Widely Quoted Weekly Mac Says: .. j “MAC ” ......... j Didn’t say this week, . as he was out of • ; - I 'town, but Mac’s Pharmacy offers an. ad in their window displays, that is worth noticing, read his Eagle ad each week for new ideas. PIEHCf MEN TRAVEL. Al STATE’S EXPENSE NOT LIKED BY TAXPAYERS Nearly* All of Statehouse Crowd Discover They Are Needed at Distant Gatherings. BY JOHN W. KELLY. So little confidence have member! of Governor Pierce’s official familv that he will be re-elected that they apparently have decided to have a good time in the short tenure of office remaining, or make their jeace with the republicans, in viev of I. L. Patterson’s practically cer­ tain election as chief executive. Operating, it would seem, on the policy of “a short life and a merry one,” various officials are indulging themselves with transcontinental trips at the expense of the taxpay­ ers and with the approval of the governor. In all instances, of course, these, junketings have the color of official business,” and na tional conventions have proved an excuse for them. It was not so long ago that Governor Pierce expresse 1 his disapproval of' officials running around over the country at state ex­ pense, but conditions have changer. As practically all of the Pierce ap pointées will be affected by an in coming republican administration, “the boys’” who cannot expect re­ tention are scooting around tn.' na tion, traveling first class. Lt won t last long, and it may be they wan it to be good while it does last. Governor Sets Example. ' Of course, members of the offi cial family have an excellent exam pie in their chief, for Governor Pierce has been absent from his of flee more than any other governor. His appearances at the statehous are like angels’ visits; few and far between. He has hurried hither and yon, speaking at lodge meetings, at churches and the like, and for these excursions he files an expense ac­ count, contending that they are per­ formed on state business. July Fourth the governor was a Tacoma. He is now en route fo Wyoming, to attend the conferenc< of governors at Cheyeen. R. R. Turner, recently appointed state superintendent of public in­ struction, left within a week after his appointment for Philadelphia where he attended the National Ed­ ucational association convention. He has returned, but is now in south ern Oregon. While absent he visited his old home in Virginia. Turner was the democratic nominee for state superintendent, and the gover nor turned the office over to hint when J. H. Churchill resigend. Secretary Visit« Capital. • » . W. A. Delzell, private secretary io the governor, has been on a trip to Philadelphia and Washington. At the sesqui-centennial celebration he represented the state. The home­ ward trip was punctured by stops to visit relatives in Oklahoma and other states. W. A. Dalziel, deputy sealer of weights and measures under C. F. Spence, state market agent re­ turned recently from Washington where he attended a meeting of sealer and weights officials. Mr. Dalziel. like Mr. Spence, his superio officer, is an ardent supporter o Governor PieVce. Will Moore, state insurance com missioner, also made the grand east ern tour a few weeks ago to discuss insurance matters. Will A. Mullen, deputy real estât * commissioner under Will Moore left Tuesday for New York, Boston. Philadelphia, Washington, New Or­ leans and Los Angeles. His mis- sion is. ostensibly, to gather data fût amending OrfefOn’s real estate VERNONIA T——... 111 ■' EAGLE « ,*?j------------------------------ code at the 1927 session of the legis­ and to secure sound marketing ADDITIONAL methods in an orderly and business lature. LOCALS j like manner, the state market in Elkin« Take« Trip East- | Picked Up About Town | spector devotes his time and energies Dillard A. Elkins, industrial acci­ ------------------------------ -------------- to maintaining his political follow-; dent commissioner, is in the east at Dr. Ella Wight has returned ing, and advancing propaganda for, present attending a compensation from a trip to Seattle and Tacoma, unsound and theoretical measures convention at Washington, D. C. Wash., combining both business Mr. Elkins will meet his wife, now of legislation. and pleasure. Instead of devising workable' visiting relatives in Philadelphia, --------- ♦--------- and they will return to Salem to­ plans for selling farm products by! F. A. Elliott, state forester for gether. which profits would result, Mr. i W. A. Marshall, also an industrial Spence would have producers be j Oregon, Porter King, state inspec­ accident commissioner, is on his way lieve that it does not pay to growj tor, Mr. Peters, connected with the "back to Oregon from attending the fruits and vegetable*.. The town coni forestry service in Washington, D. same convention as his colleague, sumer will hardly agree with this' C. and Mr. McDaniels, of Portland federal service of the forestry pa­ Commissioner Elkins. contention. trol, were in Vernonia Wednesday Other democratic officials are Quoting from the latest bulletin browsing around on shorter junket! issued by Mr. Spence, the Guard afternoon, conferring with Fire Wardon P. A. Dixon on fire matters within the state. prints this paragraph: Costs of these journeys is being “During the month of May there Practically all of the business -.non defrayed out of the pockets of the were 106 fewer carloads of fruits taxpayers. The wanderlust has be­ and vegetables unloaded in Portland were taking in Buyers Week in the come epidemic among the Pierce than for the same month of last state’s metropolis this week. —♦---------- cohorts. Gossip says that some of y^ar, and this in the face of a re­ those making these junkets are markable growing season and an The first airplane restaurant keeping an eye open for new con­ early spring this yea». State Market serves meals in the air between Paris nections while away from Oregon. Agent Spence attributes this reduc­ and London. Eight states received 75 per cent Officials of lesser prominence, but tion largely to the fact that grow­ whose tenure of office is dependent ers get so small profit returns from of the immigrants arriving in the States in the nine-mor.th on the favor of the administration, fruits and mixed vegetables that it United period ending March 31. The states are throwing out feelers to see if does not pay them for the work in- they can hold their jobs if they volved.” desert Governor Pierce and support If growers are getting insuffie- Mr. Patterson, republican nominee ient returns, why does not Mr. for governor. Spence, in his capacity as market To sum up, the Pierce macl.ine agent, try to evolve some system of is shot to pieces and the governor curing the ills of which he complains realizes that his proteges are not , discouraging and creating discontent putting their hearts into his cam­ among the farmers who are taxed paign.—Oregonian. to support the administration of his --------- ♦--------- expensive official activities? Such leadership can only deflect farm sup V MOVIE NEWS AND port and diminish the following.Mr. COMMENT OF LOCAL Spence works so studiously to main A thorough cultural and professional scholar­ tain. FEATURES ship is the outstanding characteristic of the This is an era of cooperative mar State University. ------------------------ --------------------- 4» keting; its failures merely show what Training it offered tn. Who is it that don’t appreciate a not to do, and experience is turning 22 departments of the College of good laugh. Mr. Bush says he has experiment into applied science of; Literature, Science and the Arts. many big laughs and screams in orderly and systematic selling. I store for all this Saturday night. Architecture and Allied Art^— To witness a state market offic­ The big box of fun opens at 7:151 ! ial, in a bulletin printed at state ex­ Business Administration — Educa­ tion—Journalism—Graduate Study Saturday night when Buster Keaton; pense, counseling ‘ growers of fru’t —Law—Medicine—Music—Physi­ turns loose in the picture “Go West J and vegetables not to grow such cal Education—Sociology. — Social The g-r-e-a-t train robbery, the cat! crops, and announcing that it does Work — Extension Division. tie stampede, the wide open spaces not pay for their work, is confession where cows are cows—they’re all I 51st Year Opens September 27, 1926 or imebcility in a job that would be here—everyone of them—with Bus, better filled by a man of more For information or catalogue Write ter, the tenderest tenderfoot you ability than is apparent in the in The Regietrar, UnWertitÿ of OregoA, Eugene, Ore. ever saw, and his fascinating cow, I curabent.—Morning Enterprise. Brown Eyes, in the most hilarious --------- +--------- comedy ever made. See it! *..................................................................................................................... .. ......... For the coming Sunday night will be “Reckless Romance.” Love, thrills loads of laughter. The New York stage success, “What’e Your Wife Doing?” “Christie-llized” into fire reels of pure fun. With a big com­ On Fifteen Per Cent Bonds edy cast including T. Roy Barnes, Wanda Hawley, Harry Myers Tully Mrs. Norris beamed as she greeted Marshall, Sylvia Breamer and Jack Aunt Emmy and exclaimed. "Now t Duffy. | know all my financial worries are over! I wanted to tell you right away Next Monday night is Buvk Jones "What have you bought this time?” in “A Man Four Square.” which deals with a westerner who goes to Aunt Emmy demanded suspiciously. “Well, I haven’t paid the money over Chicago for a whirl at life. But af­ yet, but I have found the lovelies, ; ter experience synthetic gayety and investment where my money will be artificial friends, he realizes that his perfectly sate and will earn a nice heart is really in the West where income for me right away,” xMrs. his true friends are. He returns to1 Norris said "I’m going to buy bonds, the West just in time to help a fried good safe bonds, that will pay me who is ifi trouble and also breaks up' fifteen per cent interest—’’ “Wait a minute, you'll have to go a gang of cattle rustlers who are op some. Maud Norris, to tell me about erating in the country. He makes a ‘good safe bonds' that pay fifteen per spectacular rescue of the girl withI cent!” Aunt Emmy broke In. whom he later falls ip love. This “They are safe,—the man said so picture gives Jones an opportunity and this booklet says so too!” "Do you know what a bond Is?” to show the West as it really is. asked Aunt Emmy. “No, but it’s awfully safe. I’m sure Next Tuesday and Wednesdayl of that,” Mrs. Norris said "Every- nights the big picture “Braveheart.’ i body knows that bonds are safe—” An Indian! Was his honor worth a I “My dear, some bonds are sate and single thought? Yet he nobly sacri­ some are not. When you buy a bond ficed it to save the girl he loved, you simply lend your money to the from bitter shame and humiliation. company putting out the bonds Bond A photoplay of wigwam and campus issues are secured generally by the life that will linger long in the mem' company mortgaging or pledging ory—a big dramatic theme develop-; some ot Its property. In other words, ft offers a certain asset as security ed with masterly skill—a love story , that it will return your money to you of tremendous force—a screen pres-, on the date ths bond matures. It entation of primitive passion vibrant agrees to pay you a certain sum each with thrills. year for the use of your money, usu­ ally something between five and eight For next Thursday and Fridayi per cent. No company can afford to nights you can see Jackie Coogan in pay too much for Its money—and as “Old Clothes.” The kid himself ! to fifteen per eent bonds—why it Here’s Jackie Coogan, who rose would be very unusual for a company to be able to earn enough to enable from rags to riches, back again with It to pay fifteen per cent for the the sidewalks of New York as his' privilege of using other peoples only home, a fire plug as a head rest, money,—moreover, if it Is good and the curb to park his feet- But enough to borrow money at all it can watch him step—big shoes and all! borrow It more ch-- ply than that!” “Oh dear!” wail“d Mrs. Norris, You’ll laugh as never before at the “ then a bond isn’t a good safe invwt- uproarious adventures of the most —” lovable waif in pictures. Wait til) ment “Don’t jump at conclusions so tast!" you see him as best man at the fun­ said Aunt Emmy “I did not say that. niest wedding that ever hapnened. A bond is as safe as a church if the Here’s the great successor to “The company that issues It is financially sound, has a high credit rating and is Rag Man.” making money Before yon buy bonds assure your: if that the company be­ THE EXPENSIVE SPENCE hind them is above reproach.” "But the man who told me about State Market Agent Spence is these fifteen per cent bcrul- was so positively negative, according to ea i—I felt sure I coqld beliess the Eugene Daily Guard. Editor him ,t turn over any money to him Krlty declares one of the reasons, why Governor Pierce ought to be until . you have some advice on the defeated next November is elim­ bonds from year bank,” admonished If you find out ination of Spence and his unsound; Aunt Emmy “Then. questionable yoa policies from Oregon official life. that the bonds bad Intestnb’iit.” will escape ar t The Eugene newspaper expects that —A. R Ayeics as a natural result of a change of adminisjration. The number of persons on cily.l Instead of aiding farmers to find county, state and nation pay rolls I profitable markets for their products has increased 60 per cent in the last, twelve years. Bet Weekly Ad Medtat in the order of the number received were: New York, Michigan, Massa­ chusetts, Texas, Illinois, California, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The world’s death rate is estima­ ted at 68 a minute, 97,920 a day, and 35,740,800 a year. The Peruvian congress has passed a law making it mandatory that shower baths be installed in all pub­ lic school building in Peru. American typewriters supply 70 per cent of the demand in Argen- tina. t T here is no S aturation P oint for H onest V alue During the first six months of this year, for instance, Dodge Brothers sold 207,115 motor cars and trucks. This represents a gain of 49.3 per cent over the first sixmonths of 1925, and continues Dodge Brothers in the enviable position of THIRD IN THE INDUSTRY. For the three weeks ending July 17th, 23,862 motor cars and trucks were delivered to customers—an increase of 62.4 per cent over the same period last year, and impressive evidence that Dodge Brothers great sales gain is continuing through the quiet weeks of mid-summer. There may be a saturation point for mediocrity, but honest value will al- ways command a great and ever expanding market CADY MOTOR CO. Hilliboro, Oregon RESIDENT SALESMEN Vernonia Brazing & Machine Work« Vernonia, Oregon ÜOD6B B rdthcíis MOTOR. CARS — 1 ' ..... ..............—-zzrzzzzz: A Splendid Showing for Cities of the VERNONIA SIZE THE GORDON FURNITURE STORE, DOWN WEST OF THE BANK NOW HAS IN STOCK THAT FAMOUS ST. CLAIR RAINOE No better ranges or stoves to be had—come in and see ’em. We want you to see our new overstuffed Davenport and get the price we are now making on it. All new. Porch Chairs, New Bed Steads, Dining tables, Springs, large and complete of brand new Congoleum just arrived You have a surprise awaiting you at Gordons. I REMEMBER WE BUY ANYTHING IN USED FURNITURE. GORDON FURNITURE COMPANY GET IT FOR LESS WEST OF BANK ON BRIDGE STREET ‘ - ' M-= ' ....... ....... Fall Millinery Just Received! I Early shipments of early Fall Hats and Millinery just arrived Opening days this SATURDAY and MONDAY Advance showing. Ladies will be interested in these advance showings it I V. hi A o ff r> 8 a .t Build a product that the world needs, better than the world expects, and mounting sales will answer those who are constantly predicting a sat­ urated market. ------------- I !: Model Millinery” Mrs. Hnndiey ‘In building with the Gordon F m turc Co.) r t >