Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, April 21, 1927, Image 3

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low bacterial count, should see
CULTURE PRESS SERVICE th: t all equipment with v hich
mi k comes in contact is washed
Every lot or field in which hogs
h clean water and wasl ing
are kept should be supplied with powder (not
running water, or a system should clean water, and then scalded with
be installed whereby water is avail­ boiling water or steamed.
able whenever they want it. Many
Cows normally lose flesh for
hogs get their supply from a dirty
trough filled once or twice a day. three or four weeks after calving
This is inadequate and insanitary. because they can not consume
sufficient feted to provide ade-
The greatest source of bacterial quately for both the milk flow and
contamination of milk in both sum- maintenance of body weight.
mer and winter is improperly wash-' >s important that t the cow carry
The considerable flesh at time of calv­
ed and sterilized utensils.
dairyman who is desirous of pro-I ing to prevent undue thinness
Cows in good condi­
ducing clean milk, or milk with a afterwards.
! tion at birth of calf will start off
the lactation period at a higher
level of production than thin cows,
This results in a larger yield of
There Is no
milk for the year.
economy in having a cow thin at
Let the Picture
calving time.
Tell The
Practically every farm pest has
bird enemies.
For example,
one serious agricultural pest free­
ly eaten by birds is the wheat aph­
is, or green bug. On a 200-acre
farm in North Carolina, where
wheat, rye, and oats were severely
attacked by green bugs, it was
found that birds were very effect-
tive in destoying the pests. The
Next Doo’' to Postof­
Hot Plate Vaporizer Will Give You
More Miler, per Gallon
More Power----- Smoother Operation
Less Carbon-
Easier Starting
Less Crankcase Dilution
Bring in your Ford today and let us put one on.
Installation Extra.
Crawford Motor Co
A Ladies’ Singing
Walter Lowe Presents, Marie Hursey and Her—
A ladies’ novelty orchestra. The classy ketchy
—syncopaters of popular music.—
April 27
At the
Clatskanie, Oregon
ADMISSION—Adults, $1, Children, 50c.
Show starts at 7:30 p. m. —2 Shows
Headquarters for all
kinds of
Also Fertilizer for Gar
den or Field.
Vernonia Trading Co.
outbreak was at its height during
the migration season of such tirds
as the goldfinch and the vesper
and the chipping sparrows, which
with other species on the farm
numbered more than 3,000 indivi-
duals, It is estimated that taese
bugs at a rate of nearly a million
a day, and on days when additional
flocks of migrants were present
this destruction was increased cor­
During the season
so many birds flocked to the grain­
fields that the aphis infestation
was reduced by an incalculable
Wheat Smut Costly
Losses from stinking smut (bunt)
of wheat in the United States as
represented by decreased yield have
been estimated at about 14,000,-
000 bushels annually, while dockage
for smutty grain probably totals
-10,000,000 each year. A consider­
able loss also results from ex­
plosions due to the fact that the
spores of stinking smut are ex­
tremely combustible when beaten
up into a dust. In the state of
Washington many thousands of dol-
’ars have been lost in a single coun­
ty in one season as a result of
these explosions.
Important measures in the con­
trol of stinking smut are seed
treatment, development of resist­
ant varieties and crop rotation.
Meat Inspection Brings Confidence
About two-thirds of all animals
slaughtered for food in the United
States are federally inspected, s
large proportion of meat establish­
ments doing an inter-state business,
says the United States department
of agriculture. Federal inspection of
animals is made before and at the
time of slaughter.
An animal that looks sick or
abnormal in any other way is tag­
ged with a metal label fastened to
the ear, reading either **U. S. Con
demned” or “U. S. Suspect,” do­
pending on the ailment. If con­
demned, the animals so tagged
must not be taken into the slaugh-
ter room. Animals of merely doubt­
ful condition are kept apart and
slaughtered separately.
The present export trade in
American meats is possible largely
because the Federal inspection sys­
tem enjoys the confidence of for­
eign governments.
Radioed From USDA
As soon as you discover scours,
put the calves in individual pei>3.
Prevent their contact with one
another, Calf scours often produce
serious results. It commonly af-
fects calves that are from a few
hours to two weeks old. It may­
end fatally in from 24 to 48 hours.
See that the pens you put the
calves in have plenty of sunlight,
and are kept clean, and with plenty
of dry bedding.
Thursday, April 21, 1927.
it with scouiing pewder, and rub in a pan of water in the oven., and keep it away from the
well with a flannel cloth.
The water keeps the eggs
tom children .
Neufehatel and cream eheci.g are being over-cooked.
valuable for the protein, fat, phos-
phorus and calcium they contain,
The American diet is said to be
low in calcium. It is well, there-
fore, to remember that all cheeses
supply calcium.
Leather furniture coverings look
better and last longer if th'y’re
rubbed occasionally with case • oil.
This restores to the leather the
oil that gradually dries out. The
oil should be well rubbed in and
any excess wiped off the .
or it will collect and hold
which will darken the leather.
soil whatever touches jt.
A Great Car made
even Greater
^ihe New and Finer
Only by utilizing the tremend­
ous resources of General Motors
could Oakland produce such val­
ue as the New and Finer Pontiac
Six at its new low prices.
Its distinction is emphasized by
narrowed body pillars; by longer,
lower contours; by heavier, more
sweeping crown fender-.: and by
a deeper, more modish radiator.
Its smartness is accented by
fresh and original combinations
of Daco colors.
And its mechanical excellence
is increased by the addition of
such unexpected features as foot-
controlled tilting-beam head
lights, and an even smoother
more powerful clutch.
The New and Finer Pontiac
Six towers over its field as a
monument to the v st construc­
tive influence that ord General
Motors commands—i ;r in no
other six of equal price is such
dazzling value reveal cd.
Gilby Motor Co
Vernonia, Oregon
White pine, aspen, basswood, cot­
tonwood, cypress, chestnut, and
others of that class are suitable
for crates for shipping livestock.
You can use the harder woods,
but they are harder to nail, and
they’re heavier. Material for crate
building is usually an inch thick
by four inches wide. Lay the floor
cross-wise on 2-by-2-inch skids, ex­
cept for grown cattle. They’ll take
2 by 4 skids. For the average size
sheep the crate should be 4 feet
long, 1 foot 9 inches wide, and
2 feet 10 inches high, inside di-
mensions. Such a crate will weigh
about 75 pounds. For hogs from
125 to 225 pounds have a crate
4 feet 4 inches long, a foot and
a half wide, and 2 feet 9 inches
high, It would weigh about 80
pounds. Inside dimensions of a
crate for the average cow should
be 8 feet 6 inches long, 3 feet
2 inches wide, and 5 feet 1 inch
“Inside” Information
Tin grows dark with use.
tarnish protects the tin and should
not be scoured off just for the
sake of making the tin bright.
Serve ' hot foods HOT on hot
plates. Serve cold foods COLD,
not luke warm. It is astonishing
how many homemak'rs ignore this
simple and obivious detail of an
attractive meal.
Always grease an iron with lard
or vaseline before putting it away |
I for a long time, or it will rust.
To remove nut on an iron, scour
No meal should have an over-
proportion of liquid, ____
mushy, or
Vernonia Office
hard foods. «With stews, serve £rlsp I
Brazing Works on Rose
breads, or crackers; ’with a dish
such as macaroni, use browned
To keep oxalic acid on band
bread crumbs on top; with soft
for cleaning purposes,
buy an
Phene MAin 343
breads,serve a crisp salad.
ounce of the crystals, put them
A bread pudding will be “soggy in a half-pint bottle of water, and I
Portland Office
and sad” if you use too large a pour off the top part of the
Auto Freight Terminal
proportion of bread to eggs. Or solution to dilute as needed. All
it may come from cooking at too of the crystals will not dissolve,
E. Water and Yamhill .Streets
high a temperature. It is much : but this method insures r. strong ¿Ast 8226
Office No. 11
better to cook custard-like pudding solution. Label the bottle poison, of
The horse that has a good tem­
perament has big, mild, bright eyes.
His head’s wide between the ears.
He obeys commands readily, and
has an alert, graceful carriage
when he’s moving.
A simple way to prevent horn
growth is to rub slightly moisten­
ed rahstic soda or potash 3 or 4
times alternately on the undevelop-
ed horns when the calves are 4
to 10 days old. Allow the caustic
to dry each time before applying
to the next. You can get the caus-
tic at any drug store. It comes in
sticks about the size of a lead
Truck Lino
This modern age knows that
Camel goodness is dependable
THIS modern age is the hardest to please ever known, an.l
it delights in Camel. The smokers of today find tobacco
enjoyment in Camels, for their goodness always is so
dependable. The choicest tobacco«, and the most superb
blending known to the smoking art are Camels.
In Camel you will find out what modern smokers demand
—a smoothness, mildness and mellowness that you’ve never
known before. That’s why Camels never fail to meet the
strict, exacting demands of present-day smokers. This
modern age knows the sure call to smoke enjoyment:
Have « Came/.'”
SjK»rt Roadster (4-p.isM 775
Sport Cabriolet (4-pass.) R35
Landau S»xlan • •
De Luxe Landau Sedan 975
De Luxe Panel Delivery 770
DeLuxeScreenDelivery 7b0
Odi Inn $ JO2 Ç to $ 12')S.
All /trices -it factory l.icy
to pay on the liberal
General Motors lime
Vay.nent Plan.