Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, April 14, 1927, Image 5

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    H’*'•'*' ''*'v»
, Thursday, April 1< 1927
Jimmy himself just barely pass- worst of it was that Danny and
ed, and he buried his head In his Bitty were so good to him and
papers, He felt Leo watching him, Leo, even Leo, was moved by it.
and he raised his head a little«
At last Jimmy eould keep still
Leo was laughing, He, also, had no longer. "Leo, don’t you think
just barely passed, Jimmy glanced that was an awful mean trick wi
Being Affairs of Vernonia Schools and Published Each Week in the Engle
around the room, but his eye just did to Danny?. I can’t stand it
.1 .
IJ H----------------
would seek Danny’s face.
But when I think of how good he Is
Jimmy wav actually frightened to me, and how little I deserve it."
“Flunkers” Are Dropped i Helen Heiber
when he saw him. Danny’s face
At U. of O.
“You’ve nothing on me, old boy,”
Ass’t Editor i
I Veldon Parker
was white, and his min<l seemed to replied Leo. “What did you do?
Fifty-thrae students were expel­ ' Ward Gooding
be a blank as he gazed at the pa­ Nothing. It was me who meddled
led from the university for failure Annie Laurie Laird
pers, and his hands trembled so he with his problems,
But I can’t
o meet the minimum scholastic Edward Roles
could hardly hold them. Then, as tell him when he’s treating us like
étendards during the winter term, Russell Peck
jimmy watched, Danny’s head went he has.”
Carlton E. Spencer, registrar, an­ Phoebe Greenman
“Who’s so specially good?" asked
The concensus of opinion in the down with a low, strangling sort
Due to the bad weather during nounced recently. Of this number
of sob that cut Jimmy to the heart. a cheery voice.
agriculture class, after a careful
the past week, track wes held up. •19 were men and four were wo­
He started to go to Danny, but fell
Both boys started and didn't
study of sheep, is that sheep rais­
Light practice was held on Mon­ men.
back when he saw Betty hastening know what to say. But Daisy per­
day, and dashes were. run off on
The number of flunkers is com­ WHAT A HIGH SCHOOL EDU­
to Danny. The third and fourth sisted, and finally the whole story
halem valley.
Tuesday. The inter-class meet has paratively small, Mr. Spencer said,
g.iuies were in the iani room, and, started to come out. Both boys
been postponed.
because of the probation system un­
.n the noise, the teacher had given
By Annie Laurie Laird.
St. Helens will come to Verno­ der which poor students are given
colns have been raised successfully permission to any one to speak. were very much ashamed of them-
Education was once intended, for
selves when they had finished.
nia April 16 for a dual track meet. a second chance.
The personnel that class of people who had no around Goble and Clatskanie. A Now Betty had her arms around
Daisy looked very grave, and
The St. Helens team is built around committee gives special attention to
her brother.
work to do, but now, if you are Vernonia,
then said, “That isn't a story to
Johnston, a distance man, and weak students, and many are warn­
interested, you can gain, with a
“Danny, oh Danny, please don’t be proud of, but I think both of
Woodeaye, a dash man. The Ver- ed in time to improve their work
The returns on small flocks cry,” she begged, “I know it wasn’t you are ashamed of yourselves
little effort, a good high Bchool ed­
nonia team cxpects to make a or else withdraw before the end of
should average $11 to $13 per ewe. your fault,” as her eyes fell on a The best thing to do is to
good showing despite poor practice the term, he explained.
The five-year average per pound big F. “Please don’t cry, or I’ll Danny as soon as possible."
High school can do many things
Mills and
weather this spring.
Last fall term 72 were flunked
for wool has been 40 cents with cry too.”
“But how can we? Here he's
Hawkins are expected to gather out, and in the winter term of last for you, but you can get out of it, wool on the decline at present.
Jimmy could endure the sight been so awful good to u3 both,
In points for Vernonia in the year 41. The number on probation
Sixty-pound spring lambs sold on
.-sprints and middle distances. I lodg­ this fall was 120, and it is expected go to school merely to be going the market in Portland for $9 per no longer. He turned to look ac­ and us a couple of crooks.”
"You’ve got to do something to
es is expected to do the same in this number will be smaller for the somewhere or because you are forc­ head during the first week in April. cusingly at Leo, but Leo was deep
make up for it, and this is all you
ed to go, you’ll get nothing of val­
the hurdles.
spring term which has just started.
There are three kinds of wool like the worst criminal on earth, »an do. If you do it, then Danny
ue from your high school career.
breeds, They are fine-wool, mid- as he once more turned his eyes can take the exam again, and
Indoor Baseball
Minor Matters
die-wool and long-wool. The mid-
pass. You’ve got to do it, boys,
The Latin class had a test forts into your school work, you dle-wool and long-wool breeds are coward the brother and sister.
The gym was the scene of in-
“Oh, Betty, I’ve failed.
What there’s no way out of it, and here
door baseball activities during the Thursday and Friday of last week are sure to derive great benefit raised here, as they are adapted
I’ll leave
will mother say? She was so proud he comes right now.
past week. Due to the poor light, which was prepared by Prof. F. F. from it.
to wet climate.
of us, and now I've failed, Ill you now,” and Daisy went out of
one' boy’s nose came in contact Stetson of the University of Ore­
Sheep will thrive on weeds and have to take it over again. Oh, the door just as Danny camo tn.
with the ball, resulting disastrously gon. The class as a whole had inite work to arouse in you a sense
Danny stayed in the room a long
a very good average. The high­ of responsibility for your commun- brush, which they prefer to grass. Betty, I just can’t stand it.”
for the nose.
time. When he finally did come
est average in the class was made ity.
It exists for a democratic Logged-off land is an ideal pasture
“But Danny, did you make these
out, his face had a very sober look
ay Dwight Strong, a freshman, who purpose; for the good of citizen- for sheep. The rain is not a del- mistakes?
I don’t see how you
>n it, but it was not an angry look
Since there is now good weather, had 207 points.
could. Even I could do some of
place to sleep at night.
Phoebe Greenman was gone from
work will be done on the tennis
these, and I’m sure you couldn't at all. The boys inside had a very
You are given social as well as
light conscience as they clasped the
court this week. It is expected school Wednesday, Thursday and educational opportunities through
have done this."
of each other.
that they
your high school career, You gain
“I don’t see how I could have,
Before school started again, Dan-
ing at the D. A. R. conference in training from association with your for Leo.
Betty, yet they’re here, and this ny had taken his exam and passed
“For fun,” said Leo, carelessly. is my paper all right, I know how
fellow students.
Some few, per-
The freshmen are working up a haps, will disappoint you, but from “Say, here’s Danny's arithmetic, all these problems ought to be with high marks. But Jimmy never
forgot this lesson—what just al­
A meeting of the girl’s baskets play called “Why Photographers Go others you will gain an invaluable the first one. I bet he’ll get good worked, and say, I know I worked lowing one sin to go unheeded may
. ball club was held Monday at 3:30 Mad,” which will be presented in friendship and a spirit of fellow grades.”
this one right.”
mean to another boy.
“Let’s see that, Leo,” said Jim-
p.m. Reporta were heard from the order to earn money for the an­ feeling,
The closer contact with
Danny was growing excited new.
, committees, and plans were
the other students enriches your
His eyes went rapidly down He walked to the teacher, who was
for a banquet which is to be given therefore, a basket social will be school work and strengthens your the page.
Every problem waa at her desk, explaining problems.
Public sentiment counts much
held also.
worked right, A wave of jealousy
motive force.
April 23._________________
“Teacher. I don’t see how I made accomplishes much, and puts into
Three freshmen girls went on
You are made intelligent in all swept over Jimmy, Why was Dan-
a 10-mile hike Sunday to limber the activities of life, including the ny always so smart and he, Jim­ these mistakes, and I know this is iction things that, by their various
Sophomore Play
not the way I worked this prob- 'latures, if arising at all would on-
The sophomore class will pre- up for their long hikes this sum­ important one of earning a living my, never brilliant enough to get .em, for I remember exactly how yl draw the attention of a few.
mer. The girls were Kathryn Hoff­ —you are given a good environ­ good grades? The other boy voic­
¡sent the play entitled “ 'Sunshine"
hard a time I had getting it, but
Public sentiment favoring a man
.on April 29, in the high school man, Dorothy Holtham and Merle ment which should encourage you ed his thoughts.
I got the right answer, I know 1 n distress is as good to him, as
i auditorium.
The cast is as fol-
“I don’t think it’s fair to al­ did, before I left off with it.”
to put worth your best efforts.
a bird in the hand,' to the hunter,
oad blister on her heel.
; lows:
Responsibility for the conduct low Danny to get such good grades,
“I’m very sorry, Danny, for you If an office holder is continually
Mary, a beautiful young nurse.......
of society and government rests and I’m not going to stand for it,” have always been a fine student, iidng things, that should not be
They upon you. In high school you are he said.
...La Velle Gosa ore reading the Odyssey,
but this certainly is your paper, lone, public sentiment will become
?Mrs. McCann, a woman who is al­ rind it very interesting.
given the just ideas of the con­
“What’re you goin’ to do?” ask-! and nobody can have done any­ o strong against him that he will
ways having operations................
ditions and needs of the people ed Jimmy.
thing to it. I’m sorry, Danny, but either be forced to go a new way
................................... Alice....Rundell school Thursday after being ab­ and you develop those qualities
“Fix his paper,” replied Leo, there seems to be a clear failure or to quit his office, because if
TMrs. Whipple, a nervous old lady sent for about eight days.
which enable you to do a fair
•n office holder does not have the
Eva Roles has been absent from share of the work of government. as he went to his desk to get a ahead for you.”
........................................ Della Cline
The teacher called for silence, .na.’ority of the people in favor of
fSelvia Deanse, who is engaged to
Jimmy gasped, The idea of this and the room became still. She the things that he tries to accom­
Jimmy’s Experience
Jim Anthony............ Betty Culvei the mumps.
way of getting even with called the names of those who had plish, he can do very little, because
The pupils in Mrs. Hammock’s
.Jim Anthony......... „..Archie Adams
Danny had never occurred to him. passed in each subject. Jimmy was the people are the foundation for
By a student of Miss Goodin’s
Miss JMitford, the mental case
He would never have done such near the bottom of each, but Dan­ success. One shield not get the
English class.
............................. ..Thelma Spencer hard, because there are just six
a thing himself, he reflected, but ny was high in all but arithmetic, conception that public setiment is
Jimmy was a boy about 10 to allow Leo to do it was a dif- where his name did not appear at
»Gregory, a nurse....... Emily Potter
always in the right for many tlm-
Buddy Bijsdy, ex-baseball player .. want to make the grade, Geomet- years old. He lived with his older ferent thing,
He watched Leo all. The children were much sur­ as people are influenced by no oth-
Robert Whitsei ry, they say, is a study for boys sister, Daisy, in a pretty little cot­ erase parts of Danny’s problems prised at that. Some of the chil­ er reason than one that their neigh
but there are more girls in this tage that Daisy always kept as
; Major Kellicott, the villain..
and put other figures in their plac- dren asked “Didn’t Danny pass’” bors gives them, and they may
bright as a pin. Jimmy loved Dai­ es. He did it so neatly that no and the teacher spoke to them.
Elza Weed class than boys.
have the wrong conception of the
sy very much, and was very proud one could tell the difference.
Mr. Buttercup, a finicky old man. ...
“Boys and girls, I am very sor­ truth.
of her. Daisy knew Jimmy to have
.............................. „...Russell Peck Seniors
A step was heard outside, and ry to say that Danny did not pass
Lillian Lilly gave a dance at her
It is extremely difficult, how-
the kindest and truest heart in Jimmy flew to the window, while in arithmetic. He says that he did
seniors Saturday
for public sentiment to make
«A Sea Shore Picnic
the world, even though he was Leo ran to his desk and took out not work the problems as they are
night after the senior play. Re­
itself felt as it is only through
thoughtless. But he did not seem a book, The teacher entered, pick­ on his paper,
By Howard Dee.
I don’t see who such lissocitions as political part­
freshments were served late in the to have much interest in his school
• “Father, dear, couldest thou not
ed up the papers, put them in her could have done anything to them, make itself
■ lend us the cart with high wheels,
got desk and locked them In. Then and unless it is proved that some
“Cyclone Sally” was a big suc- low grades. Daisy tried to
.that I may take the noble children
urge she went out again.
one has touched them, Danny will
cess. Large crowds attended both him to study better, but it
Not Facing the Muiic
«of my dear mother to the unhar­
Jimmy went outside to play have to take the fourth grade ar­
nights and complimented the cast no use.
“I don’t believe you love me
vested sea, so they may paddle in and Mr. Austin on the play, The
again, but somehow the sunshine ithmetic next year."
any more,” sobbed the sheba.
the grey sea water’ Yea, and it class made about $135. This mon-
In Jimmy’s class at school was seemed to have gone out of life.
The teacher read the names of
“Why do you say that, dearie?”
is seemly that when thou art in ey will be used for the expenses of a small boy named Danny. Danny The children were playing Flying those passing from the third grade.
the home thou dost like to see the graduation class and part of was always at the head of his Dutchman and immediately asked Betty was high in each list, The asked the shiek anxiously.
“Well, for the last week you've
There are four
happy children,
class, though he was the youngest Jimmy to play, for Jimmy was a report cards were given out and
it will be given to the annual.
every night before father
children in thy family; two small,
The seniors are thinking about •in it. For some reason, Jimmy great favorite, The circle opened school was dismissed.
threatened to throw you out.”—
two big, all eager to play In the taking the play to some other town could not like Danny very well. where Danny was;
Jimmy did
Jimmy stayed for the games af- American Legion Monthly.
For them I have taken and putting it on, but as yet no His friendship went no further than not feel like staying near Danny, ter school, though he did not en-
. this thought”
to walk home from school with so he deliberately ignored the joy them, for Danny’s white face
definite plans have been made.
Betty, place and walked to another part and low, strangling sob seemed to
This I said for I was ashamed
The character of Willie Clumo, Danny and his sister,
to speak of going swimming, but played by Kenneth Whitsei, wns though Daisy knew the children of the circle, where he joined the haunt him wherever he went.
Danny looked hurt, but
Leo’s company had a strange fas­
father saw all and answered, generally acclaimed as the funniest well and liked them. They were game.
"Neither the horse nor cart do I part of the play, although Glen poor, but both worked hard in closed the circle again without say­ cination for poor Jimmy, though
he did not like it. For Leo had
■grudge thee. Go thy way. I shall Hawkins, Loretta Johnson and Rus­ school, so as to have good grades ing a word.
As the afternoon wore on, Jim­ been the boy who had been chief
wall the horse from the pasture, sell Mills were the cause of no always in all their studies. They
The outstanding trust Institutions
had succeeded very well all the my felt more and more ill at ease. actor in the forming of this trag­ of the United States are those that
the green of Greenfield.”
small amount of hilarity.
Therewith he called his horses.
The senior English class has fin- year that they had been in this When dismissing time came, (it edy and also Leo could be rather were pioneers in using advertising as
and they gave ear and when they ished “Lincoln’s Cooper Union school. They had moved into the was later than usual for the chil- comforting in a way as he did not a means of selHng their services, a
After reading it they town at the first of the term. dren were taking teste) Jimmy care in the least what he ha-i done speaker told a conference of trust
came he chose the best, and led Speech.'
Jimmy wondered if oom pan Ids held In New York recently
the horse beneath the yoke and made a brief which they thought Now their year was nearly done, did not walk home with Danny to Danny.
harnessed it.
Mother brought might have been used by Lincoln, and both Danny and Betty seemed and Betty, but stayed at school he were too soft, and needed hard­ He presented the results or a qnestlou
to play with Leo and his chums, ening, sometimes. Consequently he noire sent out by the Trust Company
forth the shining children, These Many of them objected because likely to pass with high honors.
When at last he did go home, he would not go with his former Division. Amsrlcan Hankers Associa­
she stored in the polished cart, they said Lincoln did not use
making an Inquiry mio the ad
worse than ever at concealing chums. These boys wondered why tion,
then she poured forth lemonade briefs when he made a speech,
vartlslng practices of Instliutloiia <lo
the last daily arith- anything from Daisy, Daisy won­ he did not. The real cause for Ing a trust business Three <>w. of
into the Mason bottle. I climbed however, many good briefs were
They are now studying metic papers, Jimmy’s paper was dered what was the matter, but this was that he was too mean for every tour trust compsnles an ! banks
into the cart and mother gave me made.
exceptionally bad, while Danny’s when he only said "nothing, >” 1 in those boys. Poor Jimmy was fall- engaged tn extending trust serv.cwa
some doughnuts in a paper sack. Browning’s poetry.
reply to her query, she did not ing low.
were found to be advertia.nx
Then I took the whip in mine hand
Only six more weeks of school! was fine.
Right after the teacher had given press him.
Daisy saw the change in her opinion was expressed by the ep.she«
and gave the horse a smart crack. The seniors are determined to make
Next day, Jimmy would not even brother, and tried to make Jimmy that their growth would closelv fol.-ow
but he started not. Finally, father this a record term, not only for the papers back, she gave the chil­
dren the last testa of the year, notice Danny.
Danny was very tell her. But it was no use. Jlm- the amounts speul eueli rest tor «.|
gave him a carrot and away we work but for a good time.
She told them that on those teste hurt at this, for ha liked Jimmy my felt meaner than ever when he vertieing.
depended their passing. The arith- very much, and wished they could was with Daisy, for Daisy had at-
The local newspaper is the u.-.-s
Ar. on we came to the sandy Evangelist Visits
Teddy Leavitt and Mr. and Mrs. metic test was very hard, and Jim- be friends. The truth was, Jim­ ways told him how cowardly such highly regarded advertielii« lued.uiu.
sea shore, the neighbor of the sea,
it was disclosed In all S-'t* eonipsiiiwe
my was almost sure he would fail. my's conscience was hurting him, tricks were.
whereon we did play until we de- C. Neely visited the high school
That noon, when Jimmy came In­ for it told him that he should not
Things had been in this condi- answering ths ih » i ■»
Thursday afternoon. Mr. Neely
. cided to go wading. But we
local papers and 118 did sot
Th -*v
gave two very enjoyable readings. to the school after dinner, no one have allowed Leo to meddle with tion about two weeks, when one stitullons buying space In local i>.,.»rs
• fell in, on purpose, of course we
was in the room. The teacher had Danny’s papers, that he could have day Jimmy went coasting in the are evenly divided among all
had a merry time. At noon we on the piano. The entertainment gone home and forgotten to put prevented Leo if he had wanted coaster wagon with Leo, and a
ef the country Uomparlng six tn-.i *
did eat the dainties our dear moth­
was one of the best which has some test papers in her desk. Jim- to. But Jimmy kept thrusting his severe accident happened. No one tor selling personal trust services and
er did 'give us. We played until been given in the high school thia1 my glanced carelessly at them, conscience back, arguing that “Dan­ knew how it did happen, but when considering their effect-verneo.
sunset when we came home tired
year. Following this, Mr. Leavitt and walked to the window. The ny mustn’t be allowed to get the the boys were found, they were the standpoint of producing rweulta,
but happy.
spoke on the subject of crime, door opened, and another boy swell head, it’ll be good for him .«till unconscious, They were tak- the speaker declared that the l.--ai
showing the extent to which crime came in. He whistled softly under to get a low grade once In a en to the hospital, where it was newspapers should bead (he I st ho.J.
found that both had several bones ere and booklets cau reach a limited
has reached through the lack of his breath when he saw the pa- while."
April 29—Sophomore play.
be observed, but the news-
When the teacher finally gave broken, and would have to stay audleuoe,
April 30—County track meet at mora) and religious training. His per*.
paper Is ths beet medium fo- aciJir-
talk was instructive, and many ex-' “Hey, Jim, let’s look at these,” the test papers back, Jimmy did in bed a long time.
lag prestige and mass ctreulalloe
not dare to look at Danny when
Jimmy thought this was punlsh- should never be osaliked. ba uo.i
pressions of appreciation were he said.
May 13—Junior Prom.
ment for his wrongdoing, but the
heard from the students.
“What for?” asked Jimmy, ra-
May 14—Freshman play.
The Timber Line
Sheep Raising
& Recommended
I r
\ 7
I r or Ve
Track Meet
With St. Helens
Here Saluiday