Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 17, 1927, Image 6

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Thursday, February 17, 1927.
Bob Lindsey of Pittsburg was a
Vernonia visitor Monday.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Peter
L. Larson, February 3, a girl.
Wm. Aspland was a Portland
business visitor yesterday.
G. C. Mellinger went to Keasey
Tuesday to install a new radio.
Ruth Holaday visited her par­
ents in Scappoose Friday.
Bom: To Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Fowler, February 7, a boy.
Reed Holding has started a new
pole camp on the Nehalem Timber
company’s logging ground.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gillchrest
were in Portland on business yes­
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney V. Shaw of
Keasey have returned from a 10-
day visit in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kelly were
in Portland on business Wednesday
and Thursday of last week.
Your Chiropractors, Drs. Wight
* Wight, have their office open
evenings 6 to 8 p. m.
The Ladies Athletic Club will
give a masquerade party, February
22, for members only.
Wm. McMullen started Sunday
for his home in Alberta, Canada,
after a visit with his brothers in
Some, small trees were planted
in froat of the building at the
Washington school last week to
beautify the grounds.
Mrs. Ralph Piel and daughter
left yesterday for Portland to vis­
it Mrs. Piel’s parents for a week
or more.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Theodeaus have
moved back to Astoria, their for­
mer home. They are the parents
of Mrs. C. R. Coppie.
C. L. Biggs purchased a new
Ford roadster Saturday. The sale
was made by the Crawford Motor
Ruth Holaday entertained the
Blue Birds, Camp Fire group, at
the home of her sister, Mrs. M. D.
Colo, Tuesday afternoon.
Wo will make anything in the
bakery line to your ordei- for spec­
ial occasions and such orders re­
ceive our careful and individual
attention. Vernonia Bakery.—adv.
We now have on hand for sale
four lard barrels. These are extra
good barrels and t.iey can be used
for many purposes—Vernonia Bak­
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Dane
Brady of Garibaldi, February 6, a
9 Vi-pound boy. His name is Lar­
ry Mitchell.
Mrs. Brady is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Berge rson.
French cream candies and mix­
ed nuts, in good condition, left
from the Community Christmas
tree, may be bought at coat. Call
274 and leave orders. Deliveries
made.—Committee, adv.
On Saturday, Feb. 19th, we will
have on special sale, Maple Bars
at 23c per dozen or 2 dozen for
15c. Also Parker House rolls at
15c per dozen or 2 dozen for 25c.
Vernonia bakery, adv.
When you want a really fine
bread for sandwiches ask for Moth­
er’s Bread in the sandwich loaf
size. This is a square loaf which
is more suitable for sandwiches
than any other shape. It is equally
nice for the table and it makes
fine toast.—adv.
A freshman meeting was called
to order Tuesday noon at the hign
school by Kathryn Hoffman, the
class president. Miss Goodin, the
class advisor, was not present on
account of illness. The business
taken up was to arrange the plans
for the freshman entertainment to
be given at the high school soon.
Vernonia births showed an in­
crease and deaths a decrease in
1926 over 1925. A total of 106
babies were born in 1926 as com­
pared with 80 in 1925.
were 25 deaths in 1926 as com­
pared with 33 in 1925.
The L. O. V. class had a Valen­
tine party at the home of their
teacher, Mrs. Ilammick, last Mon­
day evening. A good crowd was
present. Appropriate games were
on the social program and every­
one had a good time. A business
session was held later. The of­
fices of reporter and corresponding
secretary were united.
The for­
mer reporter, Lois Malmsten, was
elected to this office. Veldon Par­
ker is the new parliamentarian.
Plans for a membership campaign
were suggested and discussed, but
nothing definite was decided upon.
Mrs. II. Buffmire gave a party
Saturday evening as a farewell to
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Robertson and
in honor of the birthdays of Dolly
An< erson and Elgie Mecklin. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Mecklin,
DoRy Anderson, Mr. and Mrs.
Washburn, Mrs. Visnaw, Ed Vis-
naw, Mr. Tisdale and Mr. and Mrs.
Buffmire. The evening was spent
in dancing and singing, a light
lunch was served at midnight con­
sisting of sandwiches, cake, salad
and punch. A good time was en­
joyed by all.
’’Inside" Information
When a recipe calls for soft
wheat, or pastry flour, and you
have only hard wheat or bread
flour on hand, decrease the amount
used. Fill a cup with sifted flour,
level it off, and take out two level
tablespoons from each cup being
used in place of soft wheat flour.
If canned beans in glass have
been frozen they may be used
provided freezing did not break
the jars or loosen the seal in any
way so as to cause the product to
spoil. All canned vegetables should
be boiled for five minutes after the
jars are opened, before being serv­
ed in any way.
To make hard Bauce that is dif­
ferent, use brown sugar, and grate
into it a little orange rind for
Tianformer That
Burnell out Was New
A communication was received
Saturday from ■ S. G. Ward, man­
ager of the Graybar Electric com­
pany of Portland as fallows: “L’oyd
R. Smith, receiver for the Vernon­
ia Light & Power company, re­
cently ordered two 15 KVA, 11,-
000, 220-440 volt transformers for
shipment to Vernonia.
“We understand that one of the
transformers burned out and that
it has been rumored that they were
Becond hand or used transformers.
"I am writing this letter to as­
sure you that both of these trans­
formers were brand new, never
having been in service before, and
both were shipped direct from the
warehouse at San Francisco to the
Vernonia Light and Power com­
Read Our Circulars
See Windows
Our Second Annual Surprise Sale
Dozens and Dozens of Items
, ' ~
VS uhington and Lincoln Studied
W. C. T. U. Meets.
' he study club held ita regular
me ting Thursday at the home of
Mrs. A. E. Green. An interesting
program was enjoyed on the lives
of Washington and Lincoln, after
which the hostess served a dainty
lunch. The club will meet Feb­
ruary 24 at the home of Mrs.
Mark E. Moe.
I ( lasssified Advertisement |
The W. C. T. U. met i t the
hone of Mrs. Strong Febru ry 7. FOR SALE OR TRADE—A good
rolet, good rubber and in
The chief topic of the day was
0 < condition. Box 328, Vernonia,
narcotics. It was planned to have ” Or^'ca.
a ¿peaker come to Vernonia and
make some short talks on the sub­ FOR SALE—25 Hives of bees. One
supper with each hive. Come and
After the business session
was closed, Mrs. Strong being ill, see them at Otto Siedelman’s ranch,
Mrs. Morris served the ladies with 5 miles up Pebble creek road. Ad­
very tasty refreshments. The union dress P. O. Box 221 Vernonia, Ore­
was invited to the home of Mrs. gon.
To our neighbors and friends of Sowers in March.
250 Quality Gladiolus—$5. 100—
$2.50. Ten named (one Henry
We extend our heartiest appreci­
Ford or Los Angeles) $1.00—E-
ations and thanks for their loyal
B. Penifeld, Forest Grove, Ore. 285
service and help during the illness morning hour of worship at 11
and death of our beloved daughter o’clock. The theme for the morn­ FOR
ing message will be “The Promise
houses with furniture, on Rose
of the Father.”
avenue. Rented for $45 per month;
Mr .and Mrs. C. Nichols and
The evening service at 7:30. The price $1400. Part payment, balanca
t •■•!y.__________________
theme for the evening Evangelistic as rent. E. S. Cleveland.
message will be “Christ, The Way,
and the Life.” The evening mes­ FOR SALE—One four room house
sage will be preceded by a 30-min-
with furniture, two lots, berries,
uta gospel song service.
fruit, etc. Low price and terms.
“The Perfect Sap,” a mystery-
Wm. F. Rademacher, Pastor. E. S. Cleveland.
conieuy-dramu, packed with fast
Police Notes.
FOR SALE—Nice bungalow, one
moving action, laughs and mystery
John Ellison was arrested Tues­
block from the postoffice. Will
..lie ugh to hold any audience in day for possession of liquor. He
suspense, is the attraction at the was fined $25 by City Recorder take soldier’s bonus. Inquire P. O.
box 222, Vernonia.
Majestic Saturday. Ben Lyon is Reasoner.
featured as a would-be detective
Macy Van Blaricom was fined FOR RENT—Furnished: One four
»ho clashes with some of the un­ in Judge Reasoner’s court $25 for
room house. One small three
do world's chief crooks.
being drunk and $15 and 10 days room house. Apply at Cleveland
in jail for resisting arrest.
house, corner Rose Avenue and
One of the most picturesque
Clem Bartley was fined $5 in
characters ever to step from the Judge Reasoner’s court Monday for Columbia street.
pages of Zane Grey story onto disorderly conduct.
FOR SALE—Overland six std.
the screen is that of “Colorado
sedan practically new. Driven
Rudd,” hero of ‘‘Born to the West,’
The splendid interest that is 5000 miles, A-l condition, 1927
at the Majestic Sunday, ably por­
trayed by Jack Holt in Paramount’s manifest in the Bible school is model. Will sell for $250 and take
very encouraging and we are look­ up payments. For full particulars
picturization of the novel.
ing forward when we will have inquire at Eagle office.
If you don’t like war pictures, more room. Every thing points to
don’t let that fact keep you away a near future when we will enjoy FOR SALE—Ford touring in good
condition, good tires. Will sell
from “Tin Hats,” for in spite of the new church home and we ex­
the title, there are no actual war tend a very cordial welcome to for $150. cash. Can be seen at the
scenes included. It is as delightful all who are not attending Sunday Square Deal Garage, or inquire at
Eagle office.
a comedy as ever seen, and will school elsewhere.
k«' p enthusiastic audience near
Next Sunday the pastor will
Hysterica Tuesday and Wednesday preach on a very important sub­ PIANO MUST BE SOLD—Will
nights at the Majestic theatre ject in this day and age, and in­
sacrifice fine piano in storage
where it will be shown for the vites the public to hear this mes­ near here for immediate sale. Will
first time.
sage.—“The Home Life.”
give easy terms to an established
Endeavor at six-thirty.
home. For full particulars and
The entire west was scoured to
A blackboard hung in the kitch­ where it may be seen, address
procure the scenic wonders display­ en is helpful for noting down sup­ Portland Music Co., 227-6th St.
ed as a background for “The Des­ plies needed, the menu when dif­ Portland, Oregon.
ert’s Toll,” a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ferent ones are to prepare part of
production starring Francis McDon­ it, errands to be done, or interest­
ald, which will be the feature at­ ing family events tj oe announced. Frank Keith, Riverview grocery, tf.
traction at the Majestic theatre It makes some of the routine work
Thursday and Friday. Seldom hai more fun and less drudgery to FOR RENT—Four room house
modern, $20. G. E. Sale, 541
a motion picture been so lavish assign it to different ones by means
with scenic splendor.
Fir St.
of a bulletin board.
The Majestic
M c M innville
The New Styles
For Spring and Summer
Egg Beaters, Baskets, Mop Sticks,
Sugar Bowls, Wash Basins, Enamel­
ed Ware, Tin Ware, Aluminun Ware,
Glass Ware etc. etc. Too Numerous
Nothing Over 9 Cents
Bring a little small change and
carry away an arm full.
No Charges
Nothing Reserved
See Hoffman About It
Correct in every detail,
these coats represent
unusual values at the
prices marked.
$17.50, $18.50, $27.50
May we show them to
Distinctively styled,
Stunning new hat sty­
faultlessly made, these
les for spring and sum­
dresses are real values
at the price we are
mer service.
$4.00, $5.00, $5.75, $6.