VERNONIA EAGLE Thursday, February 10, 1927. For Saturday, Feb. 12, we will have on special sale cinnamon rolls (Snails) at 15c per dozen or 2 dozen for 25c. Also Parker House rolls at the same price. They never do last long so come early or phone your order. Vernonia Bakery—adv. G. C. Mellinger left Tuesday for Portland on a business trip. Mrs. Nona Imbeck was home over Saturday and Sunday from the The Study club will meet at the John Field home. Mrs. Field has home of Mrs. Green today. been seriously ill but is reported recovering. the Mrs. J. R. Covington is on sick list. When you start out to buy some­ thing it is human nature to want Mrs. James Morgan is on the sick the best that your money will list this week. buy—you will grant that to be a Game Warden Brown was here fact, won’t you? Well, does not that apply to a loaf of bread as on business Friday. well as anything else? You will get Sheriff Wellington was here from your money’s worth and more than St. Helens on business Friday. that, the best, if you ask for Moth- Mrs. H. E. Stevenson has been er’s Bread. Use Mother’s Bread always and insist that you get it. ill with a cold. adv. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sessman are Claude Scott was quite sick with visiting their son in Portland. flu and a bad cold but will soon Mias Bessie McDonald returned be able to be about again. from California, where she has Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Bert L. been attending school the past few Crowley, January 16, a boy. The months. lad’s name is Lloyd Gene. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Visnaw und Mrs. C. R. Twineham spent iti e son spent the week end in Port­ week end in Portland visiting her land. daughter and son, who reside there. Mrs. Elizebeth Adams of Port- Mr. Wagner of Portland and Mr. land is visiting her daughter ' Mrs. Dollie Anderson for a few days. Clark of Eugene are the new prop­ rietors of the Vernonia Billard par­ C. S. Hoffman was a Portland lor. They took possession the first business visitor Tuesday and Wed­ of the week. nesday. A square loaf for making sand­ Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Crow spent wiches is much better than any Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank other shape. Mother’s Bread in the Lange. sandwich size or Pullman loaf is square and what is more it will Ira Scott has been on the sick I retain it’s freshness longer than list with a touch of the flu re- any bread you can buy. It is equally cently. nice for the table and it makes Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Robins are wonderful toast. Insist that your building their new home. They ex- grocer send you Mother’s Bread on your order.—adv. pcct to move in this fall. z ftwvni' r**1 The algebra IV class, represent­ frame houses erected by themselves, Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tell« About Ala.ka while others live in skin houses. ed by boys is making very good Heenan of the O.-A. hill, February Dr. C. J. Wight visited the high 2, a boy. Mother and baby are re­ st.iool recently and gave an edu- The people do not mine g Id like progress in the work assigned by ported to be getting along as well ci tional and entertaining talk on they used to, as it is still there, Mr. Austin. because of the high price of grub­ as can be expected. A aska. He gave much information The seniors have finished “Henry stake. They are now turning to Will Smith and Clifford Cham- on the flora and fauna there and agriculture. Esmond” and are now doing the berlain are visiting relatives in also on the general geography and exercises in Sharps English exer­ geneology of that country. Portland. Junior Cla«« cises. been The junior program has Dr. Wight said there is a great Mrs. Webb is in the hospital in The seniors are very interested postponed until tomorrow. future for anyone who went there. I Portland recovering from an oper- in chemistry, although one of the He said in 20 years that will be from j Ida Turner was absent ation. u very valuable and productive school Monday and Tuesday of members of the class had a ser­ Emmet Williams of St. Helens country and that our children would last week on account of illness. ious explosion while performing an was a recent guest at the Dent surely benefit by what we did. Professor Wilkerson’s civics class experiment and was forced to wash home. He told about the industries, sal- has been studying court procedure, mon, fur and mining. How the which they declare very interest- his face with ammonia. We happen to have on hand at dogs, or huskies as they are called, ing. this time a few dozen of 100 pound THANKS ODD FELLOWS are the mainstay of the country. size flour sacks. They can be put The 'community Christmas tree The country is not suited for road Sophomore Class to many uses and they are worth or railroads and the only means We must have money in oruei committee wish to thank the Odd all that they cost, 10c each. Ver­ of transportation is by dog team, to get our annual this year, bo Fellows Lodge for their donation nonia Bakery—adv. although every town has many au- each class will give a play and of ten dollars, On acount of a A birthday party was held at tomobiles. the money will go towards the misunderstanding the amount had been credited to another organiza­ the home of Mrs. Dollie Anderson The natives on the Pacific coast annual. tion which, at that time, through Sunday for Helen Anderson who of Alaska are not Eskimos, but The sophomore class will soon an oversight, had failed to make reached the age of 10. Those pres­ Indians and they are as well edu- g ve a play called, “Sunshine.” payment. ent beside Helen and Jack Ander­ cared as the average white man. The English classes under Miss ‘ son were Gladys Garner, Mildred They are of small stature. The Total collected $248.00. stories writing Perce have been Garner, Joy Bush, Minyon Depue, natives on the Bering sea and Signed and the best one will be put In Bonnie Buffmire. Committee. Arctic ocean are Eskimos, very the annual. In a former issue of the paper Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Allen and large men. It : is commonly believ- The sophomores have written the total amount collected was son have moved here from Port­ ed that the Eskimos live in ice some nice stories and we hope we printed as $283 when it should huts. This is not so, acocrding to land recently. Mr. Allen has been hive a story in the annual. have been $238. here several weeks and is employed Dr. Wight. I Some live in wood as barber in the Vernonia Billard parlors. I When we say that our pastries are exceptional we mean just that and you will say that they are (as so many others have said) once you try them you will find a fresh supply daily and if we ever have goods on hand from the day before we tell you about it and price them to you accordingly. Can we be fair­ er with you than that?—Vernonia Bakery, adv. Sunday school is growing inter­ esting and more Bibles are brought to Sunday school. Sunday school opens at 9:45 followed by morning worship. The subject will be “Death In Christ” the public is invited. Christian Endeavor will meet at 7:30 Sunday evening, everybody jnvited to attend. and 10c postage, $1.06. Buy here Hoffman Hardware See Hoffman About it. It Pays. SHELL REMEMRER THAT TALENTINE RINE. A ring has always been a symbol of affection and love and you will find in our stock just at this time a beautiful assortment of rings in white gold mountings set in genuine and synthetic stones. The price range is low enough to suit the purse anyone. i ■ You will i>? hippy an.I be will be happy and the expense need not be great to bring about this result. Ever.' ring sold is placed in a handsenu ><>x bear :.e our name which means something utter years of confidence inspiring service. The late t in artistic mountings set with beautiful precious and semi-precious stones. A. L. Ku I lander Square Deal Jeweler QUALITY CONSIDEREDOUR IS PRICE LESS Always First With the New Peter Pan LOST—3 x6 truck tire and rim on Vernonia road between Pitts­ burg and Houlton. Reward, Leave at J. W. Alien’s office, St. Helens or phone 177. 252 PIANO MUST BE SOLD—Will sacrifice fine piano in storage near here for immediate sale. Will give easy terms to an established home. For full particulars and where it may I be seen, address Portland Music Co., 227-6th St. Portland, Oregon. 254 NASH CAR FOR SALE.—Inquire Frank Keith, Riverview grocery, tf. 60-GALLON oil barrels, suitable for garbage or rubbish cans for sale at Gilby Motor Co., $1 each. 244 2 ACRES on river road, 3 miles north of Vernonia, 2 room house, spring water; $300. A. L. Parker. 243* TAKEN UP—About January 1 1 Hereford heifer, white face and a white line over shoulder; one white ring around each hind leg and white spot on left front leg; I white spot on the end of I tail, Owner may have animal by pay- ing costs of advertising and board. W. M. Brown. 242* FOR RENT—Four room house modern, $20. G. E. Sale, 541 Fir St. 263* FOR SALE—Piano in storage; us- ed only six weeks, latest style, plain case, Baldwin make. Sweet tone and responsive action. Will sacrifice for immediate sale. $10.00 per month if desired. Write B. Hatfield Piano Broker, P. O. Box 543, Seattle. Wash. 262 Zephyr Prints Plain Colors Indian Head Domestic and Imported Voiles. 99 99 Guaranteed Fast Colors PRINTS—Members of the great “Cotton Print” family Prices 25c, 30c, 40c, and 50c. FANCY SILKS FANCY BUTTONS NEW DRESSES NEW SHOES A full line of NEW notions. FOR SALE—Overland six std. sedan practically new. Driven 5000 miles, A-l condition, 1927 model. Will sell for $250 and take up payments. For full particulars inquire at Eagle office. FOR SALE—Ford touring in good condition, good tires. Will sell for $150. cash. Can be seen at the Square Deal Garage, or inquire at Eagle office. Our price is 60c per yard. The same stores in Portland advertise the same goods at 65c per yard. Fancy Soiesette Prints Printed Voiles Crepes Flaxons Batistes — LOST—Black and tan hound with some white on chest. Finder please notify Geo. Boerner, Ver­ nonia; box 827; tel. 7F25. 242* GIVE HER A RING-MAKE HER HAPPY The leaders of style and quality Merchandise Reithner’s « FOR SALE—Nice bungalow, one block from the postoffice. Will take soldier’s bonus. Inquire P. O. box 222, Vernonia. 27tf FOR RENT—Furnished: One four room house. One small three room house. Apply at Cleveland house, corner Rose Avenue and Columbia street. 272’ Mail order catalogue price 96c Vernonia’s Progressive Store CHRISTIAN CHURCH I Cla»s»ified Advertisement ¡ Good Fiine Keepers. Guaranteed > r n o n i a’s S tore t hat leads in Style a The largest stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Shoes and Ladies Ready-to-Wenr in Vernonia. STORES AT «TORES AT CORVALLIS HILLSBORO M c M innville MONMOUTH NEWBERG SALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA EVERYTHING TO WEAR Vernonia’s Leading Store Our buyers are visiting Eastern markets, selecting spiing merchandise for their stores. Watch the new arrivals. Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Rayon Dresses Silk Crepe Dresses New Spring Coats New Spiing Hats Men’s Gordon Hats Star brand Shoes For Men and Boys Cloth Craft Suits For Young Men Ladies’ and Children’s Pumps and Oxfords Days Dress Trousers Better Shoes for less money at Miller’s Butterick Patterns Gordon Hau COMPLETE STOCK OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES *