Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, March 31, 1927, Image 3

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have seen in Florida. It has grown group gave a farewell surprise regular Palmer award.
from a city of 9,000 to 31,000 In party on Vivian Wahlater one of
eight years, the last two years their group, who is leaving Sat­
Northwestern Pulp and Paper
From page 1
co •pan'- take3 < ptions on immense
the matter and report at the next moving along very rapidly with urday for Arizona.
The girls met at the home of nt tract, to provide for
meeting, when a resolution could the general Florida boom. Orlando
be passed that he believed Would will probably be the metropolis of Miss McDonald, their guardian at enlarged construction plans at As-
have much bearing on the vote of central Florida, being the center 6:30 o’clock.
the people at the next school el­ of the citrus -belt. About 40.000
From there they went to Viv­
Oregon will receive $4’,000 f :d-
cars are shipped from this section ians home and surprised her by
ection on this matter.
eral funds for forest fire pioteet-
each year. The elevation is about I bursting
into the house singing one ion this year.
Secretary Lester Sheeley report­ 200 feet above sea level, high ’
ed that the next meeting of the ground for Florida. To the west of their Camp Fire songs, while
R. N. Vanalier of Jordan Valley
Lower Columbia River Chamber of and south are many truck farms, throwing the handkerchiefs each discovers coal vein lOinches thick
Commerce association will be in different sections specializing in one had taken her.
on his property on Succor Creek
After playing various games re­ near here.
St. Helens April 8. He wanted a different kinds of vegetables. Most
good delegation present from Ver­ of the way on the road to Day­ freshments were served and the
nonia at that meeting. Mr. Sheeley tona, 65 miles northeast, were or- girls departed feeling that they
was appointed by President R. M. ange and grapefruit groves, and had spent a very enjoyable even­
Aldrich to present Vernonia’s the new blossoms just coming out ing.
Those presentvwere: Miss Bessie
question of the development of the make a fragrance that fills the
Inland highway before the associa­ air. Celery is grown largely around McDonald, Kathryn Malmsten, Lu-
tion meeting, with the view of se­ Sanford, 20 miles from Orlando, ella Williams, Beth Davis, Nell
curing the cooperation of the other while other sections specialize in Green, Louise Roberson, Gladys
Garner, Dorthy Bljick and Joy
strawberries, potatoes, beans, peas, Bush.
etc. The citrus groves look healthy
Vernonia Office
and vigorous, much better than in
Eighth Grade Exams May 12.
other parts of the state south and
Brazing Works on Ros.
The eighth grade examinations
on the west coast. While Orlando will be held May 12 and 13 this
is north of the so-called tropical year, according to Elizebeth Mur­
Phone MAin 343
zone, and is subject to the cold ray, county school superintendent
waves and frost from the north, There will be no exemptions in
From page 1
yet this section of the state is full geography, and there is one other
Portland Office
of lakes, which save the trees from subject in which there will be no
cept in winter.”
Auto Freight Terminal
Dredges are at work making a many of the frosts. Groves are lo­ exemptions. Fifty per cent is given
E. Water and Yamhill Streets
deep harbor of 60 feet in pne cated south ot the lakes where in agriculture for all those who
Office No. 11
section of the bay, and making a possible.
complete a club project. Penman- EAst 8226
Orlando is a city of lakes, there ship grades will be baged on the
couple more islands with the sand
pumped out. The ocean shore drive being 21 within the city limits,
is being connected up in places scattered in all parts of the city.
so that it will be posisble to drive They are maintained at one level I'
all the way from Jacksonville to all the time by drilling a well at!
Miami soon. Florida will continue the edge 300 or 400 feet, where
to grow as a winter playground at an underground body of water is j
least. Hurricanes will be forgotten reached, then a pipe run from the
as are the earthquakes of Califor­ level of the lake to the well. As
nia. Perhaps all of the subdivisions the lake rises from the rains it
will be built up in time, yet it drains off into the well, By rais-
would seem that some of them will ing or lowering the pipe the level i
To get ready, for the biggest business in Ford cars
wait a long time. It takes a per­ of the lake can be kept at any
that we have ever had, we are offering the follow­
manent, all-year-round population, point desired. The streets of the
ing Reconditioned Automobiles at prices that you
with steady work for those who city are lined with large live oaks,
have to earn a living, to build the branches generally meeting in'
cannot afford to pass up.
much of a city. Perhaps this will the center, making shady drive- j
1925 Type Ford Coupe, spare tire, wonderful shape,
be worked out in time, but at ways. Many fine homes with at­
lots of miles left in this car, license free...........
present about three fourths of the tractive grounds adorn the city.!
Ford Touring, made in fall of 1924, reconditioned
people do not stay here in sum­ While there are many new homes
and guaranteed, good rubber, spare tire, license
mer. There is but little work for but a few years old, there are a'
1925 Ford Touring, disc wheels, speedometer, spare
the laboring class, and the 29,000 great many fine old residences^and
tire, license free ........ ........................................
negroes in Miami do not have e- large estates. A new auditorium
1924 Ford Touring, repainted, good tires, spare tire,
nough employment to keep them busy has just been completed, to ac-
license free .............. ..................................................
the year round. The summer cli­ comodate large public gatherings,
Ì923 Ford Touring, good rubber, spare tire. 50.000 miles of
unused transportation in this car, license
d»-] QC-00
mate here is better than any of Orlando has a tourist population
the states south of the northern each winter of 10,000 or 15,000,'
1923 Ford Touring, completely overhauled from front to rear
tier of states, I am told, and if most of them returning year after
at Ford factory. Runs like new. A dandy at (TlQtOO
year-round employment were to be year, the place having a charm
License free.
had there would be no question all its own. One of the principal
Latí 1924 Ford Roadster, repainted, spare tire, good rubber,
of the rapid building of homes for, amusements is hunting and fishing,
just the thing for economical and sure trans- ClQA'00
all the year-round residents, but and there are many places to go.
portation .......
............ ........ .............................. q)l<zU
there would seem to be a limit,to A large country club and golf
the building of homes for a win­ course is well patronized. The golf
Fair Condition .............................. .
ter residence only.
champion of the world was on the
Mr. «nd Mr#. Moe Start North
green when we visited the place
These cars are all on display at our place of busi­
Daytona, Fla., March 13, 1927. starting a contest.
ness. Ready to run and all Fords guaranteed fôr
There are no coconuts this far
We left Miami Saturday morning
30 days.
on our way north, with rain threat­ north, but many have bananas set
A small amount down, balance in easy payments.
ening, and during the way we ran out in their yards, yet the cold
through several light showers, but snaps are hard on them and very
it cooled the atmosphere and al­ little fruit matures.
together it was a pleasant day.
Lolila Camp Fir. Girls
Going through Palm Beach we be­
Vernonia, Oregon
On Tuesday evening of last week
gan to leave the effects of ths
hurricane and but few trees were the girls of the Lolila Camp Fire
blown down along the highway.
We reached Stuart at noon and
called at the courthouse to see
H. L. Snyder, brother-in-law of
Truman Butler, but he was out
making up his assessment rolls,
so we headed north. The country
began to look better the farther
north we went, and we soon reach­
ed the Indian River country, where
the Dixie highway winds along the
river, in many places with trees on
both sides.
The river is a sort of bay that
separates the narrow islands from
the mainland and- is quite wide
in places. Indian River is the best
in Florida, especially oranges and
grapefruit, so nearly everything on
sale in the cities is called Indian
River fruit, no matter where it
was grown.
Just south of Indian River City
is a section where pineapples are
grown. We saw 9 many fields of
them, but they were not looking
good on account of the dry weath­
er. We stopped at one place and
the owner said that they were not
very profitable any more on ac­
count of the high cost of labor
fruit. The drive along Indian Rivet
is the prettiest we have seen in
Florida, with the water on one
TRY Camel* and you’ll know why they win the modern
side and farms on the other. All
world. Mild nets ar.d mellowness. The smoking wish of
along the road farmers had stands
this exacting age is realized in Camels. Such taste and
with fruit for sale. We bought
three dozen grapefruit at one of
fragrance as never came before from a cigarette. A mellow
these stands and they filled a gun­
mildness that can result only from superb blending of
the choicest Turkish and Domestic tobaccos.
At Indian River City we turned
Thia age demand* the best of everything—and it finds
west and reached Orlando before
4ark. The 40 miles of road goes
Its ideal smoke in Camels. Nowhere else can you find such
through an undeveloped section and
smoothness, such ever-dependable goodness as here——
there were no towns on the way,
"Here « Cornell"
except two or three places with a
filling station and a house or two.
We passed many swamps and thick
jungles, snoatly cabbage and pal­
metto palms and small pines .Com­
ing Into Orlando we began to see
cultivated land, and then the out­
skirts of the city, with orange
groves and some truck gardens.
By the time we got located for the
night it was dark.
Orlando is the prettiest city we
Nelson Urges Dairying
who will conduct ser­
vices at the Christ­
ian church of Ver­
nonia for one month
beginning April 3.
Below, left to right
tenor and song lead­
Rush Neely, pianist
Truck Line
Florida Residents Put
Faith In Future
II THE COUNTY COURT OF THE forenoon of said day at the County
STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE Court House in the County of Col­
umbia, State of Oregon, to show
1* the matter of the Estate and
•uardianship of
bloyd Dobbs, Olga Dobbs, Venetta
f^ebbe, Everett Dobbs, Sylvia Dobbs,
Wauina Dobbs and Keloran Dobbs,
No. ---------------------
Order to show cause why order
l»r sale of real estate should not
Sa made.
It appearing to the Court from
Mu» petition heretofore presented
and filed by D. A. Dobbs, Guard-
lea of the estate and pe rsons of
iha above named minors, praying
far an order of sale of the real
estate therein described, and it is
■sssseary, expedient and beneficial
•a the wards that all of such real
salats be sold;
It further appearing that D. A.
Dobbs of Vernonia, Oregon, is the
lather of said wards, and Jane Doe
Dobbs, address unknown, over the
ags of twenty one years, is a sis­
ter of said wards, and are the
aext of kin of said wards;
that the said D. A. Dobbs, father,
and the said Jane Doe Dobbs, sis­
ter, of the said wards, and that
all persons interested in said es­
tate appear before this Court on
Tuesday, the 12 th day of April,
1927, at 9:00 A. M. o’clock in the
cause why an order should not be
granted said guardian authorizing
him to sell all of the real property
of the said estate of his wards,
either at public or private sale,
for the purposes of paying the
charges and expenses of adminis­
tration against the said estate, and
for the purpose of re-investing the
proceeds of the sale not necessary
for maintenance of the said wards
in the manner by law provided,
said real estate being described as
follows, to-wit: An undivided seven­
eights interest in the following:
Lot Two (2) Block Twenty
Four (24) 2nd Addition to
Vernonia, Columbia County,
Oregon; and Lot Four (4) Sec.
Thirty One (31) T. 6 S. R. 10
W. Lincoln County, Oregon;
tfiis order shall be served on tho
next kin of the wards above named
and on all persons interested in
the estate by publication in the
Vernonia Eagle, a newspaper of
general circulation printed and pub­
lished in Columbia County, Oregon,
once each week for three successive
Dated this 9th day of March,
1927. Date • of first publication
March 17, 1927. Date of last pub­
lication April 7, 1927.
John Philip
Teddy W. Leavitt To
Hold Meeting, Here
(From Page 1)
I called, holds that party names and
creeds are sinful, acocrding to
Evangelist Leavitt, and that all
party divisions are contrary to the
will of Christ. He pleads for a
united Christendom on “No name
but Christ, no book but the Bible.”
His motto is, “Where the Bible
speaks, we speak, where it is silent,
we are silent; in faith, unity, in
all things charity."
Headquarters for all
kinds of
Also Fertilizer for Gar-
den or Field.
Vernonia Trading Co.
This modern age likes the
mellow mildness of Camels