Thursday,_Aprit 28, 1927 Cates is seriously ill in a Portland hospital. Mrs. A. Tisdale returned Tues­ day from a week’s visit in Seattle. Do you know we can send candy by wire? Delivery anywhere in the United States in a few hours. The, Cozy.adv. ' / VERNONIA EAGLE Mrs. Green is back at her schoo work after an attack of measlvs A. J. Raymer was a Portia n< visitor over the week end. 'Mrs. Clark, mother of Mrs. R. Hornbeck, is visiting her. If you would have quality 1n your bread call for Mothers Bread, the quality loaf.—adv. E. Thompson’s father, who lives ip Portland, is here visiting his son. Candy by telegraph anywhere, anytime. The Cozy.—adv. HOFFMAN HDWE. CO. Big Three SURPRISE SALE Another one of our BIG $1.00 SALES and still bigger values. WATCH THESE SALES. We are putting out some wonderful values on first class articles—things that are useful and will last for year». « Big: 1 Gallon Vacuum Juff Usually sells for $3.50 to $5.00 each. The very thing for picnic dinners, camping and fishing trips. ONLY Just Think of This A set of 6 knives, 6 forks and 6 spoons. Another dandy picnic item also a wonderful value for home use. H. Veal is building a five-room I I banquet will be held in the house on B street for Mr. Sav. ge. soc 11 hall of the Christian church I Mrs. E. Bell was a Portland vis- Th' rsday after the evening services. ■ itor this week. All new members will be guests. Make her happy on Mothers Day. 1 .’e now have on hand for sale j May 8. Send a Canuygrafu. .. - a jew lard barrels. These are Cozy.—adv. serai-hardwood and they are ex­ M. McNutt purchased a new tra heavy and can be used for Ford sedan recently. many purposes. Call at Vernonia Mother’s Bipad in the sand­ Bakery.—adv. wich loaf size is ideal for making The Model Millinery expects to sandwiches or for the table. Call move into the building formerly for Mother’s, the square loaf.-—adv. Mr. Prime of Cottage Grove is occupied by the Fenner Radio in the near future. visiting his daughter Mrs. E. Rob­ Nearly 40 persons were baptized bins. Send a Candygram on Mothers in Rock creek Sunday afternoon by Evangelist Teddy Leavitt. Many Day. The Cozy.—adv. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Adams of more will be baptized Thursday Portland visited over Sunday with afternoon. Mrs. McDonald and her friend Mrs. Dollie Anderson, his sister. Remember your mother on Mo­ of Centralia, Washington and Mrs. thers Day. May 8. We can send Dortha Johnson called at the home candy and a nfessage to any part of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark last of the United States in a few Wednesday. Lawrence Prine, Mrs. Robins’ j hours. The Cozy.—adv. About 20 Vernonia folk attended father, George and Cherter Rohins, the Balm Grove dance Saturday Mrs. Pettet and daughter, Mrs. night. A good time was reported. Frazee, -all of Cottage Grove are Mrs. Wm. Folger and daughter visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Robins visited Mrs. Folger’s father at Salem this week. The Vernonia Service station has over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Miner went been opened and is being operated to Portland Sunday to Bee the Ben by R. G. Clark, who has leased the I Hur play. station. Bad weather delayed the Let us send your Mothers Day opening many months, it was said, candy by wire. Delivery anywhere since a large dirt fill had to be in the United States with your made. Picnic days are here once again. message, in a few hours. The Cozy, adv. Enjoy the out-of-doors every min­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aspland were ute you can but before you start in Portland Sunday to see the on that picnic don’t fail to drop Ben Hur play. in our shop and stock up with ’ J. G. Pitts of Gardiner was a a variety of wholesome bakery Vernonia business visitor over the goods. Vernonia Bakery.—adv. week end. Miss May Meyer, assistant cash­ Mother’s day is Sunday, May 8. ier of the Bank of Vernonia, and Remember that mother of yours tn Mrs. Bertha Meyer, left Friday to I some way on that day and what drive to Weiser, Idaho, and other j would be more appropriate than points, for Miss Meyer’s vacation. a prettily decorated cake. Let Another daughter of Mrs. Meyer us make it for you. Vernonia bak­ lives in Weiser. They expect to ery.—adv. be away about 10 days. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. C. L. The following members of the Gibson, Tuesday, April 26, a seven­ local voiture of 40 et 8 attended pound boy. the “wreck” held in Albany Sat­ Does rhubarb pie sound good urday night, returning Sunday: T. to you and, yes, gooseberry’ We Graham, R. La Rocque, A. W. have both of them made fresh Alexander, D. Hatten, C. Nance, daily along with our many other E. H. Washburn, C. E. Covington, kinds of pies. Vernonia Bakery, H. Wilson, P. Hewes, L. H. Schultz, adv. W. Folger, W. Gravett, M. E. The Treharne ladies volley ball Carkin, R. Peil, A. L. Kullander, team won from the Vernonia la­ D. Nickson, E. M. Murphy. dies in a hotly contested game Tues­ Lee Holding killed a nine-foot day night. cougar Wednesday of last week about eight miles north of Ver- nonia which attracted considerable int( zest when shown in town. E amott & Culver received a sb > uent ot 55 heifers from The Dulhs Tuesday. r'T - --------------------- Convention at Rainier The second district convention of th( Knights of Pythias lodges of Columbia county for this year will be held at Rainier, May 9, accord­ ing to a statement of W. J. Ful- leton, district deputy. The lodges of Vernonia, St. Helens, and Rain­ ier comprise this district. Grant lodge officials are expected to be present at this meeting and the St. Helens lodge will send a large delegation.—Sentinel. Game Warden Wm. Brown Sunday of last week for fishing without a license. He was arraigned before Justice of the Peace Hill and p’ead- ed guilty. He was fined $25 and costs. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED Dr. Luzader eyesight special­ ist will be at Kullander’s Jewelry Store on Monday and Tues­ day May 2 and 3. Where you can consult him concerning your eyes. Broken lenses duplicated. Come In and have your eyes examined and get rid of that annoying headache. Please make appointment to avoid waiting.—adv. Fishing Without License Contract let at $7,110 for West­ Dave Marshall was arrested by port Slough bridge at Woodson. Fishin’ Time’s Here, Men Yes, sir, men and boys, too, fishin’ time is here again, and if you want to be sure to land the big ones that come your way, come here to se­ lect your tackle. We are cranks about quality when it comes to tackle. You’ll appreciate .this when you see our offerings. Mellinger Hdw. QUALITY MERCHANDISE Classified Advertising FOR SALE 1 ALUMINUM Sauce Pan Sets— One quart, I’/ m quart and 2 quart Sizes. ALL FOR— See Hoffman About It t “IT PAYS” FOR SALE—80 acres, 30 acres in cultivation, $2000 worth of big timber, 2 good houses, barn, gar­ age. One acre good fruit orchard that will net $500 to $1200 a year. One mile from Mist. Price $4500, half down, rest on time. Phone or write Joe Techmanek, Mist, Ore­ gon. 384* FOR SALE—Canary birds, yellow and green, singers, $3 each. Al­ so dahlia and gladioli bulbs. Mrs. Minnie Krinick, 224 North St. 374’ Miller Mercantile Company INCORPORATED STORES AT "TCRES AT ____ NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA MILLEF&. EVERYTHING FOR SALE—10 assorted dahlia bulbs, $1.00. Mrs. Judson Weed. 381 t CORVALLIS HILLSBORO MeM-NNV ILLE MONMOUTH TO WEAR Our Policy has always been to give you the FOR SALE—Red raspberry plants, 25c per dozen. Mrs. H. Veal. Rei timers The Proffressive Store of Vern n ia that Leads in Style and Quality. One Lot ot Silk Dresses SPECIALLY PRICED AT $12.75 When quality goods are advertised at that price it is a real bargain. Rollins Runstop Hose A silk to hem a service weight hose made < of pure silk. PRICED AT $1.00 per pair. A New Shipment of Sireet and House Dresses. Just received a new shipment of childrens shoes. Five hundred pair. All colors all sizes al shapes. When you want quality goods. Something new or different.—CALL AT REITHNER’S. Mail orders »ent out day received. Phone No. 801. , Most for Your Money PIANO FOR SALE—In Vernonia vicinity. Highest grade, a bar­ gain. Pay. $10 a month. For parti­ culars address Western Piano Bro­ kerage Co. 413 North Boren ave. Seattle, Wash. 374 While some merchants make a show of some one article as “a Leader,” our entire stock will bear out our policy as the following prices will show. PURE BRED white leghorn setting eggs for sale, $1 a setting. Also 3-months-old pedigreed police pups, $25 each. Lod McDonald, Phone 5151, Vernonia. 382* $27.00 EASTMAN KODAK. —Will sell for $12. Call at Mac’s Phar­ macy. 372* FOR SALE—4-room house. Make payments like rent. Will accept a car as part payment. Square Deal Garage. 35tf FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE OR TRADE—my equity in 6 lots and nine room house on Rose avenue balance to assume approximately $2,000.00 Call Depot after 3 P. M. ask for C. W. War die. ’ 351*3 WANTED — Position in private home or anywhere, for nursing or taking care of children. Inquire at Eagle office, or write Mrs. E. E. Edwards, Vernonia. Ore. 36tf Gleason’s 14 oz, one piece back, Red Wrist Gloves—2 pairs for 25c. Blue or grey chambry Work Shirts — 50c [ Full cut overall, either waist or bib Regular price $1.15 Days, heavy whipcord trousers. $3.50. Old Hickory work Shirts—$1.00 Star brand, munson last. Work Shoes — $3.75. — Mens Work sox—10c-15c-20c-25c—Why Pay More Boys Athletic unionsuits — 50c. Mens Athletic unionsuits — 75c. WANT TO RENT—Modem, good- sized house.. Inquire at The Eagle. If MISCELLANEOUS BOY’S TRYCYCLE—Lost, strayed or stolen. Finder will please re­ turn to C. !>. Anderson. Reward, ltc LOST—A vest pocket sized East­ man kodak Sunday between Shee- ley's grove and Vernonia. Finder please return to La Velle Gosa, Box 192, c[o J. A. McDonald. Re­ ward. 382 Not a Sale—Just Regular Prices ^AÂeï063 VERNONIA'S LEADING STORE