4 « VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, March 10, 1927 i around deep. But in the afternoon they infested plants in . ’ lull wat .• 1 gallon, is satisfactory. This had the water lowered to '8 inch- heaps. Cutworm poison bran ,.i... ’>, kills the insects by contact, so sev­ es. We were the third car to try l with calcium arsenate as the soi- eral applications at weekly inter­ it through, About 75 were wait­ son, is of nearly equal value to vals are necessary. ing on each side. A big tractor the lettuce leaf bait. was standing by to help those who Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Palmateer La Granda, the convention city got stuck, We went slowly and :------ —. ' \ rïf ------ —Tt Small white insects found on and two children of Salem visited of the American Legion for 1927, made it fine, Several cars later • • • 'I house plants in Oregon are con­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark tried to make the run through • * 1 is preparing for the largest crowd water fast. trolled by spraying, says the en­ E. Moe over the week end. Mrs. They of Legionnaires ever attending an to be towed out. ■ 1 tomologist of the experiment ta- Palmateer is a sister of Mr. Moe. Oregon state convention. The La tion. These insects are known as “It was withiri Grande post recently leased the greenhouse white flies. A splay Advertise in the Vernonia Eagle v/,’ ♦ we ’ Willows i where largest hall in town and have com- of whale oil soap 114 ounces, and it pays. < J found ' the whole We trouble, pletely remodeled and re-decorated .. Cars' were strung & Î JR it for the main convention hall, country afloat., coming through on a few out, The hall is located on the main street in the center of town and their own power. ‘ A miniature will amply handle the crowd of cloudburst occurred, and the road vv ?re delegates and visitors who will at- ehind us was closed. We about left marooned. We waited tend. two hours for the water to go The La Grande post plan on en- down. Then it began to grow tertaining more than 2000 visitors dark and we thought we might To get ready for the liggest business in Ford cars during the convention to be held as well try it. on July 21, 22 and 23. This is that we have ever had, we are offering the follow­ “I took the fan belt off and put the average attendance at past con­ ing Reconditioned Automobiles at prices that you newspapers over the radiator and ventions and on account of the cannot afford to pass up. distributor, I started slowly. Oth- ideal location and dates of the La ers started too. The water ■ in ì .l i. ¿ Grande convention it is figured that 1925 Type Ford Coupe, spare tire, wonderful shape, places was over the floorboards many hundred additional will make lots of miles left in this car, license free............ $272“ in other places only eight and i LAGSTONE terracing, Iron grille bal Ford Touring, made in fall of 1924, reconditioned the La Grande trip and spend their conies and a quaint wrought Iror inches i deep, but there was not a and guaranteed, good rubber, spare tire, license $215” vacations in Wallowa lake wonder­ lantern give distinction to this little old single bare piece of road on the 1924 Ford Touring, disc wheels, speedometer, spare land, “The Switzerland of Amer­ world one-story house. Rough plaster walk whole 3% miles. We never stop- tire, license free ...................................................... $240“ and a colorful tUe roof make an attractive ica ” of which La Grande is the ped. I went as slow as possible, exterior that will find a welcome in any Ford Touring, repainted, good tires, Bpare tire, gateway. neighborhood. If we had stopped the1 water would license free ................................................................. $200” I neon Advance information would in- have come up in the car. One But a carefully designed floor plan Is LIVING LOOM Ford Touring. * s.ood rubber, spare tire. 50.000 miles of Its greatest appeal. One enters from the dicate that a larger number of drum time it seemed that I could barely unused transportation in this car, license covered loggia directly Into the large story corps will attend the La Grande see over it. I > kept on and the $185” free .... ................................................................. and a half Uving-rvom, with Its triple convention than any previous gath- car neVer coughed a bit.’ Well, Ford Touring, completely overhauled from front to rear arched windows reaching from the floor oi at Ford factory. Runs like new. A dandy ering, These corps alone will bring we got through,- but believe me, most to the celling. Tbb dining roopj al HEAT flOOL Pl kN CMLIM6 WLIGMT VAVII at $19500 License free. cove is conveniently located and well more than 500 men. never again. lighted. The kitchen bus been dcftlg 1924 Ford Roadster, repainted, spare tire, good rubber, Housing of visitors is being made '___ the greatest comfort and step-saving. “I got out and looked the ear planned to give the housewife just the thing for economical and sure trans­ easily and trips to scenic points is over and found the oil guage away Everything about the house has been planned to give the utmost In portation .... ............................... $190“ underway, indicating that every vis­ and real home comfort. The walls and ceilings are ihsuiated through- up. I had it drained at once and stability LOOK oui with celotex to cut down the coal bills In winter and keep the house coo) itor to the next state convention 1924 Chevrolet Four-door r edan, Just the thing we got five gallons of oil and wa- in the summer. Who could wish for a more beautiful little home. will take home memories that will $3OO00 for the family. A steal at ©, Celotechnic Institute, Chicago. 192%. ter out of the oil pan. We 'flush- linger. ed the engine and had it refilled Garden slugs are controlled in These cars are all on display at our place ! of busi- with oil. I’ll bet lots of fellows ing midst scenes of tropic color and beauty, this photoplay will fill Oregon by applying a combination ness. P Ready to run and all Fords guaranteed for got water in their crankcases end spray and poison bait, according didn’t realize it until their bear- the bill froth soup to- nuts. 30 days. to J. Wilcox, assistant entomolo­ One car had ings burned out. A small amount down, balance in easy payments Shooting a man as the first step five out of six pistons broken as toward falling in love with him gist of the experiment station. Plants are first well covered with the water sucked back through the is simply the introduction to on« exhaust pipe and couldn’t get out. of the most stirring romances yet bordeaux spray of 4-4-59 strength. CRAWFORD MOTOR COMPANY “Well, here we are at Santa Ro­ “We stayed at Willows, as . W’ to reach the screen, “Man of the Bait made of 1 ounce of calcium Vernonia, Oregon sa, 36 hours late, and I teil' you found out we couldn’t go on that arsenate mixed with 1 pound of this California weather this year night and left early the next Forest,” the Zane Grey Paramount chopped lettuce leaves is scattered is h—1.” This is the way John morning. We found the road wa­ picture which arrives at the Ma- Guignard, young Hood River or- ter-covered for four miles. Muny jestic theater Tuesday and W ad- chardist and nurseryman, who left cars, with women and children in nesday. there recently with his bride on them, had spent the night there. A complete replica of the regions a honeymoon trip to the southland, We returned to Willows and he “Backstage” in a vaudeville the- storm of the describes the recent Automobile association informed ater is seen, with regular vaude- sunny south. us of a possible detour. A str-ng ville actors rehearsing their acts, Mr. Guignard and Mrs. Guignard of us started out. We had to in a vivid expose of the “inside” had some interesting experiences ford a foot of water in places but of the varieties, in Norma Shear­ ’ on the flooded roads, Continuing finally, after traveling 97 m les er’s new starring vehicle “Upstage1 in his letter to his parents, he to make 14, we reached the high- which comes Sunday to the Ma­ said: way again. jestic theater. The new Metro- “We have had the hardest kind “In this section the Southern Goldwyn-Mayer play is a vivid of time ever since we crossed the » story of life behind the scenes, line. I have never in all my life Pacific railway line was covered with four feet of water. Much directed by Monta Bell. i looked forward to reaching a town as I did Redding. We landed there of the roadbed was washed cur, Bob Custer fans will have an­ at about 8 p.m. all tired out. and crews of men and wreckers other chance to see their favorite were constantly busy. ’ ’ — Glacier. Scores of other parties were in star Monday night at the Majes­ the same Yix. We reached the tic theater in his latest F. B. O. town just in time to get a room. To many/ the different brands or grades of th® release, “The Valley of Bravery,” same article of food , <• often confusing. When the The Majestic It was the last, as had we been a high-powered western chock full customer must depend entirely upon her own judge­ a minute later we would have been of entertainment. ment, the selection of the brand best suited to her forced to spend the night on the .The Majestic theater will have purpose is frequently a matter of chance. Since it If you want to feel good Thurs ­ clothes line. an exceptionally fine film attrac­ is too much to expact that she shall be “grocery day and Friday see “ The Eerly educated” she can just as easily choose wrong a.» “We started out at 9 a.m. the tion Saturday nigh? and -Sunday right. next day and everything was fine matinee when Paramount’s cinema Bird.” Here is a picture that we for 16 miles, At Cottonwood we version of Francis Brett Young’s can recommend to weary minds The moredn housewife I has learned to depend upon ran into a big string of cars, all widely read novel “Sea Horses,” and low spirits. “The Early Bird.” the Safeway Man to guide ie her in making her selec- lined up and blocked where the makes its local debut. For those with Johnny Hines in the star role tions. She knows that a knowledge of the usefull- road turns under the railway'who like vigorous melodrama, tine­ is the most invigorating picture ness and comparative value of every item in store is part of his training and she appreciates tracks. The water was six feet tured yith love interest and mov- have seen in a long, long time. accepts his recommendations and advice. By so do- CHRISTIAN CHURCH ing she saves both time and money and is sure that We will hold services in her purchases are the best the market affords for her purpose. The services of the Safeway Man make new building and we expect your shopping easier, quicker and safer. grow in interest and number. Come and help us. The pastor will preach in the morning as usual. Christian Endeavor meets at 6:30. All young people urged to attend. Many Plan To Attend The Legion Convention Practical Four-Iloom Plan for That “Castle in Spain” I&1 4 SPRING HOUSE CLEANING SALE F < Wet Auto Journey Through California Distribution 'WifZtowf yVaslej "We Recommend This” « DO YOU WANT MILES 4 I Safeway Savings Friday and Saturday • r • Trounces La Barba ? 1 4 THEN Equip with tires that insure most mileage; The tires that are not an ex peiiment; The tires that deliver “Most Miles per Dollar Tirestone CRAWFORD MOTOR CO Vernonia, Oregon Sugar Oleomargarine 3 lbs. for Peas and com 25 C No. 2 tins, 2for Catsup, 2 bot- 35c ties for Tomatoes, , 25c large tins 2 for Pancake and waffle flour per pack 15c age Asparagus 1 lb 30c square tins Tomatoes large 15c tins solid pack Jnhnny t acca, >ew England boxer, “Is sure he should be the flyweight champ. He recently fought Fidel La Barba, at catch-weights, and gave Fidel a tough tight. He knocked th« flyweight champion down four time*, for a count of nlhe each time. Recent sales of cars by the Gil­ by Motor company were as fol­ lows: Oscar George. Chevrolet; G. W. Bovd, Chevrolet; Chas. Düben­ dorf, Pontiac; Art Davis, Chevro­ let. ‘ Prof. O. A. Anderson put up swings at the Lincoln school week. Big “K” Flour Tropic Nut 10 lbs. for 59c (limit) ......... 69c Hard wheat $1-89 per sk. 49 lb. Barrel of 4 $7-55 Sacks * Quick Naptha 25c chips « Naptha 69c Skaggs Cane and— Fels soap 10 bars Maple syrup fi()c 5 lbs. for Fancy wrapped and packed ap- Í Fresh peanuts 25c pies per box 2 lbs. for Market Features Sugar Cured Bacon Butts 29c While they last per lb. Baby Beef Roasts. 18 and 20c per pound Phone 741 Cream-Fl ike Shortening 2 pounds 4 pounds for 33c Small Picnic Hams, Sugar Cured, 4 to 7 lbs, per lb. 25c 65c No. 225 Vernonia