Thursday, February 17, 1927. let slat ion on the Columbia river, ao- co ding to a letter received by the ch it clerk of the senate. .1 bill extending the time for obtain­ 29. Hew do the Train Brakes How much Silver and Cop. 33. ing the state soldiers’ bonus or loan, Work? per is i Legal I Tender for a wa passed without opposition by the The engine has an air compressor Debt? Senate Holds Governor’s Fi house. It provides that one may ap­ a tank and a control valve each ply for cash benefits up to June 30, Silver Dollars and Treasury ear a smaller* tank, a trippie valve, nancial Measures For 1930, and for the loan to June 30.1945. and a horizontal brake cylinder. Notes are legal tender to any Representative Pierce’s bill permit­ Action The cylinder has two pistons, con­ amount, unless otherwise stipulated ting dancing after midnight and until nected by a spiral spring. The in the contract. One need not take, train hose connects the engine tank against his will, more than $10, in Last Week of Session Is Entered— 3 A. M. in counties ot the state of lesser population, failed to pass. with the tank under each car. A halves, quarters and dimes ; nor House Adopts Raise In Legislators’ Fepeal of the motor vehicle certifi­ pressure of 70 to 80 pounds is more than 25c in nickels and pcn- Pay—Soldiers’ Bonus Time Extend­ cate of title law which was sought in maintained in the train pipe and' nies. ed—Repeal of Motor Vehicle Law a bill introduced by Senator L'pton, each car tank, the brake cylinder 34. Are National Bank Notes Le- Extended—Senate Approves Wilson was defeated in the senate after a empty and the brakes off. gal Tender? River Road. lengthy and somewhat heated debate. To apply the brakes, the engin- Twelve senators voted for the repeal Yes to the Government and be­ eer opens the control valve, which r ■ c- rti I; e of title law. while reduces te pressure in the train tween banks, but not to an indivi­ Salem.—When the legislature con­ r. tors tot d against tho repeal, pipe. Each car brake then works dual ( Ordinarily it would be poor vened Monduy for the last week of V :.:rs to Pass on Salaries automatically and independently. ’ business to refuse them), If the the session attention was focused on V< • rs at th ■ next general election thus: The pressure in the car tank,) amount one owes is in dispute, the senate, where the governor's fi­ now being greater than in the train however, and he wishes to pay nar.clal bills were held for action. Gov­ wl" n S3 on a proper , d constitutional r.t ment prohibiting salary in- pipe, it moves the triple valve and, what he thinks is due, he should ernor Patterson’s financial measures opens a passage by which the air be very careful, for if he should passed the house last week with little , c. i for both state and county off!- in the car tank rushes into the offer money that is not legal ten­ opposition, but it vzas believed that . e r , uring the terms for which they brake cylinder, forces the pistons der and the other party should considerable opposition would develop , we ■ elected, under a resolution Intro- of the cylinder apart and applies refuse it and afterwards sue, the In the senate. tlu d by Senator Brown and upproved , court would be compelled to hold the brakes. In addition to passing the tithing . by 22 ct tho 30 senators. To release the brakes, the en- that no tender of payment had bill, so-called, which takes 5 per cent Ey 31 votes, the house passed Rep- gineer admits air from the engine been made. of the gross earnings ot all state ( res native Graham’s bill, which does tank into the train pipe. This forc- 35. ' Give a Few Rule» Concerning boards and commissions for the gener­ aw y with the personal liebility of au- CS the triple valve back into place, al fund, the house passed the gover­ tc: labile owners or drivers for Injur­ Chinese Names? closes the opening between car ies to their guests. The bill carries Each Chinese syllable has a dis­ nor's income tax bill. The income bill an emergency clause. It was opposed tank and brake cylinder and re­ passed the house after brisk debate, tinctive meaning when grouped fills the car tank, at the same | with 49 voting for, nine against and by most of the lawyers of the house, who urged it was throwing down the time opens an escape for the air with other syllables: “King” as in two absent. hi the brake cylinder and the pis- j Peking and Nanking, means capitol, bars for negligence and that it would Shortly after word of the passage tons are drawn back to their origi-' Peking being the capital of the ot the income bill by the house reach- be declared unconstitutional. ' t "»Ition bv the spiral spring. north and Nanking of the south ed him Governor Patterson issued a A bill introduced in the house by The Westinghouse brake has saved l ( “Pe”, as in Peking and Hupeh, statement, regarded as a warning to Crt mer, to prohibit livestock from run­ , means north ; “ Nan, ” as in Nanking • Uvea man were destroyed in ning at largo in precincts through I and Honan, means south: “Ho”, he senate, in which he said that “It which a state highway runs came in all of Napoleon’s wars. would in my opinion prove unfortunate | as in Hwang-Ho and Honah, means 30. Ths Meaning of the Red Strip­ for a severe roasting in the senate, river: “ Kiang”, as in Yangtse- if the bill should be mutilated by in and failed to pass. es on the Barber Pole? discriminate amendment before its Kiangsi, means; “ Chan ” , as in In former times barbers also The senate reconsidered and ilnal passage.” “carried on” as surgeons and per­ Fuchan and Suchan, means place Proved a bill repealing the present law While this should be the last week formed the operation of bleeding, (section of land); “Fu”, as in of the session, it is generally believed making it incumbent on men desiring then a common remedy for most Sian-Fu and Yannan-fu, means '.hit it will be Impossible to clear up to obtain a marriage license to first ills. The spiral red stripes sym­ l west; “Tan” as in Tsingtan, means the calendars within the prescribed 40 submit to a medteal examination. “Hai”, as in Shanghai, bolize ths practice of winding a island The senate indefinitely postponed a ‘ay limit and the session may extend ribbon around the arm prior to means sea; "Shr.n”, as in Shantung, into the following week. resolution providing for a constitu­ means mountains; “ Tung ” , as in hitting ths blood. The barber sur- tive al amendment creating the office House Passes Textbook Bill geons were incorporated in Eng- Kuangtung, met ns east, and “Hu”, of lieutenant governor. The house passed the so-called free land in 1461; were united with as in Hupeh, means lake. “Shan­ Governor May Be Budget Officer the surgeons in the reign of Henry tung, for instarce, is equivalent to text-book bill after considerable argu ■The senate approvea a measure “ East Mountain ” in English. ment, the vote being 35 to 21, with V’lT This connection was dissolv­ sponsored by Governor Patterson pro- four members absent. ed by an act reading inpart: “The vicing that he shall be the state bud­ The bill provides for the vote of hade of a barber is foreign to an ge: officer. Twenty-one senators voted citizens who may levy a special tax independent of the practice of sur­ tor the bill and nine opposed. It pre­ by school districts, and those who gery.” Until recent times the sur­ viously was passed by the house. dect may purchase texts for school geons of the Swedish navy acted The budget bill gives the governor pupils, the cost to be borne by the BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER as barbers for the crew. power to appoint a budget master, and special levy, not to exceed $1.50 for If párenle will have their children memo ­ 31. Of What baa the Finger Ring is-z appropriates $25,000 for the admin adminis-. rize a Bible eelectlon each week, H wtll proco oach pupil of elementary schools, each Been a Symbol From the Re- trr'lon of the budget department. a priceleu heritage to them tn after yeare. year. aaeteat Time? It was one of the principles set out Districts of the first class, which From the remotest time the fin­ PERFECT PEACE:—Thou wilt means Portland alone, may choose the In the Patterson platform when he ger ring (usually connected with keep him in perfect peace, whose sought nomination and election to of­ textB for school children to use in their a seal) was an emblem of author­ mind is stayed on Thee; because he studies. Other districts of the state fice, and the senate vote grants to him ity, which could be deligated by the trusteth in Thee. Isaiah 26: 3. the power which he told the voters will follow recommendations of the simple process of delivering it to he would seek of the legislators and state text book commission as to the an agent. The cases of Pharoah PRAYER:—Lord, we believe. would use, if given to him, to reduce books chosen. One' district or more and Ahaaurus are instances of this. Help Thou our unbelief. stete expenditures. may take advantage of the new law They have long been in almost un­ How can we get an increase and The senate, by a vote of 19 to 9, and other districts may still elect to iversal use as a token of bethroyal with two members absent, approved a QUESTIONS AND BIBLE have books bought by individuals as and marriage. house hill introduced by the Tillamook ANSWERS at present. There is no compulsion and Washington county delegations 32. Whe. can one Legally Drive in the measure for any district to use If parents will have thair children on the Left Side of the Road? authorizing construction by the state Vehicles when passing should memorize the answers in the Bible the new method if it does not desire highway department of what will be turn to the right, each on his side Citations, it will prove a priceless it. known as the Wilson river toll road. With only two dissenting votes, Sen­ ef the center of the higway, or heritage to them in after years. Senate Opposes Phone Investigation ator Eddy ’ s educational bill, providing the traveled part of the road. It blessing from God? Twenty-four members of the senate for a state board of education of seven does not follow that because a Answer, road, Psalm 67:5 6. laymen, passed the senate. recorded their votes as opposed to driver is on the right-hand side The measure would give the board adoption of a memorial IntiMduced by of the road he can disregard the Walls of Dairy Barna of laymen authority to prepare the Senator Dunne requesting a federal rights of others coming in the op­ In cold climates the walls of investigation ot the telephone rates posite direction. If the road is cov­ a dairy barn, whether built of course of study. It differs from bills now effective in the state. The me­ ered with drifted snow, or a part brick or concrete, should be pro­ introduced in 1923 and 1925 by Sena­ morial was indefinitely postponed. tor Eddy in that the former measures of the highway flooded, travelers vided with air spaces, says the Senator Upton has Introduced a bill must turn United Statts department of agri- prescribed tho course of study. abolishing the state fish commission eled part of the road as it then culture. It is advisablt to insulate Rustling Bill Defeated and placing the duties of the depart­ in. If an obstruction on the right- the celing. Otherwise moisture will Encountering strong objection from ment under the state board of control. band aide of the highway, a wash-’ condense on tho inside walls and western Oregon representatives, a Creating of the office of superintend­ out, or a hole in a bridge or cul- ceiling during extremely cold weath- 'louse bill, desired by eastern Oregon ent cf the Oregon state penitentiary vert, one can drive on the left er. interests to combat cattle rustling, was provided in a bill introduced by was defeated in the house. The meas- Senator Moser. The superintendent iro would have provided that a vefl- would have authority to appoint a icr of livestock or hides would have warden and deputy warder. o furnish a vendee with a bill of sale, This bill is part of the adminlstra for each animal or hide. tlen program to place the various pris Construction of 100 mileB of the on industries on a profitable basis entrul Oregon highway, between M tmbers of the board of control said turns and Ontario, asked for in sen­ h‘ superintendent would act as ex ate concurrent resolution 5. was ap­ ecutive officer of the institution and proved by the house. would be held responsible for the A senate joint resolution providing management of the penitentiary indus­ for a constitutional amendment to tries. He also would have general raise the pay of legislators from $3 to supervision over the entire prison $10 a day, was adopted by the house, plant. The matter will be referred to the Salesmen Exempt as Peddlers people at the next election. The senate passed a road and high The house also adopted a senate way committee bill eliminating com joint resolution calling for the adop­ morcial salesmen from the operation tion of "Oregon, My Oregon.” as the of the so-called peddlers motor vehi official state song. cle license tax. lender this law com By indefinite postponement the sen­ mercial travelers were compelled tc ate killed the bill providing for old pay a motor vehicle license fee 50 per age pensions under a state commis­ ernt in excess of the license fee as sion administration. ' sessed against other vehicles. The senate postponed Indefinitely a The new bill In addition to repeal bill authorizing an appropriation of Ing the peddlers' license tax. fixes the $50.000 tor a woman's building at the last half of the year for securing mo­ old soldiers home. This bill was spon­ tor vehicle licenses as of June 1. Un sored by the Women’s Relief corps. der the present law the last half ol Motor Regulations Opposed the year begins July 1. The last halt Strenuous opposition to additional license fee under the new act would regulations affecting motor vehicle b< based on 60 per cent of the total I owners was voiced In the senate when Hi ense fee. I a bill providing for Inspection of tour­ Senator Railey has introduced a ist camp grounds was defeated. joint resolution referring to the voters Sixteen senators voted against a of the state a constitutional amend I bill to provide tor distribution of au­ ment making the provisions of the tomobile license plates by the sheriffs workmen’s compensation act compul of the various counties instead I of scry as affecting alt hazardous occu ' through a centralized office as I now potions. Under provisions of the pro I handled. posed amendment, all employers and The legislature of Washington bat employes engaged In hazardous occu­ QUALITY MERCHANDISE I refused to appoint a committee to . con- pations would be brought under the fer with a committee from the Oregon act without any opportunity tor elec­ legislature with relation to fishing tion or rejection. Answer« » f VERNONIA EAGLE to Last Questions Weeks sidy until the ob: ¿ruction is pass-1 ed, if he uses p oper care when i doing so. The Spring Song Garden Tools Hoes Rakes S Ferrys Seeds Mellinger Hdwe Cunners School To H. ar About Micro-orga .isms cause ordinary spoilage of Is but are not poisonous. De- 1’ microbes used in the man- e of different canning pro- also will be discussed. gistration for the short course which is arranged annually by the horticultural products section will be Monduy, February 7. th : fr A course in miero-orgnnii ns, of i i c; ¡ned products will be conduct­ ed by J. E. Simons, assistant professor of bacteriology, at the c.nnsr’s school, February 7 to 25, at tho coiloze. This course lasting three weeks will cover the underlying princi- Wooden & Hall will erect $30,- pics of bacteriology to enable those 000 store nnd office building at not already familiar with such Clatskanie. work to understand it. After the students become acquainted with New $51,400 schoolhouse com­ th? principles, a practical applica­ pleted nnd dedicated for use at tion of bacteriology to commer­ Garibaldi. cial canning will be made. Micro-organisms that cause in­ Rainier drainage district replaces fectious diseases and poison foods old gasoline drain pump with elec- studied, and also those tricity. l À .j ■ 5*4. J •V- «Mr, i Vernonia Trading Co s