Thursday, March 31, 1927 I VERNONIA EAGLE ine s of delaying the student from I at Natal school took up a new relating to the care and maintenance his studies. But the worst thing j phase of work in grammar, that of the state library were wiped out of the year is the disease which of learning how to organize and as dead letters; that section of the returns each spring, the so-called conduct a meeting. It proved to law providing that senators holding “spi-ing fever.” This is keeping be very enjoyable work. over and representing districts com­ mo e pupils out than the two other posed of more than one county POLICE NOTES diseases just mentioned. It is not which, when the districts have been To Present ’’Cyclone Sally.” Prof. Beatti« Visits State prohibition agents arrested changed, be considered senator of Debate and Oratory Interest Shown The seniors are working very onl / the juniors who are susceptible W. G. Beattie of the There will be a concerted effort hard on the class play. The livest to his ailment, but the other class­ Charley Ykoto Monday night for the new district was repealed be- versity of Oregon, visited possession of moonshine, He was cause it never is used; legislation put forth next year by the faculty and best class of seniors that has es ilso. school last Friday forenoon taken to St. Helens for trial. to create a greater interest in de­ ever been recorded in the history providing appropriation for special ” he juniors are all studying now spoke before the student body. He agents of the governor in the year also held a 41-minute conference bates, orations, and like activities. of the school, a good coach like to fit themselves to be next year’s The following were arrested and Some work of this nature has been 1917 and 1918 was expunged as sen ors. The requirements are not Mr. Austin, and a play like “ Cy ­ with the senior class, at which fined for gambling over the week time he answered numerous ques- done this year, but our school has clone Sally” are sure to wake up too high if pupils will only apply end : John Erickson, Wm. Schmack, now inoperative. not entered any contests with out­ Vernonia. the nselves. There are only a few Clem An old section providing that it tions about college courses. Profes- Bartley, Geo. Snipes «and E. side schools. A number of pupils French Class Finishes Grammar. we' ks of school left and everyone shall be unlawful for any person sor Beattie’s talk was received with Biair. have expressed a willingness to co­ to ride or drive over any bridge much enthusiasm by the pupils. Miss Hickman’s French class, in is very busy. operate with the teachers in this Notice to Contractors at a greater speed than a walk ' he G. B. club held a meeting Mi»» Florence Blaxier Hera Today which the seniors have a plurality, St. Helens, Oregon March 24th, or to drive at any time more than All members Miss Florence Blazier of the work. finished the grammar which it was Tuesday at 12:45. What 1» An Unknown? Oregon Agricultural college is ex- studying six weeks before the time i we e present; plans were discussed 1927. SEALED PROPOSALS, ad- 20 head of livestock over such The advanced students in chem­ allowed for this book was up and for the banquet which will be given dressed to the County Court of bridge was removed from the code pected to visit the high school to- Columbia County, Oregon, at St. as having long since become obso­ day. Miss Blazier is one of the istry are now busy testing un­ is now working on a French reader in April. He ens, Oregon, and endorsed “Pro­ lete. Other bills repealed were: most capable women in her de- knowns. Several unknowns contain­ which is proving interesting. CHRISTIAN CHURCH posal for doing the following work Section exempting employes of tel­ partment, that of vocational ed- ing three different compounds are English Class Starts New Book '.’eddy Leavitt and his song lead- in Columbia county, to-wit: egraph companies of jury duty; sec­ ucation. She will be invited to mixed by the teacher and the The senior English class is do­ The construction of a Howe tion providing that the state treas­ address the student body and will students use their knowledge In ing very good work and began er will be here next Sunday to take chi rge of the meetings, The public Truss together with the necessary urer’s quarterly report shall be pub­ finding the ingredients. no doubt accept the invitation. Wedneday to study “Lincoln’s Coop­ is nvited to attend. approaches and pier protection, lished in the official paper of the To Display School Work Alumna Haa Good Grades er Union Speech.” This is the last across Westport Slough at Wood- state, there being no official paper; Christian Endeavor is meeting at A transcript of the grades earn­ At an early date in April, the book which will be studied in class. 6:1 0. Come and help us improve sen, Oregon, will be received by section requiring district attorneys ed by Miss Bessie McDonald while sewing and art classes will dis­ Seniors At Party said county court until 10 o’clock to file accountings and turn over she was at the San Jose Teachers play some of their work in one The seniors were given a party our meetings. A. M., April 9th, 1927, and not funds to the county treasurer, this O. L. Curtis, Pastor. college in California, was forward­ of the store windows down town. Saturday night at the home of thereafter, and at that time will law serving no purpose; chapter ed to Mr. Wilkerson, principal, and This exhibit promises at this time John Wardle. Although the entire EVANGELICAL CHURCH be publicly opened and read. making it unlawful to print or cir­ received this week. For the reason to be a very good one. However, class was not present a large crowd “A Home Like Church” All proposals must be made up­ culate foreign language newspaper that Miss McDonald is an alumna the sewing class is composed mostly was there. The seniors were enter­ Sunday school at 1:45 A. M. on blank forms, to be obtained in Oregon, declared unconstitutional of our high school, we take real of freshmen and the members of tained in a very dignified manner Th j Morning Hour of Worship at from the Roadmaster, at his of­ by the federal court; and many pleasure in reporting that her grades the art class are taking art for as become their high position. 11 o’clock. ___ The ___ Theme _____ for the fice in St. Helens, Oregon. Must others. showed very creditable work. the first time this year. These Junior Prom May 13 mccning message ^,ill be, "Christ give prices proposed, both in writ­ Taking Picture» For Annual conditions must be taken into con- The date for the Junior Prom as our Sacrifice." ing and in figures, and must be Costs at State Institutions, Mr. Salt, the photographer, has sideration when judging the work has been changed again. It was The evening Evangelistic Service signed by the bidder, with his ad- Interesting information in con- been out in the woods in search of the classes. changed from the twenty-second of at 7:30. The theme for the even­ dress. nection wih the various State in- of some pictures for the front 20 Naw Book» For Library April to the 13 of May. This is the in; message will be, “The Strange Plans and Specifications are on stitutions of Oregon, exclusive of pages of our annual. There are been third time that the date has About twenty books have been Lo le Struggle in the garden.” file with the County Roadmaster, the institutions of higher learning, woods all around us, yet it is rath- purchased for our library. These changed. Ths evening message will be pre- Clatskanie Chief, and the Vernonia is contained in a satement made er difficult to secure good views books have been selected with a Track Practica Starting ce< ed by a thirty minute gospel Eagle, and may be examined in the public by Secretary of State Sam of this kind. Where there are view of providing suitable reading Track practice is starting this soi g service. office of the County Clerk. A. Kozer. This statement shows large trees, there is usually not for the classes in English. The week. The boys have been loosen- Ve extend to all that do not Each bidder shall deposit, with that during the month of February sufficient light among the trees high school course of study re­ ing up the last two weeks; run- to insure a good picture. This quires a great deal of outside read­ ning either before or after school, w< rship elsewhere a hearty wel­ his bid, a certified check for an the maintenance cost per capita come to come and worship with amount of at least five (5) per for inmates at the State Blind staff is endeavoring this year to ing for the subject of English. Having six lettermen back this us. cent of his bid, payable to the school was »46.34 a month, that feature the lumber industry of the year, Vernonia has a good chance. Banquet Basketball Teams To Wm, F. Rademacher, Pastor. County Clerk, which shall be for- at the tuberculosis hospital »45.40, Nehalem valley. men are turning out A banquet for the basketball About twenty feited to the county in case the the state deaf school »44.58, the Report Cards Show Improvement teams will be given at the high and NATAL practice will be held three award is made to him, and he boy’s training school »37.90, state Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Iler are The report cards of the pupils school building about the middle times a week. shall neglect, fail or refuse, for soldier’s home »38.35, state em­ this year show quite an improve­ of April. The teachers and the In the near future tne inter-class vis iting at the Carl Iler home. Mrs. Osburn called on Mrs. Gro- a period of five days after such ployment institution »40.63, girls’ ment in scholarship over the two school board members will be guests meet will be held. After this meet award is made, to enter into a industrial school »34.16, Oregon more will be known about what ve Devine one day last week. contract and file the required bond. state penitentiary »29.27. / Miss Beatrice Perry and her Charter No. 267 Reserve District No. 12 Vernonia can do. On April 30, the The right is reserved to reject county meet will be held in Ver­ gr andfather, Mr. Burris, were Ver- any and all bids. Tourist Influx Continues. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE nonia. Everyone should be out to no lia visitors a short time ago. John Phillip, County Judge. Despite the fact that the first support the team. The district meet lam Devine went home to Fir- T. B. Mills, Commissioner. two months of 1927 have been will be held at Seaside, the same wcod to attend the funeral of one J. N. Miller, Commissioner. marked by unusual and unseason­ of his neighbors, Mrs. Peter Mar­ at Vernonia, in the state of Oregon, at close of business as last year. G. G. Hall, Roadmaster. able weather, ¡particularly along March 23, 1927. If the team shows up well here, ch . J. W. Hunt, County Clerk, the north and south highways, the they will be taken to the relay Mr. Holding was a business vis­ Resources a 1 to a 8. influx of automobile tourists and iter in Clatskanie Friday. meet at Eugene. 1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, accept­ home seekers to Oregon has shown Play Indoor Baseball Grover Devine and John McMul- MANY LAWS REPEALED ances or bills of exchange, sold with endorsement of an increase over the corresponding baae- For the last week indoor lei were in Vernonia Saturday. BY STATE LEGISLATURE the bank (including items shown in 29, 30 and 32, Records of the if any) .................................................... .................................. »128,608.67 ball has attracted the attention of One phase of the activities of months of 1926. Mrs. G. Devine and Mrs. Holding secretary of state show that during 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured ............................... 643.64 most of the boys anl girls. The we -e Saturday evening shoppers. the 34th legislative assembly of 3. U. S. government securities owned, including those February of this year 2461 motor diamond is small and sometimes Mrs. Wm. Davis and Mrs. Duke Oregon which recently adjourned its Bhown in items 30 and 35, if any ...... ....................... 24,450.00 there are so many players on it an 1 children called on Mrs. Holding first regular session, had to do with vehicles of non-residents Were reg- 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including for­ istered at the 34 stations designated the wiping from the statutes of a that the batter has a hard time Sa urday. eign government, state, municipal, corporation, etc., for that purpose. This is a gain, including those shown in items 30 and 35, if any. 61,259.47 landing one and the runner has Miss Schooley spent last week vast amount of legislation which, 6. Banking house, »12,500.00; furniture and fixtures, the en 1 with Miss Rumbaugh and they for one cause or another, had be­ of 46 over February of last year. to weave his way through »10,000.00 ............................................................................... . 22,500.00 players in running from one base bo k attended the teachers’ instl- come needless and merely cluttered Registrations of visiting automobilea 7. Real estate owned other than banking house............ 1,100.00 tu e in St. Helens, reporting a up the statute books in the opinion in Oregon since January 1 num­ 9. to another. (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bered 4193 or 336 more than in. bankers and trust companies designated and approved At their last meeting the soph­ go >d time there. of the legislators. 1926. reserve agents of this bank .......................................... 38,481.24 omores pledged »50 toward the an­ The Natal grange Some idea of the character of held a short 11. Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting m< eting and gave a nual. In order to raise the money the laws which were repealed by program and bank and other cash items . .................. ........................... Visit Other School». 493.70 they are to give a play called "Sun­ da ice in the hall. A very sociable the assembly may be gleaned from Total cash and due from banks, itemB 8, 9, 10 and Mrs. Alma Mills, A. D. Hall, 11, »38,974.94. shine.” This was to have been tir.e was enjoyed by all present. the following: The act placing a Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown and O. given before the senior play was Jo n our grange and enjoy our bounty on jack rabbits was repeal­ Total »277,536.72 presented, but owing to sickness go >d times with us. Mr. and Mrs. ed as the supreme court has held A. Anderson visited three schools in the vicinity of Portland Tues­ Liabilitie» they missed much practice and are Mi wes furnished the music. Re- this legislation void; an act requir­ day for suggestions on the advis­ 16. Capital stock paid in ....................... 25,000.00 compelled to give it after the sen­ fr< shments were served at II ing the owners of wire fences to ability of making necessary altera­ 17. Surplus fund ...................................... ........... ........................... 5,000.00 iors give theirs. The class advisor, o’< lock. keep the same in repair and pro­ tions or building in Vernonia. The 18. (a) Undivided profits ................................... »3,461.31 Mr. Wilkerson, is directing the play. Mr. Everett preached in the hall viding a method whereby this might architect (b) Less current expenses, interest and who designed these taxes paid .............................................................. 2,710.99 The selling of the subscriptions Tiesday night. 750.32 be done by the sheriff when the schools is F. A. Stokes. No action Demand Deposit», other than banks, subject to reserve: Miss Schooley spent this week owner fails to do so was repealed has been taken by the school board. to the "Ladies Home Journal,” the 23. Individual deposits subject to check, including depos­ “Country Gentleman,” and the en 1 with her mother in Scappoose. as it as been supplanted by a new­ its due the state of Oregon, county, cities or other Miss Myrtle Mowes spent Sun- er law and is a dead letter; another public funds ............................................................................ ADDITIONAL LOCALS 150,185.25 “Saturday Evening Post” in order 25. Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable to raise money for the annual has da • with the McMullen girls. act removes no less than 27 sec­ on demand ................................................................................ 4,840.37 not been as successful as in the Mr. and Mrs. E. Scott were Mrs. Zale Holmes called on Mrs. tions of the law relating to saloons 26. Certified checks outstanding ........................................... . 11.00 previous years. De vine Sunday. week end visitors in Portland. In the contest, as they have become inoperative Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, three grades were chosen, the red, Mr. and Mrs. David McMullen since prohibition; several sections subject to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 26 »155,036.62 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willon spent blue and green. On Thursday the an 1 family were out riding in of the code regarding collection of Tima and Savins» Depoait», subject to reserve and Sunday at Sandy. payable on demand or subject to notice: blue and green were tied, on Fri- th ir new car Sunday afternoon. certain fees by county clerks were 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding ..................... 9,056.05 day the red lead by one, on Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap called on annuled as they have been super­ Mrs. W. W. Wolff was a Port- 28. Savings deposits, payable subject to notice ............ 57,393.73 day the blue led by five and on th' David McMullen family Sunday seded 1 y new laws. land visitor Tuesday. Total of time and savings deposits payable on de­ Tuesday the blue had the lead by af ernoon. Two sections of the laws relating mand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28, Hale Greenman spent the holi- »66,449.78. School New». nine subscriptions. The total sold to disposition of a portage railway 30. Nqtes and bills rediscounted including bonds or other for the four days were 58. Last week an exhibit was given formerly operate 1 by the state at days with his parents. securities sold under repurchase agreements with con­ Owing to the fact that Mr. Ber- at Natal school. Each grade gave Celilo we: c wiped out as a dead tingent liabilities ................................................................... Mrs. Jack Heenan is on the 25,300.00 gerson is going to level the high tw > lessons to demonstrate their letter; two -ections of the law au- sick list. Total ....... »277,536.72 school tennis court with the county nb lity to their parents. Each par- thorizing the Eugene Divinity Mrs. Elmer Robbins has a sprain- grader, Mr. Austin is trying to on; seemed well pleased with the school to confer certain degrees STATE OF OREGON, County of Columbia, ss. We were pleased were repealed as the sections were ed ankle. I, J. C. Lindley, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly get him to level enough of the pr gress made. •wear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge school grounds to provide the boys to acknowledge that more than unneessary for that purpose; two Mr. and Mrs. G. Barnett are ■nd belief. with a place for practice running. ha f of the children’s parents were sections of the law providing for J. C. LINDLEY. Cashier. visiting in Portland this week. Sickness is keeping a few of the pr sent As an additional exhibit appointment of a conservation com­ CORRECT—Attest: students out of school this month. th» children had made a sand table mission were repealed as the com­ A. L. Kullander, J. H. Bush, Wm. Pringle, Directors. A number of Vernonia residents The mumps seems to be the worst I I pr> ject, , to represent a farm at the mission does not function because ! have taken advantage of the shut- Subscribed and sworn to before me thia 26 day of March, 1927. l spi ing crop planting time. many complete sources for the same | down at the mill and have gons H E. McGRAW, NoUry Public. enemy of the student. The flu, I also, is doing its part in the bus- .ast Friday the upper grades information exist; several sections fishing for smelt. My commission expires November 9, 1928. previous years. This is especial! r noticeable in the upper class. White we have gone pretty strong this year on athletics, the regular school subjects seem not to have been neglected because of these activit­ ies. of honor. A like banquet was held last year, and greatly enjoyed by all who attended it. It is the one formal occasion of the school year and seems to supply a need in the program of the school year. BANK OF VERNONIA » FINNEY OF THE FORCE M« • ÍT wub caoJù HOOSS- Ibftïtr U.V /—" mm < AV ÏT/-ÔIGHOÇ CAM' M , CHANNSL »KAMMS« 4N’ ’OLI BMTO«M INTOQ — AM. w WAN /— Of wuocovna m »- MU V N m sanato ah ' coivo into a A ogl V an ' otX-68A8 a C un am » odr m « cann ’* ' i L qainbc » <3o»C vv CT m B lank B ulli T s