Biggest Little City in Oregon Kitchen.—adc. Mrs. Jack Nance, who has been Picked Up About Town | O------------- •——z---------- © quite ill, is much improved at this June 14th is* Flag Day. writing. Mrs. Mrytle Nelson spent Friday Mr .and Mrs. J. C. Lindley are on evening with Grandma Mills. a vacation, visiting in Chelan coun­ Mrs. C. J. Nance is suffering with ty, Washington. an infection on her lip. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McNeill arc Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith were in enjoying a two weeks vacation in Portland Tuesday on business. Seattle and eastern Washington. —Millers Sell Groceries. Use our —Watch for our ads. We change free delivery service—adv . ehem every week. Lincoln Candy Mrs. Ryan renewed the Eagle for Kitchen.—adv. another year this week. G. W. Davis isn’t going to get O. F. Burke and family spent along without the weekly visits of Sunday in Oregon City. The Eagle; he ordered it for a year Mr. Wells the tailor was in Port Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dissmore and lanj Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and Mr. Baker Arthur Moyer and Fred Brewer spent Monday evening in Portland. spent Sunday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Powell and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gillchrest and children motored to Portland Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Mecklin were to spend the day with relatives. Seaside visitos Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L, R. Gillchrest and Mrs. E. A. Martin continues tc son shopped in Portland Tuesday, read The Eagle, by renewing the sub­ then going on to Hood River. scription this week. Mrs. Aspland spent Tuesday in Evan Treharne, Rolland Treharnc Portland on business and visiting nd Attorney Lester Sheeley were in her daughter. Stevenson, Wash., Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Coyle and children —Watch Millers Grocery Depart enjoyed a visit last week with rela ment. Free delivery to all parts of tives in Newberg. Mrs. Carkin of Fargo, North J3a- the city.—adv. kota, is visiting her son, M. E. Car- Mrs. Clarence Nance Sundayed kin this week . with friends in Portland. The Eastern Star auxiliary met Mr. and Mrs. John McKee were I at the home of Mrs. Bergman Tues- Portland week-end visitors Sunday. day afternoon. C. S. Hoffman was attending a Mrs. Claude Robinson, who has been ill in a Portland hospital, re­ hardware dealers meeting in Port land Tuesday night . turned home this week. —These are wonderful days for pic­ Mr. Baker of Skaggs’ market is nics, let us furnish you with your suffering with blood poinson in his picnic supplies—Vernonia Rakery. hand. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stratton —Notice our adv change each week. and children were out last Sunday Come here to cool off. Lincoln Candy visiting at the editors home. Sunday was a splendid picnic day and the pretty groves near Vernon­ ia were full of people. Judge and Mrs. W. A. Harris have been on a weeks vacation at Seaside. —“Mother’« Bread’’ is all __ that ___ a good loaf of bread should be. Cal) for it by name and be sure you get what you ask for. Vernonia Bakery Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown spent Tuesday in Portland. Mr. Brown re­ maining to attend the undertaken convention. Mrs. Perry Mellinger went to Port land last Sunday, accompaning her sister, Mrs. Hugh Dunlap, to the hospital. Mrs. Myrtle Nelson returned home Sunday after visiting a week with her brother, V. L. Powell and family of this place. • Ralph Heltzel is in Kennewick, Wash., where he expects to work during the summer school vacation and visit with his aunt. Big dance on the program Satur­ day night at Coyle’s hall. The Coyle dances are now under the former management. J. D. Reese has moved his family to Vernonia and says he certainly For centuries wants the home paper, as he sub­ the famous health scribed for a year. Springs have brought health when The Vernonia Juvenile Grange everything else had failed The meets Saturday, June 12, at 2:00 p. secret has been discovered1 Lead* m. All members come and hear ing authorities declare it to be the about the state convention. natural radio-activity of then was The ladie« of the Library associa­ tion are enjoying a silver tea todav on the beautiful lawn of the D. L. Smith home. —We change our ads weekly. We advertise what we have to call your TO THE HOM«') attention to the Lincoln Candy Kit­ The R adium Ost RevipAtos makes or, chen.—adv. dinary drinking water healthfully radio* Mrs. Wm. Tipton of Forest Grove aehte—right in your home. Guaranteed returned after spending this week in health spring strength Tested by the U. 5. Government No upkeep expense. Vernonia looking after business in­ Thoumnds ei people report relief from terests.. long standing ailments. Its low cost will Miss May Meyer is an admirer surprise you You owe it to your family of good dogs, and this week re­ to find out about the R evicatoii today.' ceived from the kennels at Mon­ Mail the coupon or elephone mouth a high bred registered Ger­ now! man police dog. —The hot summer days are with us. wm rr There is no need for you to stand in PHONE a hot kitchen when you can buy TODAY such high quality bakery goods from us. In the making of our goods we R adium O hs R evicatoii Co., have just one thought in mind and 501 Revigator BlJg. Sutter at Taylor. that is—quality. Vernonia Bakery. FOR SALE—BUNGALOW NORTH San Francisco. Calif. C enteembn : of laundry. Terms. Close in. Write Without obligation ui.any uav, pleat* C. R. Twineham, 2048-E-Prescott jend me your htcrature^X St. Portland, Ore. 441 A ' , —Variety in foods is essential to Hamr - good health. Have some kind of dark AJdreis bread on your table at every meal. We have on hand at all times, Gra­ ham. Whole Wheat, Raisin, Rye and I Craeked Wheat. Use them freely— ___ , ________ Write Mrs. C. O. Thomas, residence Vernonia Bakery.—adv. Opposite Postoffice, Vernonia, Ore. —We most always have on head p e« tor VERNONIA EAGLE and pastries which are two or three I days old and which can be had at a considerable discount from our regu­ lar prices. Monday is a good time to buy such goods. Vernonia Bakery. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—SIX lots with cabin partly built; water in; on Bridge St., near Lincoln school! Will take ton truck or as down pay ’ nient on acreage from 5 to 25 acre­ close in on good road; also 4 head1 milk goats; trade on Ford car or bug. E. G. Roediger. 442 Mr. and Mrs. J. W .Bush, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander and Mr. and' Mrs. H. E. McGraw and sons en-! joyed a weeks vacation and fishing trip over in eastern Oregon near Bend. It was a splendid trip and a very successful fishing party. They J returned today, tired, but happy. D. L. Smith, Vernonia foreman at the O. A. mill won a prize award of: $100 cash, in a “Waste Prevention Contest” recently made by the Na­ tional Lumber Manufacturers Assn. Mr. Smith received his prize for his mechanical gang spotter. —When you need juBt a little more bread or when you want to make sandwiches cell for “Mother’s Breed’ in the long loaf or Pullman size, It is a square loaf which is the proper shape to make sandwiches which will] pack nicely.—Vernonia Bakery. HIGH GRADE PIANO NEAR VER- nonia will be sold to reliable party at big saving, $10 monthly will han­ dle. A real buy, write at once for particulars. Tallman Piano Store, Salem, Oregon. 44.3 Ellen Enstrom, Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Malmsten and son Harvard, at- tended the Oregon State Grange at Baker. Making a round trip .going by the Columbia river highway and returning by a southern route The four day session was of much in­ terest. The trip was wonderful, see­ ing lots of country, but none like the Nehalem valley, except the roads ---------- *---------- NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of Union High School District No. One of Colum­ bia County, State of Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING of said District will be held at the High School; to begin at the hour of Two o’clock P. M. to 7:00 P. M. on the 4th Monday of June, being the 2_8th day of June, A. D. .1926. ’ This meeting is called for the pur­ pose of electing one director to serve five years and one to serve four years and levy a two mill tax to re­ model the building and erect a gym­ nasium and the transaction of busi- : ness usual at such meeting. Dated this 3rd day of June, 1926.' Attest: MRS. CHAS. MALMSTEN. District Clerk O. G. WEED, I 442 Chairman Board of Directors ---------- +---------- Development of Col. Co. (By A. E. Allen) From time to time there has been a great many ways proposed for the developemnt of this county, such as asking for appropriations large and small for clearing of logged off lands and getting the country in shape to produce as we all realize the rapid strides they are making in cutting off the timber and the revenue which comes from it will be less each year. Therefore it is up to the people of Columbia county to protect them­ selves from heavy taxes by putting every acre possible under cultivation of some sort, and the writer be­ lieves he can help solve the problem to a great extent and is in a posi­ tion trf do so .and will take up the different products that we are in­ terested in and will make a ready market for same as follows: Strawberries. In regard to strawberries there nre a great many varieties grown at the present time in the county, most all are saleable but the varieties that are in demand are the follow­ ing: For barreling, the Marshall and Improved Oregon; for canning, the Ettersburg 121, Wilson and Clark. If a grower will put in one to three acres for a start he will, the follow­ ing year, be able to plant from his own stock as many acres the mark- et will demand. Columbia county has the finest land that can be found anywhere in the Northwest that will produce strawberries, Any logged off land with a southern slope will produce good strawberries. They should be good healthy plants and planted in rows three by three and one-half feet apart to get the best results and the^ight amount of cultivation and should produce upward to two tons per acre and net the grower no less than three to four hundred dol­ lars per acre and as high as $500 per acre. All planting should be done in the fall for the best results, and good plants can be purchased any­ where in the county or through us. To make the above a success we are willing to contract with any grower for a term of five years and will take on, in any section or community in any part of the county, from 100 to 200 acres of strawberries to each sect’ori; and if the farmers are in earnest to clear up land and plant same as instructed above Columbia county will be one of the biggest berry producing counties in th« state —■ — " — Red Cuthbert Raspberries Beans, beets and other vegetables After they are through with the are getting in demand and large picking of strawberries along comes contracts are signed up every year. With the growing of all such as the raspberries and we are in a posi­ tion to contract a heavy acreage of .Strawberries, Raspberries, Logan­ these also. They should be if the Red berries, Royal Anne cherries Black­ Cuthbert variety and planted every berries and vegetables that the can- three feet apart in the rows and ner can use, and the offer of a five seven feet between the rows. About year contract on same by our com­ pany, the feature and development 2000 plants will plant an acre. ■of Columbia county is in the making Royal Anne Cherries and in a few years will be known While you are growing berries -as one of the largest producing you can get an orchard of Royal Anne cherries started, growing them ■counties in our state, an^ now it is between the rows. There is always up to owners of a few acres of land a good demand for them by the to come and sign their contracts foi; canner, and when planting same a t planting in the fall of 1926. good cherry to pollen ize them is the VERNONIA Waterhouse cherry about two trees per acre. Blackberries- ! Population, 2000. _ ! High School and Standard Grade The wild Evergreen Blackberry School. can be replanted to a good producer Pay Roll City—Mills, Logging. and a large return to the grower if. ‘m‘nJL dairying, Fruit, Vegetables pl— - — p»f- "&SS. A Large Territory to Draw From. 49 Miles From Portland, 35 Wles From Forest Grove, 27 Miles From St Helens. Many Opportunities in Vernonia. Best Hunting, Trapping and Fishing in the Northwest. An Industrial Center. Everybody reads the Eagle. DFw.’Wt O> K.'. v. VJ DEC. UOTNKá SI ‘.O> ■ r . 11.63 . ’< . . 15;.7» CHICAGO........... HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO Lawn Mowers 1 14-inch BLADES SicffrcTu’ SepteF *«’!.'* limit. October i'a.L'ib THE I rttST ZMVETBS IOS and the Un. a . • i-i-lrs yo.i- journey economical by low round-trip excursion fares to all important points in the East, Middle West and South. $8.75 $11.90 Plain Bearings ... 14-inch BLADES Ball Bearings .... LIBERAL STOPOVER PRIV1LROBS enable you to visit the big eastern cities or America’s greatest wonder­ lands SELF SHARPENING—AD JUSTABLE FOR CUTTING. EASY FUNNING GRASS CATCHERS ZEon National Park " fallow stone National Park R -JtyM untain National Park $1.80 Extra Large Size ....... Hand Grass Cutters .... all reached '.i the scenic and historic Union Pacii De Luxetrains. Superior service. De riptive booklet on request, ____ 40c and 60c LAWN SPRINKLERS unioni P&CIFIC 25cto$1.00 all kinds, each............ LAWN HOSE AND NOZZLES, ETC. VACATION ROUTE J7J: FOR INFORMATION AND RUERVA. WON CALL ON OR WRITE See HOFFMAN about it G. W. Roberts, D, F. & P. A., Union Paci­ fic Wharf, Astoria, Or. IT PAYS TORES AT •»TORES AT NEWBERG ALEM SHERIDAN VERNONIA CORVALLIS HILLSBORO McMINNEVILLF MONMOUTH The Store That Leads in Quality PRICE AND SERVICE WHY PAY MORE MEN’S BIB OVERALLS, MADE OF HEAVY DENIM MEN’S WAIST OVERALL, MADE OF HEAVY DENIM MEN’S BIG YANK SHIRTS $1.25 $1.25 75c MEN’S RED WRIST CANVAS GLOVES, HEAVY 25 35 and 50 50c and$1.00 MEN’S LEATHER FACED GLOVES MEN’S ALL LEATHER GLOVES Men’s No. 203 Superior Knit Soxs, 2 pair for Men’s Soxs, the kind that sell at 25c, 2 pair for 25e 3550e 65e 75 e $1 $1.50t0 $2.50 Men’s Soxs, guaranteed, 6 pr will wear 6 mo, pair Men’s Plain and Fancy Dress Soxs, Men’s Dress Shirts, plain and fancy STAR BRAND SHOES ARE BETTER Ladies Satin and Pat. Pumps Ladies Rayon Silk Dresses IT PAYS TO BÜY AT MILLERS $3.50 $6-08 VERNONIA’S LEADING STORE «