Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, March 17, 1927, Image 1

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    — i
Entered at Vernonia, Oregon,
Postoffioe as Second-Class Matter.
VOL. 5, NO. 32
Two Houses Totally
President Coolidge
Vernonia Girl Eluded “Plant Berries”
Council Saves I Mayger Quintet
Destroyed By Fire
Annexes Title Proclaims American
Y. W. G, A, Secretary
Is Advice Given
City’s Money
Forest Week April 24-30
On Sunday Morning
Buy Up Own Improvement
Bonds at Par Value.
Sinking Fund Money Used
Property Owners On The
East Side Petition For
By bidding in the city’s own im­
provement bonds offered for sale
Monday the local council effected
a considerable saving to the city.
With money on hand in a sinking
fund set aside to pay off general
obligation bonds on the city, which
are 20-year bonds that no payments
are permitted on in less than 10
* years, the council was able to
raise nearly enough to pay off
the price of the improvement bonds.
A warrant issued on the bank will
soon be paid off with tax money
soon coming in for the remainder.
The city saved a five jler cent
commission to a bond company,
$75 to $100 fees for approval of
the bonds and the interest reverts
to the sinking fund from which the
money was borrowed.
A petition was received from the
property owners to have the fol­
lowing streets graded, graveled and
curbs put in: Washington avenue
from Bridge street north to C.
street, Washington avenue on C.
street to state street, Washington
avenue to State street on B street.
The petition was referred back to
the property owners for correction.
It will probably be passed on at
the next council meeting.
Bermuda Sweet Potato
• Best Io Food Quality
The red Bermuda and big stem
Jersey varieties of sweet potatoes
have the best appearance, texture
and flavor of five varieties tested
in an experiment station out by
food economics stduent in the school
of home economies. The varieties
were the triumph, from the Umatilla
branch experiment station in east­
ern Oregon; yellow Strassburg,
Porto Rico, big yellow Jersey and
red Bermuda from Richmond, Wash.
Each variety was boiled, baked
and mashed, one was made into
a pie and one was candied. They
were served hot and scored by a
■committee of eight members of
the home economics faculty of the
agricultural department. The quali­
ties of color, texture, moisture and
flavor were judged.
The big stem Jersey appeared
the best. The color ranged from
light orange to deep yellow. The
flavor was fairly good. The tex­
ture was less moist than any of
the others, for which reason it is
suitable for baking.
The red Bermuda was second In
general appearance but first in
flavor and texture. The color was
a pale yellow. The texture was
moist and the flavor sweet. This
variety is best for boiling or
mashing, or for cooking in ways
that do not disguise or add flavor.
The Porto Rico was a dark,
orange, moist and soggy, and of
a poor watery flavor. It is suit­
able for pies, because the flavor
may be enriched with added In­
The color of the triumph was
an unattractive yellow but the
flavor was sweet and the texture
moist. The color is disguised when
the potato is candied or used in
The Strassburg was third in gen­
eral appearance. It was light yel­
low, moist and of average flavor.
Twenty-seven members, including
seven candidates for initiation in
the page degree, of the local
Knights of Pythias, attended the
county convention at St. Helens
Tuesday evening. The convention
was addressed by Edison Ballagh,
grand chancellor; Judge Morrow of
Portland; Walter G. Gleason, grand
K.R.S., and many others.
The Annual Grade School Bas­
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
ket Ball Meet drew a capacity
vallis, March 14—Margaret M.
crowd on both days. The pre­
Fire which broke out from an Smith of Vernonia, freshman in
The week of April 24-30 has been
liminaries started tamely Friday officially designated for nation-wide unknown source at 4 a. m. Sunday vocational education, has been el­
afternoon with a slow game in observance as “American Forest morning totally destroyed two ected secretary of the college Y.
which Vernonia defeated Warren Week’’ by President Coolidge, in houses near the mile bridge, east W. C. A. Miss Smith was graduated
easily 20 to 7. Few thrills were a proclamation made public by the of Vernonia. Owners of the houses from the Vernonia high school, but
provided by this affair. The other United States department of agri­ were E. E. Mills and Geo. Terrien. since that time taken up her resi­
preliminary games offered even culture.
Two houses on each side belong­ dence at Corvallis.
fewer thrills with one exception.
This year will mark the seventh ing to Chas. Wilson and Bert Nel­
On the third game the work of
annual observance of the week, son, respectively, were scorched and
Honiff, guard and center for Mc­
president Harding in 1921 having slightly damaged. All were fairly
Bride, against the fast Clatskanie
issued the first proclamation which well covered with insurance, ex­
An Additional Large Fall
five brought the crowd to its feet brought the federal government be­ cept the Terrien house in which
in cheers for the gallant attempt
hind the movement. Of the numer­ the furniture was a complete loss.
Planting of Beans Will
which fell far short, netting only
The fire had gained consider­
ous weeks observed in the country,
five points against 16 for the vic­ this is the only one to which the able headway before the alarm had
Insure Station Here
R. M. Acord, who plans to build
government of the United States been turned in and the fire truck a large building soon next to the
St. Helens took an easy game has given recognition and support. could get on the scene. Effort: bridge on Bridge street, states that
Hon. A. E. Allen, Columbia
from Delena, 9 to 34 and Mayger
The president proclaimed the 1)27 were spent in saving the two hous­ preference will be given to local
an inkling of their strength by American forest week “in the be­ es nearby. A small shack in the firms desiring to lease space in county’s representative in the state
legislature, spoke Friday noon at
emerging on the long end of a 49
lief that no other of our internal rear of one of the houses also the new structure. Mr. Acord is the chamber of commerce luncheon
to 7 score in a lopsided exhibition problems is of greater moment burned.
of the opinion that by the end of
in Scappoose.
this week all the legal red tape here on the advisability of plant­
than the rehabilitation of our for­
with the enterprise will ing strawberries anl beans as the
In the last game of the evening ests, now so hopefully begun but
have been completed and that con­ two major crops that will, in his
Rainier showing little to raise the needing the strong support of our
struction will begin soon after­ opinion, bring the quickest large
hopes of the home town fans collective will and intelligence.”
net returns to local farmers.
took Yankton into camp to the He emphasized the importance of
Mr. Allen said that it is too
tune of 32 to 4.
There will be a theatre room late now to plant the Refugee
farm forestry as a means for les­
110x45 feet in the building with beans, but he advised all that
The evening’s drawing matched sening agricultural surpluses and
Rainier and Vernonia for the first meeting the problem of agricultural
Advance registrations and gen­ a 550 seating capacity. The theatre could to put in one acre of either
game Saturday A. M. Clatskanie overproduction, and the resulting eral interest indicate that the state will have two rear exists. It is Ettersburg or Improved Oregon
drew St. Helens and Mayger finish­ depression in the farming industry. Christian Endeavor convention to almost a certainty that one 40x80 Strawberries. He is confident of
ed up a rabbit’s foot to help them
“One-fourth of our Boil is bet­ be held in Oregon City April 21, feet apace will be occupied by a the success of either and local
draw a by, but afterward agreed ter suited to timber-growing than 24 will be one of the beat in the new J. C. Penny store. This con­ consumption can take care of the
cern is known to have been seeking few that will be grown here this
to play a matched game with Rain­ anything etoe. I can not escape organization’s history.
ier second team.
the conviction that our industrial
Oregon City business mon and a favorable location in Vernonia year.
The consolation group was mat­ and agricultural stability will bo the churches of the city are giv­ for some months past.
“You have a fine payroll here,**
There will be five store rooms
ched for afternoon games, Delena strengthened by bringing into full ing the convention their hearty
Mr. Allen, “but don’t do the
vs Yankton, McBride vs Wari'en. productive use this great empire support, and preparations to en­ os the floor about 84x18 foot in
The winners to compete for con­ of land. Although much progress tertain it are being made by a also. An entrance in front will same aa the river towns did, dis­
regard the logged off land. Taxes
solation honors in the evening.
has been made in public forestry committee there of which Rev. M. load to the seoond floor, whore
The day began auspiciously with and hopeful beginnings in private M. Stocker, pastor of the First there will bo a large lodge haB, will not be paid on the cut over
a whirlwind first half ending 5 to forestry, we still have a vast ag­ Presbyterian Church, to Chairman. and professional offices. Ths build­ land and much of it will, revert
ing will bs aupplisd with steam back to the county if no settle­
6 for Rainier. Vernonia came gregate of idle or semi-idle forest
Promotion of state-wide interest heat and hot and cold water, ex­ ment work is done. Although not
back strong in the last half and land, and another large aggregate
filed up a lead enabling them to of poor farm land that might more and registration to being headed cept the theatre which will Use all land could grow cannery stuff,
by Dallas C. Rice, Field Sec­
it is quite apparent that most of
eliminate Rainier 22 to 10.
profitable grow timber Instead of retary of the Oregon Christian En­ hot air.
the Nehalem valley is very deep
The second game of the morning adding to the problem of agricul­
deavor Union.
and not rocky. The slopes are ideal
proved the first real thriller of tural overproduction.”
for growing strawberries.
The committte on program an­
the tournament. The speedy Clat­
Agriculture would find in timber nounces many speakers of ability
“Big acreages are a failure," Mr.
skanie hoopsters fighting hard growing a strong ally, the presi­
and interest, including: Rev. S.
Allen stated, “because it has been
against a much larger and stronger
dent said, providing markets for
shown that a man who will put
St. Helens quint. It was anybody’s farm produce and for surplus la­ Earl DuBois. of Portland who will
tell of his journey through Pales­
ia two acres of one product and
game to the last few seconds of
tine, illustrating his talk with stere­
play when Stevens, St. Helens,
Portland, Oregon, March 14.— take first class care of it will net
American forest week this year optician pictures; Mr. E. P. Gatos, Select cutting appears slightly fir­ more from those two acres than
guard dropped in a long shot and
cinched the game for his team 15 will assume an international scope of Boston, General Secretary of mer, while some of the fir mills, five acres poorly taken care of.
through the fact that Canada will the United Society Endeavor Mr. notably cargo plants, are seeking Farmers on the Columbia slope
to 12.
Mayger easily defeated the Rain­ observe forest week at the same Paul C. Brown, of Los Angeles, common cutting business, according netted from $250 to $400 an acre
time. Through the department of Pacific Coast Secretary of the to ths current issue of the Four L profit on beans the past year, and
ier second stringers 31 to 5.
The consolation games were state, the Mexican government al­ United Society of Christian En­ Lumber Nows. A little improve­ that to a fair average of the past
tame affairs, McBride and Delena so has been invited to participate deavor; Dr. J. B. Hunley, pastor ment is noted in the prices of several years. Some make mueh
going into the finals which Mc­ in this year’s campaign for the of the Central Christian Church of upper grades, fewar mills apparent- more.”
When asked whether a distribut­
Bride, largely, through the out­ protection, perpetuation and right Walla Walla; Dr. Norman K. Tully, ly pushing straight cars of sxceas
pastor of the First Presbyterian items on the yard trade.
ing station for the Allen & Hen­
standing work of Honiff, won use of the forests.
In making public the president’s Church of Salem; Mr. B. F. Irvine,
handily 31-15.
The Four L Lumber News thus drickson cannery at Rainier, of
The draw for the semi-finals proclamation, Secretary of Agricul­ blind editor of the Oregon Journal; sums up other features in the fir which A. E. Allen to manager,
could be secured here this year,
Saturday P. M. matched St. Hel­ ture Jardine pointed out that spec­ Mrs. Charles W. Williams, of Port­ lumber market:
ens and Vernonia; Clatskanie and ial significance is attached to the land, Pacific Coast Secretary of
“Chicago buyers are becoming Mr. Allen stated that the volume
observance of the week in 1927 in the Women’s Board of Foreign active once more, the demand for of business would not warrant it.
Presbyterian ■fir joists being especially improved. With a sufficient acreage planted
Vernonia upset the dope by view of the disastrous fire season Missions of th e
downing the heavy experienced through which the country passed Church; Dr. Georgia B. Sattler, of Some fair priced orders for timber.» this fall, however, he thought a
county seat quint in the hardest last summer and of the need for Seattle; and Mr. Ernest W. Peter­ have even been sent out by Chicago station might be installed here next
year to take care of local consump­
fought game of the tournament bringing home to the people ol son, of Portland, church editor of commission firms.
on overtime period giving Vernon­ the nation the necessity for ade­ the Oregon Journal. Professor C.
“Railroad purchases ars featur tion.
quate protection of the forests. H. Hohgatt, of Eugene will lead ed by ths Burlington schedule just
There waa much discussion st
ia the decision 14 to 12.
This game brought together two Cooperation between the feúeral the singing.
now bein'; placed, and by ths great the meeting concerning the Refugee
Other speakers and conference .lumber of comparatively small lots bean which the cannery uses. Mr.
of the tournament’s stars, Gagnier government and the states under
of St. Helens and Adams of Ver­ ths Clarke-McNary act has just got leaders will be announced later. bought by eastern roads. The coast Allen said that after many experi­
nonia, both playing centers though into full swing as well, he said, The program will include practical roads ars all buying about up to ments and much investigation he
Adams is a guard. Both proved and 41 states and the territories helps in methods, inspiration, and expectations. As in 1926 it seems had found a bean which was string­
novelties. Judge that six-inch clear car material is less and of a good flavor which
their right to all county honors. of Hawaii and Porto Rico are now demonstrations!
Gagnier scoring 11 of his teams cooperating with the government in Jacob Kanzler, president of the destined this year to hold eloss to was the most economical to can.
the same price as four-inch, the Ths seed is obtained from a state
points and Adams 12 for his play­ the forest protection and refore­ organization will preside.
station activities for which the law
Registered delegates will receive former spreads being now almost in the middle weBt, since it will
not grow here and produce beans
Mayger emerged an easy victor provides. Thirty states have ap­ badge and program and free lod­ disregarded.
over Clatskanie, and not extending pointed extension foresters and are ging and breakfasts, on the Har­
“Line yard buying for the spring of the quality desired. The prices
themselves to win 23 to 19. Johnny cooperating with the government vard plan of entertainment.
has begun, and the genera! opinion netted from thia bean are mueh
Wirkkala showed to advantage con­ in assisting farmers in the hand­
is that the small town trade will higher than from any other kind,
stantly eluding the man set to dog ling of their woodlands.
this year fully offset any slack­ he said, and the grade waa estab­
his steps and dropping in counters
The week will be directed by an
ening in building in the cities, lished with a sure market for all
almost at will.
American forest week commutes,
mueh of whose construction work that the cannery can ship. These
The final game of the tourna­ of which Frank O. Lowden of
uses but a small percentage of beans grow on ths Columbia slope
and ho stated there is no reason
ment brought together the two un­ Illinois to chairman. Nearly 100
good lumber at any time.
defeated teams, Vernonia and May­ organisations, representing outcoor,
“Cargo mills fool the dullness why they will not grow here.
Mr. Allen will address a meeting
ger. Vernonia put up a good fight. wild life, and recreational interests,
F. A. McBarron waa shot in the in the export trade, except at
but it was plain that their after- foresters and forestry associations, abdomen about 6 p.m. Tuesday ev­ concession prices, rather keenly. of local farmers here in the near
noon game with St. Helens had the lumber industry, consumen of ening at his home here while clean­ Clear hemlock has had a good mar­ future.
sapped the strength of the team forest products, labor, scientific, ing hto revolver. He waa hnmedi­ ket In Japan, thus accounting for
and Mayger took the tournament civic, and women’s organizat one, ately rushed to a Portland hospital, the scarcity of hemlock drop sid­
as ' well as the state and federal but died soon after reaching there. ing for the rail trade, but this
and the cup 21-11.
governments. The American Feder­ Local folk were shocked by the sad demand seems to be falling off."
Line up
Mayger ation of Labor, the Farm Bureau
news, as Mr. McBarron waa very
Jacobson 4 federation, the National Grange,
R. F.
Oberst 6
popular and had many friunto in
L. F.
J. Wirkkala 14 the American Legion, the American Vernonia.
Many expressions of
Nieminen Newspaper Publishers’ Association,
Adams 3
Monday night marked the end
sympathy for hia mother, wife and
R. G.
the Boy Scouts, and Camp Fire child wore heard hero yesterday.
Berg 2
of the membership drive for the
L. G. Wirkkala, E 1 girls, the National Lnmber Manu­
year of Vernonia post, American
Mr. McBarron hold tbs position
Black facturen association, General fed­
After assay meatha of stow con­ Legion Auxiliary, with • total ed
Immediately following the final eration of Women’s clubs, Young of timekeeper and storekeeper at struction because of the members' 118 members enrolled. The quota
game G. Clement of Rainier pre­ Women’s Christian association. Na­ the Oregon-American Lumber ocm- policy to “pay aa they belli," the alloted to Vernonia wss 100. But
sented cups to Wirkkala of May­ tional Catholic Welfare conference, pany mill in Vernonia far more new Christian church was occupied fsw towns in Oregon are reported
Al­ to have exceeded their quota.
ger, Adams of Vernonia and Shop- the Daughters of the American Re­ than two years. Ho waa also the for the first time Sunday.
A well organized drive was car­
meyer of McBride as captains of volution, and the Motion Picture director of Mac’s band and orches­ though the finishing work to not
their respective teams.
Theatre Owners of America are tra, a loaal organisation that pre­ entirely completed, the building is ried on by this now organization,
with the membership divided into
R. K. Black announced the all included among the cooperating or­ sented two concerts during the past in good shape for use.
A crowded bouse greeted the pas­ two teams for competition. The
County Team as picked by the ganizations. Local forest week com­ winter.
mittee*! are being organised in
coaches and officials.
Enjoy Sergent Finney of ths tor, O. L. Curtis, for both the Sun­ losing team will treat the other.
day school and ahurch sessions Ap. Mrs. J. C. Lindley headed tha
First Team, Clark, Rainier R. F; every state.
Force, the comic strip running in propriate music was rendered by winning team and Mrs. Ralph Piet
J. Wirkkala, Mayger L. F.; Gagnier,
Two new subscriptions were re­ the Eagle. He to clever and ex­ the choir. The formal dedication the losing one. A special meeting
St. Helens C; Honiff, McBride R.
ceived this week. One from Port­ perience has made him wise, but has bean postponed until sometime was held in the Legion hall Mon­
G; Adams, Vernonia L. G.
Second Team, Holombo, Clataka- land and one from Troutdale, they the old fellow gets one slipped next month, when revival services day night to complete the work
over on him now and then.
will bo hold in the new edifice.
"want to read the Eagle.”
Please turn to page 3
of signing np new members.
A. E. Allen Addresses Local
Chamber Gt Commerce.
Soil Is Favorable Here
Acjrd Building To
House Jjical Firms
Christian Endeavor
Convention April 21
Firmer Tone Kited
In The Fir Market
F. A. McBarron
Fatally Injured
New Christian Church
Was Occupied Sinday
legion Auxiliary Ends
Drive With 118 Members