Widaly Quoted Weekly 1,1 ■ ■ VERNONIA ............. ............................ .n—.1,— - B—Weekly Ad Mediw EAGLE other lines of business, Merchants in many cases encarur- A----------------------------------- & | Interesting Items From East of age buying away from home. For The Fourth is over and all seem Town, in Busy Section. instance, we’ll say Mr. Jones is in a ----------------------------------------- e tired of celebrating. the grocery business, bis wife needs PITTSBURG, July 9.—(Special.) furniture—does he always buy from C. A. Schamon, who has been em­ —Mr. and Mr«. W. L. Smith of his fellow townsman across or up or Corvallis were back in the valley ployed in Lewiston, Idaho, as car­ down the street. No, he can save a I penter for several months, is home for a few days last week. few dollars by purchasing through for a few days. some friendly salesman who doesn't Noble Dunlap has juat finished an happen to be selling the furniture Richard Granvill is home from up-to-date house for C. Bruce. man. The furniture man places his Stella, Wash., to spend the holidays. < rder for fruit for canning with a Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira Peterson and friend of his in the wholesale busi- A. D. and Everett Hall and Dr. Mrs. Lee Osborne were Vernonia ness in a nearby city; \he jeweler McDonald of Rainier, visited T. C. callers last Friday. buys his new suit from a peddler; Hall’s home Monday and on the way the dentist sends away for his auto­ Mrs. C. M. Pye, Myrtle Pye, Mar­ home met with an accident. No one mobile accessories; the lawyer's wife garet Lindsay and Ray Lindsay of was hurt but A. D. Hall, who went buys her clothing in the big city, Portland were weijk end visitors at through the top of the car, hurt his head slightly. and so it goes. Others should buj R. S. Lindsay's. at home, but when it comes to prac­ Little Miss Lavon Hall of Portland Mrs. I. Aronson of Portland was ticing this good rule1, one is incline 1 to forgetfulness. visiting friends and relatives at Na- is spending the vacation months with her sister, Lillian, at the home of If retail merchants will try out tai Saturday and Sunday. her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee these suggestions, then go after busi­ Mr. an« Mrs. D. Hill, Forest und Hall, of this place. ness in an aggressive way using lo­ Helen Hill and Margaret McGregor cal newspaper advertising and at-' A. J. Akers and Silvester Hall of ■pent the week-end with P. H. Hill. tractive window displays, two of tho Pocatella, Idaho, was visiting over most effective mediums of advertis­ Mr. and Mrs. Jog Vangilder and the Fourth at the home of W. L. Hall ing known to modern merchandising Louis Vaugilder, Mr. and Mrs. An- and neither of which is available to The Blankenship family are now derson and Mrs. Lida Brown Chap­ the peddler or the mail order house, pell spar.t the Fourth at Mrs. Lizzie settled in their new home at the it will be but a comparatively short Sigh Williams place. Reeds at Rock Creek, All enjoyed a time before they will have little cause to worry about either of these good tine. The beautiful little bungalow PINE SHIPMENTS HIT BY RUST competitors. Copyright 1926. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith of house that Mr. Bruce is having built --------- ♦--------- Klamath F b II b were in the valley for on his place here is almost completed OREGON CORNER AND FOUR­ The Ten Commandments of Success Mr. Bruce says that if the new car a few days on business. TEEN STATES AFFECTED. By Charles M. Schwab. and house don’t attract some nice 1. Work Hard. Hard work is the P. H. Hill is very busy these days lady, he won’t know what else to do. Edict Also Goes Out Against Some beBt investment a man can make > meeting the stage. He is looking for Currant and Berries as 2. Study Hard. Knowledge enables E. E. Mills is home again after a lady friend. Pest Carriers. a man to work more intelligently, his trip up in northern Wash., and and effectively. Cecil Lane is spending a few days Canada, He is glad to be back home Washington, D. C.—The continued 3. Have Initiativ. Ruts often deep­ us Portland arid Corvallis this week. again, but had a good time. spread of white pine blister rust in en into graves. those sectoins of the United States J. B. Eifort of Portland, but who A. V. Mowe and family celebrated 4. Love Your Work. Then you will the 4th at Sheeley’s grove and on is spending the summer around Ver­ to which that variety of pine is na­ find pleasure in mastering it. Monday the Sth at Hillsboro, where nonia, made a trip to Lost creek tive led Secretary of Agriculture 5. Be Exact. Slipshod method bring they stayed to see the fire works, re­ Wash., to visit his uncles and re­ William M. Jardine tentatively to slipshod results. promulgate drastic interstate quar­ turning home early Tuesday morning ports very hot weather up there. 6. Have the Spirit of Conquest. antine regulations Saturday, acting Thus you can successfully battle and Wm. Pringle , Sr., has just finished upon the recommenadtions of the overcome difficulties. Roy Smith was helping Robert the new walk he has been building federal horticultural board. The pio- Lindsay with his hay last week. 7. Cultivate Personality. Person­ for Mr. Bruce, which adds to the posed restrictions will become effec- ality is to a man what perfume is eive September 1, and apply in to the flower . R. . Lindsay is sporting around convenience of our little city. general to a tier of counties in In a new Ford sedan. What’s the 8. Help and Share with Others. Mr. Crowley, who purchased some northwestern Oregon, as well as the matter “Bob,” we do not hear you The real test of business greatness acreage from George Parker, is a coming. entire state of Washington and 13 lies in giving opportunity to others | busy man, building chicken houses. other seates. 9. Be Democratic. Unless you feel The Nehalem Timber company’s The regulations would prohibit in­ right towards your fellowmen you Mr .and Mrs. John Estes ar.d son camps all closed down for the 4th terstate movement of five-leafea Oral, spent the Fourth at the home pines, currants and gooseberry plants can never be a successful leader of but will open again this week. of their daughter, Mrs. David McMul­ from the counties of Clatsop, Colum­ men. ------ *--------- 10. In All Things Do Your Best.'I bia, Lincoln, Polk, Tillamook, Wash­ The tonic for the business world len at Natal. --------- * --------- ington and Yamhill, in Oregon. They —newspaper advertising. Dr. Ella Wight announces that if would also bar such movement of all the good citizens of Vernonia European black currant plants in would turn loose and cooperate with the city council and the Chamber of the entire intermountain and Pa­ Commerce and get the play ground cific coast region. Interstate move­ leveled off that the money the Ath­ ment of cultivated red and white letic club raised on tag day will currant plants and cultivated goose­ build a band stand and some benches berry plants within the restricted and then for the biggest celebration areas will be permitted under cer­ Vernonia ever had September 9, Ver­ tain stipulations, which include in­ nonia day, or Saturday, September 11 if more conveniene and decorate spection during the month of Oc­ buildings and streets and have music tober previous to shipment, absence all day and dance at night. A real of blister rust within one mile of carnival dance on Bridge street be­ the place where they are grown and tween the bridge and the railroad. disinfection of roots and crown in a lime-sulphur solution. Do you know that you will find in Investigation has shown that rust you? public library a book that will cannot go from pine to pine without are now regaining help you with your parties? It is an intermediate state of development “Ice Breakers,’ by Edna Geister. A on currant or gooseberry bushes, lost heaUh simply book that will help you become a which accounts for their inclusion in good story teller? It is, “Story and the quarantine order. — Morning because they know the secret of the famous health springs which Story Telling,” “Roberts Rules of Oregonian. has only recently been discov­ Order.” “Scientific American,' "lie ered' Radio-activity is the se­ view of Reviews,” “Home and Gar­ A cret' And the newest miracle of den,” and other good magazines. To WANT ADS modern science enables them to the pay shelf has been added this I have—without any upkeep ex­ A ----------------------------------- A month, the following: “ The Bat,’ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY pense — a perpetual health “ The Comeback, ” “ Man Nobody spring right in tbeir own home Knows,” and “Pig Iron.” Forty books SITUATIONS WANTED—Female have been donated and bought since ELDERLY LADY WANTS CON- the last report. Use your fiublic li­ finement caess. Call at Tisdale brary. Open Mondays, Wednesdays house, Corey Hill, Vernonia. 481 and Saturdays from 3 to 5 o’clock ---------- ♦---------- --------- ♦--------- DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK In last week’s paper we noticed an article about the delegates re­ By Edson R. Waite, Shawnee, Okla. turn from tile Marshfield convention Harry R. Hill, advertising mana­ signed by one “who won’t tell.” It must have been Nancy B. H.all ger of the Fargo (North Dakota) that wrote the article for she never Forum, says: found relief in long standing case« That we hear a great deal of com­ told about her getting up at 4 in of High Blood Pressure, Bright's the morning to beat the other camp- plaint from retail merchants in all Disease, Goitre, Rheumatism, Arth­ ritis, Diabetes, Ecienu. Neuritis, ers to the apricot tree to get what lines of business with reference to Constipation, Stomach Trouble, fell to tht» ground. They say they people trading with out-of-town con­ etc Get lull details right away re­ cerns, patronizing mail order houses apricots for breakfast. f had garding Nature's way of dissolving Mrs. Spencer said when she read and peddlers, and one is inclined to and eliminating the health destroy i he paper the old folks dance was sympathize with them and to con­ ing accumulations of body poisons Wednesday evening instead of Thurs demn the peddlers and mail order —the easy road to radiant health concerns. Interesting, valuable information re- day evening for she was there. gar ding the making of or­ ONE WHO WENT While we hold no briefs for these dinary drinking --------- «--------- people, we must at last give them water healthfully Use i f newspaper advertising costa credit for their enterprise in going radio-active cheer money, but it doesn’t cost much in’ after business in an aggressive way fully given tree consideration of what you get, instead of weeping about hard times which is the opportunity to talk to and worrying about the profits the the entire community to say just other fellow is making. WRITE what you want to say, when and If retail merchants would put just 1 TENDER P NO N t I TODAY how you want to say it—M. S. half the effort behind their soiling 1 POT ROAST, lb........... ''loan, president, Brooklyn Edison campaigns in proportion to the size company. of the'r business as the mail order rite Mrs. C. O. Thomas, ♦-------- house dies, the mail order business dence opposite Post office, EARLY CELEBRATION PICNICS would find pretty poor pickings in nonia, Oregon. G1MÎUMIH: IN NEHALEM TOLD most any community. 4 to 5-lbc. each, lb. If the people behind the counters Without obligation «"•> fitta The first Fourth of July celebra­ in the average store knew half as tion that Mrs. J. H. Aldridge of much about the merchandl’.- they are tend mr your litrntture I CHO'iCE Clatskanie remembers was one held supposed to sell as the average ped­ •-t4 at Mist in 1882 when she was 10 dler does, and would be just as will­ EASTERN BACON,-lb. years old. At that time there were ing to show their lines, and just half merely trails through the woods and ■is anxious to make a sale, the ped- j people lived several miles apart. dlers would soon be forced into t PITTSbURG ITEMS | ® RIVERVIEW NOTES * The chief means of transportation was horseback, as thia wm prior to the advent of wagons. About 50 people participated in the festivities, the children amusing themselves at games and swings. A community outdoor picnic wm ona of the features of the occasion. Nalaon Cole, a Mist resident at that time, made a speech on the incoption of Independence Day. Some of the people who were present at the celebration in Mist 46 years ago were Jim and George Jones, Dora Reynolds, Mrs. Julia Whittig, Joe John, Frank and Anna Banzer, Ain Wallace, Lewis Beck­ man, Irving Knowles and Mrs. A. D. Mells, all of whom live in and about Mist. Another old-time picnic, the mom- ory of which recurred to Mrs. Ald­ ridge’s mind, was held in Nels Peter­ son's barn in Natal 43 years ago. People from Vernonia and Mist at­ tended the picnic and dance. The entertainment consisted of fireworks dancing a picnic in the afternoon and a midnight dinner at Mr. Peter­ son’s, the dance lasting all night. Roads had been built and more fami­ lies had moved in, so there was quite a gathering at Natal ,Mrs. Aldridge said.—Clatskanie Chief. --------- *---------- thousands Jioney saving The man who has done his best has* done everything. The man who has 1 done less than his best has done nothing. taining two yolks and measring »even and one-half to > seven and three-quarter inches in oval cirum- ference, is endeavoring to evolt a new breed of fowl that will retul- arly produce such eggs. A Georgian who has a hen that produces ‘double’ eggs, each egg con- Tell us a news item. Thanks. •Ì! I GO INTO CAUCUS WITH YOURSELF 4 Do you know7 that the big de­ partment stores set aside from three to five per cent of their gross sales for newspaper AD­ VERTISING? Are you utilizing from three to five per cent of your gross annual business to put the great force of ADVER­ TISING to work for you and your business? If not, you are overlooking an important factor that makes for success. A ✓ ADVERTISING in The Vernon­ ia Eagle is the cheapest and most efficient way to reach the residents of this community. It is at your service every week. USE IT CONSISTENTLY! 54 WISE BUSINESS MEN ADVERTISE e UNITED STORES stores Saturday and Monday Features Î lundreds of thousands oT people I I Fruit Jars Mason : , ' Sugar. 25-lb. cloth bag Dunbar Shrimp, 2 tins for , Whole Grain Corn, 5 tins Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 tins Matches, 6 box carton Tomatoes, large tins, 2 for Kelloggs Rolled Oats, 3 pkgs Quarts 88c Pints $1.03 1-2 gallons $1.38 $1.65 . 35c . 49c . 25c . 25c 25c . . 33c In ovr Meat Department for SATURDAY 14c 97^ HAMBURG 1 and SAUSAGE, lb............... J 15e SHORTENING OR LARD, 31b.. >7C E *■ A GOOD PLAN BRING YOUR PAIL ( i i ' 25c ¡ Lily Picnic Plates, 6 cups. 6 plates. 6 napkins I r and ask yourself frankly if you are using ADVERTISING SPACE in line with the volume of business that you would like to do. What about it? Are you? 1 t