VERNONIA EAGLE Large»t Mill in the Wot To tear each other’s eyes.” If we could ~ead the records that lie deep in the brains of most of the poor women who are in our in sa n e hospitals, we would find worry as Clifford Peters was awarded the the chief cause of most of their mis­ contract for the grading of the cam­ fortunes. pus grounds of the new Union high Worry and anger seem to be little school in Rainier. It is est;mated things. We laugh when a little child that 10,370 yards of earth will have gets angry. It seems a trifle. But it to be moved. is not. It is the breaking point of the little mind. Lida Bussian, 36, unmarried, was No one in your communiy has been adjudged insane at a hearing held ■by Judge Phillip last week and was eaten by tigers, trampled by ele­ taken to the state hospital at Salem phants, or strangled by boas, yet the same day. She was employed us many of your neighbors, perhaps housekeeper at a rooming house in some of your own loved ones, have been done to death by tiny germs too St. Helens. small for you to see. Some men are killed in tragic ac­ The heavy winds recently in Scap­ poose have done considerable dam­ cidents, but most of us will be taken age to the heavy laden fruit trees. from the earth by microscopic para­ Some farmers report a loss of about sites. Parents who get angry at their one-third of the crop, as green fruit with the exception of apples, is of little children are hardly worthy of little use. Apples, jams, jellies and the name. Teachers who lose their cider are interfering with vacation tempers and pound little folks on the plans somewhat. Early prunes are heads are not fit to govern mules. ripening in the vicinity. Anger and worry dry up the happy fountains of the soul, keep the di­ A spring housecleaning was in or­ gestion awry, shut the eyes to the der at the county jail last week. The sunshine, and put a storm cloud on the brow. cells were kalsomined. ---------- +— — I slew these two pests, and I will THE TWO WASTERS tell you how you can do it: I did it by love and prayer. Once my little Anger and Worry are the Two Great­ girl did something that displeased me eat Deatroyers of Human Happineaa and I punished her. I was ashamed cf myself. After that I reasoned (By Dr. J. W. Holland.) with her, and she did as I desired. If parents will only wait to punish I wonder how many will agree their children till they get over their with men when I say that anger andi > an ;ar they will not need many rods. worry are the two greatest destroy­ Love anyone enough and you can ers of human happiness. Anger is rather a masculine trait, not be betrayed into anger with them while worry seems to suit the women I know from experience that this remedy works. better. Prayer and trust will drive worry Any strength a man may have will be destroyed by anger. To make a av.y. Worries used to chase me like brute of a good man, just make him a pack of little devils, till the thought of Christ’s “Your Heavenly Father angry. Most murderers simply got mad careth for you,” took possession of and stayed mad long enough. A cen­ my mind. Since then I live and trust They sus of any prison would reveal that God for every good thing. most of the inmates are there be­ have been mine thus far. My trust is that they will ever be. cause of anger. Do you remember the little piece Good is on the road of those who we used to say at school?— ive the life of trust. If the thing “But children you should never let, that we greatly desire is denied us, Your anger passion rise. something better will come. Your little hands were never made' That is my faith. Connty News Note Classified Advertising <• WANTS and FOR SALE All ads. under this head re cash with copy. Rates, one cent a word; initials and figures as words. Minimum, 25 cents an issue. FOR SALE PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE FOR $125 cash. See it at Vernonia Hotel. 481 BARGAIN — FOR SALE — FIVE; room, modern bungalow, lightsj water, bath; two lots, 100x100 ft of land, $2250 cash and payment plan. Located east side resident section of Vernonia. Inquire at the Eagle office. Its a bargain42tf FOR SALE—TWO YEAR OLD HOL- 8842 8874 8992 9136 9140 9142 9162 9274 9279 9374 9380 9417 9965 9566 9622 9638 9806 9811 9833 162 199 345 433 446 691 700 792 984 1041 July 5, 1918 July 5, 1918 Aug. 7, 1918 Sept. 5, 1918 Sept. 5, 1918 Sept. 5, 1918 Sept. 5, 1918 Oct. 3, 1918 Oct. 3, 1918 Nov. 7, 1918 Nov. 7, 1918 Nov. 7,1918 Nov. 7, 1918 Nov. 7, 1918 Nov. 7, 1918 Nov. 7, 1918 Dec. 5, 1918 Dec. 5, 1918 Dec. 5, 1918 Feb. 6, 1919 Feb. 13, 1919 Mar. 8, 1919 Apr. 3, 1919 Apr. 3, 1919 May 8, 1919 May 10, 1919 June 5, 1919 June 5, 1919 June 5, 1919 ,« . M. E. Bates Chas. O. Strutevant Remington Typewriter Co. Gus Issacson Orvil Warley Frank McDonald Sisters of Mercy W. L. Marsh Alex Green School Dist. No. 12 School Dist. No. 32 Wm. H. Rose Thomas L. Thompson Hugo Sommerstrom C. O. Dahlgren H. J. McAllister R. B. Morton Jack Baldridge F. W. Martin H. Christensen James D. Honeyman Frank Pierce Mike Jennings Ray Reynolds Guy W. Chapman Fir Tree Timber Company Louis Johnson Geo. E. Runnerstrom John S. Jenson Dec. 5, 1918 May 9, 1919 4l 9399 John Watson Broderick & Bascom B. C. McKee W. E. Bates Aug. Feb. Feb. Feb. 7, 7, 7, 7, 1918 1919 1919 1919 E. J. Smith R. D. Kent George Tangen H. J. Kelly July Aug. Oct. Jan. Feb. May 9874 1642 Aug. 7, 1918 Feb. 7, 1919 8, 7, 3, 3, 7, 9, 1918 1918 1918 1919 1919 1919 W. Hoberg Ed. Rennonds Northern Express Co. A. J. Van Ray Goodnight T. S. Timmons ROAD DISTRICT NO. 9 Willie Reed J. Roberts 1 Nov. 8, 1918 J. Roberts Dec. 5, 1918 Jan. 3, 1919 L. Russell John Larson Rye’s BRAND Delicious Meets every Wednesday night on th< lower floor of the Grange Hall. Ail visiting Sisters and Brothers wel­ come. MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. PEARL WILKERSON, K.ofR.l "“VERNONIA June 6, 19t9 Antone Birkenfeld best, or the day’s fishing was nothing to write home about, you can get a lot o’ joy out of the camp supper when you you take along a supply of Frye’s De­ Attorney-at-Law Vernonia, Oregoi r GEORGE H. SHINN President Columbia Co. Abstract Company St. Helens, Oregon ---------------------------------------------- <--------- - --- —---------------- J CURLEY’S TRANSFER COMPANY Local Hauling and all kinds of team work Office at Kavanaugh Land Co. GRANGE SPECIAL CARE WITH __ FURNITURE HAULING Phone 563 Res. Phone 651 Vernonia, Oregon VERNONIA AMERICAN LE- The unusual quality and fine flavor of GION POST NO Frye’s Delicious Brand come from care­ 119 meets 2nd & 4th Tues. Nites. • • * FOLGER, Commander TOM GRAHAM, Adjutant ful selection and our exclusive curing process. You can add economy and convenience to quality by buying a whole side of this bacon that’s ________________________ > MOUNTAIN HEART REBECCA LODGE No. 243, I.O.O.F Meets every Second and Fourth Wed­ nesday in Grange Hall—Vernonia Visitors always welcome MRS. MAY MELLINGER, N. G. MRS. IRENE SPENCER. Sec’y. J. MASON DILLARD CRAWFORD MOTOR CO .. ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOPPE Here every Wednesday *............. WE CAN NOW SELL FORDS %DOWN PAY MENT ■',i- 1 '■ Portland - Vernonia Truck Line BALANCE 12 EQUAL PAYMENTS GENUINE FORD INSURED CARRIER 13 plate batteries, $15.00 BATTERY SERVICE VERNONIA OFFICE < Phone 612 N -------------- — ---------- --------- — ................ ..................- ■ At the Brazing Works on Rose Ave; Phone Main 343 PORTLAND OFFICE Aata Freight Terminal E. Water ar.d Yamhill Sts. East 8226 --------Office No. 11 Deliver to your door VERNONIA 300K & ART STORE J. Merie and A. Kemper J. M. CLARK Everything in Magazines, Stationery,Pictures and Books—School and Office Supplies Art and Novelty Goods We do Picture Framing of All Kinds MARCELLING All lines of Beauty Work Phone 431 Upstairs in Pringle Bldg. 391 Next to Carkin Cleaning Works Lincoln—F ORD—Ford»on 1 Population, 2000. High School and Standard Gra School. Pay Roll City—Mills, Logging. Fa ming, Dairying, Fruit, Vegetabl P. A. & P. Ry. Town growing fast l)n Inland Loop Highway Betwe Portland and Astoria. A Large Territory to Draw From. 49 Miles From Portland, 35 M’l From Forest Grove, 27 Mil, Front St. Helens. Many Opportunities in Vernonia. Best Hunting, Trapping and Fishii in the Northwest. An Industrial Center. Everybody reads the Eagle. ATTORN E Y-AT-LA W — In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the County Court this 3rd day of July, 1926 (Seal) J. W. HUNT, - . . . County Clerk. Vernonia, licious Brand Bacon. 14.00 1.10 .57 4.00 7.00 3.50 24 84 DENTIST The Vernonia Grange meets on th second Saturday of every month a 7:30 P. M. Any members of th Grange living in or near Vernonia or visiting in the community, ar cordially invited to attend. F. E. MALMSTEN, Sec Even if the old bus didn’t perform its $ 1.75 3.50 3.50 1.75 SPECIAL ROAD DIST. NO. 8 2856 X-Ra: M. D. COLE PACIFIC WOODMEN LIFE ASSOCIATION CAMP VERNONIA TEMPLE No. 61 PYTHIAN SISTERS Lacon 7.50 1.90 1.50 and r L R. Gil LCIIRIEST, C. JACK NANCE. K. R & S. SPECIAL ROAD DIST. NO. 6 1264 1479 DR. H. H. HURLEY Dentistry Evenings by Appointment Fourth Thursday nights. | H. HURLEY, Master. Office ever Halton’s Store Wm. PRINGLE, Secretar Vernonia, Oregoi K, Visitors Welcome I1AKDING I.O'.lGK, 116, Vernonia, Or — V.eeti every Monday night ii Grange Hill. All visit­ ing brothers cordially invited. $ 6 30 57.50 1.00 1.75 < Knl lits of Pythias. $ 3.00 30.00 7.00 2.00 3.70 3.70 20.00 1.50 4.30 3.00 3.00 15.00 1.90 1.90 4.00 2.20 1.50 1.50 1.64 2.00 1.00 50.00 12.40 .87 1.00 50.00 6.00 10.00 11.00 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 16 986 Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A F. & A. M., meets at Grang. Hall every Second and j EMIL MESSING, Secretary Amount 10 50 3.50 LODGE NO I ICES = G. B. SMITH, N. G. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 8 9585 9839 486 1397 1625 2266 MRS. M. N .LEWIS & CO. Fourth and Main Sts. o’clock, in Grange Hall ROAD DISTRICT NO- 7 9830 1599 1600 1608 MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in Granite and M,J at reduced prices Write for Literature I. O.O.F.—VERNONlAl.OPGE, No. 246, meet? every Tuesday night at 8:0< ROAD DISTRICT No. 1 July 5, 1918 How is your subscription? Lester Sheeley GENERAL ROAD FUND 1255 2076 2336 The name of the famous path, ‘Rotten Row,’ in Hyde London, is believed to be a c< tion from the French Route d (King’s Drive). Meets 1st & 3rd Thursday nights nt Sessmans hall. All visiting bro­ i thers welcome. Emil Messing,C.C O. T. Bateman, Clerk GENERAL FUND Name The amount of food consun New York City in one year | fill a freight train extending Cuba to Alaska. There are 1 restaurants in that city, cater some 3,000,000 persons daily. Professional r. Business Director See E. R. American famers raise 12 tons of <08 cereals for each man engaged in farm work, Farmers of the rest of FOR SALE—NINE ACRES OF BOT. the world raise only 1.4 tons for tom land, on main Nehalem high­ each man. --------- ♦--------- way, one and a half miles from Every town has its dumbest girl town. See E. R. Treharne. 408 There is one that lives near here who thinks that railroad ties are FOR RENT worn by engineers and that a FOR RENT—4 ROOM MODERN fish ball is a fisherman’s dance. house, one block from bank. E. S. A stitch in time,sews your old Cleveland. 182 Is a bird in the hand worth Envelopes—Let us print you s»mo swallows in the bush? Pursuant to an order of the County Court made and entered on this 3rd day of June, 1926, notice is hereby given that the following described County Warrants, which were issued more than SEVEN (7) years prior to the 1st day of July 1926, have not been presented for pay­ ment, and unless presented for payment within sixty days from said 1st day of July, 1926, same will be candied and payment thereof will be refused. Date The energy used in dancing the ■ BASEBALL SCHEDULE Charleston is equivalent to that used i ' FOR REST OF SEASON in running a 440-yard race. ______ July 11—St. Helens at Camas, So low are army salaries in France that officers in crack cavalry Clatskanie at Ryderwood, Vernonia regiments and professors of the War at Kalama, Washougal at Vancouver College are working at menial la July 18—Vancouver at Camas, bor to augment their income. Many Kalama at St. Helens, Vernonia at are in dire want. Clatskanie, Washougal at Ryderwood July 25—Camas at, The average liquor expenditure for every non-abstaining family is St. Helens at Vancouver, Clatskanie at Klama, Ryderwood at Vernonia England last year was $175. August 1—Vernonia at Camas, When Persian women walk abroad at night a servant carrying a primi- Washougal at St. Helens, Vancouver tive lantern precedes them through at Clatskanie, Kalama at Ryderwood August 8—Camas at Kalama. St the unlighted streets, just as was done in medieval times . Helens at Vernonia, Clatskanie at | Washougal, Ryderwood at Vancou- Ditch diggers, _ . factory _ hands, clerks and stenographers of Lenin­ grad eat their meals from the table­ ware of the former Czar when they go on their frequent vacations to the ‘Workers’ Sanitoria,’ established by the government. stein bull, registered. Treharne. NOTICE Number Dairy Real Estate Insurance Notary Public r VERNONIA TRADING CO WE ARE AGENTS —for— INTERNATIONAL HARVESTOR LINES M’Cormick Mowers,Rakes Plows, Etc., and Cream Seperators (The Primrose) Our prices are kept right You can save money here at home. VERNONIA TRADING COMPANY Farm and City property for Cass Bergerson,J. E. Tapp sale. List your property One Block from Depot on Rail­ road Track with me I get reults. A A A. A A A A A A A A, A A A A.