» VERNONIA EAGLE « Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. T. W. LARA WAY | w ill prompt and impel us to let the world i F. 4 A. M., meets at Grange know. Cany the message to those who Physician and Surgeon .Hall every Second and j fhursday $2 per year in Advance 'seek new homes and field in which to Vernonia Oregon | work. The message needs no exaggera­ Fourth Thursday nights. K. A. McNeill, Secretary. iutered as Secund Class Matter, August 4, 1922 at the tion but it needs to be delivered. Visitors Welcome Basic conditions are essentially sound Post Office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 J. MASON DILLARD and with the strengthened credit the country is in a condition for a forward Chevrolet Light Delivery ATTORNEY-AT-LAW MARK E. MOE, Editor movement. There will unquestionably be in A-l condition. Suitable Next to Carkin Cleaning Works IJere Every Wednesday a great renewal of business activities in ¡for creamery, or hauling of DO YOU BELIEVE IN STEALING the coming months. With this removal we produce. Small down pay­ I. O.O.F.—V ernunia L odge , N o . 246, are entitled to our full share, nothing less, i SUGAR meets every Tuesday night at 8:00 DR. ELLA WIGHT We are so very much the creatures of ment, your own terms on DR. C. J. WIGHT o'clock, in Grange Hall We have all hearel the complaint voic­ our own will that the determination to balance. CHIROPRACTORS J. W. ROSE, N. G. Rheumatism, Neuritis, Stomach, ed that insurance companies delayed set­ make a better and greater Vernonia, ac­ Gilby Motor Co. M. L. GAINES, S;c. Liver and Intestinal Troubles tlement of fire losses in order to “beat” companied by real effort,- will assuredly Delayed Menstruation the insured on his claim. No more settle­ prove successful. Keep this ever uppermost in your mind. ment was ever made. In their effort to Vernonia Pott be fair and eliminate just such criticism, Your city is going to be just what you 119, American Le- LESTER SHEELEY gion. Meets second insurance companies generally make choose to make it. Attorney-at-Law and fourth Tues- speedy settlements. In many cases they i days each month, 8 Be WeU Vernonia IT WAS AN EYESORE ONCE have found themselves almost without p.m. H. E. Mc- Oregon Endocrine Glands are the source public support in claims where they felt Graw, Commander. of Prostate, Kidney, Bladder and Constipation troubles, caui- Lee Schwab, Adj. The hitching post has taken its place they were being imposed upon. ing High Blood Press ure, Rheumatism, Loss of Vitality. American _ Legion Auxiliary The public will close its eyes to rob­ with those other departed symbols of an DR. W. H. HURLEY My remarkable treatment re­ Meets first and third Mondays of energizes these glands, restoring bery of an insurance company through older civilization, the hansom cab, the each month at Legion hall, 7:3Q health and vitality. Send today DENTISTRY AND X-RAY for FREE descriptive book. . p.m. Visitors welcome. padded loss figuies, when it would hold cigar store wooden Indian, the watering Evenings by Appointment Mrs. II. E. McGraw, President. D r .H.Z .THARP. MJ), Office over Brown Furniture ■e Store. S its hands in honor if some poor devil trough and the livery stable. Those who sts Mrs. Earl Washburn, Secretary. PjtttvR. Bloch. ^Portland.,Ore. Vernonia Oregon stole a sack of sugar from a grocery store have lived to see the home town grow Neither offense should be countenanced from a village of the horse-age to a city Nehalem but why wink at the insurance robbery of the motor-age and those who have ï r 153, O. E. S. M. D. COLE Regular communi­ * Î nigiated from village to city will remer; Ä any more than the store robbery? cation first and Payment of excessive or unjustified in­ iei the old hitching post with its iron Brown Truck third Wednesdays DENTIST surance claims not only robs insu anci horsehead, or the hitching rail in front of each month. and Transfer companies, but it robs the general pub i the gene1 al store in front of which Old All visiting sisters Vernonia Oregon and brothers wel­ lie which must pay increased insurance Dobbin and the mare—impatient to start come. or home—had stamped deep hollows in rates to make up such losses. c* o a ‘i/t? i F^ssie lapp, W. M. Local and Long Dist­ The desire of insurance companies t; the earth, which formed mudholes a great- MARK fvcdv LVLKi UKAVCi Leona McGraw, Secretary. hold down excessive loss claims shouk ,-r part of the year. Memorials in Granite and Marble ance Hauling. Yes, now that the hitching post is pass- have public support. The National Board At Reduced Prices '-------------------------------------- of Fire Underwriters has already lister ng into absolescense and extinction there WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ' some 1200 experienced loss adjusters tc is sentiment and romance attached to it VERNONIA GRANGE recommend to companies to considei and remembrance of its lowly state be­ Icc and Cold Storage ■ • MRS. M. N. LEWIS & CO. The Vernonia Grange meet«