— NOTICE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELECTION State of Oregon, County of Co­ lumbia, School District No. 47. ss. Notice is hereby given that at the school district bond election hereby called to be held at Wash­ ington school, Vernonia, Oregon, in and for school district No. 47, of Columbia county, Oregon, on the 30th day of April,” A. D. 1927, between the hours of two o’clock p.m. and seven o’clock p.m., there will be submitted to the legal vot­ ers thereof the question of con­ tracting a bonded indebtedness in the sum of $75,000.00 for the pur­ pose of reconstructing or remodel­ ing the present school building and erecting and furnishing new class rooms, gymnasium and auditorium in and for said school district; the vote to be by ballot upon which shall be the words “Bonds—Yes” and “Bonds—No”; and the voter shall place a cross (x) between the words “Bonds” and the word “Yes,” or between the words “Bonds” and the word “No,” which indicates his choice. The polls for the reception of the bal.ots cast for or against the contraction of said indebtedness will, on said day and date and at the place aforesaid, be opened at the hour of two o’clock p.m. and remain open until the hour of sev­ en o’clock p.m. of the same day when the same shall be closed. By order of the District School Board of School District No. 47, of Columbia county, Oregon, made this 8th day of April, A. D. 1927. O. S. Poynter, Chairman, District School Board. Attest: Lillian Brown, al4a28 District Clerk. Radioed From USDA Candling eggs is a safeguard against such conditions as blood ; spots. And it’s the way to make 1 sure that you are not sending . stale eggs to market. It’s one of the most efficient methods of learn­ ing the quality of eggs. There are ways to improve the ' quality of eggs besides producing only infertile ones, keeping them in a cool place, and marketing them often. There are various man- a ■ 1 • VERNON IAEAGLE agement practices that will improve neirly four years. Funeral services the quality of eggs. In the :.'irst will be conducted by Dr. o: n. place, laying stock should be :ept Ho'mes at 2 o'clock this afternoon on clean land. The houses and and interment will be in the Banks nests should be kept clean at all* cemetery. times. And only clean eggs sh >uld I "he second in a series of Awieri- be marketed. Dirty eggs not only can Legion smokers will be held look bad, but they sell lest readily. at Paterson hall on Wednesday Get them out of the nests promptly. evening and will be open to all In warm weather, when the tem­ interested in boxing and wrestling perature is 80 degrees and above, w.thout regard to Legion member­ the contents of the egg tend to ship, according to announcement of evaporate rather fast, and eggs will A. C. Anderson, commander. become stale quickly if they’re left Forest Groves special city elec­ in the nests. The same is true if tion held on Wedncutuy to deter­ vou let broody hens sit on either mine the matter of amending the fertile of infertile eggs. And of city charter resulted in a tie vote, course, eggs should not be left wih 137 votes yes and 137, no. exposed to the direct rays of the A total of 275 ballots were cast, sun. one of them be.ng a blank. The ideal condition for raising Invitations are already being chickens is on open range, without accepted by high schools in South­ yards, fences greatly increase the western Washington and Northwes­ labor cost, as well as the cost of tern Oregon to attend ‘he fifth equipment and maintenance. When annual intersch elastic track and open range is not practical it’s field meet to be hell on Pacific best to raise them in one large university field eo May 7. yard or field, a field to keen the Farm Reminders chickens in and the dogs and ro- dents out. Apple and pear scab are best The value fo clean land in grow- ing good chicks can not be over controlled by being sure that leaves estimated. In many cases, poultry­ as well as fruit are thoroughly men get good results the first covered with spray, says H. P. year or two. Then, each succeeding Barass, Oregon experiment station year, they fail to do as well, due pathologist. to contaminated yards. Well crained, sweet, sandy types of woil are best for alfalfa grow­ ST. HELENS MIST Fred Floeter, Jr., 14-year-old son ing in western Oregon according of Fred Floeter, was accidently shot to results at the experiment sta- about 2:30 o’clock Friday afternoon tion. Alfalfa does not grow well while he and four neighbor boys on sour, poorly drained soil. were hunting in the timber between A well prepared seed bed is St. Helens and Columbia City. He more important than time of sow­ was rushed to the St. Helen» ‘Jen- ing for alfalfa. Late plantings on eral hospital where he died aoout a well prepared and settled seed 5:30. bed give better results than early Six members of Troop 63 of the plantings on improperly worked Boy scouts on last Thursday night ground. The Oregon experiment sta­ passed their second class tests a tion finuld its name. High bluffs rise in : laces soon have been 100 years of age. on each side of the lake, wh _-h is ne: rly two miles wide in one :>lace, , an> about * - - 10 - miles long. It is on RAINIER REVIEW Ono man was instantly k lied the shores of this lake that the I and four were hurt about 1:15 lab Victor Lawson, publisher of Thursday afternoon, when a “mul- I the Chicago News, built a summer ligan car” of the Noyes-Hollana tim­ I cot :age over 40 years ago, and ber company jumped tne track later purchased a number of farms when the men were coming into on the lake until he had acquired camp from work. 100 acres. He then built a model The dead man is Fred Gran- farm, sparing no expenses, putting ni of Portland, aged about 40. up elaborate farm buildings, water He met death when the car turn­ towers and reservoirs to hold water ed over on him after leaving the pumped from the lake and wells for irrigation and for house use. track. He was unmarried. On the train were 45 men, bound Stone fences, paved roads running from their work to the camp after through wooded parks and hills, quitting time at 5 o’clock: It is observation towers, and unique re­ thought that the car jumped he creation places were added, until probably a million dollars had been track, sending it over the bank. invested. Owing to ill health of The injured are: Mrs. Lawson, this wonderful show Dave Bowerman, Portland. place was closed to the public, but Eric Aspland, Portland. until her death several years ago Lick Janty, Portland. it was her recreation and delight Tom Robinson, Clatskanie. John P. Callahan, aged 67, years, to watch the place grow into a a resident of Beaver Homes for country estate that has few equals. After the death of Mr. Lawson 10 years, died in the Ditto hospital at Rainier last Friday morning. a year or two ago, the place was Cancer of the stomach was the sold to a Chicago syndicate for half its cost, and it is now being cause of his death. laid out as a real estate subdivis­ REPUBLICAN PARTY ion ion summer homes, with re- FOUNDED AT RIPON strictions that will insure desirable buildings. A number of fine resi­ From page 1 dences are now being built. It ri­ All the farms have fine, large' vals some of the noted real estate ___ _ buildings and are well kept up. projects of Florida. It is still kept Although the land has been culti-1 very exclusive, however, and no vated for 75 years, it is as fertile, one can enter the grounds without as ever and produces profitable ‘ permission from the manager. crops. Oregon will receive $533,000 na­ Green Lake, between here and Princeton, is one of the oldest ___ and tional forest road fund this year. most popular of the many summer | McMinnville will vote on $75,000 resorts in Wisconsin. It 1 b a very beautiful body of water, very deep bonds for city hall. I State Laundry Company FOR GOOD LAUNDRY WORK We call and deliver TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS—Leave orders with S. Wells, Tailor, Phone MAin 891 SPECIAL And the BEST FANCY CANDIES Lincoln Candy Kitchen Dr. Mellenthin You can always depend# upon splendid Poking nsdlis with Crescent — the n Double - • r- _ Actinq SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for th. past fifteen y DOES NOT OPERATE Will bo at Benson Hotel THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATUR- DAY, MAY S, 6 and 7. Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. THREE DAYS ONLY No charge for co.s.ltation THE NEW Hot Plate I aporizer Will Give You More Miles per Gallon More Power------Smoother Operation Less Carbon------ Easier Starting Less Crankcase Dilution Bring in your Ford today and let us put one on. $9.00 ' Installation Extra. Crawford Motor Co. Dr. Mellenthin is a regular grad­ uate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic ap­ pendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail­ ments. Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients In Oregon who have been treated for one of the above-named causes: Mrs. H. H. Blake, Marshfield. Mrs. L V. McAdoo, Scio. W*. L. Kirby, Bend. M. E. Anstadt, Astoria. Fred Krusow, Grass Valley. Lewerenx, Portland. C. H. Horning, Hauser. J. L. Henderson, North Pow- Andrew Anderson, Westport. Remember above date, that con­ sultation on thia trip will be free and that his treatment ia different. Married women must be accom­ panied by their buabanda. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. Modern preference finds its choice in Camel PRESENT-DAY taste singles out Carnal as its ideal cigarette. This age is the most exacting ever known and it rates Camel first. Camel taste and fragrance come from the choicest tobaccos grown. They lead to supreme smoking pleasure. You’ll never find a higher standard of goodness than in thia favorite cigarette. Your own enjoyment will confirm the overwhelming choice of modern smokers. To know how mild and mellow the quality cigarette can really be—"Have a CtmeiT