Thursday, March 24, 1927 VERNONIA EAGLE ahlater and Mrs. Bergman. Washington school during his ill- end: Charlotte Green, Merle M ils, Betty Culver, Dorothy Hol im, ness. fnipley at Vernonia Billiards Mr. and Mrs. Lot G. Davis and Frances Lappe, Violet Phelps, 1. ay- C. W. Shipley, well known local nise Reese, and Phoebe Green i in. son spent the week end visiting In honor of Mrs. F. Wall iter barber, has moved from the Shoe- Prof. Will Davis and family at and Mrs. M. Bergman, who are maker barber shop to the Vernon- Walla Walla, Wash. ia billiards where he has rented Tex Mills is erecting a nice home Miss Georgia Fairbanks of Wil­ leaving Saturday for Seattle en the equipment in that place. He route to Arizona, Mrs. C. L. An- near the city park. lamette university is visiting at reports an excellent trade in both Mrs. W. Smith is visiting her the home of her sister, Mrs. Dave derson, Mrs. D. Marshall, Mrs. Da- men’s and women’s hair cutting.— vidson and Mrs. J. Greenman wi re son, Lester Sheeley. Marshal. hostesses at a bridge party Thurs­ adv. Edward Roles is reported to be Mr. and Mrs. O. Morris are leav­ day afttrnoon at the home of Mrs. Card of Thanks. on the sick list. ing this week for Quincy, Cal. Greenman. High score was won I wish to tender most grateful Kea- Two new swings were erected Born: To Mr. and Mrs. T. F. by Mrs. Bergman. The honor thanks to our friends and neigh- sey, March 15, a girl. at the Lincoln school this week. guests were presented with beauti­ bo: for their kindness and sympa­ A large number of Vernonia folk ful pieces of Madeira linen. On thy during our recent bereavement Hazel Wooly is reported to be attended the funeral of F. P. Mc- Thursday evening Mrs. M. Grunden in he loss of our beloved husband quite ill. Zelma New and Muriel Mills were Barron at Scappoose Friday, Fu- entertained with a theatre party. and father, Francis P. McBarron, neral services were conducted by Wednesday, Mrs. M. Space en­ also for the beautiful floral offer- Hillsboro visitors this week. tertained with a luncheon and on I ing. Bessie McDonald accompanied the the W. O. W;. lodge. Camp Fire girls to Portland Sunday. Miss Louise Lester of Seattle Tuesday Mrs. M. Rhul with a Mrs. F. P. McBarron R. Hornbeck is reported on the is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. H. bridge party, all in honor of Mrs. and son Alden. Washburn for a week. She Is a sick list. Card of Thank«. Mrs. E. Thompson is on the sick student at the University of Wash- We wish to express our sincere list. ington. an reeiation and thanks to all those Miss Louise M. Keehn was a Have you had any of our good hot cross buns? They make a wel­ Rates: lc per word, minimum who so kindly helped us at the Portland visitor this week. My home for sale, see advertise­ come change in the diet and only 25c first insertion; 15c succeed- time of the fire Sunday morning, March 13. a week more and then no more ing insertions. First insertion ment. Dr. Wight.—adv. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. P. E. until next year. Buy and enjoy of “Situation Wanted” (limit Epperly, March 23, a 10-pound boy. them now while you can. Vernonia 25 words) Free. Resolution of Condolence F. J. Seals purchased the Hy- bakery.—adv. Whereas, the great and supreme FOR SALE Don’t forget Christian Endeavor Van hotel recently from W. R. Ruler of the universe has in his at the new Christian church begin­ Coyle. infinite wisdom removed from Mr. and Mrs. oney Corty have ning at 6:30 every Sunday night. MY HOME at $4000, cost $l.">00, among' us one of our worthy and only $500 down and balance like moved into the Sheeley house next Next Sunday special numbers will esteemed fellow-laborers, Francis be given. Come and bring your rent, $35 monthly, including inter­ I’. McBarron, and, whereas, the to the Catholic church. est. Inspection invited. Dr. Wi i t. A. Corey and daughter-in-law friends. 332 long and intimate relation held Idelle Corey visited in Portland on We make all kinds of dark with him in faithful discharge of breads, Doctors recommend variety Sunday. his duties in this society makes it FOR SALE: Pure blood Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Davidson in the diet. Have some kind of eminently befitting that we record bull calf from heavy and Mrs. and Mrs. E. A. Green dark bread on your table at every our appreciation of him; therefore, spent the week end in Portland. meal—it is good for you. Vernonia strain. Phone or write A. Re solved, that the wisdom and son, Timber, Ore. Chas. Keith of Kansas City has bakery.—adv. • lity which he hns exercised in Meetings of the American Legion been a Vernonia visitor the past the aid of our organization by COTTAGE FOR SALE — No reason Auxiliary have been changed from week. able offer refused. Terms. In- service, contributions and counsel Velma Veal entertained a few the first and third Mondays to the quire Hotel Vista. tf. will be held in grateful remem- of her friends March 23 in honor second and fourth Wednesdays of br; nee. Resolved that the sudden re­ of her 12th birthday. each month, and will be held in moval of such a life from among FOR SALE — Earliest of AH seed Owing to the death of a mem­ the grange hall. our midst leaves a vacancy and a potatoes, $2.50 per cwt. A. D. ber, the social meeting of W. O. The Bank of Vernonia has re- shadow that will be deeply realized W. was postponed. lently been declared a United Hall, Box 287, Vernonia, Ore. 32:; by all the members and friends Mrs. D. Marshall and Mrs. E. States depository for postal sav- of this organization, and will prove Bell were Portland visitors this ings according to Cashier J. C. 60-GALLON oil barrels, suitable a erious loss to the members to for garbage or rubbish cans, for week. Lindley. the community and the public. Re­ The Willing Workers will meet Why do experts so generally pro­ sale at Gilby Motor Co.. $1 each. s' I ed that with deep sympathy 30tf nt the home of Mrs. W. Gooding nounce Mother’s bread as an un- with the bereaved relatives of the usually fine loaf? We can answer Wednesday, March 30. deceased we express our hope that FOR SALE — Ford touring in goo. The Twin Six ¿lub will meet at that by saying, because it is a ev< n so great a loss to us all condition, good tires. Will sell the home of Dr. C. J. Wight this high quality loaf. Just this week may be overruled for good by for $150 cash. Can be seen at the week. we had a. bakery expert in our shop him who doeth all things well. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Davis and son from the second largest milling Square Deal garage, or inquire at Vernonia Camp 665, W1. O. w. the Eagle. Dee and Mr. and Mrs. O. Cluck company in the world and after EVANGELICAL CHURCH were Clatskanie visitors over the a close examination of Mother’s "A Home Like Church” bread he said that it was the finest FOR SALE—Hotel Vista. Owing to week end. illness, will sell property or fur­ ‘'unday school at 9:45 a.m. Miss Muriel Bell, a student at loaf of bread he had seen in a the University of Oregon, is spend­ long time and don’t forget, he niture, or will rent by the month mo ning hour of worship at ing the spring vacation at the home knows. Aside from our claims for with secured lease. Inquire Hotel tf Mother’s bread, let his word con­ Vista. of her parents. Place your order early for hot vince you that in Mother’s bread BRED — White Leghorn cross buns for Good Friday, April | you are getting the highest qual­ PURE chickens, 1-year old, for sale, $1. 1. We are taking orders right ity bread that it is possible to "TCRES AT now—yours is next. Vernonia bak­ make. When buying bread, say, each. Also hatching eggs, $1 a setting. E. A. McDonald, Box 42. ery.—adv. "Mother’s,” and know you are NEWBERG Vernonia. Mrs. Wm. Aspland and Mr. and getting the best.—adv. SALEM Mrs. L. R. Gillchrest are in Tilla­ The Tatapochon Camp Fire girls SHERIDAN mook attending a Pythian conven­ went to Portland to the council FOR SALE—Dahlia tubers VERNONIA gladioli bulbs, also a large var tion. fire celebration for the birthday iety of perrenial plants, and bed- Miss Bessie McDonald is teach­ of the Camp Fire. The following ing in II. Ingraham’s place at the girls were gone over the week ding plants in season at reasonabk price. Phone 252, Mrs. W. J. Good ing. 322* Classified Advertising How Often Do You Visit YOUR JEWELER? Not very often, you’ll agree, campared to the visits you make to your grocer and other stores. This is natural enough. Silverware, watches, rings, etc., are not used for a brief period and replaced, as with other ar­ ticles. Things bought at the jewelery stoTe must serve longer. That’s why there is only one safe rule to follow: Buy the best. Only the best will bring permanent, dependable satis­ faction in the long period of use, when the few extra dollars in cost will have been forgotten. Here you’ll find the best of everything—at prices that are always reasonable, quality considered. Of especial interest is our new showing of watches cased by Wadsworth—style leaders in the dress of high-grade timepieces. Visit us. A. L. KULLANDER WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER o’clock. Rev. V. L. Farnham but recently returned from the war­ ing sections of China will speak at the 11 o’clock service. You will want to hear Rev. Farnham's Mis­ sionary message. The Sunday morning offering will go to the Foreign Missionary treas­ urer, for work in our foreign field, including China, Japan and Africa. The evening service at 7:30. The theme for the evening message will be "The Last Passover Sup­ per.” The evening message will be preceded by a thirty minute Gospel song service. We extend a hearty welcome to all that do not worship elsewhere to come and worship with us. Wm. F. Rademacher, Pastor. McCormic mill adds night shift to mill crew, after year’s plann­ ing. Columbia River canned shad out­ put for 1926 was double any pre­ vious year’s, at Astoria. Oregon shipped 16,881 cars fruits and vegetables during 1926. REITHNER’S Vernonia’s Store that Leads in Style ann Quality Creating' a Sensation With Handsome Styles, Costlier Fabrics, Better Tailoring, Bigger Values.— Than you can usually get in Tweed Coats. Poiret-Chine Goats, Satin Coats, Summer fir trim­ med Coats. SILK DRESSES STYLE - SERVICE - VALUE With these thoughts uppeimost we have built our clientele of satisfied customers.—Look over our line of— Shoes, Hosiery and Drygoods. The last word in Style.—The first word in value STORES AT CORVALLIS HILLSBORO MeMiNNVILLE MONMOUTH With Easter Coming USED PIANO must be sold—Wil', sacrifice used piano for imme diate sale. Will give very e i-y terms to responsible person. Fo full particulars write Portland Mu sic Co., 227 6th St. Portland, Orc gon. 316 And Spring Just Around the Corner; Behooves Every Lady to Look Carefully Through Her Wardrobe. FOR SALE—From one to 60 good, strong colonies of Italian Beet If you have plenty of Fireweed within a mile or two, there is no farm crop that will pay a much on the investment as bees. C. B. Walkey, Clatskanie, Ore 3 3 2 * We want you to feel that you may come here to do your Easter shopping leis­ urely. Our entire stock and saies force are at your ser­ vice, whether your needs be large or small. FOR SALE—35 acres, 2’a mill from Vernonia, on hard surface, road; seven acres in cultivation, 6 room house, 2 chicken hour an barn, garage, running water. Pin ■< is stocked. $3000, some tern's Will take a closed car on first pay no Inquire at the Eagle. WE WANT TO SERVE YOU FOR SALE OR TRADE Dependable Since ’89 FOR SALE or trade: Two V< rnoni lots for car. Write Box Vernonia. would especially call your attention to our display of Dainty, Practi­ cal, Rayon silk Tingerie. FOR RENT ROOMS and furnished apartmen for rent, heat furnished. I fields, in front of grange Tel. 253. 2 piece silk Pajamas $4.50 MODERN COTTAGE for r. r rooms, bath, pantry. Partly fur nished. Enquire Vista hotel. Brassiere and bloomer sets, FOR FURNISHED HOU.' E. S. Cleveland, I have Vest and bloomer sets $4.50 $3.50 These we can give you in the following colors: Peach, flesh, nile, blue and orchid. WANTED Wdhy See Hoffman About It HOFFMAN HOWE. CO HOUSE CLEANING and washing wanted. Weed ave., Mrs. Pearl Purney. 332* Misses Rayon vests, Flesh only Misses Rayon bloomers, Flesh only WANTED—To hear from owner of land for sale. D. M. Leight, Al zada, Montana. TAKEN UP TAKEN UI^—Brown cow. whiti face ears clipped and wild. Owner pay for adv. feed and take it away. E. Feldt, Scofield, Ore. 324* 75c 90c VERNONIA’S LEADING STORE ÄÄ. j