I ■VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, April 21, 1927. On Saturday, April 23, we vill have on special sale, Parker II< use rolls, Hard rolls and Poppy i led Mrs. Lappe, Mrs. E. A. Grtm-, rolls, all at 15c per dozen o • 2 Mrs. D. Marshall and Mrs. E. IU ’ dozen for 25c. We will also 1 tve on sale cinnamon rolls (S.t Is) are on the sick list. at the same price. If you can’t Mrs. Cora Lang was successfully come fcarly phone your order. Ver- The willing workers meet May operated upon for appendicitis, at. riOllia tjakery—adv. Mrs. Hyland at Treharne. 4 with a Portland hospital, Sunday. 16 of Junior Wilsons friends Mr. H. Veal was a Portland The quarantine for Scarlet fever gathered at his home on Saturday visitor this week. on the E. Crow home was lifted afternoon and helped him celebrate his 6th birthday with a party and Beatrice Veal is on the sick list. Monday. egg hunt. Portland people A good many R. Sessman was a Portland vis- spent Easter Sunday fishing in The chamber of commerce will itor last week. the Nehalem River. hold its regular meeting at the Mr. and Mrs. M. Rhul were Mrs. Urie and children visited social rooms of the Christian church Portland visitors Saturday. her brother in St. Helens Easter Friday evening at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. N. Miner returned from a Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Miles and weeks visit in Seattle. The Camp Fire girls enjoyed an Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Garman spent Mrs. H. Strong is on the sick Easter egg hunt in the Christian Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. church Saturday afternoon. list this week. A. L. Ritz. insist report small fishermen If you want good bread The Lucille S. Miller and her broth­ on “Mother’s” and ask for it by er Russell Miller claim a record catches. name.—adv. in not having missed a Sunday in Emery Sheeley visited his sis- Alfred May of Rainier was a the past year at the Christian ter in Portland last week. Vernonia business visitor Thursday. Sonday school, their ages are 8 Mr. and Ms. Geo. McGee were and 5 respectively. Vernonia visitors Tuesday. W. T. Langlois of Clatskanie was The Womens Relief corps held a Vemenl» business visitor Tues- Mr. E. Bittie purchased Fred a basket dinner at the home of day. Creasup place on pleasant view Judson Weed Thursday in honor heights. Mother’s Bread in the sandwich of his birthday. The American Le­ loaf size is ideal for the lunch gion sent a large birthday cake for Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Van Alatine basket and also for the table. When the occasion. were business visitors at St. Hel- you want a sandwich loaf ask for ens. “Mothers”—the square loaf.—adv. Mrs. L. Gates and daughter Del- Mr. and Mrs. Stratton returned Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wall were phine were released from quaran­ from a months visit with their dinner guests at the home of Mr. tine recently, but Mrs. Gates is daughter at Deer Island. t and Mrs. Claud Knapp Easter Sun- reported to be quite ill and is confined to her home. She lives Wilson and day. on the O. A. hill. family, spent St. Helens. the week end in Mrs. E. Thompson returned from Portland where Bhe has been for a month. She is greatly - improved in health. Fishin Time s Here We are making many birthday cakes these days and each one brings us words of praise for its goodness. We do not merely make them pretty. We make them good, too. When your birthday comes a- long let us make your vake.—Ver­ nonia Bakery.—adv. Emil Messing, J. N. Bush, A. L. Kullander and K. A. McNeill spent the first three days of the fish season at Devils lake, in southern Oregon. They drove down the Pa- cific highway and came back by wa of Astoria. The reported an e< to the Knowles ranch after an for smutty grain probably totals exc lient catch of goodsized fish. ab cure of 2 years. -1C 000,000 each year. A conf der- ab'.e loss also results from ex- J ac’s Pharmacy has been ap- •Lon Hall arrived Monday re­ poi ted dealer in this vicinity for tu-: ed with his wife and baby to plosions due to the fact that the spores of stinking smut are ex­ the San Francisco Examiner, the th 1 ■ home at Trout Lake, W tremely combustible when b. jten Pacific Coast’s Greatest Sunday in;ion, Tuesday. up into a dust. In the state of Newspaper, with a Circulation of John McMullen is doing the Washington many thousands of dol­ nearly Half a Million Copies. To lars have been lost in a single coun­ get this Big-Value Sunday News- farm work for Louis Bachmann. ty in one season as a result of paper with its 15 Comics in Colors Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Nelson spent these explosions. and other great features, phone Sunday in Portland. Dorthy June, naughter of Mr. your order today to 751, Mac’c and Mrs. W. W. Wolff, is back in Police Notes Pharmacy. Francis Russell, a miner, was school again after an attack of The Vernonia Bakery is a Ver­ arrested by Marshal Kelly Satur­ the mumps. nonia institution, For its support day night and charged with smok­ it depends solely upon Vernonia ing and having cigarettes in his people and those living adjacent possession. He was found guilty and Hilderbrand’s Carnival thereto. It gives employment to fined by Judge Reasoner. Show Here Next Week six people, It pays taxes (and Hilderbrand’s carnival show, Ed Bafford was arrested by Mar­ mighty high, too) for the support which appeared in Vernonia last of Vernonia and Columbia county. shal Kelly Monday for selling cig­ spring, will be here again next It produces goods which are second arettes to minors. He pleaded guilty week, opening Monday. All the and was fined $5. to none quality. Does not such an joys that interest the kiddies in institution deserve loyal support? Losses from stinking smut (bunt) particular and older folks to some adv. of wheat in the United States as extent, will be on the lot. They represented by decreased yield have advertise a merry-go-round, ferrls been estimated at about 14,000,- wheel, benagerie shows and 15 000 bushels annually, while dockage other attractions. MIST A Surprise party was given for Fred Kombeau Saturday night it being his birthday, Bill Hill had Clarence as a week end visitor. HOFFMAN HD WE. CO Wardle The Vernonia high school is to give the Senior play, “I Cyclone Sally” at the Birkenfeld high school gym next Friday evening, Apiil 22. It would have been a shame to kill such a good play after only 2 showings and some of us are going to see it again. I Mrs. Fenton is spending several days at Buster Camp Wickstreins. Mrs. Fenton returned lust Thurs­ day from Ostrander where she had been visiting since Sunday. Nearly every evening there have been cars loaded with our v.llagers to hear Teddy Leavitt at Vernon­ ia. He is a most interesting man and it is well worth the trip to hear him. Sold by See Hoffman About it Classified Advertising FOR SALE Ye«, sir, men and boys, too, fishin’ time is here again, and if you want to be sure to land the big ones that come your way, come here to se­ lect your tackle. We are cranks about quality when it comes to tackle. You’ll appreciate this when you see our offerings. PIANO FOR SALE—In Vernonia vicinity. Highest grade, a bar­ gain. Pay $10 a month. For parti­ culars address Wtestern Piano Bro­ kerage Co. 413 North Boren ave. Seattle, Wash. 374 i» -r—» li.MPl Mellinger Hdw QUALITY MERCHANDISE Reit liners The Progressive Store of Venirn ia that Leads in Style and Quality. t VOILES Pastel Shades Imported Chiffon, 40 inches wide at 65c per yard Domestic Voile at 32c per yard Beautiful Shade* of Colored Voile* and Flaxona NEW SHIPMENT OF Summer Coat* and Dresses—New Shoe*, Fashion FOR SALE—2 Shares Stock, Pig- gly Wiggly Co. See J. E. Crop­ per, Vernonia, Oregon. 371* * FOR SALE—Shingle Mill, com­ plete, a 3 man outfit. Will cut 10,000 shingles a day. Perkins hand machine, cheap for quick sale. L. Harlan. Birkenfeld, Oregon. 371* Miller Mercantile Company Tf RES AT NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA STORES AT CORVALLIS HILLSBORO M c M innville »»¿Good* TRAMP! TRAMP. MONMOUTH MENS SUITS $27.00 EASTMAN KODAK. —Will sell for $12. Call at Mac’s Phar­ macy. 372* FOR SALE—Four-room house, gar­ age and two lots. Very reason­ able. 1062 Rose ave. N. This. Kirk wold, owner. 362* FOR SALE—4-room house. Make payments like rent. Will accept a car as part payment. Square Deal Garage. 35tf PURE BRED —White Leghorn chickens, 1-year old, for sale, $1. each. Also hatching eggs, $1 a setting. Lod McDonald, Box 42, Vernonia. 342* tf FOR SALE OR Walk in Well Shod COMFORT NEW SHIRTS TRADE FOR SALE OR TRADE—my equity in 6 lots and nine room house on Rose avenue balance to assume approximately $2,000.00 Call Depot after 3 P. M. ask for C. W. War die. 351*3 FOR RENT FOR FURNISHED HOUSES—See E. S. Cleveland, I have them. • 30«* Styles—The latest Latest. : Silk Hosiery. All Silk way to top at .00 Warner Bros. Cur^eletfes and Brassiere«.—Pictorial Review Patterns. The Store of Vernonia Where You Can Buy Quality Merchandise WANTED — Position in private j home or anywhere, for nursing! or taking care of children. Inquire' at Eagle office, or write Mrs. E. E. Edwards, Vernonia, Ore. 36tf WANT TO RENT—Modern, good­ sized house. Inquire at The Eagle. tf i MISCELLANEOUS BOY’S TRYCYCLE—Lost, strayed | or stolen. Finder will please re­ turn to C. L. Anderson. Reward, ltc The quality is exceptional, the price very low and the styles brand new. You may choose from several materials, some with attach­ ed collars, others with separate col­ lars to match. Star Brand Shoes Are Better Í Save the Surface and You Save AH The Mathews boys turned their Dodge in at Astoria on a 1921 Buick. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn have return- FOR SALE—Canary birds, yellow and green, singers, $3 each. Al­ so dahlia and gladioli bulbs. Mrs. Minnie Krinick, 224 North St. 374* » Quality The best Tailoring’—The finest STORE Gordon Hats $5.00 and $6.00.