VERNONIA EAGLE Here’s an easily made winter jam: Soak 1 pound of drifted apri­ cots overnight in 1 pint of water. In the morning, chop them and add 1 cup of sugar. Drain the slices of pineapple from two No. 3 cans, cut them into very small pieces, and cook with 2-2|3 cups of sugar for 20 minutes. Add the apricots and cook for 2, minutes. Watch while cooking as the mixture scorch­ es easily. Seal while hot in steri­ lized jars. During 1926, forest service built 53 miles road and 176 miles trail in Whitman forest. The Spring Garden Tools Hoes Rakes Forks Effort to Unito Nation's Tourist Activities Begun No increase will for national foreet this year. Thursday, February 24, 1927, be demanded grazing fees, State Laundry Company VERNONIA MILL FOR SALE FOR GOOD LAUNDRY WORK Including the timber, We call and deliver TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS—Leave orders with S. Wells, Tailor, Phone MAin 891 Travel experts from everywhere teams, and all equip­ are making every effort to distri­ ment. bute this year’s billion dollar tour­ Lindsay Lumber Co. ist melon among vacation and scen­ ic centers of the United States in­ stead of growing the “money mel­ on’’ for European consumption! To make this possible the Ameri­ can Travel Development association PHOTOS will meet in Chicago, March 21, 23 to launch a movement calling upon congress to create a $5,000,- Let the Picture 000 advertising and publicity fund Tell The for “selling America to Americans, Story. according to present plans. | The travel experts, as officers HERB M. SALT of the association, believe congress should be as much cerned in Americans making Next Door to Postof­ of their own national parks, fice ests and other playgrounds as august body is in the welfare of travel abroad through the United States shipping board. The meeting will be the first concerted effort to unite the nat­ ion’s tourist activities in the recog­ nition of only one competitor in the travel business, namely, Europe. The American Travel Development association is composed of organi INSURED CARRIER zations not operating for profit but interested in encouraging travel in America, and any community Vernonia Office which raises an advertising fund for tourist trade is eligible to re- At the Brazing Works op Rose presentation in the association. Avenue. Leaders in the campaign are Harry N. Burhans, president of Phone MAin 343 the American Travel Development association and secretary of the Portland Office Denver Tourist bureau; Charles F. Auto Freight Terminal Hatfield, secretary of the aS3'cia tion and general manager of thi E. Water and Yamhill Streets St. Louis convention, Publicity and EAst 8226 Office No. 11 Tourist bureau, and H. J. Gray DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR treasurer of the association and secretary of the Michigan Tourist and Resort association. GENUINE Rubber Case 13 Plate now Also a complete line of accessories tires and Truck Line Ferrys Seeds MeHinger Hdwe QUALITY MERCHANDISE The Savage Washer & Dryer is the only electric washer in the world in which you can maintain just the proper amount, purity, and temperature of the water in the tank. It is the only one that fills and empties through its own hose (regular equipment). It is the only one that wash­ es, blues, rinses and dries an entire load ( 7 double sheets) in 18 minutes—or I ms . It is the only one that rin­ ses and dries in one simplte operation — without wring­ ing or breaking buttons. It is the only one with the wonderful innovation “Spin-Rinse, Spin-Dty” which keeps your hands out of the water, makes pails and “set” tubs u niMw eeary, Without any obligation have us give you the FREE HOME TEST of the fb- mous “Savage" Washer in­ Th* Savage fills di­ rect from the faucet novation!— thr out h it$ ou'n host enner Radio Shop tubes.— WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK CRAWFORD MOTOR CO Vernonia, Oregon INSIST ON GENUINE FORD PARTS Says School Athletics Should be Supported aDHYEß Not another in the world like it University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. Feb. 14—Competitive athletic, between colleges should be foster ed, there should be no commercial ism or professionalism, and all ath letics should be under strict fac ulty control, declared Captain John J. McEwan; head football coach, in an interview today. “I pity the book-loving student who spends four years in a uni- | versity without any physical de­ velopment,” McEwan said. “The men on our athletic teams are not the ones who need physical de­ velopment. “Athletics should be developed because they create an interest in the sport, they foster Institutional rivalry, they are inspirational, they advertise the college, they arouse college spirit, which may be nar­ row-mindedness but so is patroit- ism, love for one’s mother, and love for a wife.” McEwan is at present interested m watching the development u>f the athletic problem at Reed col­ lege, which he characterized as “a fine little college without intercol­ legiate athletics.” Find Tree Stump in Process of Petrification Bethany. Mo.—Workmen with n raU- read oonst ruction crew from St. Jo­ seph, working on the Burlington rail­ road right of way near this city, un­ earthed a red oak stump In the prooosa of petrification. The stump, wblofc measured about two and one-half foot through, Is believed to have been burled in tbe til! for almost fifty years, or ever since tbe railroad was built. Its removal required four days. U showed ue signs of decay aad was so tough It cottlil not be split with an ax. I Flowers Fresh from your own garden FLOWHR gardoo is the cheapest and easiest-to-make yard decoration you can provide aad it ti alse one ai the most enjoyable. Garden annuals will grow in any fairly good soil if in a In ns Han whore there is sunshine the greater part of the day. A ■y a litUs planning of varieties you can have blooms from early summer to late in the fall—and be sure to choose some fhr catting, such as cosmos, calendulas, zinnias, sweet peas, nasturtiums, pinks, petunias, asters, etc. FI ms I seeds which have a good reputation for producing Qawsrs in psefusion and true to type. Northrup, King & Co.’s lands have bean giving satisfaction since 1884 and no better seeds dee sold at any prise At Local Dealers s MlSTEQ ? 5 Subscribe for the Vernonia Eagle at $2.00 per year. < «V r A BIT OUT djJ MostOfThe StandardSize FlowerSeed Packets N orthrup . K ing &C o .’ s The Logical Assumption By F. O. Alex tndv FINNEY OF THE FORCE $12.00 MbaJ „ Xwuot AW / SÔMEWAK) A ^-4 «MR AtítfT-JACKET FEB. A aidfriiAÇ PQiQibJT /, Famous Flop - Scenes ^r'9 * ÔO6CT STurtT !-I SET A BKJ KICK oui qftliCkwtO Rxxff BASE ftt!