have spent in Vernonia high school have been the District Track most pleasant ones of my life. I have gained a broader view of the Meet May 7. 7-7-7 ¿WJEN E RAL GASOLI NE1) responsibilities of citizenship, and Th« district track meet, which an appreciation of the valuable takes in the high schools of Co­ training which I have received in lumbia and Clatsop counties, will V. H. S.—Marshall Malmsten. compete for honors at Seaside May I go from V. H. S. carrying with 7. If the weather is good a large me an appreciation of the worth crowd from Vernonia will prob­ of my training and of my pleasant ably attend the meet. Astoria won association with my fellow students. th« district championship last year. I also appreciate the efforts of the faculty in helping me to ghin SYMPATHY a fuller knowledge of what life By Sheila Williams Have you ever been in a play means and I believe I shall be and had to work right hard? Did able to meet the duties and res­ you ever have a lot to say, when ponsibilities of life.—Margaret Ship- ley. your nerves were jarred? One doesn’t know what the school Have you ever been scared most to death, when you walked fear- has done for him until the time has come for him to depart.—Normar. fully out on the stage? Did your heart stop, you catch Pettijohn. During my four years here, I your breath, while the innards with- have never been lonesome away in you would rage? Well, you aan sympathize with from home, to tell the people that me, ‘Cause I’m in the very same I belong to Vernonia high school You’ll find him all about you, close to ERAL Dealer, and his name is legion. fix. I know I’ll be scared and for- and it is not without a pang of get my cue. And all will be a regret that I think of leaving you. your home and handy to your place of Wherever you find him it will pay you to —Anna Rea Webster. dreadful mix. business. You can spot him by his attract­ know him, because he’s a fellow townsman Truth and sincerity are the step­ Compliments School. ping stones of life. V. H. S. has ive green-and-white service station or of yours and he “aims to please.” His Prof. Beatty of the University stimulated in us those qualities garage, and by the famous green-and-white business is his own, and he is selling old- of Oregon, who visited this school which we will carry with us as we a few weeks ago, said in a letter progress upward.—Shelia Williams. signs that announcefhis products. fashioned, modern-process GENERAL h« WTote to Mr. Wilkerson, “I Be loyal to you country, by be­ He ’ s the Authorized Independent GEN- Gasoline because he believes in it. have never spoken before a more ing patrotic; to your school, by well-behaved student studying and working diligently; to courteous, GENERAI. Products Are Sbld Only by Authorized body than that of the Vernonia yourself, by being truthful, thought­ Independent Dealers at the Green-and White Sign high school.’ ful and successful.—Amy Hughes. Vernonia high, I am about to Fill Up Your Tank and Let Your ENGINE Decide!” Crooked River highway bridge, leave you, but before I go I wish highest in America, on Dalles-Cali- to express my sincere appreciation fomia route, will be dedicated in of what you have done for me. May or June. Your instructors have been kind and considerate. Their council has THE STAFF Editor always been for the best. My as­ Helen Heiber Veldon Parker Ain't Editor sociations have been most pleasant, Sports and I hope I may carry the friend- Ward Gooding Annie Laurie Laird Senior ship of my high school days with Edward Roles Junior me through life.—Russell Mills, I am about to leave the por- Russell Peek Sophomore Phoebe Greenman Freshman tals of Vernonia high school to Rainier Wins County Track Meet Saturday Spraying Is Essential To an Orchard CANDYGRAM For Mother’s Day THE COZY ef fellow Townsman iVho ‘A ims to P lease