VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, March 24, 1927 ings are of Spanish architecture J cesses and it was very interesting. and the maxium not much above plays every evening to attract a’small pines was $1700, and bet­ is 1 but on the 90. The statement was made that crowd followed after each number ter lots up to $5400. This included with barre with >r°n sheetings to > 75 miles from Havana, where Iler- ins eta on the island. There are advantages of investing in Florida walks. There are no sewers, septic UuUUll ITiullUpUllu pull down at night. Above all stores > shey, the chocolate king, owns a a few alligators in some of the in general anl in Hollywood in tanks being used. We were offer­ ed a 25 per cent reduction, with j are living quarters, with barred I large sugar plantation and mill, rivers. There is very little fishing particular. i I windows and balconies, where the i and has also connected the place off the coast of Cuba on account (From Page 1) The bus left at 10:80, the man a quarter payment down, balance with Havana by an electric rail- of deep water all along the shore in charge pointing out the prom­ long time. In this new section we geons and forgotten, or thrown families sit at night. The even- way. Mr. Hershey has a very fine line. so Cubans come to the Florida inent buildings and places of in­ saw only two houses and the ho­ down a chute which emptied into i ing is the recreation hour. The home in Havana. coast to fish. terest as we passed along the Bay tel, but were told where hospitals, a shark's nest. Old Spanish can- I : mild tropical air, with the soft A lottery is operated by the Shore drive and Dixie highway. schools, public buildings, etc., were A visit to the Tropical beer gar- non still lie around the walls, con- I warm breeze from the gulf makes sumed by rust. As the guide said, the evening a delight. We have dens, where beer is served free Cui an government, the next draw­ Our first stop was at Mabie Bay, to be built. Hollywood is a restrict- with modern methods of warfare, seen no mosquitos here and but by the brewery, was not the leasi ing taking place February 28. Most a small natural lake inside the eed district, like Coral Gables, and it would be useless to fortify these few flies. There are no screens interesting part of the trip, The of the small shops have tickets shore line of the ocean, and on no cheap houses are allowed to be territory enough places again, but they felt safe ! on the doors or windows, and do brewery is situated in a picture­ for sale, and many old women the boundary line between Holly­ built. There is size of Portland, end not seen necessary. At each for a city the peddle tickets on the streets and sque ravine formed by a small river wood and Fort Lauderdale. A huge with the protection of Uncle Sam of the Central park, extending sév­ or creek, where a dam forms a aro md the parks. We saw many dredge is making a harbor out with no chance for the common not far away in case of war. people who have to work for a eral blocks in each direction, is a The Cubans seem to appreciate I promenade in the middle of the pond for water power for the large of the poor people buying tickets of the lake which will have a living to own a home, and not at the small shops, evidently spend­ depth of 35 feet, and will then brewery. Roads and walks are beau ­ what the United States has done wide boulevard, with no streets much chance of employment if ing all their small change in this for them, and Americans are veryI crossing except at each end, and tified by coral reefs and flowers way. Licensed gambling is also al­ cut a channel to the ocean 1,000 they did. Well, I let the opportun­ feet wide, with a 300-foot, deep welcome. A number of monuments this thronged from 8 o’clock until with a central space under large ity of a life time slip by, to the lowed by the government as a have been erected in honor of midnight with men, women and shade trees fitted with tables and source of revenue, in addition to channel, bordered on each side by disgust of the salesman. jetties. They claim it will be the chairs for those who wish to par Americans, and Wilson avenue Is children parading the walk, or rest- ! license fees collected from the var- only harbor on the east coast that Coral Gables seems to be mak- the name of a boulevard in the ing on the many marble benches take of the refreshing beverage in i ious liquor and cigar stores. will admit any vessel afloat, and ing good as an exclusive city and the cool shade. exclusive residence section. at the side. The conventional shawl There are many negroes in Hav- is partly surrounded by the city A country and yacht club, with vana, and there is every blend of hope to have it accepted by the of Miami. There is so much money Havana is a city of half a mil­ 'and large earrings easily mark the ion people, including 30,000 Chin­ Cubans from the tourists, and many a large park and an 18-hole color in the natives who intermarry United States government as a already expended that it will pro­ ese, and appears to be very pros­ very attractive señoritas, with hus­ golf course, is an attractive spot. with negroes, Chinese, etc., while naval base, with a dry dock. The bably have a successful ending, perous. Many new handsome build­ bands or chaperones, add a charm A visit to a Cuban farm offered the apaprently pure Spanish de­ sand from the bay is used to fill yet it would seem that there was a little amusement where a cock scent are white, with large dark in the land west to the highway ings have been erected, and now to the scene. to a depth of five or six feet. It • a limit to the number of wealthy fight was staged, although the spurs building, in late years. A new Cap­ I people who will come to southern is a $6,000,000 project. The annual carnival started to- of the fighters were wrapped to eyes and hair. itol building a replica of the one VZe were again fortunate on the Hollywood was started five years Florida and build homes costing be day and the mardi gras will prevent a killing. A boy climbed at Washington, is under construct­ ago by J. W. Young, who made ¡from $10,000 to a million dollars, return boat trip, as the weather in full swing. The city is full I of a royal palm tree, and a native ion and will cost several millions. to be used but a few short months One of the handsome structures fac­ visitors, many attracted at this was making pottery. Many coco­ was ideal, with no one sick. Pre­ a success in putting over several in the year. However, the state­ time, but our time was up, so wc nut trees were being started from sume there were many disappoint­ ! subdivisions in southern California. ment was made in a daily paper ing the park is a Cuban club which ed ish, as we could see them oc­ The corporation is eight miles along cost five millions. The club has came home. On a trip through the the full husk of the nut, to be casionally looking up to the rail the ocean front and seven miles that their sales average $1,000,000 city we visited two large cathedrals, replanted later. Tobacco, pineapples of the boat with a beggar’s plea 60,000 members. With the except­ back towards the glades, Two small a month. Not many people care to one the oldest in the city and the and garden truck were being rais­ ion of new streets, built in late to drop something. One fish jumped towns were taken in, and they spend the summer months here, years under the republic or under other the fashionable church of ed. four feet out of the water. now claim a population of 20,000 although the summer climate :s bet- magnificence, containing the reign of General Wood during grand We were dissappointed in tne Most of the apples on sale in Large boulevards 120 feet wide ter than in many sections farther many fine paintings and religious American occupation, the streets appearance of the country, expect­ Havana were from Hood River. extend through the main part of north. are narrow and look like alleys, works of art. ing to see prosperous farms and There were also Hood River d’An­ the tract, with parks, golf links, The horse racing closed Satur- Sidewalks are two to four feet A visit to the Columbus Memorial luxurious vegetation. The tropical jou pears, all in good condition canals, artificial lakes, etc. A very day for the season, and is one of wide, with the street just about cemetery disclosed elaborate bur- storms seem to keep the country selling at 10c each. large high class hotel is at the the attractions for the winter tour­ wide enough to allow passage of ial places, all of the graves being rather desolate and barren of trees and end of the drive that extends ists. There are also three grey­ autos. The traffic problem, how­ stone, cement or marble vaults, except palms. Many large trees Tourist Season Closing to the beach, where a fine hound race tracks, which are well ever, is well regulated by one-way on top of the ground. In one sec­ were lying along the roadside Miami, Fla., March 7, 1927. beach for surf bathing and bathing a cas­ patronized, We drove out in the traffic in all narrow streets. It tion of the cemetary is the burial where they had fallen while even The tourist season is drawing is remarkable the way the native place of the poor, whose surviv­ the palms, which seem to stand the to a close and many stores are ino with a large swimming pool country 10 miles to see the dogs drivers wind around through the ing relatives are required to pay­ wind better, had their tops badly putting on clearance sales, a large afford a part of the recreation for race one evening and it was quite narrow streets, but they keep up rent for the final (?) resting place whipped and torn. A few sugar nuniber of the smaller shops an­ guests. Another smaller hotel near a novel sight to us. The track is a continuous honk, honk, every of th« deceased. A failure to pay cane fields were not very high nouncing that they will close and the business center and a few about a half-mile circuit. Around time they come to a cross street, rent causes the body to be taken and much smaller than in the Haw- move north. It has been hard to apartment houses have been built. the track a mechanical rabbit is Four miles west is a new adidtion speeded on an electric wire. Eight which seems to be understood, but from the grave and the bones | uiiun uub they Liiey mature inaiure tn in get real definite information as aiian xsmnus, Islands, but is an unceasing clamor that is thrown into the boneyard, a small much less time. Most of the land to the real status of business here. being opened up, with a nice hotel dogs are put into a box and the hard to get used to. Most of the I square enclosed by high walls. The ■ is uncultivated, and am told that There is a wide variance between now open. A drainage canal is rabbit started. A man with a flag cars are of American make. In gates were opened to us for in-[ the whole island is in the same the optimist and the pessimist, and being dug and grounds laid out gives the signal as the rabbit passes fact, we did not notice any other spection and we could see the ‘ condition. A good many banana just how fast Florida will continue ’ for two more 18-hole golf links. the box and the dogs are released This is the section where the high by lifting the door, and the way make of cars. There were very accumulation of skulls and _ bones ------ trees ------ are seen, but very little to grow, especially as to year- few closed cars. We passed a large exposed to the weather. This is fruit, on account of the storm. On rci:r.d residents, is more conjecture. pressure salesman made every ef- those hounds try to catch that assembling plant of Fords, but an old Spanish custom and pre- the whole it looks like an unde­ So far as I can see, Florida has fort to get the party to sign on rabbit creates as much excitement there are less Fords in Havana vailed in the Philippines until ab- j veloped country, much the same but one asset of any consequence, the dotted line. The cheapest lot as a horse race. The rabbit is in the wilderness of palmettos and (Please turn to page 5, than in most of the smaller cities dished by the ‘.'.3 United States govern- as Florida, although the soil is and that is climate. This, of course, of the United States. ment. will always bring a crowd of winter I much more fertile. Herds of dairy Havana has many large stores A country drive took us to a cows look in fine condition, as do tour sts from the north, especially fro the New England states, whicn i that are modern and have large large sugar mill, where the cane, ■ *1*® horses. assortments. Prices are generally brought in by ox carts and rail-! The weather is about the same will increase as population increaa-1 higher than in the states, except road cars, is converted into raw as southern Florida, except that es and as completed hard surface. on a few articles. Most all build- sugar. We were shown all the pro- the minium never goes below 60 roads and accomodations for motor-! ists make it easy and attractive for tourists to spend a long or short j vacation to shorten the winter of I those residing in the colder sec­ tions. There is a half-heartedness pre­ vailing in general in the city, as one might expect after the collapse of the real estate gamble, follow­ ed by the devastations of the hur­ ricane. Many have lost their life savings in real estate speculations, wit! several suicides as a result. A few are so disheartened and disgusted that they are offering lots at 10 per cent of what they From original price on every pair of shoes in, the paid for them to clean up and get out. The real estate market store. We have just received a new shipment. as a whole is flat. It is a rare thing to see any building going on, while many uncompleted struct­ ures can be seen all over the city, One man said there were twenty mill on lots for sale in Florida in a I undred different cities, towns and resorts, and he may not ba for wrong. Yet a few of the larger EQUIP projects are going ahead as usual, Our Spring Coats and dresses have just arrived. som? of them maintaining large, T It would be well worth your while to examine these expensive offices in the city, with U a f -ee ride and lunch for anyone bargains before making any selection elswhere, as B who will take the trip and look we are positivi positive we can save you money because E over their proposition. our overhead is small. We can afford to sell as Ta get a better idea of what S cheap as anyone else in town. was doing in this line, I was one of a party in a large sight-seeing bus. which went to Hollywood, 20 ALWAYS SEE COREY BEFORE YOU BUY miks north of Miami. It is pro- bab y the largest real estate pro- i ject in Florida, exceeding in size Coral Gables, although not nearly as far developed. The company mai itains an office on the moat Vamonia, Oregon i pro’ linent business corner in the where a Marimba orchestra Y • «ri lOUriS^S I FREE Special 2 Days Only Friday and Saturday 15 Per Cent Discount Complete Line For all the Family TIRE INSPECTION AIR, WATER, ROAD-SERVICE CRANK-CASE SERVICE Drive in Any Time Take Advantage of Our Ser vice and limasse Your Mlleaie, end it the Seme Time Decrease Yoir Cost Pir Mile! i Crestone Lower Prices li Flrisfoit Than Ever Before in History COREY ECONOMY STORE FINNEY OF THE FORCE By F. O. Alexander CRAWFORD MOTOR CO Not Much to Choose Between "!”W Ol AOIKE S» flop-9C0n«S A 2>C\IOI NOTHIN BetTtp AN tCHO » THt ONLY TMINO- THÄT CAN beeaiv« a WOMAJ, OATHfr LAST TUI» »NXPPY 'COMS-SOCK*