VWmA, I I according to the Oregon e: peri- !v m the same shall be closed. NOTICE OF It has r ot been long since business Ki­ ! ‘ n. rt station. Spring applicaticns of ADMINISTRAI RIX ’ S SALE Uy order of the District School iilw llrnuntiii Eaglr vertising i •; s as severely criticized nd | E rd of .School Discrict No. 47, m.inure give bitter results on corn Issu every Tnursday »1 pe- year in Adv.nce ridiculed .;: boasting of personal qua ifi- In the (Jaunty Court of the State ic Columbia cout.ty, Oregon, made gi uivi than on wheat, out or bar­ cations. A the same time there wi & as f Oregon for the County of -Co- t. Sth day of April, A. D. 1927. ley crops. umbia. O. S. Poynter, Entered as Second Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the little faith hi the claims of advertisements Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the as in the claims of the braggart. Only In the matter of the Estate of Wil- Chairman, District School Board. Act of March 3, 1879 the quack and the imposter, who had i:;. :r. Thomas Hatten, deceased. Attest: Lillian Brown, a!4a.28 everything to gain and nothing to lose, District Clerk. MARK E. MOE, Editor Notice is hereby given, that pur- then resulted to advetising. su mt to an order of the County Farm Reminder» A. O. W. Vcrr.oui* cr.mp Nu. 655 Business is ever the standard bearer C urt of the State of Oregon for every Mor.Jav nii.-ht at »even PATRONIZE VERNONIA STORES and apostle of progress, and so it was th; County of Columbia, duly made, Crops like potatoes and corn are meets thirty -t the Gran :<• Hz.ll. Visiting and cheaply cultivated in easily dated and entered on the 21st day busines.- which discovered that advertising members welcome. . March, 1927, in the matter of Oregon before the crop is planted Some residents evidently do not realize I was a vital factor in all growth. When of A. F. EOSTER <• €!.■ »»>• the Estate of William Thomas Hat­ reports the experiment station, io how great extent they are hurting home advertising was admitted to the fireside of ts ■>, deceased, authorized and em­ W eeds are killed before planting c. C. DUSTEN OLERK." ■■■• ’ - . '. :i, trade by occasionally ordering goods from business it was not the big business of to­ powering the administratrix thereof with large implements as the disk harrow. Early plowing follow­ small mail-order houses, judging from re- day. B.g business traces its beginning to sell all of the real property of and (aid estate, at private sale, will, ed by disking and harrowing at Veil on n L og t. Nd. 184 A. marks that have been made since the with its employment of advertising. from and after the 25th day of frequent intervals kills the weeds. F. A A AL, meets at Grange In its conversation to advertising bus ­ Eagle started the campaign against out- April, 1927. sell at private sale, Shallow cultivation is best later llali every Second . and iness was suun followed by industry, com- to the highest bidder for cash and in the season because it does not of-town hading. Fou.-u, Thursday night*. “What diffeience does it make,” merce and the professions. The benefits subject to confirmation by said bring up more weed seeds. Visitors Welcome Court, and continue to offer Corn utilizes manure applied in for of advertising had made themselves man ­ resident remarked, “if 1 send a few K. A. M< Neill, Secretary. sale, until sold, the following the spring better than most crops, des ­ liest in each step forward. lars to mail-order houses every now cr bed real property, belonging to then?” That was the evolution of advertising, the Estate of William Thomas Hat­ ___________ Were her particular case the only one until today advertising plays a part in ten, deceased, to wit: • í of its nature in the city, it would make every phase of life and is the working Lot numbered one (1) in block Coming tc Portland s but little diffeience, but individual cases instrument of all except the doctor and numbered twelve (12), original I. O. O. F.- \ I UN ma L oi ct No. 246, in the aggregate do make a great deal die lawyer, who still consider it “unethi­ town of Vernonia, within Columbia Dr. Mellenthin meets every T uesday i'ghl at- 8:00 of diffeience. She is only one of hun­ cal” to advertise for business. He may county, Oregon, for the purpose of o'clock, in Grange Hall dreds who are doing the same thing she place his “card” in the weekly newspaper, paying the claims, costs and ex- penses of administration of said SPECIALIST O. E. Enr.trum, '’N.G. is doing, and added together the amounts out it is professionally forbidden for the estate; terms to be: Cash in United G, B, Sipjth», Séc'Vy. have been estimated to total $2000 a doctor or the lawyer to inform the pub­ States gold coin, ten per cent to in Internal Medicine for the past fifteen years month. It is the small buyers that keep lic of his capabilities. accompany* bid, balance on confir­ the mail-order houses going. While we Nothing in life has attaned perfection mation of sale, all bids to be di­ AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY DOES NOT OPERATE have no way of knowing what the mail­ and evolution as an eternal, ever-continu­ rected to the undersigned at Verno­ Mee': 2nd and 4 th Wed­ orders average in any particular house, ing advancement. The evblution of adver­ nia, Columbia county, Oregon. Will be at M. B. Hatten, nesdays at the Grange'hall. yet it is safe to say that the sum is only tising will not stop with its adopton by Benson Hotel Administratrix of the Estate of a few dollars. medicine and jurisprudence, but that adop- William II. E. McGraw, President Hatten, deceased, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATUR­ The $2.98 you send away today is not ion will establish another milestone Of Date of Thomas Ear! Washburn, Secretary. first publication March DAY, MAY 5, 6 and 7. much in itself, but when it is pooled with progress. 14, 1927. Date of last publication, “......... ■■......... 1#...... Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. hundreds of other like amounts it makes April 21, 1927. - * a substantial sum. That $2.98, or 69 cents, Vernonia I’ m » • NOTICE OF SCHOOL THE STUDENTS OPPORTUNITY THREE DAYS ONLY or however, small the amount may be, is 9, Americadt L»- DISTRICT BOND ELECTION a very important matter in every mail­ 7*J gion. Meets second State of Oregon, County of Co­ No vherge for consultation jgiand fourth Tues- order house. The small sums form by The vocational guidance conference to lumbia, School District No. 47. ss. | p.‘ days each month. 1 be held in Rainier April 29 is an oppor- far the greatest part of the millions of Notice is hereby given that at I l)r. Mellenthin is a regular grad­ H. E.l __ Me. ■Ÿ p m. dollars of mail-order business done in this unity for the boys and girls who are jun- the school district bond election! uate in medicine find surgery and Graw, Commander ors and seniors in Columbia county high hereby called to be held at Wash- i.- licensed by the state of Oregon. Lee Schwab, Adj. country every year. --------------------- U So spend your $2.OS’s with local mer ■chools that should prove a priceless in­ .ngton school, Vernonia, Oregon, Ke does not operate for chronic ap- in and for school district No. 47, pendicitic, gall stones, ulcers of chants. If you do that, you will not only vestment to many. Talks will be made of tr 153, O. ¿. S. county, Oregon, on s omach, tonsils or adenoids. be helping them and your city, but will on intracacies, problems and demands of the Columbia Regular communi­ 30th day of April, A. D. 1927, lie has to his credit wonderful :»lso be helping yourself by keeping more various trades and professions. cation first '¡and ictween the hours of two o'clock results in diseases of the stomach, It is often the fault of the high school p.m. and seven o’clock p.m., there liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, third Wednesday* money in circulation here. If you spend of each m»nth. your $2 98 here, you stand a chance of • udent to have an exaggerated idea of will be submitted to the legal vot­ heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, All visiting sister« ers thereof the question of catarrh, lis ability, a superiority complex so to con- weak lungs, rheumatism, getting a part of it back some day, bu‘ and brothers ‘ wel­ a bonded indebtedness in s ‘iatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail- if you send it awa.v the entire sum is taker -peak, wth the conviction that it is only tracting come. sum of $7.5,000.00 fqr the pur­ ments. necessary to study the chosen work dur- the out ( f local circulation. pose of reconstructing or remodel- Below are the names of a few Bessie Tapp, W. M. In its campaign against out-of-town buy- ng four years of college to be at once ing the present school building and: of his many satisfied patients in Leona McGraw, Sêcretary itvz, the Fade has called on local mer tcclaimed a phenomenal success in that erecting and furnishing’ new class! Oregon who have been treated for rooms, gymnasium and auditorium I one of the above-named causes; chants to adveWse their goods more ex- line. —------ ---------------------------- ------ »■«,' , 4 in and for said school district; the ______ , __ J Mrs. II. H. Blake, Marshfield. Please believe this, young people, if at tenrively, so that the purchasing public • '♦ 1 vote to be by ballot upon which I Mrs. . I. V. McAdoo, Scio. VERNONIA GRANGE in Vernonia will be in a better position I t .- age of 50 you will have become a shall be the words “Bonds—Yes” i W. L. Kirby, Bend. ------------ . jE moderate success in your life work you and “Bonds— •No to buy at home. No”: ; and the voter! voter M. 1 E. Anstadt, Astoria. will then recall that your college train­ shall place a cross (x) between Mrs. . Fred Krusow, Grass Valley. The Vernonia Grange meets on th second Saturday of every month a ing attributed about one-tenth of what the words “Bonds” and the word Mrs. . Lewerenz, Portland. MIRROR REAL AMERICA 7:30 P. M. Any members, zg th “ Yes, ” or between the words Mrs. . C. H. Horning, Hauser. houd rightfully be called your education. Grange living in or near Vernonia “Bonds” and the word “No,” which Mrs. . .J. L. Henderson, North Pow- Many a college graduate will testify indicates his choice. or visiting in the community, ar Turning from the city newspapers to that der. invited to attend. his diploma has been of no value in the small town press exchanges that securing a job for him. In fact, it would The polls for the reception of Mrs. Andrew Anderson, Westport. cordially Mrs. Minnie Malmsten, Secretary the bal.ots cast for or against the Remember above date, that con ­ come to the Eagle’s desk, is like stepping appear as a joke if used as a recommen- contraction of said indebtedness sultation on this trip will be free from the sums, full of vile, into an old- MOUNTAIN HEART For the applicant has found that will, on said day and date and at and that his treatment is different. fashioned garden sweet with lavendai lation. the place aforesaid, be opened at Married women must be accom- REBECCA LODGE No. 243. l.Q.O.F ic desires different work than his di ­ the hour of two o’clock p.m. and panied by their husbands. and thyme and the scent of perennial Meets every second and Fourth would seem to indicate he is best remain open until the hour of sev­ Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Thursdays in Grange Hall—Verqonia flowers. The pages of the big dailies a»’e ploma itted for. Graduates in engineering are en o’clock p.m. of the same day Los Angeles, California. Visitors always welcome L- full of murder, thievery, immorality and ;elling bonds and apples. Gaduates in Mrs. Edna Kilby, N. G. selfishness, that the better news is ob- i<-urnalism cashiers of banks. These MRS. IRENE SPENCER. Sfec’y cured by these glaring shatterings of the 'oiks would are • • (•. • ri be ahead if they had the op­ Decalogue. One puts the papers aside portunity of finding out what they were with a seeing of depression and heart­ best fitted fo before they started to col­ State Laundry Company J. MASON DILLARD ache that the world is so full of terrible lege. And perhaps some would never have and unhappy things. ATTORNEY-AT-LAWi to college at all. FOR GOOD LAUNDRY WORK Next to Carkin Cleaning Works Then picking up the papers that record gone number of dissappointments will of- Here Every Wedneuday i£ the happenings of the little cities around rii A ruin an otherwise successful career. We call and deliver TUESDAYS and i s in Vernonia, one gains renewed faith Young folks, will need every bit of FRIDAYS—Leave orders with S. Wells, in life. Here are set forth only that which that confidence you DR. ELLA WIGHT you now possess, all your Tailor, Phone MAin 891 uplifts a community, the activities of the life. Be cautious about DR. C. J. WIGHT ii your start — for you business men, the church news the civic haven't started yet, and then when you CHIROPRACTORS 11 Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, good accomplished by the women, school •re sure of your chosen work, keep ever­ Liver and Intestinal Troubi«* items, the happy social gatherings of the lastingly educating yourself in that field. Delayed Menstruation people, the marriages, births, and deaths Theiem lies the greater pleasure of living. tanners items, and all the thousand and one daily occurrences that make up the LESTER SHEÉLÉY ? Evangelist Teddy Leavitt asks, “Isn't simple annals of the great common peo- ■t hard enough to fight the devil, with ­ e, who are really the foundation of this out fighting among ourselves?" Yes, but Attorney-at-Law ■ oad country of ours. Vernonia Oregon folks will insist on keeping in prac­ Scandals are seldom published in the some tice for future wars. country newspapers, but if it so happens that decency demands it, the uglier de­ DR. W. H. HURLEY While combing his yard yesterday. Mike tails aie omitted, or given a kindly touch Juniper paused to reflect that so far, DENTISTRY AND X-RAY that is wisely dfferent from the unfeeling the 1927 battle of weeds is still in his fa­ Evenings by Appointment ¡1 publicity of the city press. The offenders vor. Office over Brown Furniture Sure. Vernonia 1 'rs<»n may be our neighbors, or people we have nibbed elbows with all our ...................... . lives. They The Legion building will have a natural It is the man whose time is worth money are real human beings to their home towi: yeather stain before it is completed if con­ also the man who wants to make his time paper, while to the great city dailies they M. D. COLE earn him every possible dollar, that knows are merely grains of sort that are ground tinued had weather keeps workers away. the value of a favorable contact with a out hoiwlv in their news mill. The despised penny became the most DENTIST strong bank. This contact, made when Sometimes people speak lightly of th» popular coin of the .country on Easter young, grows into a most carefully guard ­ country newspaper, but it is one of the Vernonia 'til Oregon ed asset later in life. most potent and uplifting factors in our Sunday. I 9 national existence. The great dailies have Stocks in “ community pride preferred" their nrssion, but their scope is too big to touch very closely the inner things of will soar after the annual Vernonia house­ MARK EVERY GRAVE? cleaning today. life. Memorials in Granite and Mark* Soft words tumeth away black eyes. At Reduced Prices ADVERTISING AND PROGRESS WRITE FOR PARTICULARS i I It’s a great life if you don't waken. MRS. M. N. LEWIS & CO. Advertising has proven itself to be the Fourth and MAin St. HilltboM barometer of progress. A bad prophet is a loss. «VI Lodge Directory The Man Whose Time is Worth Money BANK OF VERNONIA _____ I »