Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 24, 1927, Image 6

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Thursday, February 24, 1927.
C. W. Reithner attended the
merchants convention in Corvallis
four days of last week.
Air. and Airs. Lee Osborn of Na­
tal were in town Tuesday.
Dan Ulin, S. P. & S. lumber in­
spector, was in town Tuesday get­
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson vis­ ting lumber from the O.-A.
ited in St. Helens Sunday.
Your Chiropractors, Drs. Wight
Mrs. A. L. Fenner was a Port­ & Wight, have their office open
land visitor Monday and Tuesday. evenings 6 to 8 p. m.
Junior plav and vaudeville to­
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Crow were
night, at high school auditorium. called to Eugene recently by the
Lloyd Sessman visited Harry Bur- serious illness of Mr. Crowe’s moth­
tah Sunday.
er. She has pneumonia.
Mrs. M. D. Cole plans to visit
For Saturday, February 26, we
her parents in Scappoose tomorrow. will have on special sale cinnamon
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McGee were rolls (snails) at 15c per dozen or
dinner guests at the home of Mr. 2 dozen for 25c. Also Parker house
rolls at the same price. Vernonia
and Mrs. M. D. Cole Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Knapp and Mr. Bakery.—adv.
H. N. Swalwell of Skaggs-Safe-
rnd Mrs. Rainev visited Mr. and
! way market has been transferred to
Mrs. Wall Sunday.
w. Wolff
>, um and Eugene, one of the largest of their
Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
daughter visited in T
—i—i _
— stores. He will be relieved here by
I a Mr. Hall of Portland, who will
C. R. Coyle was in Vernonia last ; move here with his family.
i Junior play and vaudeville to-
Thursday on business.
Junior play and vaudeville to- night, at high school auditorium.
George Garner with his daughters
night, at high school auditorium.
,, „
Mrs. R. La Rocque and Margaret
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I*
. c ~
were Portland visitors Thursday of
Cornelius were Vernonia visitors last week.
over the week end.
About 25 members of the local
Mrs. John Krinick end 1 h<?r Legion
__ ___
and _______
Auxiliary members at-
' ■■i :liter Gladys spent Monday and tended
the first district confer
confer- ­
Tuesday of la.-t wi ek in Portland. (enca
ence in St. Helens yesterday.,
was’ The Auxiliary plans to hold a
tivila Daoust of
here Thursday and
bus- benefit dinner in the Brown build­
ing from 5 to 7 in the evening on
G. W. Williams of Rainier and ■ Saturday. The public is invited,
Word has been received by Mrs.
E. F. Williams of
ited Mr. and Mrs. Dent Sunday. ¡Judd Greenman that her son Hale,
Mrs. Knapp and Mrs. Dent called who is attending Hill military acad-
on Mrs. Clyde McDonald Tuesday I emy in Portland, is ill with sear-
| letina. He will be quarantined for
of last week.
Mrs. Nora Imbeck was called to three weeks.
L. F. Austin and his civics class
St. Helens recently by the illness of
! attended the session of the state
her father.
at Salem Thursday of
Airs. Cora Lange and Mrs. Em-
r»ct Crow called on Mrs. Claude last week.
| Miss Jean Mitchell was taken ill
Gibson Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Lee Schwab left Tuesday, with influenza Monday of last week.
H r father came
rame to Vernonia Wed-
for n three-days visit with relatives Her
to take her home.
at Wilkesboro.r nt-sdny
■--- evening
(Reg. US. M. Off)
V mon la’s Store That Always
Leads in Style and Quality
When you buy a Dress, Coat or Hat at
Rf ithnei’B, you h e something different and of
the latest style, All our stock is new. Prices are
down. Quality flip best. We sell only one gar­
ment of each style.
Ladies and Childrens Spring
C )ats, Dresses, Hats and Shoes
We have the hugest and most complete line
of Fancy D; ess Goods, Silks, Prints, Voiles and
Ginghams ever shown in Vernonia.
We guarantee our merchandise to give you
fhe Store 1 hat Serves You Best
Refreshments consisted and the granting of a greater
f tea and a large birthday cake amount of academic freedom to
decorated with 30 candles.
these showing Interest in genuine
We have a large variety of fresh higner education, is proposed in the
pies and cakes daiiy. In the two-
crust j ; s we have apple, raisin, concluding section of a report on
mince, peach, strawberry and huck­ the intellectual life of the Univer-
leberry. We - have the small 10c' sity of G.egon, made by an inde­
pies also nd thty are fine for pendent undergraduate committee.
lunches or for “just two.” In cream
Members of the student com­
pies we have banana, lemon, co-
oanut, cho.-olate and pineapple and mittee are Sol Abramson, editor
also custard and pumpkin. We take of the Daily Emerald, Henry Aider­
»■ride in our p cs and cakes as we man, Kenneth Bombright, Bertram
feel that they are extra good and
you will say so too, once you try Jessup, Ray Nash, David Turtle-
them. Vernonia Bakery.—adv.
taub, all of Portland; Glenn Burch
of Gladstone; Thomas Graham of
Oak Grove.
In previously published state­
ments the committee divided the
registrants in o Hues groups, pupils,
studier.s n 1 « j nFs. The pupi’
were defined r.3 tiioso persons wi
come to co l- g. for the “eolle
Ì, Ti.c
the rv
“The Swanee River Minstrels,” man” late
t..o e who
-»'< ra ored by the I. O. O. F. of of re?
t' • m^e’ves
Clatskanie will show in the Ma- ser’ous
jestic theater here Monday. They tr: :■ s of ,
». r:id wb-i.T
have a cast of 20 members and
o ■ I V.'l»UC3
have been playing intermittently me: uro . tI
■.':: r' describ-
i . ter.
for the past three months.
’ ,
There will be mass singing, duets, ed ns
quartets and soloS; burlesque mu- to ! r
ut- te vn ues.
eians and two short vaudeville
i ouun : •'0 has
■kits that are said to have all the been,
■ a.ver1 ty has
ear marks of a comedy.
!y far its
been c :
‘s students
P’ir -T rnd
I,-.,.- 1
■ n- gleet d. Such
i as out
I t’ie true purpose
rl institutions.
r .i* ridding the
Net receipts of $21.25 from th< !
4 ¡e
District Spelling Contest Held.
pupil and of
The local Boy Scout troop pre art exhibit at the Washington
'J •.at opportunity to
sented the Vernonia fire depart- ■ hool recently permitted the pur-
unhampered bj
ment with a signal light to the hase of eight pictures to adorn
fire switch for the siren la3t week,
• csts do not en
A few friends surprised Mrs. the rooms. The pictures selected
let rning, the com
Maude Scott Thursday evening >n <re: “Angel Heads,” “Reynolds;
■, rv ' ‘■'■.1 the establish
honor of her birthday. Gaines wei
•J L‘
c ¡is or "allege and an
played and a delicious lunch er I cc; “D. n
ymphs, ’
of the
ed that was brought by the gu
c< life
>1 in the univer-
■rot; “A Dislinguis’e j Member of
Those present were Mr. and-
: I! nr n.
o.icty’’ Landseer;1
Warren Stevenson and daui.1
ho second two years would be
Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan,
del,” Dirksee; “The
’h' Chib
"p er division, open
ma. e
and Mrs. Frank Lange and d r
ter Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. IL E
tc tie. <• pe-ions who had at
V.’ hingion Cross- i
Stevenson, Irene, Sonny and C -,
1. s-t by nv'i. (,e quality during the
Scott and Mrs. Scctt’s sister,
■ -ii ■
.1 for hitrhei
Tackit and Mrs. Scott.
erdcred and education. The .: y r-’rants permitt-
The Women’s Relief Corps m
- !
a ■;? rooms, ed to nuu
Thursday at the grange hail
uuid be permitt
an all-day meeting.
L. A. An- into *•”> class-''
p:is3 and honor
members and friends were pi
student.. The i : students would
for the dinner. In the rtf • ,
cont nuu as tin. t tlio existant plan
the regular meeting was hel .
eral applications foi mcmb
The honor students would be cared
were read and a good rcli.i
L’ ‘v.- System for in the proposed honor college.
port was given.
The zone 1 district spelling con­
County Roadmaster D. D. H
Or. .i i.ugene, test
was held Saturday night in
has been working this week
ite re­ the high school auditorium. In the
Lum Brown and Dave MeHor:
it uni­ seventh and eighth grade division
surveying the Beaver Creek .
for tjie improvements to be lu
..i, looking Ford Bergerson won first ar.d Max­
Blair, both of Vernoniwon
Mr. Hall states th't
< i: < f itiidcnts on ine
second. In the fifth and sixth di­
the end of this year the Nel
and abilities vision Edna Owens of Vernonia
valley road situation will be gr- >.
ly improved.
The Vernonia Parent-Teacher -
sociation celebrated the 30th am
versary of its founding Friday ■'
the high school. Mrs. W. W.
sang “Remember.” Mrs. C.i: ■ on
and Mrs. Sloane read the i
which Alice Birney, the founder
of the P.-T. association, gave 30
years ago, when the organization
was known as the Congress of
She returned Saturday evening.
•Miss A. Gooding was ill at her
home in Portland last week. Dui
ing her absence Mrs. M. D. Cole ar
sumed her classes. She returnea
to Vernonia Sunday.
District Attorney John L. Foote,
Sheriff W. H. Wellington und Jus-
tics of the Peace John L. Storla
of St. Helens were Vernonia vis­
itors Friday.
Mrs. A. W. Kilburg returned to
her home at Wheeler, Ore., Thur»
day. She has been here v .siting
with hr Bisters, Mrs. Wm. Huffman
and Mrs. Tom Riggle. She is also
a niece of Mrs. John Krinick.
When you want bread for sand­
wiches call for Molhir’s bread in
the sandwich loaf size. It is u
square loaf which is ideal for sand­
wiches and it is nioe also tor
table and as for toast—well, just
try it.—adv.
A liberal allowance on your old
sewing machine is allowed on a
new Singer. Store in Fenner Ra-
dio. Repairing done, Machines rent-
Loretta Johnson and Veldon
Parker were the winners of the
Lincoln essay contest media rt
cently at the high school. Their
names were engraved on the med­
als by A. L. Kullander.
Mr. Roberts is very sick at the
home of his daught -r Mrs.
John Roberts brought him over
from St. Helens last week.
The local Rebekahs and Odd Fel­
lows plan to have a social meeting
Tuesday night in the grange I : II.
There will be a program and light
J. R. Graham, in charge of the
local Singer sewing machine agency
has opened a local store here ii
with the Fenner Radio.
Minstrels Hero
Schools Select Eight
Fichius From Exhih t
won first and Irene Moore of
Pleasant Hill won second place.
These winners will represent the
valley at Scappoose next Friday
at the county contest.
The words were pronounced by
Mrs. Anderson and Miss McDonald.
Judges were Mrs. AL D. Cole and
Miss Jory.________________
Every Sunday brings us one
week nearer the desired object
of a new church home in Verno-
nia. The members of the Christian
church are to be congratulated for
maintaining so large a Bible school
with the disadvantage of having no
At present several classes need
to leave the building and go to
other places for the class period
nd then return.
Next Sunday the pastor will
preach on “The One Thing God
Forgets.” The public is cordially
nvited to the services and you wi ill
>e a help to us and we hope we
’ll be of service to you. Christ-
Endeavor at 6:30.
Much discussion has arisen be-
. c'-n the senior girls over the
’rouses to be worn at the gradua-
ion exercises.
They have had
.bout five meetings so far and
have not come to a definite con-
elusion yet.
The 'LettOrmen’s club held a
meeting last week to adopt a con-
A committee of three
vas appointed to outline initiation
Two seniors and a junior went
‘o a conference in Corvallis recent-
'v. They were Russell Mills, Dud­
ley Spencer and Veldon Parker.
Thov reported a fine trip.
The school was dismissed at 2:30
Monday to attend the program giv­
en at the Majestic theater by the
Parent-Teacher association.
eral seniors and two juniors parti­
cipated in a play.________
The Majestic
Reversing the usual process and
going from flapper to campfire girl
is the step taken by Clara Bow in
“Man-trap.” Paramount’s picturiza-
ion of Sinclair Lewis’ latest novel,
which comes to the Majestic the­
ater on Saturday.
“The Auctioneer,” the quaint
appealing story of the life of Simon
Levi, which put ~
David Warfield
among the foremost dramatic ac-
torr. when presented on the New
David “
York stage by
1 "
■n licture form to the Majestic
on Sunday.
The largest single piece of can­
vas ever furled aboard a sailing
vessel was used in F'rank Lloyd's
first Paramount spectacle, "The
Eagle of the Sea,” which arrives
at the Majestic theater Tuesday.
The sail measures more than 7000
square feet in area.
! Classified Advertisement
FOR SALE—Young fryers. Sec
Mrs. Treharne at Trehame, 2
miles southwest of Vernonia on
Forest Grove road.
house, with bathroom and break­
fast nook, lights and water, in Riv­
erview addition. Will take a light
car in trade. Box 77, Vernonia.2!»I*
LOST—A white-gold watch and
wrist band. Finder please return
to the Eagle office.
FOR SALE—One 4-room house
with furniture, two lots, berries,
large fruit trees, chicken house.
Low price and terms. E. S. Cleve­
FOR SALE-—Two four-room hous­
es with furniture, on Rose avc.
Rented for $45 per month; price
$1400. Part payment, balance a
rent. E. S. Cleveland.
FOR SALE—6 dining chairs, 1
rocker, 1 heater, 1 ■% bed, 1 full
bed and springs. 1 writing desk, 1
sanitary cot. 1 dresser. J. H. Sam­
uel, house 20, O.-A. hill.
PIANO TUNING—If your piano
needs tuning, call on M. W. Fish,
work guaranteed. Address M. W.
Fish, Vernonia, Ore.
Chevrolet, good rubber and in
good condition. Box 328, Vernonia,
FOR SALE—25 Hives of bees. One
eupper with each hive. Come and
see them at Otto Siedelmnn’s ranch.
5 miles up Pebble creek road. Ad­
dress P. O. Box 221 Vernonia, Ore­
250 Quality Gladiolus—$5. 100—
$2.50. Ten named (one Henry
Ford or Los Ange’es) $1.00—E
B. Penifeld, Forest Grove. Ore. 285
FOR SALE—Overland six std.
sedan practically new. Driven
5000 miles, A-l condition, 1927
model. Will sell for $250 and take
up payments. For full particulars
inquire at Eagle office.
FOR SALE—Ford touring in good
condition, good tirt’s. Will sell
for |150. cash. Can be seen at th<
Square Deal Garage, or inquire at
Eagle office.
Advancing the New
Far Spring and Summer
Correct in every detail
these coats represent
unusual values at the
prices marked.
Distinctively styled,
Stunning new hat sty-
faultlessly made, these
dresses are real values
at the price we are
les for spring and sum-
$17.50, $18.50, $27.50
May we show them to
mer service.
$4.00, $5.00, $5.75, $6.
=X--=---------------- --
- --- u
Friday and Saturday
1500 yards Ginghams, Vallies to 25c
A large assortment of mens dress and work
sweaters, values to $7.00
Frank Keith, Riverview grocery, tf.