VERNONIA r Uhi ng and Hunting ! Home News Notes Judge and Mrs. Reasoner took in in the Fourth attractions at Hills­ On account of celebrating the 4th boro. on Monday, July Sth. Dr. LuzaderI has postponed his regular visit to The C. S. Hoffman family took Vernonia one week, to Monday and Tuesday, July 12 and 13. Please tell the Mt. Hood loop drive on the your friends or those needing opti­ Fourth. cal service of this change in date. --------- ♦--------- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nance were in —A good loud speaker, $10. Fenner Portlan ((attending a ball game on Kenneth Whitzel and Dudley the Fourth. Spencer were in Hillsboro Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kemper were The W. L. Smith family have among the Monday visitors in Hills­ moved to Corvallis. boro. DR LUZADER’S CHANGE OF DATE Harry O’Dell was a recent visitor; Mrs. Vernie Chamberlain and at the home of Mrs. Sarah Spencer. sons are spending the summer with her brother, Emery Sheeley. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Throop andj family spent the Fourth in Seaside A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. — Clyde Wooley fell and injured her Mr. and Mrs. John Krinick visited, collar bone Tuesday morning. over the Fourth in Hillsboro. Claude Chamberlain of Portland Postmaster Messing spent the iirst is spending his vacation with his of the week in Portland. family on the Sheeely ranch. H, E. McGraw and family were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed and at Rockaway the first of the week. enildren picniced on the river Sun­ Browns, Asplins and Smiths cele­ day. brated in Hillsboro. Cecil Urie is laid up with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark were ini bruised arms and a lame back re­ ceived from a fall while working. Hood River over the Fourth. —Time to screen up with window Mr. and Mrs. Emmott Crow have and door screen. We make them to as their guest for the week, Miss fit. Vernonia Woodworking Co. 4822 Lucy Crow, of Eugene, W. C. Graven of Norfolk, Neb., Mrs. Merriman Rubens of St. Hel-I is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ens is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Harry Wilson at Millview. W W. Graven and family. Mr. Baker, proprietor of the Old Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Graven and family made a trip to Seaside Fri­ Mill pool hall, was taken to Portland! Tuesday, suffering from pneumonia. day returning Sunday evening. -------- J. G. Raines was taken to a Port­ Miss Macile Roberts left last Thursday for Idaho, to make her land hospital Wednesday, suffering from a paralytic stroke. home with her mother. M O. Daoust and L. L. Graven have Mrs. Oral Faulhuer of Portland spent the Fourth with her mother. signed a contract with Mrs. W. A. Harris and have started construction Mrs. Sarah Spencer in Vernonia. on three new houses in St. Helens. R. I. Spencer spent the Fourth "Bill” Armstrong of the Vernon­ visiting his sister, Mrs. O. B. Malm- ia Realty company, celebrated the sten in Seaside. Fourth some place, but didn't say I Councilman Ray Emmott and fami where he was going. ly visited Hillsboro Sunday and Monday. Harry Keasey and sister. Miss Julia Keasey of Roseburg, have been Mr. and Mrs. M. Murray and visiting at the R. Sesseman home children spent last Sunday and Mon­ this week. day at Seaside and Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark and Mr. and Mrs .Charles D. White children of Bend, visited last week! Mrs.! and boys were at the beaches over with Mr. and Mrs. Kellar. Clark is a half-sister to Mr. Kellar |be Fourth. X-!..‘„. Municipal Water System as— Miss Thelma Olsen and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phelps have Harold, were Corvallis visitors at leased the building and purchau-d the home of their parents over Sun­ the furnishings and business of the Vernonia hotel. The Vernonia hr tel day. is one of our pioneer hotels doing a good business. Harry Strong spent Sunday and Monday in Corvallis. Mrs. Strong Among the candidates at the Citi­ returning with him after visiting in zens Military training camp, who ti at city for some time. have been designated “honor candi­ dates” for the week ending July 3. Mr. and Mrs. Salt, Mr. and Mrs. appears that of Clarence Wardle of i_. J. Nance and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernonia. This diatin'tion denotes Jack Nance and Mr. and Mrs. excellence in performance of duties Adams spent Sunday in Clatskanie. and deportment. Mrs. Dolly Anderson and children Mrs. C. H. Mills of Joplin, Mo., has attended a family re-union at the been visiting her sister, Mrs. M. J. home of her aunt in Scappoose Sun­ John here this week. Last week Mrs. day with 38 relatives in attendance. Mills and Mrs. John attended a re­ union at their oldest sister’s in Al­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Emmott, Mr. bion, Wash. All five sisters, Mrs. T. and Mrs. George Ogg and Mr. and M. Farnsworth of Albion, Wash.; Mrs. A. L. King of Hillsboro, spent Mrs. A. L. Mills and Mrs. C. H. Mills Monday at Tafts. of Joplin, Mo.; Mrs. M. J. John of Vernonia, Or., and Mrs. H. A. Wol­ Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Johns and fer of Canby, Or., were again to­ family, Gene Purney, Lum and gether. Bertha Brown spent Sunday and Monday at Tafts. Mr. and Mrs. John Spear of Seattle, spent the Fourth at the C. Mi .and Mrs. Frank Long and Myers home, in Vernonia. Miss Mae baby, accompanied by some friends Myers and Mrs. Spear graduated from Bellingham, Wash., spent from the University of Washington Monday near Astoria on a picnic. in the same class. Harry Burtrah received a piece The large new 22 passenger stage of steel in one of his eyes Saturday recently put on the Vernonia run by night. A doctor removed the steel Mr. Hixon, as reported last week, is ind bandagd the eye. attracting much attention and ad­ miration. Last Saturday Mr. Hixon Clarence Wardell, Harold Olsen had a picture taken of the big coach and Thor Roberts were home for a loaded with Vernonia business men. two day leave from the citizens It is quite an ad for Vernonia. nd'itary training camp at Vancouver Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Richardson spent the Fourth holidays at Sea­ Mr. Tisdale, Mr. and Mrs. Wash­ side and Portland. They were ac­ burn and Mrs. Dolly Anderson, Mr. companied by Mrs. Richardson’s and Mrs. H. G. Roberts, Mr. Brown parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hah of and Mr. Holmes picniced at Keasey Elgin, Or. Monday. A. S. Moyer of Skaggs store Loel Heber and Harold Shipley spent Sunday and Monday in Port­ were in the Hillsboro crowd. land. Ed Holtham was in Portland Fri­ Mr. and Mrs. H. Mosman, Mr. and day. Mr. Mecklem ar.d Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wm. Keller was a Portland visi­ Shipman spent Sunday in Clatskanie tor Thursday of last week. O. F. Burke and family are tak­ Mrs. Ryan has moved her hem­ About a hundred from Vernonia ing a trip and visiting in different stitching and novelty store to her parts of the state. home for the summer months. Three were in Clatskani# Sunday. doors north of the postoffice. The high school class of the Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Jolly and Miss L. G. Davis and family returned Berry are visiting in eastern Oregon Christian church enjoyed a picnic at Pringle’s Grove Monday. this week from a trip through east-: ern Oregon and eastern Washington ' Warren Gooding spent Monday in Mrs. F. E. Visnaw returned this but didn’t see any country looking1 Hillsboro. week, after a visit with relatives in better than the Vernonia country. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hixon and' Lewiston, Idaho. This week we have, with pleasure family spent Sunday in Clatskanie.' Mrs. Dr. Hurley enjoyed a visit marked Eagle subscriptions ahead a year for Mrs. Jno. Krinick, Vernonia C. H. Elliott and family are mov­ from her sister of Tacoma over the Hotel, C. F. Heiber, J. L. Timmons, week end. ing to Shelton, Washington. Jno. Imbeck, Mrs. Ester Coulter, D. ' McDonald of the Columbia Hotel. Dr. and Mrs. Hurley spent "the H. O. Dissmore has purchased the Mr. and Mrs. Riley Kauffman of C. H. Elliott residence on Weed Ave. Fourth at Vancouver, Wash., visit­ Los Angeles,, California, are spend­ ing the doctor’s parents. ing their two weeks vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Sensbaugh are spend Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander and Mrs. Kauffman’s parents, Mr. and Ing their vacation at Oympia, Wash Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick spent Mrs. Judson Weed. B. C. Mills spent Monday in Hills­ the Fourth at Rockaway. Mrs. Edith Deerberry of Portland boro. Mr. Evan Raines of Portland was and brother, Dave Earley of Tigart Mr. and Mrs. Wess Shipley spent out to visit his father, J. G. Raines, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. w ho is ill. Sesseman, visited at the Dent home Monday in Hillsboro. Thun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Culver were among Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McNeill spent the Hillsboro visitors Sunday and the week end in Portland. Monday. A. McDonald of Clatskanie spent Mr. and Mrs. Allen and daughter the week end in town. of McMinnville, spent Sunday and Mrs. A. Lester is visiting friends Monday at Tafts. in Seattle this week. T. A. Gordon and sister, Mrs Mr. and Mrs. H. Bergman were Handley spent Sunday and Monday in Portland and Vancouver. visitors at Cannon beach Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bush and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Brady were week end visitors at Cannon Beach. family are spending a few days at Bend on a fishing trip. —Radio batteries re-charged, A or B., 76c. Fenner 484 Mr. and Mrs. A. L. King of Hills­ boro were recent visitors at the Mr. Harvey W. Swalwell is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Emmott. new butcher at Skaggs store. —Time to screen up with window Mrs. Gillchrest visited this week and door screen. We make them to with relatives in Bellingham, Wash. fit. Vernonia Woodworking Co. 4822 EAGLE ------ •• •— —r— - - -CX -T—■ DHNVBR OMAHA....................... KANSAS CITY ... < Ü3 MOINKS......... ST.LOUIS. ..r«.... CHICAGO.................. DETROIT.................. CINCINNATI .... CL : VELANO.... TORONTO................ ATLANTA .............. SI< URO........... W. SH1NQTON PHILADELPHIA LEW YORK........... bCCTON.................... Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Powell and children spent the 3rd, 4th and 5th in Tillamook, Garibaldi, Barview and Rockaway, returning home by the way of Seaside. They had a wonderful time at Rockaway beach but the Seaside coast was too crowded with people, not even enough room to park a car. Portland and from there go to’ Miss Shipley has mounted to her Seattle and to Victoria B. C., where present position by hard work and they said on the S. S. Niagara for her efforts have placed her as the Honolulu. I leading lady. Let us all, regardless of who’s Major L. M. Shipley and wife, ac­ who and regardless of committee ap­ pointments, work together for ’Ver­ companied with their grandson, L. nonia Day” celebration all day and D. Shipley, motored up from Wins­ night. Let the entire town copoerate low, Arizona, to Redding, Cal., to make it a success. Let all in­ where they were met by their eldest dividuals and orders back it, boost it, support it,. Let’s have Bridge daughter, Medell, who accompanied street busy with sports, stands, eats, them to Portland, meeting another They flags, dancing at night, etc. Let’s daughter, “Bobbie” Shipley. have sports, basket dinners, stands all motored out to Vernonia to and speaking at the park. Vernon­ Vernonia to meet again with their ia can do it. host of friends that formerly lived in Arizona, but now located here. Miss Lorena “Bobbie” Shipley ar­ Major Shipley is chief dispatcher at rived in Vernonia last Wednesday,' Winslow for the Santa Fe railroad coming from Calgary, Canada, where' with which road he has been con­ she had just ended a six months sea-' nected for many years. son with an opera troupe, she being Blind beggars of Hull, England, the leading lady. “Bobbie” is known are given twenty-five shilling a week in the theatrical world as Norma on condition that they stay off the Dean. After a short vacation she streets. Free tram rides are pro vided blind and aged pensioners. will join her troupe at Butte, Mont., and may play in Portand this winter, Try an Eagel Want Ad. HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO ’ < Jelley Glasses FULL SIZE GLASS WITH TOPS, dozen SQUAT PATTERN JELL GLASSES 1 dozen in a package Clean and Sanitary.............................. FRUIT JAR FUNNELS BIG LINE OF PRESERVING KETTLES LOW AS gc each to $1 .00 FOR LARGE WHITE ENAMEL See HOFFMAN about it ------ IT PAYS STORES AT K ? \ NEWBERG ALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA CORVALLIS HILLSBORO McMINNEVILLF MONMOUTH J Saturday Specials \ Ladies Ready=to=Wear \ Department \ 25% DISCOUNT 25% ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES -i- eifect to Septe. u-erlS jBr Rc turn limit Octtier JI ,1926 ft, I COATS, DRESSES AND HATS. NOTHING RESERVED r ALL NEW MERCHANDISE THE FAST INVITES YOU and the Union Pacific makes your journey ecnn< irical by low round-trip excursi n fares to all important points in the East» Middle West and South. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY AT MILLER’S LIHBRAL ITOMVB1 PRIVICEGK* enable you to visit the big eastern cities or Aruvrica'i greatest ’u nder« lands • I $1.25 Men’s Bib or Waist Overalls ... 2 pair 35c Men’s Sox, reg. 25c values. .2 pair ... $1.25 35c all reached via the scenic and * .