Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, March 31, 1927, Image 6

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    ^VERNONIA EAGLE__________________________________________________________
Thursday, March 31, 1927
Xgc_a Zs
Joe Ellis of Rainier was a Ver­
nonia visitor Sunday.
Use Mother’s bread—call for it
Ly name and insist that you get
that kind and that kind only.—adv.
Mrs. A. L. Fenner was a Port­
land visitor Monday and Tuesday.
A. E. Veatch, editor of the Rain­
ier Review and mayor of that city,
was a Vernonia visitor Sunday.
Delicious hot cross buns, fresh
every day at the Vernonia bakery.
Mrs. C. R. Twineham left Sun­
day for Portland for a few days.
She will return tonight.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. M. Mur­
ray, March 20, a boy. The lad's
name is Tom Richard.
For Saturday, April 2, we will
have on special sale, Parker house
rolls, hard rolls and poppy seed
rolis at 15c per dozen or 2 dozen
for 25c. Vernonia bakery.—adv.
Miss Louise Lester returned to
Seattle Sunday after her week’s
visit with her sister, Mrs. E. H.
If you require more than the
ordinary small loaf call for Moth­
er’s bread in the sandwich loaf
size. It is long and square and
ideal for sandwiches as well as
for the table.—adv,
T. Gordon and Geo. Thayer left
early Tuesday morning to drive to
Crescent City, Calif. They will be
back Sunday.
Get out of doors these beautiful
spring days. Why spend your time
in the kitchen when you can buy
such really good and wholesome
pies, cakes and bread from the Ver­
nonia bakery.—adv.
Mr. and Mrs. R. La Rocque and
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fenner drove
to Long Beach, Wash., Sunday on
business and pleasure. They return­
ed with a good supply of razor
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Seals, who
purchased the Hy-Van hotel re­
cently from W. R. Coyle, are al­
ready Oregon boosters. They state
that after leaving Denver, Colo.,
and driving through New Mexico
and California, this is the bes
place to live that they have fount.
We have all kinds of fresh rolls
daily such as cinnamon rolls, cut-
tard rolls, bear paws, butter rolls,
butter scotch rolls; also raised
doughnuts, cake doughnuts (fried
cakes), maple bars, etc. Come in
and look over our goods—you will
find them to be just as good as
they look. Vernonia bakery.—adv.
While reading meters Monday,
R. La Rocque, manager of the Ver­
nonia Light & Power company,
stepped on a large rusty nail which
punctured his shoe and penetrated
his foot about one inch. He has
been around on crutches, but says
he thinks there is little danger of
blood poisoning.
The Majestic
“I’ll get that garter ” This Is
the oft-repeated declaration of
Charles Ray in "Getting Gertie’s
Garter,” starring Marie Prevost, in
which he plays the male lead, and
which will be the comedy feature
at the Majestic theater on Satur­
lan have the featured roles.
Hoot Gibson’s wonder horse
“Pal,” who has appeared with lim
in so many pictures, is again much
in evidence in “The Silent Rider,"
Gibson’s latest starring vehicle
which comes to the Majestic the­
atre Thursday and Friday. “The
Silent Rider” was adapted from
Katherine Newlin Burt’s magazine
story “The Red Headed Husband.”
Blanche Mehaffey and a strong
cast support Gibson.
Classified Advertising
Rates: lc per word, minimum
25c first insertion; 15c succeed-
[ ing insertions. First insertion
| of “Situation Wanted” (limit
25 words) Free.
for sale. All in good shape. $200.
Good rubber. Call at Hy-Van hotel.
MY HOME at $4000, cost $4500,
only $500 down and balance like
rent, $35 monthly, including inter­
est. Inspection invited. Dr. Wight.
“Auto sickness” is the latest mal­
ady to which screen players are
heir. Edith Roberts got it—it ¡3 BABY CHICKS—Hatching Eggs
from our flock of wonder winter
something akin to seasickness, after
the thrilling race with speed cops Laying Anconas. A.ddress, Ranch at
in “There You Are,” in which she Hartleys Anconas, Whitford station,
and Conrad Nagel will appear Sun­ R. 5, Bx. 422, on O. E. R. R. Forest
day at the Majestic theatre. It is Grove Div., Portland, Oregon. 334*
a story of the woes of elopers
chased by speed cops and an irate FOR SALE: Pure blood Ayrshire
bull calf from heavy milking
father—and saddled with a lost
strain. Phone or write A. G. Pear­
son, Timber, Ore.
“The Fighting Boob,” the latest
F. B. O. release, which will be COTTAGE FOR SALE—No reason­
shown at the Majestic theatre on
able offer refused. Terms. In­
Monday, is a well written and pow­ quire Hotel Vista.
erfully acted drama of the bor­
der country, and in the opinion FOR SALE—Earliest of All seed
of Hollywood critics, much the
potatoes, $2.50 per cwt. A. P.
best of Bob Custer’s series.
Hall, Box 237, Vernonia, Ore. 323*
Said to be one of the finest pic­ 60-GALLON oil barrels, suitable
ture comedies produced this season,
for garbage or rubbish cans, for
“Rubber Tires,” an Alan Hale pro­ sale at Gilby Motor Co.. $1 each.
duction, will be on view at the
Majestic theatre next Tuesday and
Wednesday. Harrison Ford, Bessie FOR SALE—Hotel Vista. Owin'? to
Love, May Robson and Junior Cogh-
illness, will sell property or fur­
niture, or will rent by the month
with secured lease. Inquire Hotel
Our Second Surprise
BRED — White
chickens, 1-year old, for sale, $1.
each. Also hatching eggs, $1 a
setting. Lod McDonald, Box 42,
FOR SALE—Dahlia tubers and
gladioli bulbs, also a large var­
iety of perrenial plants, and bed­
ding plants in season at reasonable
price. Phone 252, Mrs. W. J. Good­
USED PIANO must be sold—Will
sacrifice used piano for imme­
diate sale. Will give very easy
terms to responsible person. For
full particulars write Portland Mu­
sic Co., 227 6th St. Portland, Ore­
Only a limited number—No More at these
Prices when stock is gone.
Large size dustless mop
Can be reversed and used until com­
pletely worn out—Enamel Handle.
FOR SALE—35 acres, 2H miles
from Vernonia, on hard surfaced
road; seven acres in cultivation, 6-
room house, 2 chicken houses and
barn, garage, running water. Place
is stocked. $3000, some terms. Will
take a closed car on first payment.
Inquire at the Eagle.
Will Last For Years
FOR SALE or trade: Two Vernonia
lots for car. Write Box 394,
5 Quart Tea Kettle
For Sale or Trade—One team 3400,
8 yrs. old; another team 2600,
10 yrs. old. One team has been
logging. Inquire H. L. Greener, 2
mi. N.E. of Vernonia on river road.
Panel or Colonial Patterns. Alumin­
um. You all know what a kettle of
this kind usually sells for.
Don’t Pass this Up
ROOMS and furnished apartment
for rent, heat furnished. Porter­
fields, in front of grange hall.
Tel. 253.
Tea Pot Aluminum
With Tea Ball
E. S. Cleveland, I have them.
inset. Colonial Pattern.
A Beauty
See Our Window, For Bargains
See Hoffman About It
FOR SALE—From one to 60 good,
strong colonies of Italian Bees.
If you have plenty of Fireweed
within a mile or two, there is
no farm crop that will pay as
much on the investment as bees.
C. B. Walkey, Clatskanie, Ore. 332*
HOUSE CLEANING and washing
wanted. Weed ave., Mrs. Pearl
W ANTED—To hear from owner of
land for sale. D. M. Leight, Al-
tada, Montana.
TAKEN UP—Brown cow, white
face ears clipped and wild. Owner
pay for adv. feed and take it
away. E. Feldt. Scofield, Ore. 324*
Ur*. Verne Ferguson and Mrs.
Per :y Melis, with their respective
chil Iren, left Monday after a short
visi; at Grandma and Grandpa
I nends and acquaintances of Al­
thea Elston will be interested to
knew that she died March 15 at
The Dalles after an illness of only
a few hours, and was buried on
Ma ch 19 at the Rose City ceme­
tery. She smashed her thumb in
a coqy and though she suffered no
mo e than is usual with such an
injury, septic poisoning set in and
it c as hecessary to lance the thumb.
S he seemed to be getting along
nic- ly when Tuesday night she be-
can e suddenly ill and was remov­
ed in an unconscious condition to
the hospital. Four doctors held a
bri< f consultation and she was
sho tly considered out of danger.
Shi talked with her mother and
ask d that some articles be brought
her the next day, then fell asleep.
I ifteen minutes later, at 2 a.m.,
she was dead. Althea lived with
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson and
att< nded the Birkenfeld high school
thr e years ago and has visited sev­
ers times in the valley since. She
als< accompanied them on their
coa it to coast trip last year. A
sm; 11 party from Mist attended the
but al services; also Miss Van Gross
a c'ormer Birkenfeld high school
tea :her who is at preent teaching
in Portland.
Several Mist folk attended the
Wright auction at Marshland Mon­
Mrs. Reynolds returned from
Seaside Sunday after a short visit
with her relatives, the McCaullys.
A large number of people en­
joyed the party at Iler’s Saturday-
night and the number would have
been larger had that not been the
night for grange meeting. That
was also well attended and a good
time had by everyone there. Mu­
sic was furnished by Mr. and Mrs.
Moe, with others helping out oc­
casionally and at Iler’s by George
Jones and Jim McMullen.
Loretta Johnson spent Saturday
night with Ida Turner.
The Monmouth Normal girls were
in for the spring vacation. They
returned to school Sunday.
are already
and more com­
ing. All the
latest styles for
Your Selection
Oregon bank resources average
$428.02 per capita, with one bank i
to every 3000 people.
Astoria Shipbuilding Company
will build $30,000 pleasure and fish­
ing cruiser.
Azoa, a disease producing Virus
Which when eaten by a rat or
mouse developes a disease
which kills in from
14 to 28 days.
lira. Fenton entertained 17 per­
son! at lunch last Thursday. An
enj >yable social time was had by
'he declamatory contest was held
at Rainier Friday evening. There
we: e three contestants from this
sch >ol as they took three of the
fovr prizes at Birkenfeld in the
dis rict contest the week before.
Wi mers then were Anna Cheemon-
ek, Irene De Rock and Orville Jones
wit i Will* Lowden and Alice Cam­
ber ? tying for first. However It
wa finally given to Alice. She won
fir. t at Rainier also and Irene and
Or ille brought home a first and
sec >nd. There was a good repre-
ser tation from Mist and it was
tin e well spent and we are justly
pre ud of our prize winners.
Mrs. Dowling visited Friday with
Mr). Sundland.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Nelson drove
to Portland Sunday.
Harmless to all other
animals or fowls.
Miller Mercantile Company
Easter is the one day o fall days vhen the American people as a whole
have a natural desire to be dressed up.
We are prepared to meet your wants in oir Beady-to-Wear, Mill'nery
and Shoe department.
Millers is an Easter Store in full
bloom with new spring merchandise
Our Everyday Prices On
Work Clothing
Young Mens Suits
¡j New Spring Patterns,
Easter Hats a big line
to select from Prices [ Mens bib or waist 1 Same with 2 pair trous­
range from $2.00 to $6. i| Overalls, $1.15.
ers, $20.00 to $30.00
All New Styles .... I Chambray work Shirts
|i Blue or Gray. 50c,-75c. ' Days Dress Trousers,
$4.50 to $10.00
14 oz. Red wrist can­
$3.98 to $18.50
Fancy Dress Shirts,
vas gloves. 2 pair for || $2.00,
$2.50 and $3.00
Ladieg Soring Coats
$12.50 and $18.50
Snappy Styles
Star Brand Shoes
Are Better
$5.00 and $6.00