V "REO” GRANGE < Halen G. H. Estelle) Haruhl "Re.l' Gim.ge, the foot bull idol, speaking over the radio, on Golden Rule Sunduy, emphaa- ized the fact that fair play and clean living are essential to success in all linss of endeavor. “Football is like life,” said he. “One fellow carriea the ball and gets most of the credit, Yet ten men have helped him to push through and without them he would not have gu.ued an inch.” “There is only one way 1 know of to become an athlete: Get luts of sleep and live a normal, re­ gular, healthy life. Don’t smoke. Don’t urink liquor, Don’t be a loafer on the street, Think, dream, end believe that you will come to the top and you’ll get there. >• •‘Several things helped me in football. I have never smoked in my life. My father saw to it that 1 kept good hours until i got my growth.” Football is one ol’ the best garnet ever played, It demands. more from the player than anyutither game Its rewards ury 'pixjtual rathui than material, but they! are certain. “Red” Grange said that the big thing which he had*', won from foot­ ball was nut the present monetary reward but, rather the more per­ manent matter of a training in courage, stamina and ability to use mind and muscles more effectively. “Red” Grange laid the founda­ tion for success in early life. Hie athyce to other aspiring athletes is timely. Many agencies are contri­ buting to athletic success for our teachers in the public schools art­ showing boys and girls why alco­ hol and tobacco are useless. States have passed laws prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to those who have not reached years of discretion. “Red” Grange proved hi* belief in the Gulden Rule when » cigaret firm offered him -10,000.000 for the privilege of using his name with the insinuation that the mon« that brand. He said that the piona- tary reward of football was s’jcon dary. He proved it by the above DISCUSS SHEEP RAISING Sheep raising in Columbia county will be discussed by Harry Lind- gren, specialist in animal husband- ry, from the O. A.. (’. extension department. The meetings will be held as follows: Beaver Holmes (Lange llall, Thursday, March 10, at 8:00 P. M. Clatskanie, Friday, March 11. at 1:00 P. M lattor place Mr. Lind­ At the latter gren will discuss sheep raising dur­ ing the lecture hour of the Clats- kanie grange at which time the hieeting will be open to thosa in- t erested in this subject. hour* was one of the unpleasant experiences of Leon Errol during the filming of exterior stenee in latent First National's comedy, “The Lunatic at Large,” showing at the Majestic theatre, Saturday night and Sunday matinee. Winsome Loi* Moran ha» the featured role, that of the daughter, in Fex Film:' version of “The Mu- sic Master,” showing at the >la- jestic theatre Sunday only, This dainty little actress, who Is only seventeen, again scares a triumph in this screen version of th« great Warfield-Belasco success. Alec B. Francis is cast as the lovable Mu- sic Master and Neil Hamilton the lover. Keeping his audiences always on its toes, Tom Tyler, F. B. O.’ b Western star has sprung u smash­ ing surprise on his fans in his rewest picture, “The Cowboy Cop," which is showing at the Majestic theatre Monday. The picture opens >n the usual breezy manner of the I Cvpica! Tyler Treats, but after one brief glimpse of Toni in his cowboy outfit, the audience - is whisked in­ to the intrigue of the “Big Town's” underworld, where Toni as a moun­ ted cop, put* his knowledge of guns und horses to some very Lbrill ing tests. in “Wolf's Clothing," the War­ ner Bros, picture starring Monte Blue, the Majestic theatre has one of the most diverting picture* of :he season. Founded upon Arthur Somers Roche’s story, it tells a tale that recalls the spirit of O. Henry. For hero New York w once more transformed into Bagdad-on- he-Subway, and once more adven­ ture comes to commonplace people nd turns them into types'of true romance. “The Third Degree,” the War­ ner Bros, production next Thura- day and Friday at the Majestic theatre, is the film of verMen of the noted stage sueee»« by Char- lea Klein. Dolores Costelie w atai-r- ed in this gripping polio, melodra­ ma, directed hy Michael CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Christian church is planning for some good work in th» seai- future and the children of the Bible school are looking forward to better class rooms and will taka more pride in their room to har» a part in finishing it to suit tbeir own taste. TVe are well pleased to note the public feeling and interest mani­ fest in helping U h to realize this new Church home. The pastor will preavh as usual next Sunday and hi* sermon will be governed by the development* of plans for being in the ber Church home. Public is cordially inviltal to services. We have set the day movr into the new church March 18. Christian endeavor at 6:80. VERNONIA EAGLE “OLD iiEZ” COAXES LOST FORTUNEIS LYING IN BANKS FISH WITH VERSE Beguile* Finny Tribe With Talk and Rhyme. Arkansas City. Ark.—Old Hez says be hue never pulled u bass from a stream svlfh half the thrill he has wh/n he trull's Hint spalls along the ground to the remains of au old In diuü camp uiJd there digs up arrow­ head®, axe?, spearheads and mauls used by America's early settlers. Who 1» Old Hex? He • an authority on both bass and Indlau relh's li. E. Lloyd of Arkan »aa City. Kaus fui nter newspaper man. printer und painter by trade, fly fisherman b> profession, with an in suitable hubby for collecting Indian ’<nd L mvííxiih <>ld Uez with bls ttahln;- equlpmeut is a familiar rtg.ute. Lie has taught wore® i>f young men how to trick wary baas from their lairs; be baa caught fish buih big and small in wtaiwr and summer. Btgwil«« Them With Ver»«. “Tait to '»iu Cvax 'em it long « lir­ Üe.” Is the advice of Old Hez ón tatchlug fish. "I kuow tbtar language, »1x4 wheu I step luto the stream I be- «V«» » «Nta».** He «»HiAii by M» fit* Inc taci »»twntalH tar be la «ta •«« «if a waM fir !%>• tale ' •br»l. R. JT. IJovd. »4 fhe Wghtrtblrd htiliaHM fCfanrry. Ln the Civil war. iLtaah as he tare® firliilig. I*4»w»v«a*. ht’» B«l of bl» aagLtag oxpleit*« that *'&ta fiUw ’ of by tii» bu«kr iau: xad ruoto», Inàl*A arrog­ Ww4 kafc-dh I anti ttaHahawk«. It’» Uta fl afi Lag rvd I-hat h» otH'iie« eut ua Biawt or ta» trip« ta tb» rlvwr mow but a peta ted I cwne whii which te brush The lower crust of a berry pie leave» ankie and dig Into the «arth. Ka«fi on Indian Relic». will not be soggy if sprinkled with How® hy wti® river lie çh ». a —the Being buried beneath a pile > or flour or flour and sugar before W-alBNt river, that llwwa through H«» sand, gravel and clay for six long the filling is poured in. Shrf hdta w/ K mm « hh but no ) tn n»®t bait t.« ldUJ4 d plaque* on which ; a»rrowhes<1s. .-»pearii» ad-. fofnahewks. :«X(*a müi I other tbipzs h ’ c atrun^ with cMpfxtsr wire. on Ilnur :v»u The Majestic Princess Drifted Snow Vernonia Trading Co FINNEY OF THE FORCE The ladies uf Treharne are or gamzing a Indies Athletic club »nd visited the Vernonia Athletic club Tuesday to get m few pointers. Br F O. ALm.arfv Catbird’» Many Moodt Puzzle to Bird Lover H. E. Horner, a watchmaker, has established an office next to that of City Attorney Lester Sheeley, where he will do repair work on watches, clocks and jewelry. He arrived here recently from Welton, Arizona. Ev«r since 1 can remember, cat­ bird» have haunted our garden. I have Owner* aud Heir* Are Difficult observed their couilng in the spring, their courting time and their nesting to Find. time, in the autumn they, come l»y New Ymk.—A i t it fortune In uu the dozens to feed upotj our grupes. claimed savings lies !u ihe vaults ol Yet the more I observe rhe catbi-d. VERNONIA MILL New York bauks awaiting trace uf de the more he mystifies and interests me. PQsiturs. FOR SALE His aspect Is ever changing. « The pennies of ‘‘floaters” the world the timber, ment u clown, the next u ilitg of their moves. ’ll! : i- ■ Owners ana heirs to this fortune thin j else • r\ ’ The .-ml '• i are hard tv find, says Herbert K. Twite-hell, president uf the Seaman’s v.ho pl’:*" Bunk for Savings, which, hi 1(K) years roles in one ♦••.tn f.t- business, has 2.536 dormant b* IlK F I count® (utttltng fi2lA5.938.rt7. The task Dumb a » •’ however, Is a never ending one and I through u department, instituted fur the purpose, constant search IIIOV xnd every possibility of a Hl <'n.-L-!l|p. Eu g exhausted. nf ’n» <1 »or uurll The Svumau'ti bank Is one o \ j cu nt ¡ the fi wideb huve similar i accounts ilk*-- hl t es OtT ’ depositors have not bet-n heard <>1’ in he pk t lire Is ou. ‘Jw years or mure. After this lap. v >»w. ip i»'!i lire sutil in front, mant.” Interest no longer is paid :ib I i I V Uie banks have use of the money, but uwt fur Individual gain. Up the winding Bowery, in the tv: «-nh y junket made at- light of the elevated, wander ageh >- v. it i vegetable coloring. (Tilnese, men of bearded styles, hat Supply Affects Pruning less foreign women, pale, old children. Such ta the clintele uf ihe CARD OF THANKS Bewery gavlugs bank where the dor I wh h to express my apprecia- niaut bgcuuul ® total fiino.ooo. on t< m y tiumy neighbors and Qace Ui tills parade, said a bnnk INSURED CARRIER •»:£'«eUad will) in« bank under four dif Avenue. BALLESTEROS Intereniing to Noto Phone MAin fohnny Ballevtaru*, h Filipino, I ubivd bjr Nnikhal Kull, on a Origin of Surname» -rant charging aaault being Portland Office li wm u«i itatil after Hie N'urmau lid vith a dangerous weapon U*g( surname» were adopt Auto Freight Terminal fount guilty bifora Justice «4 They w»rr first given mm uh k I'-aCe llill ami bound over to mumu '. u« (»tai particular Individual», E. Water and Yamhill Streets . . .-y hi* bail mui placad EAst 8226 Office No. 11 T«rtta) w« rwwly Sad any appropriate S3 000. rfvM® -jtt the »BkMM V*» benr. The DELIVER YOUR DOOR i ei'uw; b«j« uf Uie day may easily • mm r-y ta* uaaiw '>f Coward. while Mr. •'«* mm »thing but sly. Yet It W plwbxta» UaMl th« flrut man to !»;• M»wl* «f b<»x was pre '«u-wtra! '«* < satalu». J ub I a® the first •«¿T«’!. «•» •arrall. w»u ni.» it likely t ¿MMi la'1» ■*r. M y «e* p I a w • ru nair.ed by reuson FOR GOOD LAUNDRY WORK • f I bi pus •.•ssfun of sonic quality whi/.h ws»s »««ovlHtcd with a particu­ lar antaal Hart, fur in-lanee. wus and dow-bt a »rent runner, and Night.- with Wells iagal* could sing A r for the Hud. Tailor, Phone 891 dealt» (rah La redbreast) ami Wood «Ns (weadwflle, x woodpecker), they ^r»<">Ly rwuelved their names from tau iigio they favored outside their Including equip PORTLAND - VERNONIA Truck Line 343 State Laundry Company and deliver TUESDAYS FRIDAYS Leave orders S. MAin usost Interesting names are which plainly originated through Liu» occupation uf those who held them. There Is no doubt about Shep­ herd, Hedger. Herd, or Hoard. Ack- erwan whs the man who drove the ;de\r ever the acres; Swlnnart tended rce of Proetate, Kidney, Bladder and Constipation trouble«, cmm - 1 in» Hifh Blood PrtMure.f RReumati»m, Loe* of Vitality. My remarkable treatment re- •nercizea theee «land», reetonn health and vitality. Send toda for FREE deecnptive book. $12.00 CRÂWFÛHD MOTOR CO. Vernonia, Oregon INSIST ON GENUINE FORD PARTS Oh, You Think You’re So Smart M* H*1 FOO11D ftzM ïô.’WNÛ’ji Flop. S«er\Q^ ^522215 HS A ruNNY N TM a T all Tnt WHIL* Iv46 G