Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, March 24, 1927, Image 3

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Thursday, March 24, 1927.
IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Dobbs, address unknown, over the lished in Columbia County; Otogon, 'tòmólbgy ài the” university of Wis­ easily, and too great heat turns or quick-cooked cabbage, beets, and
STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE .age of twenty one years, is a sis- once each week for three successive consin, and formerly head of the white silk yellow. Use a warm iron buttered mashed rutabagas, The
department of entomolofcy at Ore­ on the wrong side of the »ilk, and
ter of said wards, and are the weeks.
In the matter of the Estate and
Guardianship of
Lloyd Dobbs, Olga Dobbs, Venetta
Dobbs, Everett Dobbs, Sylvia Dobbs,
Maxcine Dobbs and Keloran Dobbs,
No. - ------------------------
Order to show cause why order
for sale of real estate should not
be made.
It appearing to the Court from
the petition heretofore presented
and filed by D. A. Dobbs, Guard­
ian of the estate and persons of
the above named minors, praying
for an order of sale of the real
•state therein described, and it is
necessary, expedient and beneficial
to the wards that all of such real
•state be sold;
It further appearing that D. A.
Dobbs of Vernonia, Oregon, is the
father of said wards, and Jane Doe
Let the Picture
Tell The
Next Door to Postof­
next of kin of said wards;
that the said, D. A. Dobbs, father,
and the said Jane Doe Dobbs, sis­
ter, of the said wards, and that
all persons interested in said es­
tate appear before this Court on
Tuesday, the 12th day of April,
1927, at 9:00 A. M. o’clock in the
forenoon of said day at the County
Court House in the County of Col­
umbia, State of Oregon, to show
cause why an order should not be
granted said guardian authorizing
him to sell all of the real property
of the said estate of his wards,
either at public or private sale,
for the purposes of paying the
charges and expenses of adminis­
tration against the said estate, and
for the purpose of re-investing the
proceeds of the sale not necessary
for maintenance of the said wards
in the manner by law provided,
said real estate being described as
follows, to-wit: An undivided seven­
eights interest in the following:
Lot Two (2) 1 Block Twenty
Four (24) 2nd I Addition to
Vernonia, Columbia County,
Oregon; and Lot Four (4) Sec.
Thirty One (31) T. 6 S. R. 10
W. Lincoln County, Oregon;
this order shall be served on the
next kin of the wards above named
and on all persons interested in
the estate by publication in the
Vernonia Eagle, a newspaper of
general circulation printed and pub-
Quality Used Cars
Chevrolet Coach, Extras, .........
Dodge Coupe, Fully Equipped ...
Studebaker Light Six Touring ..
Ford Coupe, Fully Guaranteed ..
Chevrolet Touring .....................
These cars all carry our usual GUARANTEE
TERMS Suitable for all—
Gilby Motor Company
Dated this 9th day of March, gon agricultural college;. has just
1927. Date of first publication been president of thè league.
March 17, 1927. Date of last pub-
Rich, heavy foods should be serv­
lication April 7, 1927.
ed with lighter, more succulent
John Philip
Judge. foods. This evens up the calories
and avoids too heavy tax * on the
Home Pointers
digestive system. For example, a
(From School of Home Economics; light lettuce salad is relished with
The standard portion for soft a heavy meat dish.
Contrast in flavor is important
custard is 4 eggs to 4 cups of
milk. Six eggs to 4 cups of milk in a meal. Don't repeat the same
are used for baked custard to be flavor too often. For instance, even
turned out of the mold. Being though we liked tomatoes, we »{ould
beaten with a dover egg beater not relish a meal commencing with
until smooth, curdled custard is tomato soup, followed by tomato
corrected. Lumps will be prevent- sauce on the meat, or stewed to­
ed if the cornstarch is blended matoes, and fresh sliced tomato
t '
with the sugar or some of the salad.
Radioed From USDA
liquid before it is added to the
Heifers get their inheritance for.
scalding milk.
When care is used in preparing producing ability from their sire
cheese dishes so as not to cook and their dam.
Pasturization doesn’t destroy food
the cheese too much, it will not
value in milk. A temperature of
be stringy and curdled.
Quantities to buy for serving 145 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 min­
six people vegetables are 6 pounds utes hasn’t marked effect on the
of unshelled green peas, 2 pounds chemical make-up of milk, or its
of carrots, 2 pounds of string growth-promoting properties. Some
scientists say that pasturization
beans, and 1 pound of rice.
Colorful garnishes are nastur- makes the vitamin which prevents
tium or grape leaves on salad or scurvy,, leqs leffective. But this
same vitamin is also found in fruits
vegetable dishes.
Lettuce is attractively shredded and vegetables, so it probably
by rolling the leaves and cutting doesn’t matter so much. Pasturi­
zation kills disease-producing bac­
with scissors.
Celery is curled by cutting ten- teria in milk.
You can continue a strawberry
der stalks into 3 inch pieces, slash-
ing the ends into thin strips 1 patch more than two years if
inch long and letting stand in you will keep it clean, well cul­
ice water for two or three hours. tivated and fertilized, and takp out
One cup of butter equals one- the old plants and save strong
half pound. Forty-eight to fifty- young plants each year. It is us­
six cups of coffee can be made ually preferable to set new plants
from 1 pound. One cup of wal- each spring and - take out the two-
nut meats equals one-fourth of a year old plants after they have
i pound. One cup of granulated sugar fruited.
The chief advantage resulting
' equals one-half pound.
from the green sprouting of seed
Farm Reminders
potatoes in the light, is that of
Oregon bee keeper» are ohaok- indicating the strongest, eyes. In
ing up now on the amount of cutting such tubers it is possible
stores in colonies says H. A. Scullen to discard the weak and blind or
bee specialist of the experiment dead eyes, thereby, insuring a prac­
station. The cold wet spring re­ tically perfect stand of plants of
sults in shortage of stores. A good uniform vigor, When grown for ¡
grade of sugar syrup, 2 Mi parts an early crop the plants from
of sugar to 1 part of water, Is sprouting seed are Usually ready
fed at this time if the honey sup- to dig a few days earlier than
those from unsptouted seed and
ply is low.
The cold wet spring is causing the yield is usually greater.
You can’t expect tonics, which
Oregon growers to plan an es-
hens take internally, to kill
pecially thorough spraying program
to cambat fruit diseases, says H. cooties, mites, blue bugfc, fleas, and
P. Barss, plant pathologist of the those sorts of parasites. Don’t waste
experiment station. This is a seri­ your money that way. You won’t
ous year for apple and pear scab, kill the bugs—but you may kill
brown rot of stone fruits, an­ the chickens.
Don’t sprinkle the dropping,
thracnose of currants and goose­
berries and leaf spot of cane fruits. boards with hydrated lime.' You’ll
The annual meeting of the lose a lot of the ammonia that way.
American Honey Producers league A better practice is to mix acid
will be held in San Francisco next phosphate with the droppings when
year, acording to a decision just they are stored.
reached by officials of the league.
’’Intide” Information
For the first time in the history
Don’t iron White silk With a
of the league the meeting will
very hot iron. All silk scorches
be held in the west.
Wilson, professor of en-
corn fritters add richness and crisp­
protect it with cheesecloth.
ness to any of these vegetable
F<»ods which stimulate the ap-
The United States de­
petite and promote digestion should
be served at the beginning of ’lie partment of agriculture will tell
meal. That’s the reason many peo­ you how to make them.
ple like to start a dinner with a
light well-flavored soup. Fruit ‘ap­
Oregon National Guard will make
petizers” are also good.
1927 summer camp on Clatsop
When choosing children's gar­ Plains, spending $60,000 for build­
ments, consider the durability of ings at Astoria.
the material, whether or not it
will launder well and easily, and
what provision is made for the
growth of the child. Car. the child
put it on and take it off himself.
Truck Line
These points are just as important
as attractive design or color.
To clean upholstered furniture,
either a vacuum cleaner or a brush
may be used. A soft brush is best
Vernonia Office
for velvet and velour, a stiffer
brush for tapestry, and other strong A.t the Bracing Works on Rose
firm materials. When convenient,
take upholstered furniture out of
Phone MAin 343
doors occasionally and beas with
a flat carpet beater.
Portland Office
Have com fritters once in a
Auto Freight Terminal
while. They go especially well with:
an all vegetable meal in such com-1
binations as spinach, creamed on-1 E. Water and Yamhill Streets
Office No. 11
ions and stewed tomatoes; or string I ¿Ast 8226
beans, carrots, and lettuce salad; I DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR
To get ready for the biggest business in Ford cars
that we have ever had, we are offering the follow­
ing Reconditioned Automobiles at prices that you
cannot afford to pass up.
1925 Type Ford Coupe, spare tire, wonderful shape,
lots of miles left in this car, license free........... $27200
Ford Touring, made in fall of 1924, reconditioned
and guaranteed, good rubber, spare tire, license <21500
1925 Ford Touring, disc wheels, speedometer, spare
tire, license free ................................................... $24O00
1924 Ford Touring, repainted, good tires, spare tire,
license free ............................................................. $2OO00
1923 Ford Touring, good rubber, spare tire. 50.000 miles of
unused transportation in this car, license
free .................................
1923 Ford Touring, completely overhauled from front to rear
at Ford factory. Runs like new. A dandy at
License free.
Late 1924 Ford Roadster, repainted, spare tire, good rubber,
4 just the thing for economical and sure trans­
portation .......... '.................................................... $190“
Fair Condition ...............................
These cars are all on display at our place of busi­
ness. Ready to run and all Fords guaranteed for
30 days.
A small amount down, balance in easy payments.
Vernonia, Oregon
This modern age recognizes
the honest quality of Camels
THE smokers of America have rewarded Real Quality with
Real Leadership.
For Camels have always been all quality and no frills.
The choicest tobaccos money can buy, superbly blended.
Millions of dollars put into the cigarette. Never a penny
expended for show.
Ther:’» just one way to find the smoking thrill that hM
won the modern world’s admiration—try Camels. You’ll
know such taste and fragrance, such mellow mildness, a*
you never hoped to find. ' Hare a Camel!”
Th« moment vow ma the New and
Hnef Panttec Six, yoa will reaUaa
that the Oakland Motor CarCompany
hat taken extraordinary meaauraa to
tniura the continuance of Pontiac value leader-
•hip in the field of low-priced aixae . . . Hera
la the oommandiac beauty of new bodiee by
Flaheo—lower, Uuper, finixhad in •triking now
Duco combinations with window« amaruy ra-
OMtri ... Her« to the «ubtUmftol appearance of
daapar radiator and new crown fender* of im-
praaaira grace . • • Here are all the advantage« of
numerous rehnement«, including narrowed T mk I v
pillars, tllting beam beaditohtt with foot control,
naw trantmiMloa and brake lever«, and the like
. . , And* the most Important of all, here la the
electrifying value created by the phenomenally
Low price« at which ali body type« are offered.
Coup* 775
Sport Roadster
Landau Sedan
Sport Cabriolet (4- p * m .) $835
De Luxe Landau Sedan
Oakland Sh, $1021 to $1291. Bodief by Fbher. All price» at
factory. Eon to pay on the < reneral Motor» lime Payment Plan.
Vernonia, Oregon