Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 24, 1927, Image 5

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county assessors and county boards of
equalisation. The commis1 on alBO
would have authority to fix the valu-
I I ations cf any property in tie state.
The purpose of tha bill is to obtain
I Uniformity of assessments ai d taxa- I
From page 2
Lawrukers Unable to Complete > ti. n. As a safeguard to taxpayers un-
der this bill, the senate approved a I miles out to one of the beeches on
L.bort» Within the Consti­
measure introduced by the committee I the narrow key, across a rickety
on assessment and taxation which I wooden toil bridge.
The island
tutional Limit.
provides for limiting ths amount of l seemed deserted, but a few people
r< venua that can be raised under fixed being on the bathing beach. The
‘ed In Senate—Wil- • millage taxes. Under the bill, water is warmer than the Pacific
. i load Bill Vetoed— ■ j these revenues cannot be ii.creased in southern California,
P-.’perty Assessment I more than 3 per cent annually based would seem a great attraction. It
>ld Age Pension Law i on the millage returns for the preced­ is well patronized on Sunday, how-
ing year.
Going north we took the long
The old age pension law f iled to
j way ohme, passing quite a
pass the house by a vote of 23 to 19. j orange and grapefruit' groves. few
S'11 m -The legislature was unable 1
The house refused to Join with the
te its v.qrk within the 40- senate in repealing the present law showed more or less damage from
J isiitutional limit, so it was 1 requiring medical certificates of physi­ the recent freeze, especially young
trees. At a roadside stand we pur­
■ t
ry to extend the session over cal fitness from mule applicants tor chased a dozen very large grape­
f<> th •> week. The most important marriage licenses, and voted down a fruit for 20 cents, while tie small­
: of legislation left for considera- senate bill which would have brought er ones were a cent each. They
t . t v. !•.adjournment was taken 1 that about.
are very delicious. Oranges are
\ • the week end was the so-called
also very cheap and sweet.
t t'> ng I; 4. which would divert to the
The next town was Clearwater,
r. l and a percentage of all spe-
also a popular bathing b< ach for
1 i. Is except trust funds such as passenger automobiles not de fgnated Tampa people. There is quite a
■ a and funds of the state accident as common carriers will be required town there and across another
to pay an additional amount of 50 per
comm iijjjlon.
rickety toll bridge is a very large
tithing bill passed the house cent over their regular license fees exclusive hotel, with many fine
v i li He or no opposition, but there under the terms of senate bill passed residences near by. There were i
tro ■; opposition in the senate, by the house. The bill ai3O removes few people on the beach, but not
r ’• due to the fact that it the owners of commercial travelers’ i much doing. We were t Jd tha
ved it would affect the state cars from the class of machines hav­ . the local residents flock here ir
: i ,y nn'irram because of the very ing to pay this extra amount. Hereto­ ■ the warmer season.
Me sum it would divert from fore, “anywhere for hire” machines | The road from- Clearwater cir-
paid on a capacity and mileage basis,
' cles around the head of Tampa
res votes were cast against as have common carriers operating , bay and back to the city, a ver;
listration state income tax between fixed points.
The house killed a bill which would pretty ride. Many subdivisions have
senate. There were 27
■ been started along the road, an<
v of the measure, which have provided that the state highway ; in fact in every part of the bay
ly passed the house of
highway signs erected in the state. i district, most of them with bu
Opponents held that it might prohibit a house of two built, and apparent-
-ci.-l Election In June
frem erecting signs tend­ ly at a standstill. The boom is
in I
ir part of June, probably
in their direction. > over here as well as in the res
:y, the 28th, the people of
attack by rep­ of the state, but they are brag
ill be called to tho polls to
corners of the ging here that the big hurricane
• through the ballot box whether
last September did not do any
for pre­ ! of
,’y approve, or disapprove, the in-
damage here. We could see m
I evidence of it.
? t x bill put through the senate
to defeat in the house.
Inc day by so decisive a vote.
“Inside” Information
Compulsory liability insurance for I
C? eror ry of State Kozer, through
Cooking does not destroy the
, official hands the election ma- automobile owners wus voted down in
valuable mineral salts found in
■ ' r tes, is checking up the the house.
A bill proposing to change the meth­ many fresh vegetables, tut sorr.
necessarily must elapse be-
: e end of the legislature and od of appropriating school money by of the minerals are dissolved in t
.nt date tor a special elec- basing it on the number of elementary water in which the vegetables a
school teachers employed Instead of cooked. This liquid slidv. .1 theri
'■'i’sen river toll road bill was on the basis of school census, wus de­ fore be served or utilized in som
way. It may be saved for sou
d by Covarnor Patterson. In giv- feated in the house.
or used in gravies or sane. s.
State to Build Grade Crori'ncs
r . n3 for returning the bill
The house, by a vote of 31 to 27. i Cooking n meringue in too ho.
bis approval the governor
passed a senate bill which would p.i oven makes it tough 'nd wai
. t he fully appreciates the val-
• i c i-enience of the proposed place the cost of grade crossings on ary. Use a slow oven v. it.i hr.crir
‘ hat it is a local road and I the state highways entirely on the gues. Then they will set all th
' • ion at this time would state highway fund, whereas at pres­ way through, brown delicately on
a radical departure from ent it is borne jointly by this fund top, and remain puffy after they
n of economy which is of and the individual county in which are taken from the'oven.
the crossings ure constructed.
.•■‘al present necessity.”
The body must have mineral mat­
The house, after voting against a
to t’ < financial condition of
'¡if governor says he does senate bill providing for the licencing ter to build and repair bones, teeth,
that a new and expensive of persons to practice an l teach “cos­ and other tissues, and ke p it in
good running order. Calcium ii
department of the state metic therapy,” reconslc ired and
i found in dried beans, cauliflower
passed the measure.
• I ■diturert at this time.
Swiss chard, peas, turnips, carrots
The senate refused to approve a bill parsnips, oranges and certain other
appropriations aggre-
iu connection with introduced by the house committee on fruits and vegetables, B. Ik used
Institution in cooking any of these foods or
; ki; - program during legislation
nlum v ere approved heads with the sanction of the state ■ served with them increises the
board of control to transfer funds amount of calcium taken. Iron is
from one budg t classification to an­ supplied by fruits in get eral and >oo
tidied by tho other.
by the green-leaf vegetables, such
A senate bill making insanity as lettuce and dandelion greens,
ays and means
II state’s financial grounds for divorce went down to de­ I and particularly by spinach. As a
' ?')•>. 1 if the leg- feat in the senate. Sixteen senators source of iron, spinach is in a
aud the governor voted to sustain an adverse report on class by itself. Egg yolk is another
m the committoe. The tho measure.
1 good source of iron.
Automobile license fees are to be
I lended appronria-
Even at ordinary temperatures
tiuing appropriations
11 and estimated re- mittee of five senators during the next 1 gasoline gives off a very explosive
i years are $8,215,272. two years with a view to re< ommend- I vapor, the vapor from a single
tier Ti’tierson signed a bill ing to the next legislative session a ’ pint rendering the air in an ordin-
’ s that the heads of the schedule of fees providing for a more ary-sized room explosive. vVhenever
ti.’te institutions shall be equitable distribution of the license 1 it is used indoors for cleaning, it
t int indents. The board tax, particularly as between new and i is important that there be no fire
in the room and that the doors
’ I s authorised to tlx the old carB.
The free text book bill was indefin­ and windows be open so lhe vapor
■ - e officials. It also is
the board may fix the itely postponed in the senate when may escape. Often some cleaning
an adverse report cf the cri mittee on agent which will not take fire can
f lie secretary.
be used as satisfactorily as gasoline.
a, after adopting a report education was adopted, lhe bill pro-
When porportions are given in
- pas age of a bill ex­
it comber 31 of this year school districts if so voted by the peo- terms of sweet milk an J baking
powder, an equal quantity of sour
r i king operative the ln- pie.
milk may be substituted and enough
Sheriff’s Salary Bill Killed
n.mre approved at the last
-ction eliminating fish
Senator Upton’s general salary bill soda used approximately to neut-
the upper Columbia river, for sheriffs was indefinitely ; ostponed ' ralize the acid, or a scant half
bill by the narrow ma- and killed in the senate on adoption ! teaspoon for each cup of sour milk,
of an adverse committee report. It 'in the case of thin barters the
?d Laws Repealed
provided that the sheriffs be placed soda and sour milk generally
; this legislature is notable in six classes with salaries ranging ' furnish enough leavening but for
| thick bafters or doughs baling pow-
• her sessions is the effort from $2760 to $6000.
| der is usually needed in addition.
considerable success to
By practically unanimous vote, the ; When sweet milk is to be used
■ - law books a lot of dead senate passed the bill providing that
I place of sour, baking powder
in ■ utworn, obsolete and over­ members of the public service com­ j substituted for all of the soda
's. No fewer than 85 bills mission should be appointive Instead
1 the proportion of 4 teaspoons
<1 by the committee on of elective as they now are. The ap­ baking powder for 1 teaspoon
c vs. each aimed at some pointments would be made by the soda if no other acid ingredients
musty -t itute believed by the commit- governor.
' such as molasses is used. If such
A bill providing that tax levies tn I an acid ingredient is used, as in
t»e to have outlived its usefulness,
The senate, by a vote of 27 to 2. Oregon be made as of Jaauary 1, In­ gingerbread, some soda is required.
epproved a hill providing for the abol­ stead of March 1. one of the measures
ishment of the state emergency board. presented by the epfhlal committee
Overriding ths adverse report of its that studied taxation during the last (O.A.C. Home Economies School.)
crmmfttce cn labor and Industries, the two years, was killed by '[¡definite
Keeping an iron hot to press
house pass'd a senate bill which postponement In tho senate on adop­ the seams of folds as you sew
would strike from the law the section tion of an adverse committee report. gives the article when finished a
A bill Introduced by Senator Moser better appearance,
providing for a biennial appropriation
Equal parts of raw shopped
of a sum sufficient to cover half the anthorizing the appointment of a su­
administrative expenses of the Indus- perintendent of the state penitentiary spinach and cabbage are a novel
trr 1 accident commission for the two also was approved. Under this bill way to use spinach in a salad. Chop­
the superintendent of the prison would ped peanuts are sometimes added.
year period.
To serve raw vegetable salad
Increase of the property assessment appoint a warden and deputy warden,
In the state by approximately $250,- suhlect to confirmation by the state attractively a custard cup for mold­
ing is used.
000.000 is prorosed in a bill introduced board of control.
A colorful shamrock salad is
A resolution referring to the voters
by R nri tentative Hamilton, which
the question of repealing the in’erest made by stuffing green peppers
was approved by the senate.
The bill gives the state tax com- guarantee law as it affects irrigation with cottage cheese. After thorough­
mission supervisory control over the and drainage districts Was lr.definitely ly chilling, it is cut into slices two
assessment and tax laws of the state. postponed.
Incidents Aion¿
Rosd id Fiiride
_ Thursday, Febiuary_2j,_1927.
cr three for a serving.
¡The strike of shint'.e v/
Another spinach variation is .the Grays Harbor
v. xiere
he me
creamed spinach and mushrooms 1
mills have been cl . ..1 end
The ev­
A teaspoonful of vinegar put »early 1009 men idle for ■ I •> past
into the water when poaching eggs. ^wo weeks, is ctiil in effect,
____ Si . , Dr. Poling will be with us
i lodging camps in this district have ■ «vzu.x
prevents their breaking.
XiUg I _
bom these
services UI1U
and I bring
Common brown manilia paper ab-' been closed, but there has been I messages. We extend a hearty in-
sorbs fat from fried cakes, potatoes no stride in the camps,
Dr. Poling, for we a. lure you that
I Conditions in the inland empire you
and croquettes.
will enjoy hearing this spirit-
Soaking material in sour milk districts are imporving. Every week fiiled man of God. The cvenmg
sees more pine sawmills operat-' message will be preceded by a 30-
or buttermilk removes mildew,
Infertile eggs bought for preser- ions starting up for the season. . minute gospel song service .
music by the choir at each service.
vr.tion will keep longer than fer­ Woods work there is still in full
IV ni. F, Rademacher. Pastor.
tile eggs under adverse conditions. swing. Railroads are working more
Attend P.-T. Benefit.
They contain no developed germ,
A large crowd attended the ben­
are slow to decay and cost no of work are picking up.
efit entertainment offered by the
Little change in fir sawmill op­ i Parent-Teacher association at th .-
more than fertile eggs.
eration is to be noted. Logging in Majwtic theater Monday night.
Only County Paper Received
the Puget so ind and Columbia river The school children viewed the show
in the afternoon, and the■■
Hall of Representatives, Salem, districts is being increased.
i ws filled again that evening, a:-
February 18, 1927.
suring the association of large m r
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia Ore-! Saturday
evening at 7:30 preach­ proceeds to spend for school equ ip­
gon. Gentlemen; Attn. Mr. M. E. ing service by Dr. C. C. Follng, the ment that is needed:
The show was managed by Birr.
district presiding elder.
At the
M. D. Cole, to whom mu.-li credit
The writer wishes to thank you close of the message the fourth is
given for its success. The one-
quarterly conference of t! is con­
for your personal kindness in see­ ference year will meet ’ -r their act play, “The Ghost Story,” w i
ing that I received the Vernonia quarterly business meeting. _____ c.. ,. e i bv Mrs. Judd Grc -nmnn.
Eagle while at the Legislature and
it surely was very thoughtful of
you, and if I must say it myseif
you are the only newspaper editor
of our county that ' thought of do-
ing this and I have carefully watch-
ed anything you have said in re-
garefs to bills coming up.
Thanking you again for the
■ourtesy extended me while here.
I am,
Yours truly,
A. E. Allen, Representative, Col-
umbia County, Oregon..
Princess Drifted Snow
Portland, Feb. 15—Emplqyment
in most of the fir districts of the
west coast continues to increase
gradually week by week, according
to the 4L employment letter issued
here today, which stated that there
is noticeable less unemployment
than was the case in mid-January.
How long will it take her
To fly back to Portland?
Inquire of your grocer for rules covering guessing
Vernonia Tradine; Co
lime saved Money Saved
From the moment the Safeway Man takes your
order until your purchases are wrapped and handed
to you, or placed in your car, requires less time than
is required to shop anywhere else. Every day, patrons
tell us this is so and i'll available comparisons provo
that our system of food distribution is the most
economical, of both time and money, of any in
Years of intensive Htudy ef the problem of rapid,
economical service enables us to arrange our merchan­
dise in a manner which reduces lost motion to the
minimum. The Safeway Man is trained in this system
of time saving. He learns the exact location of each
item; the proper sequence of filling orders; the
quickest end n atest way to wrap, and many other
letaiis, all part of a well thought out plan; This -mvi-ig of loth t r.:> .nd mon y appeals
to the busy and thrifty housewife and is one of the reasons why we have '.own so rapidly.
Friday and Saturday Features
per pound ...................
“Tropic Nut” Margarine
per pound ....................
Brooms, “Domestic” $1.00
value, for ......................
Prunes, Oregon dried
4 lbs. for ......................
White Wrap Coffee
per pound ......................
3 pounds............................. $1.33
Tomatoes Large tins puree ?5c
pack, 2 for ...........................
per dozen .................
per pound .................
SOAP—White Wonder
10 bars for.................
Peets Gianulated Soap
per package .............
Wnite King V. ashing powder 89c
2 packages .........
Bulk Dates
2 lbs. for ...........
Spinach, No. 10 tins
each .....................
Chickens! Chickens!
Freshly Dressed, Weighing 3 to 4 lbs. Each
Per Pound
Pure Lard, Best Grade, 4 Pounds For
Phone 741
No. 225 Vernonia