Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, March 17, 1927, Image 6

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Thursday, March 17, 1927.
Davis is visiting re-
latives at Clatskanie.
Geo. Higdon
baby chicks.
has received
C. Cutler is visiting at Claude
The Treharne ladies organized
an athletic club last Monday.
Mrs. F. Cameron returned from
a two weeks visit at Hood River.
J. Rosevurm, who was injured at use Mother’s bread in the sandwich
the mill last week, is recovering loaf size altogether. It is the deal
loaf for the table and it maker de­
licious toast. When ordering tread
The Misses Ruth Stubbs and say, "Mother’s.”—adv.
Helen Veal attended services Sun-
The Legion Auxiliary will have
day in Portland and Yankton.
their monthly dinner in the Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robroy McGregor building March 26 from 5 to 7 P.
have moved into the house re- m. One free chance on a deli-
cently vacated by Bassets.
clou* cake is to be given with each
Mrs. M. Gründen, D. Marshall
and Mr. and Mrs. M. Rhul were
Don’t forget that we make any
Portland visitors Friday.
kind of bakery goods to your or­
der. We make whatever you want
Our Hot Cross buns are pronounc- just as you want it and all special
ed to be the best ever, Eat them order* receive our careful and in­
each day as the season is short. dividual attention. Vernonia bak­
Vernonia bakery__ adv.
The Willing Workers are finish­
Mrs. M. Mintr is visiting rela-
ing their quilt at Mrs. J. A. Me
tives in Portland.
Donalds. Bring your thimbles Wed­
Mrs. Wm. Clark is seriously ill nesday.
with pneumonia.
The Eastern Star Social club
Mrs. Hoffman entertained at will hold a cooked food sale Sat­
bridge Tuesday evening.
urday, March 19, in the Brown
store building.
Know real quality—use Mother’s
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bowne of
Portland are expected tonight for
Harry Ingraham is recovering
a short visit with Mr. and Mrs.
from a severe attack of influenza.
Mark E. Moe. Mrs. Bowne and
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Miller are Mrs. Moe are sisters.
visiting relatives in St. Helens.
The Christian church was beauti­
Mrs. Weaver Clark is reported fully decorated for the first ser-
to be quite ill with complications of vices held there and a large crowd
attended Sunday. It will be dedi-
cated in April.
Mrs. Judd Greenman and Mrs.
Sales indicate that our apple pies
W. W. Wolff were Portland visitors
are good. Try them for yourself
and you will also find any of our
Ruth Holaday and Charlotte other 12 kinds of cream and two-
Green went to Birkenfeld with the crust pies to be equally as good.
girls’ basketball team Friday.
Vernonia Bakery.—adv.
Elmer Graves received a broken
Mrs. D. Tisdale was splitting
rib at the 0.-A. mill last Wednes­ kindling and a stick flew up break-
ing her glasses and a piece of the
Miss Edna Carrick and Mr. and glass got into her eye cutting it
Mrs. Geo. Higdon visited this week badly. Dr. Pasto thinks her eye
sight will i not be injured, however.
with Mrs. Lester Sheeley.
The F. Blunt and Basset famil-
Mrs. E. Thompson is able to
be out again after her long 111- ies moved last week from the O.-
A. hill to their new homes on the
highway, where they have bought
F. Hanson is leaving for the acreage.
scene of the gold rush in Weepah,
Mrs. F. Hanson entertaintd last
week with a luncheon in honor of
A collection was taken up at Mrs. F. Wahlater and Mrs. H.
the mill for the burned-out fam­ Bergmaw, who are leaving soon
ilies who are destitute.
j for Arizona. The honor guests were
t > i
Mrs. A.
Black i won ,.
first . prize
at » presented
TT with oil paintings
. r, .,
by Mrs. Hanson.
the W. B. A. Card party Friday
1 A good many of our customers
For Saturday, March 19, we will
have a special sale, Parker house
rolls at 15c per dozen or 2 dozen
for 25c.
Also cinnamon rolls
(snails) at the same price. If you
can not come early 'phone your
order.—Vernonia Bakery, adv.
■ kl
Vernonia’s Store that Leads in Style and Quality
The Minute “It’s Style” “ It’s Here”
Just Received another Shipment of latest style
Spring Coats
At prices you can afford. We have Many Styles priced as low as—
If you are interested in coats do not fail to call and tiy these on.
The Ladies' Athletic club held a
St. Patrick’s day party in the club
rooms Tuesday evening which was
well attended by members and
A large delegation from
Treharne was present. Irish songs
were sung and games played. The
decorations were artistic with a
color scheme of green and yellow.
A delicious lunch was served.
The St. Patricks Party given by
the U. L. A. club was a huge suc­
cess. The guests included the L.
A. club of Treharne, and each was
decorated with a green cap and tie.
The tables were a beautiful sight
with shamrocks scattered over.
Murphy boats and yellow and green
vase* and flowers. The> various
prize* were all in green also. The
fat ladies would have run all the
faster if they had seen the prize
before they started. One of the
evening was having the local pho­
tographer in taking a picture of
the group. The committee were
given three cheer* and a tiger. All
enjoyed a beautiful time.
I Cla—»ified Advertisement j
FOR SALE—Earliest of All seed
potatoes, *2.50 per cwt. A. D.
Hall, Box 287, Vernonia, Ore. 323*
$12.75 others at $16.75, $18.50, $22.50 and $27.50
That will delight you in the latest styles and
colors, parchment, rose blush and many other
combination colors at— '
$5.50, $6.00, $6.75 and $9.00
We have your widths as we carry AAA to EEE
You will want the very latest in Hosiery to
wear with your new spring outfit—
Rüllins Runstop Hosiery
Satisfies the most fastidious. We have all the
latest shades. Pure thread silk hose at prices
that are right.
Runsfnfi No. 1— The ran,tap al the knee. which 11 the
tame color at the ecoc^ng, protect! agairut hnce ittOM.
Rututop No. 2— Alurayia red dotted line, but out 0/
tight when worn with the ihorteit elprt—the run,top 11 the
hem etope all garter rant.
We invite you to call and inspect our full line of piece goods.
Phone 801
Mail Orders Filled Promptly.
TAKEN UP—Brown cow, white
fac* ears clipped and wild. Owner
pay for adv. feed and taka it
away. E. Feldt, Scofield, Ore. 324*
Big- Three
Save $1 to $2 on each item.
Meat and $
White Enameled Bread $
or Cake Box, Roll Top
10 Quart Aluminum $
Only a few of these items. Buy
now. No more at such prices
when they are gone.
See Hoffman About It
FOR SALE—35 acres, 2% miles
from Vernonia, on hard surfaced
road; seven acres in cultivation, 6-
room house, 2 chicken houses and
barn, garage, running water. Place
is stocked. *3000, some terms. Will
take a closed car on first payment.
Inquire at the Eagle.
FOR SALE—Dahlia tubers and
gladioli bulb*, also a large var­
iety of perrenial planta, and bed­
ding plants in season at reasonable
price. Phone 252, Mrs. W. J. Good-
FOR SALE—Hotel Vista. Owing to
illness, will sell property or fur­
niture, or will rent by the month ■
with secured lease. Inquire Hotel '
able offer refused. Terms. In­
quire Hotel Vista.
WANTED—To hear from owner of
land for aale. D. M. Leight, Al- ;
zada, Montana.
BRED — White
Leghorn !
chickens, l-y*ar old, for sale, *1.
each. Also hatching eggs, $1 a
setting. E. A. McDonald, Box 42,
USED PIANO must be »old—Will
sacrifice used piano for imme­
diate sale.
Will give very easy
terms to responsible person, For
full particular* write Portland Mu.
sic Co., 227 6th St. Portland, Ore- '
316 .
FOR SALE—Overland six seated
■edan practically new.
Driven '
5000 miles, A-l condition, 1927 1
model. Will sell for *250 and take
up payment*. For full particulars
inquire at Eagle.
FOR SALE—Ford touring in good I
condition, good tires. Will sell,
for *150 cash. Can bo seen at the'
Square Deal garage, or inquire at
the Eagle.
60-GALLON oil barrels, suitable
for garbage or rubbish cans, for i
sale at Gilby Motor Co.. *1 each. I
30tf |
E. S. Cleveland, I have them.
_____________________________ 308*
You are Anxious, just like all
the rest of us, to get a full share
of the now season'* business, and
there is one best way to get it,
M c M innville
Cbth-Craft Suits
Models for young men that are
sure to please. 2 Button and some
double breasted, some with 2 pair
trousers. $25.00, $27.50^ and $30.00.
Always Something new in Dress sox.
50c, 65c to $1.00
New spring styles are here: Snap
and style in every pair priced $4.50
to $10.00
Mens dress shirts, Banded and col­
lar attached. King Quality, $2.00
$2.50 and $3.00
Check Up On These Prices Why
Pay More
Can’t Bust ’Em, Red
Button Overalls and
Jumpers, $2.00
Boys Athletic Union
Suits sizes 24 to 34, 50c
Boy Blue Denim Over­
alls heavy weight sixes
3 to 15 years, 90c, $1.
West Coast Loggers
12 inch $16.50. 14 in.
Mens Heavy Blue
Chambry Work Shirts
full cut well made, 75c
Blue Wrist Canvas
Gloves, Heavy Weight
14 oz. Red wrist Can-
vas gloves 2 pr. 25c.
Mens Hickory Work
shirts all sizes, The
roomy richard, $1.00.
Mens Light Weight
knit union suits short
sleeve ankle length $1.
Mens Athletic Union-
suits. Fine Quality Ma­
terials, V Neck. 75c.
Mens Heavy Blue Den­
im Overalls full cut
Union Made, waist or
Bib. $1.15.
Mens Socks, Black or
Brown, good wear, 10c
Star Brand Shoes
Are Better
Gordon Hats
$5.00 and $6.00.