VERNONIA EAGLE z — The Timber Line » / Being Ajfairs of Vernonia Schools and Published Each Week in the Eagle THE STAFF the time 6 a.m. and the group, Editqr juniors. They were on the starting Helen Heiber Ass’t Editor point for a trip to Oswego lake. Veldon Parker Sports Five cars and one Ford was the Ward Gooding Senior train envoy. They arrived at the Annie Laurie Laird Junior lake at 9 and the other half of Edward Roles Sophomore the morning constituted a hunt Russell Peck Freshman for a place to eat. Those that did Phoebe Greenman After every event but the broad not hunt paddled the canoes and On April 15 the high school had jump of the interclass track meet gained blisters on their hands. The a fire drill which thrilled 'every­ had been run off, the seniors had ’lake was a very pretty place, its body present. The smoke rolled 50 points, the juniors 44 points, still waters reflected the blue skies out of the windows and through the sophomores 10 points and the, and tije bright spring day. What the doors as if there wa3 a real freshmen none. Bennett, a junior, more can a junior want, fire, but it was a hoax to test I The eats came next after a trip the students’ composure and self­ was high point man. j -i — i-i — . The food was ------ In the relay the seniors won the around the lake, control in an emergency, School perinant by one of the biggest mar­ sandwiches, wieners, mustard and was dismissed after the drill and disbanded cake. Then the band gins since the pennant was put up. the students went to the auditorium The broad jump and high hurdles and took to the water. A phonograh to receive their report cards, were run over Tuesday night. The wailed its tunes on the lake and which thrilled them more. results, in the order of places, were canoes collected around the main canoe which carried the chaperone.1 The sophomores are working dil­ as follows: 100 yards, Hawkins Sr, Bennett Canoe races were a main event. I igently on their play. The play Girls who were afraid of the ca­ would have been given before now J, Malmsten Sr, 11 sec. if there had not been so much 220 yards, Bennett J, Hawkins noes got in row boats. About three of the cars ram­ illness. The play will be given Sr-, Hodges J, 23.2 sec. 440 yards, Bennett J, Mills Sr, bled into Portland and seme of Friday, May 6. the boys and girls stopped at the Engen Sr, 57.3 sec. There are many persons who 880 yards, Hickson, So, Parker J, natatorium for a swim, others who wish to play tennis, but there are could not swim attended a show, Adams So, 2 min. 23 sec. few who wish to help repair the ‘Mile, Mills, Sr, Hickson, So, Par­ Then after a happy .lay they i courts, There is room on the high came home. This constitutes the I school ksfr J, 5 min. 43 sec. grounds for two or three Discus, Bennett J, Hill Sr, Malm- junior skip day. courts, but only one has been pre- sten Sr, 92 feet 3 in. pared, It is hoped that it will Pole vault, Engen Sr, Parker J, Freshmen not be long before the other one Kathryn Hoffman and Dorthy Weed So, 8 feet 8 in. or two are ready. Holtham skated six miles on the i Javelin, Bennett J, Malmsten Sr, pavement Saturday evening. Ray J, 132 feet 3 in. Umatilla and Morrow counties Isola Hall is absent from school will double last years big turkey • Low hurdles, Hodges J, Whitzel on account of an appendicitis crop. Sr, Malmsten Sr, 13.1 sec. High jump, Bennett J, Malmsten eration. Green has been Charlotte Bergerson J, 4 feet 10 in. Shot put, Laramore Sr, Malm- with the flu this last week. A few freshman girls have ¿ten Sr, Bennett J, 39 feet 5 In. getting up at 6 o’clock these mornings to play tennis. County Track 1; Saturday, April 30, will be a big day. The county track meet Athletic Club wjll be held on the local grounds. Give Banquet The Girls Basketball club There will be entries from Clats­ kanie, Rainier, St. Helens, Scap­ the Lettermen’s club gave a poose and Vernonia. The Verno­ mal banquet in the high school nia cup will reBt with Vernonia af- gymnasium Saturday. The faculty and school board were invited. ter the meet. The program was carried out as the steps it takes to make music, Tennis Court Cleared One out-door court has been lin- each representing a step In the ed off and play has shifted from road to a successful basketball the gym to the outside court. One team, one that reaches the top. The speeches were as follows: or two more courts are to i be Talent, Bill Hill; technique, Helen cleared off and lined in the near I Heiber; harmony, Della Cline; and ' future. the last was a speech on music, Seniors but the speaker was not present The seniors chose Shelia Wil­ so the toastmaster, Clarence War­ liams as their May queen. dle, told what the other steps led f The senior class will attend a to. Mr. Austin and Miss Perce also t conference at Rainier Friday. Mr: made interesting talks. Austin will accompany them. A duet was sung by Glen Haw­ The play “Cyclone Sally” made and Bill Hill. They were ac­ i a hit at Birkenfeld. It was such kins companied on the piano by Sheila a success that the senior class will Williams. The girls’ quartet, Anna try to give it in Timber if ar- Rea Webster, Louise Simmons, Ida rangements can be made. Mae Hawkin» and Theresa Tackett, i An inter-class track meet was sang “Whispering.” They were also held Monday. The senior «lass accompanied by Miss Williams. The color scheme of yellow and > made the most points and won the relay pennant. green was carried out. The tabla Lewis Laramore of the senior which was in a “V” shape was class broke all previous records in decorated with daffodils and liliés I Vernonia for the shot put. He with corresponding candles, nut put it 39 feet 5 inches, The sen- cups and place cards. This proved iors are proud of Lewis. to be a very pretty arrangement. Seniors Win Interclass Track Meet Thursday, April 28,1927 Ì go Nehalem Is Favorable To Bee Culture This district is very favorable to bees if they can be situated near a large burn. Bees will gather honey over a large area, But to he profitable should not have to over one-half mile for their main supply. From 30,000 to 40,000 bees are found in each strong, healthy col­ ony and if you find several weak swarms in the spring of the year these may be united and later di­ vided again. It is advisable to In­ troduce new queens when they are divided. Bees, if not carefully watched, will begin swarming here in April. This can be prevented by cutting out queen cells and adding supers or full hives on top of the origin­ al hive. These additional suoers or hives should be filled with frames containing comb foundation. Bees should never be allowed to swarm but should be divided if now swarms are wanted. ... „ In ____ fixing the hive get comb with brood not more than threa days olj, because if it is older, with the proper food it may be made into queen bees. PORTLAND - VERNONIA Truck Line INSURED CARRIER Vernonia Office At the Brazing Works on Rose Avenue. Phone MAin 343 Portland Office Auto Freight Terminal E. Water and Yamhill Streets «.Ast 8226 Office No. II DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR GIVE YOUR BOV A Wrist Watch An ideal gift for the boy graduate is a WRIST WATCH. It it something he can keep and use daily year after year. Let us Show you the several styles we have—at the price you wish to pay. A. L. KULLANDER The Square Deal Jeweler HOW A GOOD NEWS Does Spread i Juniors Skip Day. A Early Friday morning if a work­ er had been coming by the school­ house, he would have seen some students talking and arguing on the subject of cars, seats and trav­ el. The place was the high school; Riverview T. C. Hall of this place, who has been suffering with stomach trouble for several months, passed away on Friday, April 22, at For­ est Grove in Vias hospital. His body was brought back here and lead to rest in the little family cemetery on the W. L. Hall ranch, Tom, as he was known, was a Christian man, a good neighbor and a loving husband and will be greatly missed in the neighborhood. He leaves a wife and one brother, Riley Hall of this place, and four brothers and three sisters in other states and a host of friends to mourn his going. I Mr. and Mrs. Henning Fieldberg and children and his brother Haw­ king drove to Valstez Saturday, returning Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Zolek and daugh­ ter Rose and Mrs. Bert Nelson motored to Forest Grove and back Sunday. Marshall Ingold of Rainier was over Sunday. He conducted the funeral of T. C. Hall. Isola, daughter of Lee and Nan­ nie Hall, was taken to Forest Grove to Vias hospital last Thurs­ day and operated on for appendi­ citis and is improving very nicely. Aunt Sally Spencer was calling on friends in Forest Grove Mon­ day. School was dismissed at 3:30 last Thursday, which was clean-up day. The school grounds were cleaned of all the paper which seems to gath­ er on the grounds. Two fires were kept burning with the trash. Tjie school yard is all dressed up for ' the summer vacation, which is not so very far away. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller, for­ merly of Vernonia but now of Rainier, are visiting with their many friends in and around Ver­ nonia for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Eason are settled in their new house which has just been finished. R. M. Acord is building an up- to-date chicken house for Mrs. C. A. Schamon. Mrs. Nannie Hall drove to For- cst Grove Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thus Kirk and Lola Nance, to visit her daughter Isla in the hospital. George Terrian has bought the place known as the old Schoonover ranch on Pebble creek and is building a house on it. He will move in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Herman of Zilla, | Wash., visited the Estes family last week. Bell Goodnight went bear hunt-| ing Sunday and returned with the bear hide of a cub. Mabie Cline of West Vernonia ' spent Tuesday with her sister ln- law, Mrs. Merl Clins. W. L. Hall is visiting friends In Rainier this week. Oiling Oregon Trail, Heppner ■ Junction So LaGrande, will take three months. *2,500 new ferry slip be'ng eon-1 structed for Astoria-North Shore Ferry at foot of 14th straet. Opening Of VERNONIA SERVICE STATION « » Is Still the Best PARABASE MOTOR OIL 100 PER CENI PURE PARAFINE BASE Fill Up Your Tank and Let Your Engine Decide VERNONIA SERVICE STATION R. G. CLARK I j