Thursday, March 10, 1927 VERNONIA EAGLE I Zoca is1 --- -------- Larry Marshall is on the sick■ list. Mrs. E. Miner was a Portland visitor over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Niker have purchased a new Essex sedan. Miss Viola Hankel is visiting rel­ atives at Turner, Ore. Ralph Godwin purchased a hous an 1 let on Rose avenue recently. L. Davis is erecting a nice home on Rose avenue. Judd Greenman has returned from Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. McCabe were ' Portland visitors this week. Phil Popham, garage man of Jewel, was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds of Mist were Vernonia visitors Monday. Miss Bessie McDonald visited in Portland this week. J. M. Brown was an Astoria vis­ itor Tuesday. The Twin Six club will meet on their usual night with Mr. and Mrs. H. Veal. An epidemic of mumps has kepi a number of children out the school this week. C. W. Reithner was a business visitor in Portland the early part of the week. For Saturday, March 12, we will have on special sale Parker house rolls, hnrd rolls and poppy seed rolls, all at 15c per dozen or 2 dozen for 25c. We will also have on sale those good maple bars at 23c per dozen or 2 dozen for 45c. Vernonia Bakery.—adv. Wm. Aspland left for Portland Tuesday to attend a three-day Maz­ da lamp convention. H. O. Disamore purchased a new Buick sedan from the Thomas garage recently. Harry Ingraham is reported to be quite ill this week with influ- enza. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Green and children, Norman and Nell, were Clatskanie visitors Sunday. V’hen v - mi want, a little mon or if you have to prepare lunciie ask for Mother’s bread in the sand­ wich loaf size.—adv. Mr, and Mrs. A. Pnrircr. J and Mrs. It. Sessman .and Mrs. E Sessman and children were Sunt «v callers at the Dent home. Expert Swiss and Amci’can w i'ch ’•enn’r'ng done at Ku i n <)••:' J«’- Irj- r'l'-e. '.Vo-': nr' - I. - Mrs. II. Hornbeck rp nt the w> <■' end w'th her parents in Po t land. T' ■ Willing Workers w3 at the home of Mrs. W. Co ■ . a-.. Wednesday, March 16. We do all kinds of jewelry m ufaeturing and repairing in an pert manner. Estimates on w are cheerfully furnished. A. Ku'lnndor. jeweler, adv. Mrs. E. A. Green entertnine ' he Sunday school class of the Christ­ ian church Friday evening. making. Why not have the beet- - of messages on the person an . of­ use Mother’s bread and call fo ■ fice of Christ, leading up to Cas- ttr. Theme for Sunday, it by name.—adv. “Jesus as the Son of God.’ Mr. and Mrs. Hunler and daugh­ The Sunday evening service with ter Gail are visiting their daugh­ an Evangelistic message at 7:30. ter, Mrs. The evening message will b_> pre- « E. Knight. Hot cross bun season is here and ceded by a 30-minute gospel song They service. they are truly delicious. Wm. F. Rademacher, Pastor. make a delightful change in the Buy them freely as the diet, Notice to Dog Owners. season is short. Vernonia Bakery.— There are still a number of dogs adv. running at large that the owners The Legion Auxiliary will have have failed to get licenses for. their monthly dinner in the Briwn Call at the city hall an 1 get your building March 26 from 5 to 7 p. dog license from the recorder. m. One free chance on a deli- Dogs in pound held only 48 h< urs, cious cake is to be given with each and if not claimed will du disp >sed W. J. Kell.-, 312 of. purchase. City Mar hai. We have on hand at all times R. Hornbeck and E. S. Th mp- a wide variety of pies and cakes and they are fresh daily. Compare son were Portland business v slt- their quality with any pastry any­ ors yesterday. where and you will find that they are far better than what one., or­ dinarily terms, “bakery goods.”— Vernonia Bakery, adv. ter all. Furrah for the Auxiliary! Their lun -heon was a success and we un­ derstand they are planning another, To the ladies of the Auxiliary, we might offer a few household hints: Save all old doughnuts as they make excellent napkin holders, Shellacking the bottoms of pie tins makes pies come out more easy, In order to keep the stoves from smoking open th» damper. POLICE NOTES Also Fertilizer for Gar den or Field. Farm Outlook Encouraging (From Page 1) which 29.000 occurred in the last year. Dairy cattle over two years old decreased by 11,000 between IBM and 1926. but continued at 2l 4,000 head in 1926 and 1927. Dairy heifers have stood at 44,000 head throughout the period, There has been a gradual increase in the number of sheep, there being 226,000 head now as compared to 2,039,000 in 1925. Swine have also increased. The estimates show 245,000 head compared to 223,000 head a year ago and the same number a year earlier. Vernonia Trading Co GOOD HOUSES FOR SALE 4 Read the Eagle Want Ads. » € She lived down by the race track, And all the horse men knew her. After you’ve been to the ing and you’ve done much ing and talking about past, ent and future and you’re two hours A.W.O.L., and when you get home all you hear is “clean your feet off before you conic in,” your worries didn’t count much af- I Classsified Advertisement ¡ USED PIANO must be sold- —Will sacrifice used piano for imrne- diate sale. Will give very easy \lfred Michaelson forfeited $15 terms to responsible person, For full particulars write Portland Mu S. C. Morton and Mr. Silver- bail on a drunk charge the past sic Co., 227 6th St. Portland, Ore- week . Another man, whose name thorn of St. Helens were business 316 was withheld by the police, was gon. visitors here Saturday. fined $30 for being drunk and dU- FOR SÄLE—-35 acres, el< .■ ;<> nonia, seven acres are in Mesdames C. Anderson, <) .Mor- orderly. tivation, six room house, hen house iis. J. Greenman and A. J. Hughes EVANGELICAL CHURCH 40x22, 1 chicken house 12x16, were Portland visitors Monday. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. The garage, running water on the place Mother’s bread is a quality loaf morning hour of worship at 11 o’­ and in the house. Place is st >cked. through and through—only the fin­ clock. The Sunday morning mes­ $3000, some terms. Inquire at the est ingredients are used in its sage will be the first of a series Eagle. 302 FOR SALE-i—Overland six seated Driven sedan practically new. ! 5000 miles, A-l condition, 1927 model. Will sell for $250 and take up payments. For full particulars inquire at Eagle. FOR SALE—Strictly mod i splen­ did home, two blocks fr< m high school, low price, with easy terms if desired, See W. C. Repass for particulars. Would consider good automobile as part payment. .Ill’ FOR SALE—Ford touring in good condition, good tires. Will sell for $150 cash. Can be seen at the HOE HANDLES 25c and 35c Square Deal garage, or inquire at the Eagle. RAKE HANDLES, First grade 40c 60-GALLON oil barrels, suitable SHOVEL HANDLES, First grade 45c for garbage or rubbish cans, for sale at Gilby Motor Co.. $1 each. MOP HANDLES 20c 30tf Quality Gladiolus-—2'ti. $5; 100. D. B. AX HANDLES 50c $2.50. Ten named (one Henry- S. B. AX HANDLES Ford or Los Angeles) $1.—E. R. 35 and 50c Penfield. Forest Grove. Ore. 294 SLEDGE HANDLES 45c • FOR SALE—100 White Leghorn pullets, laying, $1.00 each. In- HAMMER HANDLES 10c and 15c quire at the Eagle. HATCHET HANDLES FOR FURNISHED HOUSES—See 25c E. S. Cleveland, I have them. MACHINE HAMMER HANDLES 15c 308’ | UNDERWOOD typewriter for sale FILE HANDLES 5c i $20. Inquire at Lester Sheeley’s 311 office. PICK HANDLES 40c FOR SALE—Earliest fall «e<*l po- ’’SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT.” tatoes, $2.50 per cwt. A. D. Hall, IT PAYS. Box 287, Vernonia Ore. 312* NASH CAR for «al< I ,ui e <>fi Frank Keith, Riverview grocery, tf j INCORPORATED Fix up broken shovels, rakes ham mers .FOR RENT—2-room house nt 542 Third street. 311 STORES AT STORES AT - NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA MIU PR’S V ¿y» i< LVKRYTHING CORVALLIS HILLSBORO MeM NNVILLE MONMOUTH I m TO WEAR ^3 f New’Prices On Mens Work Clothing a WHY PAY MORE f Mens heavy Blue Denium Overalls full cut Union Made waste or bib, $1.15 Red wrist canvas gloves. Heavy Weight One Piece Back, 2 pair HANDLES Hoffman Hardware Co SEEDS We will have to get busy now and get our membership up to its standard strength. Let’s beat the standard. . Don’t forget that we have cream puffs and chocolate eclairs on Mon­ (By Historicus Zagreus) day, Wednesday, Friday and Sat- Learn a trade and see the world. Vernonia urday of each week. Join the navy. Be first on land, Bakery.—adv. sea and air. Join the marines. Be Phyllis, young daughter of Mr. a second loo-ee. Join the army. and Mrs. H. Wjlr.on, is convalescing But it*» a wise guy—the ex-sc vice from an attack of the flu. man that jpins the American Le­ Glasses repaired at Kullander’s gion. No examinations to to.ture you and it’s not necessary to sign Jewelry store, adv your life away. The picture given to the room The legionnaires from Timber having the largest representation at the P.-T. meetings was won by were present at the meeting this week, and Zimmerman refused to Mrs. E. Ray’s room. make a speech. The attendance Mr. and Mrs. J. Cropper spent was very -large and eats were eiv- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hays ed by the committee on colic pre­ at Longview. / Edward Hays ac- vention; Much dissatisfaction was companied them back. expressed on the building program and it was referred to a special Mr. and Mrs. E. Crow have re- committee to act on all details and turned from Eugene where they report at the next meeting. Com­ were called by the serious Illness rade Carkin had a very enthusing of Mr. Crow’s mother who ha3 discussion on membership. He has since passed av.ay. offered a suit of clothes to the le­ The Ladies Athletic club will gionnaire bringing in 50 members give a St. Patrick’s party for their before April 1. The boys at the members on March 15. They are mill will give $25 to the leglon- asked to come in their gym suits naire first to bring in 30 members without the ties. in the remainder of the month. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cropper have This week’s fable: One hard " : ed an a