VERNONIA Thursday, February 24, 1927. EAGLE I neatly and not fadishly, and we can dress Tell us a news item an J v.e well with out expensive clothing. We can 1 will tell the public. Drop it ia I . be neat in appearance without a new suit; $2 per year in Advance Iseut:! every Thursday box outside the door, or phone . i we can be clean; our shoes can be clean, your convenience. En.-red as Second Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the land net ran down at the heel, and our i hat can reflect good taste. 1. c Off:« at Vernonia, Oregon, under the From page 1 Act of March 3, 1879 i “The first thing I notice about a woman have certainly had very good nights is hei hat and then I look at her shoes,” rest. Chevrolet Light Delivery MARK E. MOE, Editor is the observation of a Vernonia man. Yesterday we took a drive to fin A-l condition. Suitable who dresses well, but not expensively, and St. Petersburg, 19 miles the other BOOSTERS WANTED of Tampa bay, going across for creamery, or hauling of W.O.W. Buxton camp No. (1'5 whose wife dresses well, but not expen­ side the- famous Gandy bridge, which meets every Monday in ' ! at ■ a ¡produce. Small down pay ­ sively. is six miles long from the end of A town has no place for the knocker; nt tho Grange Ila'I' Vi- “A good front” gets one by; it carries one approach to the other, and ment, your own terms on thirty members welcome. a knocker is hardly a man Without a coun- an introduction by itself; it inspiies con­ about three miles over the water try, but ns country, his town, or his com­ fidence; it brings business; it is an am-' of the bay. It is a toll bridge, balance. C. A. BARNES C.C. shortens the distance around munity ha.;, little use for him. C. C. DUSTEN CLr.RH. Gilby Motor Co. bassador of commercial progress; it is but There are all kinds of knockers, as vital to a young man or a young woman; vile bay -about 3U miles. The bridge is a wide concrete structure many as there a>e kinds of people. The it is vital to tne middle aged; it is de­ a very pretty drive. Vernonia Lodge, No. 181 A. thriving city is filled with boosters-Mjoost- cidedly pleasing in people of old age. st _ Petersburg is really F. A A. M., meets at Grange eis who so cut number the knockers that We, all of us, like to meet folks with “a tourist center of this part of ,'.I every Second and their knocking does not count for much. good front.” We ought to cultivate the state, although there are many from where people mirth Thursday nighes. We like the boosters. Sometimes they habit of always having “a good front.” places north spend the winter. The K. A. McNeill, S< cr . . are super-enthusiastic, or, rather, overen- “A o __ front” will a put a man or a of St. Petersburg lies on a good Visitors Welcome thusiastic is the better word. But they are woman" to the front in a" community, and insula between Tampa bay always enthusiastic for their home town “a good front” is never “down at the the Gulf, while low sand islands or the cause in which they are interested, heel.” “A good front” is slang for being or keys extend along the Gulf shore line and have bathing beach­ and they are never to be found hanging well dressed. es, hotels and small settlements. ♦ * V- « around somewhere knocking this and It is said about 100,000 tourists winter at St. Petersburg, and dur- i knocking that. No, a booster is not built I. O.O.F.—V eknonia L oi ge . No. 24’, ANONYMOUS CONTIBRUTIONS ing the summer season the city meets every Tuesday night at 8.< that way. is practically deserted. The streets o’clock, in Grange Hall We must have these boosters; they are Communications of all natures are re­ are neat, the stores up-to-date and just as necessary to the successful enter­ ceived 'either through the mail or left more attempt made in beautifying J. W. ROSE, N. G. the homes than we have generally pci- as daylight is to the earth. M. L. GAINES, Stc. on the editor’s desk by well-wishing per­ seen around here, They have an Knockers are found everywhere just the sons with the evident intent of helping outdoor postoffice, claiming it to m«- as the boosters, but, let us all be the newspaper, and many of them are be the only one in tiie United <3 Ihiu.l iid for it, the boosters ae always not signed. A poem was received last States, but they overlooked Hono­ Vernonia Post 119, American Lc- far . v in the lead; usual!7, the knock­ week through the mail with a beautiful lulu. It may be the only one on On three sides of the gion. Meets second ers • ■ “ he found in the rear, where it is thought expressed, and the poem is wor­ mainland. postof f ice boxes are open and fourth Tucs- « • fp” f. r them, perhaps. They flock to- th v of being printed, but with the meaning build:ng to the eornuors from the Streets, days each month. 8 geth • hut even then they fail to m: ake ' of a few words not clear and no way in with general delivery wuiaoe.a p.m. 11. E. Mc- Grew. , Co ■r mnder. one side also. a crowd, as a rale. which to get in touch with the author, From the city we drove a Lee Schv ab, Adj. But ti e greatest booster is he who ..... con- ..... the effort is wasted. Amciican Legiun Au:: y Please turn to page Meets first and third Sb; »..-. ’ verts the knocker into a booster-—“makes Any signaure that the author wishes month at I egion I. , . -. him see the light” so that both play the will be printed with a contribution and Visitors '“eij-ome. game as team-mates ever after. II. K. McGri 1 ■ articles or news of any constructive or Earl Washburn, Scc:-<: > . A town has no place for the knocker, beneficial nature will likely be printed, The it matters not whether he knocks the town, but please let us know whom we have -m ••spo. or its citizens. Show us n to thank for the courtesy. ha erJpi-prises ment oi the I..À..C bus­ Nchelem Cliff pter If?», o. T’ r man wh I ’ K ’ ■ I PHliUn: Wnw iness mtn in any com­ II A w you t '"•fiori f t a n Absence often makes the heart grow. - ; e.'.d’aA citizen extant. ' fonder of someone else. munity usually desig ­ month ASK FOR ea-:i 7 A ’ 71 ili ■' V* nates the home bank "Li. The dogs of war seldom drag home I anything except a deficit. AT cc-v.e. in that community. We at the hoe1”—it speaks i » . V I IU i « n Bessie Tapp, W. M. are especially proud of Leona M.-Grav.. Seerstar;.'. • in- character is judged largely J Judging by Monday’s papers, the best g r ; •*•»»»’! whole fortune may b? cleperd- safety zone on Sunday is the home. the representative men i h ■ so, young man, young woman, I start in i' ht, and never bo “ran down i Gm den-spading marathons will become of this community who VERNONIA GRANGE at the hr eel.” i popular when a new brand of human na­ have made this their Ail of i> ■ we it o ourseh’O;', our ture sprouts. The Vernonia Grange me«t3 on th p;(ia o’.n- friends to dress well. This banking headquarters. second Saturday of every month a 7:30 P. M. Any members of th is not an advertisement for the clothing Waste basket: A receptacle in a news­ Grange living in or near Vernonia " mé chant, or any other merchant: it is! paper office to hold propaganda until the or visiting in the community, or foc bettor bel I d dress and for what it i janitor gets around at night. a pion for cordially invited to attend mean '. Bettor dress does not mean that; Mrs. Minnie Malm .»n, Secretary v s'i'i’l “flot- er mit” in a b'und newl A writer says girls of today do not MOUNTAIN HEART - < v • i wii,-> { fashion decrees a use more freely than their mothers did, REBECCA LODGE No. 243. I.O.O.F 'I' ■ well bv dressing but anoearances are against him. .uhi' lìvriumia tarili.' BARGAIN Lodge Directory I ?.HI fi v/. PRODUCTS Pharmacy VERNONIA Vernonia, Oregon Meets every second and Fourth Thursdays in Grange Ilall—Vernonia Visitors always welcome Mrs. Edna Kilby, N. G. MRS. IRENE SPENCER Soc’y T. W. LARAWAY SPECIAL SALE Friday and Saturday Only AT THE ECONOMY STORE OU can go over the $1000 field with a fine-toothed comb—-and yost cannot find a r- preachci tiie limiter Oakland Six in preciafonconstruction and rigidly controlled quAl'ty! Diamond boring pitt^n pin buah- inga to one tendhoutannth of an Inch; matching all connecting rod» for venter of gravity and weight; bal­ ancing ail rotating parts from tran»- misslon to rear aale — these are Rmetier. which constitute the very indameutals of long life and flaw- operation and Oakland uses •haru all I Oakland*» BHpcr-preafoo workman- •h