Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, April 07, 1927, Image 5

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Thursday, April 7, 1927.
our city. Let us be proud of the
city we live in, and assist and
take part in civic activities. We
can build a great city out of a
small one by having a civic pride
and energy. Let us better Vernonia
by bettering ours and ourselves.
The Timber Line
Being Affairs of Vernonia Schools and Published Each Week in the Evgle
Track and Tennis
Are Center of
Spo tts Interest
Contest Ends
With 83 Total
But the bees they stung me on
the feet
I did run and jump and hop and
They must have heard me down
in hell.
When I got home late that night
I wrapped my feet up good and
A Word From 1 he Wise. tight.
1 never went walking any more
On the day that sis was born.
Be happy.
True happiness is
found by passing a little happiness
(Composed by Margaret Bennett
Theodore Roosevelt said : “The and , Alice Parker, ages 11, 7B
principal of life to follow is the grade. . Mr. Condit’s room)
same as in a football game. Hit When everything is blooming,
the line hard, don’t foul and don't
And the birds begin to sing,
shirk, but hit the line hard.
When everybody’s happy,
Education alone can conduct us
Then you know ’tis spring.
to that e’ytyment which is, at When the birds are nesting,
once, be’t in quality and infinite
And the bells begin to ring.
iir quality.—Horace Mann.
When gardens are being planted,
Then you’re sure it’s spring.
The best way to gain
reputation is to be what yon ap­
pear to be.
(By Mildred Rogers)
Opportunity knocks at every, When I had stepped inside the
man’s door, and it keeps on knock- j door
ing for those that keep on hearing. | Scattered playthings wert on the
To reach success you have to floor,
go straight. Every crookeil turn
And with a bang the door shut
you make lengthens the trip.
The men who try to do some- I played by myself,
thing and fail, are infinitely bet­
I played with them all.
ter than those who try to do noth- I’ve jumped from the shelf,
ing and succeed.-—Lloyd Jonas.
And played with a ball,
But still I am lonely, mother,
For your sweet caress.
(By J. C. Rogers)
Tht piper is kind to us,
I went walking early one morn. | But your love is best.
'Twas on the day that Sis was'
Students: Make the school news
I was walking past a bunch of trees more interesting by helping the re-
And I found a nest of honeybees, porting staff. They are working
I tried to get some honey sweet, for the good of Vernonia high.
April 8 and 9—Senior play, “Cy­ Helen Heiber
clone Sally.” High school auditor­ Veldon Parker
Ass’t Editor
Ward Gooding
Class Reporttrs:
April 29—Sophomore play.
April 30—County track meet at Annie Laurie Laird
Edward Roles
Russell Peck
May 13—Junior Prom.
Track practice started in earnest
Since Mr. Higgens, who repre­
May 14—Freshman play.
Phoebe Greenman
Wednesday. Starts were practiced
sents the Curtis Publishing com­
and some short dashes held. On
pany visited the high school March
Friday evening the 50 yd., 100 yd.,
23, the pupils have been very busy
and 440 yd., races were run off.
securing subscriptions for the Coun­
Buster H. “Why do- you suppose
In the 440 Mills made good time
try Gentleman, The Ladies Home
Mr. Armour walks when he goes
By Helen Heiber
for having heavy clothes on.
Journal, and the Saturday Even-
Yes, examinations. In one week :n>’ Post. Mr. Higgins emphasized
In the sprints Hawkins, Hodges,
Morris B. “I’ll bite, why?”
we will be struggling through our the value of salesmanship tm the
and Malmsten showed well. In the
Buster, Because if he ran they tests. I wonder if there is really' students. The school was divided
,... dies Hodges and Whitsei have
any use, of our being molested and into three groups which were the
hud previous experience, and with w->uid tlunk he was swift.”
pestered with six weeks tests,' "'Ten g.oup of the pirates, the
jleibo.-, a freshman, doing well,
Alumnus: Did you ever have
which cause us so much inconvcn- blue group, or the sea dogs, and
rlimild make quite a showing this practical joke played on you?
Yes, I know the red group, or the luecaneers.
Student, Yes, indeed, once I ience and worry?
the teachers think that six we ks ■ Glen Hawkins was business mana-
Tho - intcrclass meet will be held took Freshman English. Dode.
tests, quizes and exams are ■ Just ger of the contest. Delia Cline was
April 11. Everybody invited.
Girls are like final examinations, the thing, but, Oh, my, I have I j l-smunag-er tor the bucuncers.
Due to wet weather the tennis
courts have not been leveled. It they keep a fellow up all night always thought how much more | Veldon Parker was manager far
is hoped that the weather will worrying about them, and then ask pleasant it would be, if they were I the sea dogs, and Pnoebe Greemnaa
change and tennis begin. Some of the most foolish questions. Froth. not thrust upon us; but if ihey I was salesmanager for the pirates.
are given of course, we musl take. The purpose of the three groii;a
the boys want to have a high
school tournament. No definite plans
After much pondering and think was to create interest and rivalry
Two Hebrews were walking up
of this are known yet.
I have concluded that examin­ between the mimbeis.
the street one very cold winter
At the end of the campaign tiie
The boys of the school chipped morning. Both were using their ations are just what is needed,
in and bought themselves an indoor . coat sleeves for muffs. Not one because from them we, the students blue group or the sea dogs were
baseball and bat, so they would worj wag spoken for a long time. directly benefit. The greatest bene in the lead. The total amount of
fit derived from examination is
not have to play with the girls. Finally Ikey said:
that of review, which wo do in subscriptions received was eighty-
They had no sooner done this than
“Vy don't you say somedings.”
ex- three.
the girls lost their ball under the
“Freeze your own hants,” the preparation for the exam. If an
amination is to be given in two
walk. To stop all this the girls other replied.-—Tib-bits.
days of course we study and re- deaths of others. Don’t be a mur­
-could not buy an indoor ball in
A Catith Invitation
view for it thus fixing our old derer! We have a dump yard; use
lown. As the boys will not let the
Mrs. Jones—Does your husband
knowledge more firmly and at the it.
girls play with them, the gills object to cats?
We must have pride for our city’s
same time acquiring something new.
have to use a hard baseball.
Mrs. Brown—I should think he
In reviewing frequently we go to fire and police protection. If you
does. He says that I feed all the other books besides our text books knock them, you indirectly knock
Don’t forget “Cyclone Sally” cats in the neighborhood.
for further knowledge on the sub- yourself. The worse enemy a city
Friday and Saturday. Everybody Won’t you stay to tea?
ject. Thus we are benefited by can have is an illiterate knocker,
come and have a real treat. One
broadening our knowledge. After The citizens must cooperate with ‘
When first you went to see her,
good laugh after another.
taking an examination a student their police and fire workers, if
You showed a timid heart;
is able to analyze himself, as to they want protection; otherwise;
Bill Hill is absent from schooll And when the lights were low,
his knowledge of the subject. He they reap the results of too smart a
because of mumps. Bil has a part You sat this—far—apart.
in the senior play but will be But when your love grew warmer, knows on what questions he failed man for this city. You tie the
forced to give it up. Kenneth Whit­ And you learned the joy of a kiss and on what part of the »object hands of the law, and then bawl
sell has been chosen to take this You knocked out all the space and, the moBt studying should be given. it out, because it fails to do the
Examinations train students to petty things you want it to. The
part and although he is beginning Satquitecloselikethis.
think and to express themselves fire department has been the ac-
very late we are sure Kenneth will
Apologies to the author. quickly and at the same time clear- complishments of a few men. By
know his part by Friday.
Gretchin has just finished one ly, and logically, Time is a val- their labor the fij-e department has
of the Elinor Glyn’s novels and uable factor in every business; betn established. They» have built
An honor pupil is one who has she says it is the closest thing to speed is becoming more and more it up, bought the material through
made at least an average of 90 perpetual emotion she has ever a necessary requisite for every their labors, and yet the people
per cent on each subject that he seen.
young person who prepares himself laugh at this skill of a few men.
for a position in life. To succeed The city without a fire depart­
has taken.
Uh Hub
one must be able to make the ment has high taxes and insurance.
Two negroes were arguing.
Marjorie Kelly, Violet Phelps, Al­
“You ain’t got no sense,” said most of a given period of time. Your Insurance would be twice as
berta De Rock, Pheobe Greenman. one.
Quizes by requiring quick accurate high without the fire department.
“No sense? Den what’s dis haid work give excellent training along And yet you laugh at it.
Ethel Tousley, Russel Peck, Ellen o’ mine foh?"
this line.
Men must cooperate if they
Examinations enable the teachers wish to accomplish the important
Haid? Dat no haid, niggah. Dat’s
JUNIORS—Ralph Peck, Anna Aa- jes a button on top of yo body to to determine where the student is ends. We have in this city several
keep yo’ backbone fum unravelin.” weak and shows him what work organizations, such as the chamber
SENIORS—Annie Laurie Laird,
should be emphasized. They help of commtrce a society for business
Russel Mills, Ruth Holoday.
him to measure the students learn- men, The American Legion for
If you must blow your own ing capacity, that is to fir J out soldiers, and many other civic im­
The Verhian will be out about
.the firet of May. This is the most horn, at least, vary the tune oc- how much the student can reason- provement organizations bettering a
interesting annual ever put out casionally.
ably be expected to acqui
Teacher—Neal name a collective retain in one year.
by Vernonia Hi. Buy your annual
now and read it later.
Neal B. —A vacuum cleaner.”
Miss Hickman’s American history
classes have just completed studying
a series of wars and are now study­
ing “The United States in World
politics” beginning in 1900.
By Clarence Wardle,
The pride of a city is a thing
people are responsible for. The
pride of a thing does not come by
time or chance, but by the work
and spirit of development. It is
Oh, Ford you pile of junk,
an easy thing to criticise the fel­
And all the tires are gone,
low man and his property, but
The needle-valves “flunk”
first how about your own? Ver­
Oh, Ford, you pile of junk.
nonia is a city to be proud of. It
has the best steel constructed mill
Oh, Ford, you pile of junk,
on the coast. The city has a paved
Your old motor gets hot,
and well lighted main street, and
Because the oil is sunk,
the business men cannot be beat
Oh, Ford, you pile of jnuk.
for help and encouragement. Yet
Oh, Ford, you pile of junk,
we knock the city, and its officials,
You were a noble car,
and everything in general, but our­
But you’ve made miles by hunk,
selves. I wonder why?
Oh, Ford you pile of junk.
The homes are the foundation of
By Ed Roles.
any city. A family wants nice
homes, and a city that can furnish
Mi«» Florence Blaxier Visit»
them has no worry about unset-
Miss F. Blazier of the Oregon tied population. Nice homes among
argicultural college visited the a group of shacks reminds one of
school Friday forenoon and spoke a lily among dandelions. A home
before the student body. Miss Blaz- must be a place where life can
ier’s talk was very instructive, and be a pleasure, and not a place to
was received with much enthusiasm
crawl into and be buried among
by the pupils.
the trash and rubbish of an un­
For the past week Mr. Wilkerson's kept dirty shack. Give a woman
civic class have been studying et­ a nice home, and she will keep
iquette, or good behavior, a sub­ it nice, give her a shack, and she
ject which is very interesting. Next will meet its level. A good ap­
week there will be four 15 minute j pearing home attracts the public,
on tht:
this subject, be- and betters the city by -its clean
talks given c~
fore the assembly. They will be and uniform appearance. Disease
given by Ruth Holaday, Eva Roles, and death are caused by unclean
Clarence Wardle, and John War- and filthy homes, yards, and streets,
One who fails in his duties causes
The agriculture class has complet­
ed their work for the year and
are now reviewing the book, and
studying the different farm pro­
jects of Oregon and Washington.
A great deal of interest has
been taken in the study of sheep
by the students of this class. They
concluded after finishing the study,
that sheep raising in this country
would be profitable.
Following is a chart which was |
'The juniors in Miss Perce’s
English class, at present are study­
ing George Eliot’s “Silas Marner.”
■The story is very interesting and
.the students seem to enjoy it very
much. “Silas Marner” is one of
Eliot's best books, the students are
¡studying diligently and trying to
-get the most out of it.
Gilbert iJergerson is still absent
from school on account of mumps.
Miss Goodin’s junior English class
has been studying % one of the
four forms of discource, argumen­
tation which has proved very In­
teresting. Officers were elected for
An organization, and debates were
taken up. This serves as a parli­
me ntary law lesson as well as a
debate lesson. The first day the
officers were: Veldon Parker, presi­
dent; Clarence Wardle secretary.
This has proved to be a very good
method of teaching debate work.
The class is now working on oral
book reports and Silas Marner.
Thursday, at 3:30, a committee
meeting of the girl’s basket ball
club was held. The committee’s
work was outlined, and arrange-
ments were made for a banquet
to be given soon.
Azoa, a disease producing Virus
Which when eaten by a rat or
mouse developes a disease
which kills in from
14 to 28 days
Harmless to ail other
animals or fowls
Oh, Ford you pile of junk,
Your bands are all worn out,
Your rear-end is the bunk.
Oh, Ford you pile of junk.
made by the agpiculture class, ex-
plaining the different returns of
milk that is sold to the creamery,
condenser, wholesaler, etc.
Milk sold to condenser
Milk sold to cheese factory
Milk sold to wholsaler, city
Milk sold retail
Sweet cream (testing 30% retailing at 14. per 100
all the advantages of
Oakland’s super-precision
construction plus the rich
beauty of New Colors in Duco”
In this great era of Industrial precision, Oakland
new measure of popularity, offering all the ad«-an-
manufacturing processes stand out as a marvel of tager of Oakland super-precision constrssetio»»»
the day and age. Not in the entire history of the
plus the rich beauty of new colors in Duco.
automobile has any car of its price embodied so
These original color combinations were de
many super-precision proce s se s so cnany prac.
tices previously used only in the manufacture of ▼eloped In cooperation with Dupont, the world’s
leading automotive color authorities. They lend
the costliest cars.
refreshing smartness to every Oakland body. They
Oakland is going to unheard-of lengths to make
introduce into their price field a new note oif
certain that the Greater Oakland Six continues to
be the finest built car of its price in the world.
modlrhneas and luxury—one that you will
instantly mark the moment you see the car.
Yet today’s Oakland Six is winning an entirely
Oakland Six, $1025 to $1295. The New and Finer Pontiac Six—at New Low Prices—9775 to $975.
Bodies by Fhhfr. AU prices at factory. Eary to pay on the General Motors Time Payment Plsm.
‘ffhe Greater
Milk Testing at 4%
100 lbs.
100 lbs.
100 lbs.
100 lbs.
ffi 60c per qt.
per qt.
C< rreeted price
5.4c qt.
5.4c (whey 50c per lOOlbs.) 6.4c qt.
6c qt.
11c (brkg and accts loss fgd.) 6c qt.
8c (skim mlk per 100lb-85c-9.7c qt.