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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1926)
VERNONIA, OREGON, FRIDAY WASHOUGAL EASY DOWNER LOCAL BOYS WIN FOURTH GAME GOING ON FIFTH Washougal Proves Easy Defeat for Vernonia Team at Washougal Grounds Last Sunday; Play Re- Return Game Here. Lower Columbia League Standings W L Pct. Ryderwood .................. _........ 5 1 .833 St. Helens ..... ............4 2 .666 Vernonia . ............................. 3 2 .600 Kalama .... ............................. 3 2 .600 Vancouver .......................... ...4 3 .571 Camas ...... .................... 2 4 .333 Washougal ..............................2 4 .333 0 5 .000 Clatskanie ......... S unday's Results. RHE Ryderwood ................ 6 8 2 Camas ..... . ......... 1 4 3 Batteries—Ryderwood, Pritchard Eubanks; Camas, Damon, Kaiser Johnson RHE St. Helens . .............................. 10 7 3 Clatskanie . ................................ 3 11 5 Batteries — St. Helens, Mason. Langhart; Clatskanie, Herman, Eil- ertson, Moore. RHE Washougal .................................. 2 4 5 Vernonia ....................................... 8 8 2 Batteries—Washougal, Gaines, Ho) land; Vernonia, Davis, Hudson. RHE Vancouver “Soldiers” ............ 4 8 6 Kalama .................................. 11 17 1 Batteries—Vancouver, McDermott Boatwright, Logsden and Grant; Kalama, Kuss, Jacobsberger. SUNDAY’S LINE-UP Vernonia No. Players 6. Norwest 9. Merrith 5. Kotula 3. Blackman 4. Nance 8. Wright. 7. Welch 2. Hudson 1. Davis Washougal No. Players 4. W. Pickett. 3. Craig 9. Crum 6. Earickson 2. Holland 5. White 7. B. Pickett. 18. Kaiser 1. Gaines - ■ ----- .---- HONOR ROLL TODAY If you have any gold cTowns, bunches of roses, or any kind of lace trimmings, just hang them on Huddy. He elected himself king of heroes last Sunday over at Xyashougal. Hudson traveled 80 miles to show that Washougal crowd the difference between play ing ball and fooling around. Yes, sir, he caught one of the most , beautiful games that was ever played along the Columbia river. Not one base was stolen on him during the game. He made four trips to the plate, flied out twice poled a two bagger, scoring Welch and to wind up his days work nicked a home run with Nance and Wright on the paths. He got three outs on high fouls. RHE Vernonia ......... 000 120 500—8 7 0 Washougal ......... 100 000 001—2 3 4 Errors: W. Pickett 2, Earickson 1, Kaiser 1; two base hits, Hudson 1, Blackman 1; three base hits, Merrith: home run, Hudson; sacrifice, Nance, Merrith; stolen bases, Kotula, Black man; bases on balls off Gaines 3; Davis 2; struck out by Gaines 2, Davis 9; wild pitch: Davis, mit by pitched ball, Craig, Gaines. The Ducks wobbled over to Wash ougal last Sunday, wobbled around town awhile, went out to the ball park and wobbled all over Washou gal. Things looked kind of serious for the Ducks because they were not used to being penned up in such a small lot. The grass was so high in the outfield that the city had to plant trees for the fielders to climb up in so the spectators might see them. Welch, our left fielder picked some mighty high flys, and also some nice cherries from among the trees. Wright and Merrith played on the banks of an irrigation ditch sur rounded by a barb wire fence. Any way these little things didn’t stop those boys, they just kept right on fighting from the start. Norwest was there and he and Jack Nance sure strutted their onions. Blackman, our first baseman is sining like a dia mond. he sure is a wonderful player and is getting better every game. Kotula, the old dependable, worked like a big leaguer at third base. He got a pair of hits and stole one base Davis, our chucker, had an easy day he had Washougal dizzy from the way he kept that old apple humming by them. He got the first hit for Ver nonia, accepted three chances for put out, walked two and whiffed nine, and once for exercise struck three out in a row. Washougal got one run in the first inning. Ver- JUNE 18, 1926 Volume 4 Number 45 IT IS VERNONIA DAY First Train Arrived Four Years Ago September 9th. September 9th is Vernonia Day. Four years ago, September 9, the first train arrived in Vernonia and the big mill started their big build ings. That day we had some good committees, raised a few hundred dollars and entertained over a thous and people who left several thous and dollars in town. It was a big day It payed; it made Vernonia. We should have better celebrations of the day each September. We would like to see a big time that day, an excursion. We would like to see Ver nonia do something. To make the event state known, however, work and publicity should begin now. Several things Vernonia needs; this might help to secure them. What do you say. Paul Robinson, Editor and Owner MILITARY TRAINING PAV1NG THE WAY I'M JUST WAITING FOR HIM TO FINISH THAT DRIV l WAY ou< PRCSIMT UMIT4TKW1 NEW SCHOOLI EAGhERS Vernonia Boy at Vancouver for Sec HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY COM ond Year of Training. PLETED FOR NEXT YEAR Clarence Wardell, of Vernonia, is attending the Citizens Military Train ing camp at Vancouver barracks Young Wardle was in last year’s basic camp and this year will take the Red course. Last year he «on the government medal given to the best drilled man in the company and the medal offered by Dr. J. H. Flynn for the best man from Columbia county in the basic course. The Flynn medal was offered for the first time in 1924 and was won by the son of ex-county judge Clark of Rainier. ------- «------- FOR NIGHT WATCHMAN Suggestion Mede for Business Men to Employ Watchman. M. Murray, of the Peoples store comes with a suggestion that maj have the sanction of many business LARGE TONNAGE OF FISH ARE men. It is that the business houses CAUGHT IN RIVER. all secure a "merchant’s watchman.” for the business section at nights A Few Fish Fact. Furnished by Sal His idea is that a sworn in official mon Protective Association. supported by various business firms Protected Birds Kill Fish ie necessary in a city this size in That are Useless. connection with the regular city po lice. The watchman, with power to There were 39,022,070 pounds of arrest, can be alert to all going on fish taken from the waters of the watch for fires, unlocked doors ano Columbia river in Oregon and Wash any property disturbing by prowebs One man can’t wtll be in all parts ington last year, and while exact Every public improvement we make in Vernonia is another paving of the town at all times of the figures are not available from Idaho Our cartoon shows night. His suggestion sounds good. the aggregate total would far ex block laid in the road to increased civic prosperity. the taxpayers, who are responsible for these improvements, building the ceed 20,000 tons. pathway which will let into our city new home-seekers, investors and chamber of comerce Approximately 35,000,000 pounds workers who are now held back by the town’s present limitations. of fish were packed, and the remain Outsiders are attracted to a community by what it has to offer in the Professional and Business Mer. ing 5,000,000 pounds were shipped way of facilities and conveniences at a moderate cost. If we can show at Dinner. as a fresh, frozen or pickled pro them well paved streets and sidewalks, modem schools and other public • I . .. !■ II utilities, they will settle here, bringing business and industry with them. duct. Practically every business, prof Municipalities sometimes “slow up” on needed improvements to keep Sixty-five pounds of salmon at 13 down expenses, but often there is n question whether this course saved or ession and industry of Vernonia wai cents per pound, this year’s price, lost money for the town. We all favor economy, but Vernonia should represented at the chamber of com is required for each full case of 48 never confuse it with false economy. merce noon luncheon Wednesday The ladies of the Maccabees put u; one-pound cans. A poundage fee of one o fthe best dinners we have ha; 32 cents on each case is paid to the Early Morning Fire Enjoy Fishing Trip and Messrs. Aldrich and Sheelej fish commission to cover hatchery were the dinner committee. Presi operations and patrol work. There Crabs and Flounders Proove Meca Fire Boy# So Fast They Arrive Be dent Davis introduced Leo. A are in addition to these many other Isaac, of the U. S. forest service for Travelers. fore Whistle Quits. items, labor, cans, boxes, labels, who gave us a good talk on re- 'forestration, planting, care, fire pre cannery operations, boats, tenders, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Cleveland and The Vernonia fire department vention, etc. A communication waf gear, storage, freight, brokerage, brother-in-law, Mr. Lavender, re read requesting merchants to a.4 taxes and interest; saying nothing turned last SatU’dny from a vaca isn’t going to let anything burr, in for wood containers whenever pos Vernonia. A call early Tuesday about the enormous investments. tion and fishing trip along the coast sible in their freight shipments—the The bulks of these fish are taken They visited the Roosevelt highway morning at the Nance home, where action heartily endorsed. in gill nets, while the rest are points, the seaport town of Taft for a chimney fire had developed, resul Mr. Gillchrest spoke on the sub caught in set nets, trammels, traps, sea fishing and Devils lake for fresh ted in the firemen arriving and put ject of all mercantile establishment!- ting ehe fire out almost befor? the seines and wheels. Wheels are op water trout. They had a wonderful alarm stopped blowing. The firemen closing at 7 p. m. each week-da;, erated cheaply, but the percentage time, that we can testify to after in Vernonia are fast workers end and a committee appointed to in vestigate. The electric light and of fish taken this way as compared eating some of the crabs and floun they are never found wanting. They power question was talked over again with other types of gear is very ders that Mr. Cleveland kindly pre have always done splendid serv’ee. and on motion, a committee was ap small. Statistics compiled show the sented us with. They also captured pointed to get up a resolution re --------- ♦--------- questing the company to arrange wheels take 5.3 per cent of the pack many of the Pacific coast clams and IT IS A FACT for continued, uninterrupted service The coastal streams in Oregon! other sea food. this summer. As to a princess from -------- 4--------- produced 16,000,000 pounds of fish That the advertising columns will Vernonia to the big Astoria celebra in 1923 at an estimated value of I RAINIER TO CHOOSE PRINCESS tell you where you can find splen tion, no action was taken. A week $2,250,000. from netx Wednesday is the next did values for your money. The salmon fisheries of this state Attendants to Queen at Big Cele the date. That it is a mistake to think that luncheon. Remember -----------*----------- annually bring into Oregon more bration Planned. all stores have the same price on LODGE OFFICERS WILL VISIT than ten million dollars. Most of this standard goods. Rainier has been asked to choose is new money brought into the state That when they have special val from the markets of the world, and a princess, or attendant to the ues you can always find them men State Officers of Pythian Sisiter. Will Visit Vernonia Temple. the greater part of it is kept here queen, at the big Astoria Founder; tioned in the ads—READ THE ADS in Oregon. Forty thousand people of celebration which will be held next That you should trade with the Mrs. Helen Wrightman, grand Oregon are dependent in a greater month. Various communities near merchant who advertises. chief, Mrs. Rose Farrington, grand or lesser degree upon the future run Astoria will make such selections. That you will be welcome and the keeper of records and correspondence The attendant will be chosen by of salmon. There are nearly eight clerks will greet you with a smile. and Mrs. Leah Ballugh, grand junioi vote, the votes to be sold. The pro thousand individuals engaged in tak That they will be courteous to you will pay an official visit to the Ver ing fish from our waters. These are I ceeds from the vote sale will be That they will thank you in « nonia Temple on Wednesday night used to purchase suitable attire for heads of families. way that will show you they appre June 23rd. Due to a rearrangement More baby salmon perish in irri the princess and to defray such ciate your business. the sisters were scheduled to be here gation ditches and turbine wheels in other expenses as may arise in con That the live business man realizes last week, but other plans reset the one year than there are mature fish nection with the affair. that prompt, courteous and careful expected visit. -------#—♦---------- All member«; are taken by all means of gear in five attention to every customer estab urged to be present the 23rd. Columbia County Day. years. lishes a favorable reputation for his --------- ♦--------- Pollution destroyed fish life in' The Columbia County Masonic place of business. and Eastern Star members will hold Miss Evangeline Phillips, who has many of the most important rivers their county picnic and services at Trading with the store of adver been attending normal at Monmouth in the east, and our fish will meet' the Masonic home in Forest Grove tised merchandise is a pleasure. was a guest of her cousin, Mrs. the same fate unless we see that next Sunday, June 20. Several from --------- ♦--------- Maurice Richardson the first of the Vernonia will drive down for the day conditions are corrected. Louis Emmott, 18 year-old high week. Miss Phillips left for her home --------- 4---- - There are millions of useless fish school boy and popuar track, foot Mrs. B. R. Spear, baby and mother ball and high school baseball star of at Elgin, Or., Wednesday. eating birds along the California- --------- 4--------- Oregon coast which are protected arrived from Cloude county, Kan Hillsboro, died suddenly last Satur Sunday morning Mr. Sell, proprie Each bird feeds once or twice- every sas, this week, where they hive be-n day near Hillsboro .where he was en tor of the Sunshine Poultry farm visiting the past two months. Mr. joying an outing with boy friends in west end of Vernonia, left us two day of the year. Thoughtful citizens of Oregon Speer was rejoicing in their return. Young Emmott was a cousin of fine fries for our Sunday dinner --------- 4--------- should lend their every effort to the Councilman Ray Emmott of Vernon Mr. Sell is making a success of the Mrs. Sarah Spencer brou -ht us a ia. The young man’s sudden death chicken business in Vernonia, havinr protection of this, Oregon's third very handsome boquet of big roses was a sad event mourned by many greates tsource of wealth fine yards and many hundreds of from her garden this week. Mrs. friends. chickens. He sure knows the bust Spencer said she preferred giving nonia came back in the fourth and ness. The treat is indeed appreciated. tied the game when Hudson doubled flowers to those alive, to gi ’ing only Mrs. Lou Senteney and son Robert ---------«--------- when one was dead, she thought th?, scoring Wright. of Cloverdale, Calif., visited this Turn out to the big ball game on editor showed signs of life, hence In the fifth inning Norwest start week with her brother and wife, Mr. the home grounds Sunday. Kalam." ed a ralley when he layed out a hit the boquet. and Mrs. M. G. Keller. Mr. Keller is coming. Vernonia ia climbing to -------- ♦--------- Merrith came to bat and followed H. E. McGraw catches ’em:, alive, says the news from his old town the top of league standings. Boost with a three bagger, scoring Nor right on the highway. Recently he kept them interested through a too them, pull for them. We are goinp west. Kotula scored Merrith when he stopped his car, got out and caught i short a visit. ttreng now. We can have the win layed down a single. In the seventh a pretty young fawn and h< aded the rung team of the Columbia league --------- *--------- creature to the woods with a few K. L. Kullander is in early day You will see some real base ball Kotula got hi’, second hit, Blac*:- man, who followed him slammed out kind words of advice to young dear light training on the tennis courts Sunday. The grounds should be on the streets, then proc-eded as, these mornings, preparing to meet a double Jack Nance layed out one unconcerned as if it was a daily oc- crowded. Make it a thousand strong. Helen Wills in battle as soon as she of his famous saftys, scoring Kotu curance. --------- 4--------- returns from her European trip. la and Blackman. Wright singled, Dr. Ella Wight has as week end --------- *--------- ♦ -■ Welch flied out, and Hudson sent Mrs. Hanson ia anticipating the guests, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Comer of A walk over the resident parts of Nance and Wright across the plate the city Shnday, convince! us that | arrival of a brother and wifs. whom] Portland, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Com when he slugged a homer. the blue ribbon for this week’s most she has not seen in many years, who er of Rawlins, Wy. They are the oil people of Wyoming, who brought in We wash Washougal next Sunday beautiful home, lawn and flower-i is watching the world go by from a: a gusher last year and are down 2.- Ford car, in which they are touring' here at home. Come out and watch goes to the Krinick horie on A| 800 feet now on a new well in the the United States. the Ducks duck ’em. street. same district. FISHING IN OREGON ’ ' New Teachers Come to Scheel With Very High Credentials. J. B. Wil- Kerson Will Continue in Head Office. The following named teachers have been employed by the. Union High School board for the next school year of 1926-27: J. B. Wilkeraon, principal, latin, civics; Levi F .Austin, sciences, ath letics; Thon^as F. Graham, commer cial; Miss Flossie Perce, english Miss Mirabel Goodin, sewing, history Miss Ruth Hickman, French, Span ish; Mrs. W ,R. Hammack, algebra ind geometry. The new teachers will come to the tchool with very high credentials. Miss Perce taught for a number of years in the Rainier high school, and is leaving the high school of San Bernadino, California, voluntarily to return to Oregon and Columbia county. Miss Hickman is a graduate from Reed college, and has met with success in her work at Imbler, dur ing the past year. Mrs. Hammack is a teacher of considerable experience in the schools of Oregon. In some of these schools, she ha^ held the position of principal. During the past school year, she taught in Philo math college. Mrs. Marjorie Cole, who taught in the school for five years, did not wish to be re-elected for another year. Mrs. Cole has given valuable service in the high school, and it will be very difficult to find a suc cessor to the position she has held who will measure up to the many good qualities that she as a teacher possesses. --------- ♦--------- DOKKIES IN ST. HELENS Vernonia Pythian# Attend monies at River City. Cere L. R. Gillchrest, Wm. Aspland and Earl Smith, three local Knights of Pythias, members and workers, drove to St. Helens on Tuesday night to witness the splendid patrol team of the Dokkies, who were there from Portland to put on open house work, street drills and music by the famous Dokkie band. After the exhibitions, drills, programs and speaking, the ladies assisted in the big banquet for everybody. Mr Gillchrest tells us he visited on the subject with the K. P., and Dokkit officials and thinks we can get this famous drill team and band in Ver nonia in early September. Good. --------- 4------ BEAUTIFYING PLAY GROUNDS Two High Climbers Bark and Toppod 200 Foot Flag Polo. Thomas Parker and E. Woods, under auspices of the American Le gion .barked and topped the tall 200 foot tree in the city park, prepar ing it for one of the tallest flag poles in the state. The work is not completed at this writing, but ia a good piece of public enterprise. --------- ♦--------- A Vernonia lady told us this week that she more than saved the year’s subscription price of the paper each week by reading the ads. and shop ping from the paper. She further said that she followed the prices ad vertised in ads. and that any one wanting her trade should ask for it through the paper. --------- «--------- F. E. Malmsten and family were in Salem over last week end and at tended the graduating exercises at Willamette university. Miss Hazel Malmsten graduated from the uni versity Monday and returned to Ver nonia Tuesday. -------- ♦--------- Washougal is coming Sunday Watch our Indians grab their scalp. Don’t fail to attend the ball bame. Vernonia has won four straight games. Make this the fifth. Lloyd Seaaeinan has a bruished and crushed hand. badly ------------------- ------------ • Marriage License* 0----------------------------------- - 0 A marriage license was issued at Vancouver, W il , to Crit Hall, 23. of Vernonia and Miss Maudie Hall, 23, of Vernonia. James 8. Lange, 28, and Alice C. Barnett, 19, both of Vernonia se cured a marriage license at Van couver, Wn. L. T. Potter and Georgia V. Phillipa, both of Vernonia, secured a marriage license at Kelso, Wash., last weak.