190122 THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1927 VERNONIA EAGLE 1 New England Atmosphere With 1926 Improvements eacjt grain swells and becomes sep­ arate. ____________ Milk Stains. In removing milk stains use cold or lukewarm water first, sponging carefully if the garment cannot be laundered. This removes the pro­ tein, which hot water coagulates and sets. Afterwards follow with hot water and soap on washable materials, or with chloroform, gas­ oline, carbon tetrachloride or some other grease solvent if laundering would injure the fabric. Tarnish. Tarnish on silver can be remov- ed Ly the electrolytic method. Var­ ious commercial devices for this can be bought for use at home, or it can be done in the following way: Fill an enameled or agate- wear kettle prtly full of water in which has been dissolved one tea- spoon of either washing soda or baking soda and one teaspoon of salt to each quart of water, heat this solution to the boiling point, put in strips of aluminum or bright add the tarnished silver and it. The silver must be cov- completely by the water an.l piece must be in contact with aluminum or zinc, either di­ rectly or through other silver. When the tarnish has disappeared, the silver should be removed from the kettle, washed and dried with a clean, soft cloth. NY one who has over motored through the quaint sleepy towns of New England has fallen in love with the small houses that abound in that section of the country—i eat, white, unpreten ¡ritiT no«, pi n st tious and with a touch of reserve abou' • CIIVI4G Hl'GHT them. Just such a house Is the one pictured here. It Is equally adaptable „ ,, > for town or country, and by merely shift Ing the living and entrance porches around can be built on a wide or nar row lot without spoiling it architecturally. The house is sturdily built and has an exterior of wood siding except for the unusual stuc co panels that start at the level of the second floor win dows. The roof Is of stained shingles, pref­ erably moss green, in keeping with the window shutters. A house of this com­ pact style Is very easy to heat, especially when the specifications call for Insulation throughout with celotex, which prevents heat leakage, and keeps the house cool in the summer. The living and dining rooms are here combined into one large room flooded with light by windows on three sides. The two bedrooms On the second floor each have double exposure and an extra large closet 3ÍCOND FLO02.PLAN At CriLIMC Ktla-C .-o' In which a window may be placed. LIVING G DINING EDOM K.’-*’» lâ-O' THE LEGION "BULL” Important. Now that our officers for. the year have been installed, new rules and regulations naturally come about, along with Commander Mc- Graw, etc. Read admittance rules carefully. They are thusly: Leave home in good time to be there early and when within 10 feet of the Le­ gion hall door approach it cautious­ ly and give four raps with the toe of the shoe, The sergeant-at-arms will bellow “Deo sa yaga.” (That means, “Who goes there.”) You will answer, “La Siba soba do yo.” If in return he sticks his head out of the door and yells “Hodde dom- me heatro” before you can kick him in the shins you will jump off the porch, run back up the steps as fast as you can and then be admitted. Above all be quick, After getting in you are safe. CRAWFORD MOTOR CO. Lincoln — FORD — Fordson We can now SELL FORDS % DOWN PAYMENT BALANCE 12 EQUAL PAYMENTS GENUINE FORD 13 Plate Batteries $15 BATTERY SERVICE Phone 612 .A >■' Once upon a time there was Scotchman found very much ex­ hausted in front of a weight pull­ ing machine. When he was at last revived and asked how he put himself into such an exhausted con­ dition he could but point to a sign above the machine which read, “Pull hard enough and you get your penny back.” PORTLAND - VERNONIA I ©, Celotechnic Institute, Chicago, 1926. “Inaide Information” Plain Work Do you plan your day’s work, allotting a certain amount of time to each task? Try it. always aim­ ing to shorten ths time spent on routine activities so to gain more l'or f.le;..sant occupations. Best Ree. Boil rice in a large quantity of water until tender, then pour it into a colander or sieve to drain, Cover with a clean cloth and put it in a warm oven or over a ves- As it steams of hot water. A newspaper item the other day read that a senator in a speech to be put in the Congressional Hee- ord, stated that $70,000,000 appro- priated to the veterans bureau to carry out their work, ws recently INSURED CARRIER returned to the treasury, while thousands of disabled veterans w vi'O Vernonia Office dependent upon their relatives and the Brazing Works on Rose others because they have become discouraged and sickened at the Avenue. long procedure in fighting their claims. According to the attitudes Phone MAin 343 of the employes of the bureau it might be a good idea to raise their Portland Office pay with some of that money. It A.uto Freight Terminal seems as though they all get a chance to talk to a fellow as they E. Water and Yamhill Streets EAst 8226 Office No. 11 pass the buck to one another so you can make the rounds. It gives DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR them prestige too. The man who Truck Line knew» that his tircs are giving gu- per'or One of our comrades after turning from Portland the other day made this remark: “It used to be courtesy to let,a girl get on a street car first. Now it’s a treat.” We have been asked so many times for an x-ray picture of the mind of our distinguished Com- Carkin. Comrade Carkin car- ries so many degrees after hi.-, name that there is not an envelop made that will give enough space for them. The x-ray is printed be­ low. VERY thoughtful citizen of this com- ’ munity is interested in its develop­ ment and progress. There’s no question about that! We all want our children to enjoy better homes, better schools, better parks — more agreeable surroundings and greater comforts. We all want our town to keep step with its neighbors, to take the lead in civic affairs. So there is only one sound plan for us to follow: We must work together to increase the wealth of this community by doing every­ thing we can to encourage local business. When you and your family patronize our advertisers — the stores and banks of our town — and keep your money in circulation right here at home, there is no power on earth that can prevent our progress. Read the Ads in this Paper and save yourself money by trading at home « Pasteurizing. Milk and cream for ordinary or milk for babies may be cessfully pasteurized at home, process is not difficult and quires only simple equipment, mer’s Bulletin 1359 entitled “Milk and Its Uses in the Home” gives a full description of the method and equipment. service grealer comfort and mileage and with safety—that get: in? the most for his mon- Come in ; let us prove to you what it means to use Firestones and to have at your disposal the type The post is sponsoring a picture to be shown at the Majestic the­ atre Tuesday. “The Unknown Sil- dicr,” January 11. Adjutant Schwab will let us know all about it soon. His special press dispatches will circle the entire country. Adjutant’s son goin# down town with his mother »nd spying pop bottle in window: “Mania, I want that bottle.” Adjutant’s wife: “Hush, just like your father, always wanted a ses Firestone Tires of service which we provide. From Paymaster To SAVINGS Do you make the trip each payday from pay­ master to savings? It is a journey that will bring its own reward, for it leads to financial independ­ ence later in life, when your productive days are over. Bank of Vernonia VERNONIA. OREGON Smiling Service V. henever and wherever you may be and need service on your car—Phone 922, and your request for aid will be answered by smiiir.g assurance of early attention to your car. OUR REPUTATION FOR REPAIR WORK IS A BY-WORD IN VERNONIA. Earles Repair