< E R NO NIA E AG L E IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE County Oregon; STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE Bond No. 1 of Improvement dis­ COUNTY OF COLUMBIA trict No. 2, dated May 1, 1926, la the matter of the Estate and said bond being in denomination of $266.22; Bond No. 1 of Improve­ Gnardisnship of ment district No. 3, dated May 1, Lleyd Dobbs, Olga Dobbs, Venetta 1926, said bond being in denomina­ DobbB, Everett Dobbs, Sylvia Dobbs, tion of $491.31; Bonds No. 1 and Maxcine Dobbs and Keloran Dobbs, 2 of Improvement district No. 5, Minors. dated May 1, 1926, said bonds No. being in denomination of 3349.23 Order to 1 show cause why order and $500.00 respectively j Bonds fer sale of real estate should not No. 1 and 2 of Improvement dis­ trict No. 8, dated May' 1, 1926, be made. It appearing to the Court from said bonds being in denominations the petition heretofore presented of $293.47 and $500.00 respecti­ and filed by D. A. Dobbs, Guard- vely; All of the above bonds being ian of the estate and persons of redeemable at the option of said the above named minors, praying city on May 1, 1927. That pur­ fer an order of sale of the real suant to said option, said bonds estate therein described, and it is will be redeemed within 30 days necessary, expedient and beneficial from the date of this notice, to- te the wards that all of such real wit: On the First day of May, 1927, upon presentation to the estate be sold; fiscal agency of Oregon, in New It further appearing that D. A. York City, to-wit: The National Dobbs of Vernonia, Oregon, is the Park Bank. father of said wards, and Jane Doe In case the holders of said bonds Dobbs, address unknown, over the time age of twenty one years, is a sis- fail to present same at the ter of said wards, and are the and place mentioned herein for the redemption thereof, then the next of kin of said wards; interest thereon shall cease and IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED the agency aforesaid will thereaf­ that the said D. A. Dobbs, father. ter pay only the amount of- sucb aad the said Jane Doe Dobbs, sis- (bond and the interest accrued ter, of the said wards, and that' thereon up to the said first day all persons interested in said es-: of May 1927. tate appear before this Court on , Dated at Vernonia, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 12th day of April,1 this 1st day of April, 1927. 1927, at 9:00 A. M. o’clock in the J. C. Lindley, Treasurer forenoon of said day at the County i City of Vernonia, Ore. Court House in the County of Col-1 352 umbia, State of Oregon, to show cause why an order should not be * FARM POINTERS granted said guardian authorizing Sulfur, chemically combined with him to sell all of the real property calcium to form calcium polysul- of the said estate of his wards, fide, is the principal active in­ either at public or private sale, gredient in lime-sulfur solution, for the purposes of paying the f or all practical purposes its con­ charges and expenses of adminis­ centration is indicated by tile hy- tration against the said estate, and drometer test which, for commer- for the purpose of re-investing the cial brands, should be at least S 0 proceeds of the sale not necessary degrees Baume. for maintenance of the said wards in the manner by law provided, The garden slug is a very an- said real estate being described as noying and destructive garden pest, follows, to-wit: An undivided seven­ This repulsive, slimy, slow-moving eights interest in the following: creature is often incorrectly term­ ed a snail. The adult is about two Lot Two (2) Block Twenty inches in length. It is a deep mot­ Four (24) 2nd Addition to tled gray or greenish-gray in col­ Vernonia, Columbia County, or. The body is covered with a mu­ Oregon; and Lot Four (4) Sec. cous slime which forms a slimy Thirty One (31) T. 6 S. R. 10 trail on any object over which the W. Lincoln County, Oregon; crawls. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that slug this order shall be served on tho Many methods of destroying next kin of the wards above named ground squirrels have been tried, on all persons interested in and but probably the most economical the estate by publication in the and satisfactory in all ways is newspaper of Vernonia Eagle, the use of poison. The biological general circulation printed and pub­ survey recommends the following: lished in Columbia County, Oregon, 16 quarts barley, 1 ounce strychn­ .once each week for three successive ine, 1 ounce baking soda, 1-5 ounce weeks. sacchurine, 1 pint heavy corn sir- Dated this 9th day of March, paste, 1 1927. Date of first publication up, 3-4 pint thin starch tablespoon glycerine. March 17, 1927. Date of last pub­ lication April 7, 1927. Two or more specie» of cater- John Philip pillars attack the pear fruit from Judge. the time the fruit sets until it is the size of a walnut. Many in- NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS Notice is hereby given to the jured fruits drop, but others mature holders of the following bonds of as scattered and malformed pears, the City of Vernonia, Columbia typical examples of fruit-worm in­ jury. These worms appear very early and feed promiscuously over ifl * the foliage before the fruit sets. Lead arsenate in the pink spray PHOTOS affords excellent control. The cal­ yx application is not equally suc­ Let the Picture cessful as it is toj tate for best results in control. Tell The Story. HERB M. SALT Next Door to Postof- fice —.......... 2. , , ,1 That the presence or absence of tuber on »coloration in an unre- liable guide to the presence or III absenct of wilt-producing fungi in potato tubers ha» been clearly shown on a number of occasions. HI This is far from being an infall- iable sign. Headquarters for all kinds of SEEDS Also Fertilizer for Gar­ den or Field. Vernonia Trading Co. ’’Inside” Information Apples cooked in a sirup colored with red cinnamon candies are pleasing in appearance and flavor. Do not add water when roasting beef or lamb. Sear the meat at a high temperature, then reduce the heat and cook 15 or 20 minutes to the pound. Fried pineapple is easily pre­ pared. Simply drain the slices of canned pineapple, dip in flour, and brown slowly in butter in a fry­ ing pan. t " and bottom, and close screening of inlet and waste pipes; (2) pro­ visions for excluding from the cis­ tern the first portion of each rain­ fall until the roof or other collect­ ing area has become rinsed thor­ oughly; (3) a firstclass filter of clean well-selected sand and thor­ oughly burned charcoal; (4) a waste pipe which removes surplus inflow from the bottom of the cistern where impurities tend na­ turally to settle; (5) periodic and thorough cleaning of the cistern and filter; (6) no connection be tween the waste pipe and a sewer or a drain which may carry impure drainage. Thursday, April 1, 1927. interesting manner in “The Whole Town’s Talking” the picture which The Majestic opens at the Majestic theatre on Thursday. The story, after a fash­ What do “Summer Bachelors” ion, revolves between Edward Ev­ do first after seeing their wives erett Horton, as the small town off to the country? “sap” and Dolores Del Rio as the Allen Dwan who directed Uie screen vamp. Fox film by that name, which Tell us a news item and we comes to the Majestic theatre Sat­ urday, considered the matter, anu will tell the public. Drop it in the decided the most realistic thing box outside the door, or phone at would be to have each of them dush your convenience. to the nearest phone booth and call up a blonde. PORTLAND - VERNONIA Marie Prevost, sparkling comedi­ enne of the screen, has the role of Chopped nuts are good in almost a salesgirl in “Man Bait,” her new Whitewashing Hints any kind of sandwich. Combine Cow stables are usually white­ Metropolitian picture which will be them with raisins, dates, figs or ______ 1 prunes. They are good with olives, washed once or twice a year. White­ on view at the Majestic theatre Sunday. The screen pluy is acapted INSURED CARRIER with cottage or cream cheese, and wash may be applied with a brush or with a spray pump. It can De from the stage success of the same with maple or brown sugar. applied more heavily with a brusn, name by Norman Houstan and was Vernonia Office Codliver oil is not a medicine, one coat sometimes giving as good prepared for the screen by Doug­ it is a food, rich in vitamins. There results as two with the sprayer. as Z. Doty. At the Brazing Works on Rose are many children and grown folks, Spraying, of course, is quicker, but Avenue. The latest Rin-Tin-Tin picture too, who need codliver oil to build smears up the floor and equipment ’ Hills of Kentucky, ’ ’ a Warner Phone MAin 343 up their general health and help more than the brusn method. Re­ Bros, production which comes to , prevent other infections. gardless of what method is used, the Majestic theatre on Tuesday time will be saved in cleaning if Portland Office Ham for baking may be boiled the equipment is covered with old and Wednesday, deals with Blue Auto Freight Terminal Glass legend of a dog known as a day or two before hand, left bags or similar material. If the standing in a cold place in the floor is kept wet while the white­ the Grey Ghost. E. Water and Yamhill Streets iiquor in which it was cooked, re­ washing is in progress, the white­ &Ast 8226 Office No. It A crack at the popular concep- heated in this, then skinned, cover­ wash that is dropped will not stick DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR tion of screen stars is taken in an ed with bread crumbs and sugar so tightly but that it can be dis­ stuck with cloves and put in the lodged readily with water and a oven for final browning just be­ brush or broom. Whitewash will fore dinner. adhere much better to a rough To prevent jelly from oozing out surface than to a smooth one. Low or medium producing cows of the glass and spoiling the par­ affin seal, run a knife around should be dry a month or six weeks the edge of the jelly before pour­ High producers need a longer dry ing on the paraffin, or rotate the period. Eggs from hens that have been glass after the hot paraffin is poured on and let it run up the forced for eggs as a rule don’t To get ready for the biggest business in Ford cars sides of the glass and form a hatch so well as eggs from hens that we have ever had, we are offering the follow­ that haven’t been forced. tight seal. ing Reconditioned Automobiles at prices that you Because of the large number of The red color sometimes admir­ skippers which may be produced cannot afford to pass up. ed in devil’s food cake is due to by a single piece of meat, it 1s 1925 Type Ford Coupe, spare tire, wonderful shape, the use of more soda than is advisable to destroy promptly all lots of miles left in this car, license free............ $27200 necessary to neutralize the acid infested meat which can not be Ford Touring, mad» in fall of 1924, reconditioned in the sour milk and chocolate. reconditioned by trimming. and guaranteed, good rubber, spare tire, license «215” This results in taking into the 1925 Ford Touring, disc wheels, speedometer, spare To prevent silage flavor in milk, body more soda, or free alkali than tire, license free ...................................................... $24O00 is desirable, as one does when ser­ feed the silage immediately after: 1924 Ford Touring, repainted, good tires, spare tire, ving hot biscuits made yellow with milking. Some farmers feed it dur­ license free ................... ............................................. $200°° i excess of soda. Too red a devil’s ing or before milking and as a 1923 Ford Touring, good rubber, spare tire. 50.000 miles of result find their milk flavored with food cake, therefore is not good. unused transportation in this car, license C 1 Q E-O0 the feed. Although milk will ab- j free ............................................................................... V 1 Ov sorb some silage taint from the 1923 Ford Touring, completely overhauled from froht to rear Radioed From USDA air the greatest amount comes’ at Ford factory. Runs like new. A dandy at (tlflE-OO In the summer, it usually takes through the body of the cow. License free. v 1 J D 52 degrees to 60 degrees Fahren­ Late 1924 Ford Roadster, repainted, spare tire, good rubber, The use of certified seed po ­ heit in the churn to have the just the thing for economical and sure trans- (pin A. OO little grains of butter firm. In tatoes insures the grower against portation ......................................................... ............